>>21490991>Regigigas, Cresselia, KyuremPt 1/2
For a time Regigigas would wander the cosmos alone, pulling the suns and planets in the void. It had no thoughts nor goals, and could not comprehend that it was the only life in the universe. It simply knew it had a task, and that task was positioning the universe into alignment.
At one point after eons of this pointless task, Regigigas was caught momentarily between the massive pull of a gas giant and its many moons. By chance a passing comet knocked the massive beast, clipping a fragment of his frame off into space, where it slammed into the largest of the gas planet's moons. The moon shattered and when the fragment emerged from the other side, the dust of the moon had coalesced around it, and formed Cresselia.
At first Cresselia was just as lost in the void as Regigigas, but unlike its "creator" it had no given purpose, and had to forge its own. For a long time all it could do was search out the one that could possibly be called its father, the comet that had hit Regigigas. When it had found the comet, the contact with Regigigas had transformed the matter into a third living creature, Kyruem, who had grown weary and empty as the stars melted off more and more of it, lost in its travels in the universe. Cresselia was able to awaken Kyruem from its deep sleep, and let it see the world it had been born into for the first time.
Following their mutual discovery, Cresselia and Kyruem gazed at Regigigas, and the void that they came from, and decided to make us of what Regigigas seemed to not have, the ability to think. They could comprehend what it could not, that it had the ability to not just move the stars and planets, but alter the universe itself. So they sent comet and asteroid and supernova at their respective parent, blasting off more and more of the creature, slamming the pieces into every star and moon and sun they could find.