>>21520959Base 165 is only about as good as normal LO Gallade
Damn out of all the megas the ones that surprised me are Gallade, shitmon like Mawile and Kangaskhan gets a second wind thanks to broken abilities.
Gallade managed to be really good with a shit one, A rank in OU is my guess
With that surprisingly OK bulk I might use this set in doubles, r8 and h8 pls, also EV suggestion
>Jolly>Ice Punch>CC>Rock Slide>Wide Guard/ProtectIce Punch to hit dragons and Landorus, CC as a hard hitting stab coming of 165 base attack, might be using Rock Slide with a quick guard user to kill Talonflame, since most Talonflame have uninvested speed
>Tfw Tough Claws M-Gallade might be S-rank OU