Commenting on everyone that posted today.
>>21587773O-oh god...what ARE you? Good taste and drawings, by the way.
>>21584513You look more like a movie star or drug lord than someone who plays pokemon.
>>21584389I like it, good taste and nice drawings. Very cute.
>>21584042Very nice taste in pokemon. I agree that bow ties are cool. Yours goes with your hair.
>>21583927>transgenderI'd fuck you if you were halfway-decent (not that you'd like me very much).
>>21583601Holy shit, you have great taste. I like the mustache/goatee combo.
>>21583628Good taste in types, not crazy about your taste in pokemon though. Scrafty's a bro though, good call on that.
>>21583539>dying your hairI never understood why people do that. I think it looks weird. Good taste in pokemon though.
>>21583408Not a huge fan of your taste, but you look like an all right guy, based on how you drew yourself.
>>21583182No worries, I'm sure that everybody is ashamed of their life choices. I love your hair, by the way.
>>21580886Your taste got way better as time progressed. Looks like your bulge got bigger too.
>>21579852And it looks good because of the time you spent on it! Your 23-year-old phase seems like something that someone would go through earlier than that.
>>21579842Isn't it though? I think your taste got way better as time went on. Bonus points for liking manectric.