[19 / 1 / ?]
Hey, /vp/ my 3ds was stolen about three months ago. Had, and lost, my mega Blaziken. Looking for a replacement stone, If you can bring yourself to part with it. I have: Ho-Oh Articuno Lugia Moltres Yveltal Groudon Mewtwo Squirtle (female) Treeko (male) And others. Help a brother out.
>>21493316 Jesus, take care of your shit.
>>21493334 Dude broke into my house and took all my systems, laptop, and games. Not like I could stop him while I was at work.
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Tue 28 Oct 2014 01:47:47 No. 21493366 Report Anonymous
>>21493366 Cool, what do you want, and what is your FC?
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Tue 28 Oct 2014 01:49:31 No. 21493390 Report >>21493381 anything and its in my name, whats yours
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>>21493366 Ha oops, must be the name. Here is mine:
000147622560 mac
>>21493366 Anonymous
>>21493334 You people that go "take care of your shit" when something that was stolen gets mentioned must never leave your house or something.
>>21493390 just sent invite
>>21493398 Nah, I just make sure I have proper security at home and take care of my shit when it's on my person.
>>21493354 By the way you must live in a shitty place if he could get away with it in the middle of the day.
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Tue 28 Oct 2014 01:54:12 No. 21493439 Report >>21493421 is it yo birthday?
>>21493439 You glorious bastard. And yes.
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Tue 28 Oct 2014 01:55:53 No. 21493462 Report >>21493453 well happy birthday haha!
>>21493316 Hold on, why are you only making a thread about this now if it happened three months ago?
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>>21493463 Just now wanted another Blaziken. And thanks to mr. Cheese here, I CAN!
>>21493462 Thanks again, you made my day. Best gift ever!
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>>21493429 You've just gotten lucky. It has nothing to do with "taking care of your shit". Robbers get away with shit in the middle of the day all the time.
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour)
Cheese 2380 3594 6297 (toxicroak, seviper and garbadour) Tue 28 Oct 2014 01:59:20 No. 21493500 Report >>21493483 youre welcome haha
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>>21493500 Nice dubs, btw.