Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
>What is this? We dump all our leftovers pokemon for free! I mean...
>How to participate? Our main coin of trade around here are Luvdiscs. If we're dumping leftovers, most likely all we want in exchange is a buttfish, unless stated otherwise. Upload one to the GTS asking for the pokemon you want and tell us your IGN (in game name) when you've done so!
We can only keep doing this by giving as much as we take so don't forget to rebreed and try to help out some anons now and again. Remember. They're FREE.
ToTT: If you could add/remove one type from the game, what would it be and why?
> DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES Feel free to make requests, so long as they don't fall within the above noted categories.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battling, etc. x1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
But above all else:
>Ignore Shitposters and their bait completely Topic for discussion:
What will you be breeding first in ORAS?
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>>21558802 GIVE ME FREE SHIT
posted a remoraid from the last trade. Really want to get a vaporeon. Can i have one please?
12x Heavy Ball Rhyhorn - Curse, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Crunch 3x Love Ball Caterpie 3xMoon Ball Mr Mime - Icy Wind, Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance 5x Nest Ball Sandile - Double Edge, Thunder Fang, me First, pursuit 2x Dream Ball Hoppip - Double Edge, Amnesia, Encore, Cotton Guard 4x HA Rufflets 7x Safari Ball Hippopotas - Stockpile, Slack off, Whirlwind, Curse 6xLove Ball Aipom - Quick Guard, Switcheroo, Pursuit, Fake Out 10xLuxury Ball Mienfoo - Ally Switch, Me First, feint, Knock Off 6x HA Scraggy - Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Ice Punch 4x Love Ball Ralts - Ally Switch, Encore, Destiny Bond, Memento 6x Dream Ball HA Cleffa - Stored Power, Wish, Aromatherapy 9x Lure Ball Chatot - Boomburst, Defog, Nasty Plot
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>>21559110 all female, take as many as you want for a luvdisc and a post with your IGN
>>21559110 What should i post for your ralts?
>>21559110 Could I grab a Rhyhorn? IGN is Erik, cheers!
>>21559110 Discing up for Hoppip
Thanks again, Opti
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sun 02 Nov 2014 19:40:32 No. 21559319 Report >>21559110 May I grab one Hippopotas? Disc is up
>>21559110 ign:marcus
disc up for rufflet
IGN Biorr
>>21559110 Disc up for a Rhyhorn, thanks!
Yonish [1822-1441-9749] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Gogoat)
Yonish [1822-1441-9749] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Gogoat) Sun 02 Nov 2014 20:04:26 No. 21559623 Report >>21559416 I'm putting one up for a Cleffa, thanks
Yonish [1822-1441-9749] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Gogoat)
Yonish [1822-1441-9749] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Gogoat) Sun 02 Nov 2014 20:05:31 No. 21559637 Report Quoted By:
>>21559623 Oops, my IGN is Marina.
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Sun 02 Nov 2014 20:06:39 No. 21559652 Report >>21559416 Thanks! Would you mind if I grab another? I'd like a Rhyhorn. If not it's ok, thanks for the Hippopotas
>>21559652 > take as many as you want Reading comprehension buddy
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>>21559110 Disc up for Cleffa IGN: Millions
HA Kecleon giveaway when?
Sr Samuel
>>21559110 Can I hace Ryhorn, Ralts and Caterpie? Or only one?
Also I have 3 or 4 HeavyBall Onix with heavy slam (female)
Sr Samuel
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>>21559666 Oh, just saw it, I deposited a Disc for a Ralts, I will deposite another for Ryhorn and Caterpie :)
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>>21559110 Disc up for Scraggy, IGN Ryn.
Please and ty.
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>>21559701 Although I assume you mean leftovers, if all you want is a Kecleon with HA, feel free to disc up and I'll send you one.
IGN Richard
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>>21559110 Disc up for Scraggy pl0x
Thanks Opti
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>>21559110 Disc up for the hippopotas
IGN Dan. Thanks!
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Putting one more up for Rhyhorn
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>>21559110 Disc up for the Mime. Thanks! IGN is Birdy
GTS cleared, reclaim your mons
Sr Samuel
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>>21559953 Thank you, Opti :)
>>21559110 Haven't ran out of anything yet, pls take them off my hands before i go to shower
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>>21559110 Disc up for Rhyhorn
Thank you verrry much
Ign yuricp
Luc 3325-2856-6833
I have some stuff to give away. Take them.
http://pastebin.com/tW98xHMg Anonymous
>>21559110 Disc up for Chatot. IGN Faith. Thanks!
>>21560179 I'll go catch a disc and get one of your sneasels.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>21560203 Tell me when it's up. You can request a nickname if you'd like.
IGN: Rico
>>21559110 Disc up for Chatot, thank you.
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>>21560214 Without a nickname, please. Disc is up. Thank you very much!
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>>21559110 disc up for a sandile
IGN: Sly
>>21560179 lvl 15 male Luvdisk up for an Espurr. I'd love the female if you're willing to give her.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>21560294 I only have the female to give away, unless I forgot to edit the pastebin.
And this is not /gg/, god damn it. IGN: Sly
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>>21560311 Well that works
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>>21560179 i'll put i disc up for one of your sneasels
>>21559110 disc up for a hippopotas. Thanks.
>>21560179 Disc up For whismur
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>21560545 Sent, sorry for the wait.
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>>21560815 Dont worry, thanks!!
>>21560179 Upping a Cleffa for a Cleffa. IGN is Guy Fergison and the message is "/vp/ Cleffa"
>>21560024 Upping a disc for a Hippo. IGN Guy Fergison and message is /vp/ Hippo
Luc 3325-2856-6833
10x Level Ball Timid Pidgey - Air Slash, Brave Bird, Defog, Uproar 15x Friend Ball Jolly Weedle 11x Dive Ball Adamant Spiritomb - Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Foul Play All female and pentaperfect.
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>>21561177 Thank you for the Cleffa, by the way!
>>21561177 >>21561226 i have to brb will send whenever
>>21561251 Mkay. I don't mind the wait
>>21561238 disc up for a pidgey. Thank you.
>>21561238 Could I get a pidgey? IGN is Erik, cheers!
>>21561238 disc up for pidgey
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>>21561251 >>21559110 I disc'd for a Hoppip, It'll be up for when you come back`
IGN Judd
>>21561238 Disc up for a pidgey. Thanks!
>>21561238 Discing up for Pidgey
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>>21560024 luvdisc up for aipom. IGN Michal
description will be- /vp/ aipom
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>>21561238 disc up for spiritomb
HK [3325-3890-0305]
>>21561238 disc up for Pidgey!
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>>21561238 Just remembered that all Spiritomb have their hidden ability.
>>21561283 >>21561287 >>21561313 >>21561349 >>21561367 >>21561497 Pidgey sure seem popular today.
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Disc up for pidgey IGN Sarah
>>21561238 Anonymous
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>>21561238 Disc up for Pidgey. Thanks!
IGN: Unknown
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Disc up for an Analytic Elgyem.
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>>21561238 Only three Level Ball Pidgey left.
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>>21561238 Disc up for Weedle shortly. Super appreciated.
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Nick with /ggg/ as your message, You get the Pidgey used for breeding. Be sure to check the move-re-learner for egg moves.
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>>21561265 Okay then, I was sniped. Putting up the Hippo I got for it. IGN and stuff are all still the same
Breeder [Erin]
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>>21561238 Disc up for Spiritomb, sweet mons there
http://pastebin.com/8wVLAuAN Ah, November.
Feel free to double-dip, etc.
>>21562087 disc up for vulpix
Lex (3153-3956-5343)
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>>21562087 I'll take a Skarmory. Disc'll be up soon
>>21562087 Upping Disc for Vulpix. IGN Guy Fergison. Message will be "/vp/ Hippo" since I'm still waiting for Hippopatos
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>>21562137 sorry its up now for vulpix
Lex (3153-3956-5343)
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>>21562087 Disc for Skarmory is up, message is /vp/
>>21562178 Oh, if you could nickname it Sarah, that would be cool too
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>>21562087 disc up for alrvitar
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disc up for a cheese sandwich :3
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>>21562087 Disk up for vulpix, message is /vg/ vulpix. Bonus adoration if you nickname it Serafina.
>>21562216 Thank you so much! Now, I'll up for the Hippo again
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>>21562087 disced up for Heracross now
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>>21562087 disced up for a Shinx, meant to say
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>>21562087 Disc up for Skarmory.
IGN: Michael
>>21562087 Disc up for Shinx, IGN Yuyuko, message is /vp/ Shinx. If you can Nickname her, can you call her Luvlux?
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DJ's Flying type giveaway:
>>21562052 Anonymous
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>>21562087 Disc up for Heracross ign Arthu thanks for doing this bro
>>21562087 :D Thanks, got mine.
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>>21562087 Disc up for Yamask
>>21562087 Disc up for Heracross
All sent so far, I believe. I'll be sort of away for the next hour or so. I saw two requests for Larvitar and I believe the one I did not get to was sniped or taken down. You're welcome to a 4IV of the same ball / stats or a 5IV mother when I return.
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>>21562087 >>21562708 Thanks, can I get a Shinx too?
>>21562774 someone needs to add may's face in the middle saying "but I love my favourite anime" and that picture will be perfect. Anonymous
>>21562427 Last time I'm gonna point this out, since I've doe it way to much as it is, I've got a hippo up for a hippo, since my Luvdisc was sniped
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>>21562838 No, shut up and go back to reddit.
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>>21561238 Are you still around?
>>21562849 Fucking sniped. Again. Putting a Disc up. I will get this hippo if it kills me. IGN yet again Guy Fergison
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>>21562958 Give the fuck up, retard
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>>21562087 Are you still here? I'm discing for a Shinx. Thanks in advance.
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>>21562884 strike the blood which ironically is a shit anime Anonymous
http://pastebin.com/VPtyBGJu Aaand back.
Updated of course.
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Ponder Latias giveaway:
>>21563309 Anonymous
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>>21563333 could i grab dat drifloon pls?
>>21563333 I already got the shinx earlier, could i grab that skarmory, to? If not, i totally understand.
Breeder [Erin]
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>>21563333 Disced up for Baloon
>>21563456 If you do let me get her, the disc is up, IGN Yuyuko, Message is /vp/ Skarmory. Any name is fine.
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>>21563333 Could I please get a yamask named Saundra? Disc up and thanks in advance!
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>>21563333 It's
>>21563555 , got her. Thanks!
I have every berry obtainable in X & Y if anyone is in need of some
also have
http://pastebin.com/c2g2CwUf (only 1 of each)
Breeder [Erin]
>>21563710 throw up a disc and it's yours
Breeder [Erin]
>>21563685 Can I take the Tympole?
>>21563914 yes put up a disc
>>21563930 :^)
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>>21563939 Wait, oh, okay.
>>21563999 uhh someone sniped it
>>21564038 ...Excellent. I'll just the Tympole up again.
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>>21564073 The one I got, I mean
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>>21564038 Thank you. So much.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21564339 disc up for chlorophyll seedot, cheers
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21564339 I put a disc up for a heavy ball numel, thanks!
>>21564339 Disc up for Darmuka message "/gg/ Maka"
IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
>>21564339 disc up for mismagius if possible
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>>21559110 Still here? What do you have left?
>>21564339 Discing up for the togepi
Elpizo 2122-6130-3592 Electric (Pachirisu, Manectric, Stunfisk)
Elpizo 2122-6130-3592 Electric (Pachirisu, Manectric, Stunfisk) Mon 03 Nov 2014 03:00:15 No. 21564558 Report >>21564339 Putting up a disc for one of those Swinubs, please end my madness
>>21564451 sorry for not seeing this msg earlier, any gender was fine
>>21564339 Could I double-dip Zig and Seedot? Female, of course. Disc up for Goon and greatly appreciated in any case.
Level is best, you see. IGN Yahir
>>21564339 Disc up for torchic (^:
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does anyone have a female whismur in a dream ball, HA preferably?
IGN Yahir
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21564599 put something for seed
Elpizo 2122-6130-3592 Electric (Pachirisu, Manectric, Stunfisk)
Elpizo 2122-6130-3592 Electric (Pachirisu, Manectric, Stunfisk) Mon 03 Nov 2014 03:13:17 No. 21564751 Report >>21564718 You. Thank you. I fucking love you.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
IGN matthew 4055-3985-9065
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Tonnura's shiny Sharpedo giveaway
>>21564882 Anonymous
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>>21564749 Whoops lost my tabs.
Female level one Shinx up for Seedot. Thank tons!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Sorry to give away the same shit as usual, but my shiny luck is terrible. All Females with HA and unchecked IVs. Please take as many as you like! TIMER BALL DUSKULL Sassy Nature Ominous Wind, Skill Swap, Pain Split, Destiny Bond ULTRA BALL EMOLGA Timid Nature Ion Deluge, Baton Pass, Charm, Air Slash LEVEL BALL SHELMET (Illegal) Timid Nature Spikes, Pursuit, Baton Pass, Encore NET BALL TRUBBISH Impish Nature Rock Blast, Curse, Haze, Spikes
>>21566286 Put a disc up for a shelmet, cheers!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21566286 Disc is up for a Trubbish with the message /vp/!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21566286 feels good to know my MMs don't take too long :^)
had a good time on spoopy day? Anonymous
>>21566286 Disc up for Trubbish! Thanks!
>>21566286 If you're here, or for whenever you get back, I got a disk up for one of those Emolga. Message is "/vp/ Emolga"
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Anyone got any spare HA smeargles?
>>21566286 Disc up for duskull
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21570482 Sent, thank you!
>>21567289 Sent, sorry to keep you waiting, I was sleeping.
>>21568328 I was asleep so it was sniped, sorry.
>>21567197 Stop bragging. ;;
What I remember was fun, did you dress up? >>21566286 Bumping my list then, should be here for an hour or two!
http://pastebin.com/ys0S3F2V J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21570597 no because i'm not a kid
:^) Aryan
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21570615 No fun allowed.
;-; >>21570626 You're welcome!
Guys, Xerneas, QuickBall or DiveBall
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
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>>21570662 shit thats the toughest choice ive ever seen
go dive and dont look back
Sue Wacko
>>21570597 I'll take a Duskull for dex filling purpose.
Thanks !
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21570988 Sent!
Send me a TR any time if you need help evolving it~
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>>21570597 No problem. Thanks for the Trubbish!
>>21570597 Yeah, just realized that. Here, I'll put the Emolga I got up.
IGN Tetsu
>>21566286 I'll take trubbish, thanks! Put a disc up!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21572425 >>21572818 I'm at work now, sorry guys :C
Should be home in ~6 hours
Quoted By:
>>21573804 Oh, okay then. I'll leave it up over night
>>21573804 Just so you're aware, that Emolga is still up for the other one. Same message and everything.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21577010 Alright, hopefully it lasts two more hours. If not I'm off work tomorrow, I should be around for a bit!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21577010 Sorry anon I'm afraid it was sniped. :( I will get one for you soon!
>>21566286 Bumping list again.
http://pastebin.com/ys0S3F2V Finally hatched my shiny so no more duskull besides what I have left.
Audino will be ready for you all soon!
>>21578438 Do you have anything better than those?
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>>21578527 or worse, something that's not any of those?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21578527 Nope. I breed shitmons. After something specific, I can try to help.
>>21578527 She doesn't, dude, it's not worth asking.
>>21578542 Not particularly, just after stuff that's rarely done. I've got all those that's all.
I've been looking for a raticate and arbok if you want something to do.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21578565 I don't have any Rattata I can give you but I have a 4iv male Ekans with EM if you'd like. I mmed Arbok months ago and didn't keep any offspring.
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>>21578561 >2012+2 >thinking women play games Anonymous
>>21578599 What's your next breeding project? I may be interested in becoming a regular
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21578613 Audino, as its the only oras mega I really like. And I plan on doing Elektross and potentially Gigalith mm in the future. I actually have a list of 20 unfillfilled shinies I would like to eventually accomplish, so depends on my luck!
>>21578630 That sounds pretty cool. Do you post in the threads much so I can keep an eye out for ya?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21578653 I try to as long as I'm not working!
If you ever have specific requests I also recommend asking in the IRC,
If circlejerks don't bother you. I'm there pretty much always, and its dead hours at this time, but normally someone there has something you need.
>>21578438 Disc up for Duskull please?
IGN: Isaac Thanks
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21578680 Its sent, thank you!
>>21578689 Cheers, will do that, but for now I'm off to bed. Keep that Ekans safe though
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21578707 Will do, let me know if you are ever after anything else. Sleep well~
>>21578438 congrats on the shiny, ketchups
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
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>>21559110 Disc for scraggy
IGN: Marijah
>>21578438 Alright then, I'll just put it up again. Thanks for at least trying this whole time. If I get sniped, I'll just wait until you're around and put it up
Benson 1435-4770-3654
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>>21562087 Disc Up for shroomish if you're still here. Thank you.
IGN Roxas
Quoted By:
>>21562087 disc up for shinx. thanks!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21580129 I think it was sniped again.
I will be here for a half hour then I have some errands to run. I'm so sorry!
>>21583661 It's okay bro. I did get sniped, so I have it up once again
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21583798 You have a luvdisc up now? I've seen looking for a few minutes and don't see it.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21583901 Oh shit. No, no, I should have an Emolga up. I was sniped my Luvdiscs. I took it down to get a Medicham from the /gg/ thread. Didn't think you'd be back by then. It's up now though
IGN Roxas
>>21584462 disc up for Chlorophyll seedot. Thanks in advance!
ign: dayr
>>21584462 disc up for a Zubat, muchos gracias
IGN Judd
>>21584462 disc up for shroomish. Many thanks
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21584627 >>21584575 sent penta males since you didnt specify gender
>>21584602 sent
IGN Tetsu
>>21584462 disc up 4 Harvest exeggcute! ty a lot!!
>>21584462 Chlorophyl exegcute please, ign is alessa, thanks
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Sr Samuel
>>21584462 Pancham in GTS for a female Seedot in friend ball, thanks :)
>>21584761 Thanks a lot
Do you still have that smoked turtoise?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21584872 yes, want a name on it?
>>21584833 sent
>>21584905 Cant think of anything
Unless you have any good idea
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21584920 Turtoast or Tortoast
i don't know, heh
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21584932 A jap sniped me uploaded again
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21584509 ....Sniped again. Putting up a Disc. IGN Guy Fergison and message /vp/ Emolga
IGN Roxas
>>21584462 disc up for cubone. Thanks again!
>>21584462 Is the shroomish nicknameable?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21585533 sent male. not sure what you wanted
i miss the golden days of this thread ;_;
IGN Erik
>>21584462 Disc up for a carvanha, cheers!
>>21585992 Maybe when ORAS comes out old people will come back.
Maybe not since a lot already have everything they need. Anonymous
Reminder that Zoelle killed gtsg
http://pastebin.com/FHmAzjYm Anonymous
>>21585912 Awesome! Could you name it Amanita? IGN is Beatrix, Disc will be up in about 20 minutes or so if that's okay.
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>>21586019 fuck the old people, who needs circlejerking faggots that don't even contribute?
>>21586081 Daily reminder anon got rused by naMesuReL :^)
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>>21586081 Pls /wfg/, it was dead before Zoelles's announcement.
>>21584462 Disc up for one of the slowpoke leftovers please if you're still around. Thanks
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21585043 Alright, don't seem to see it again. I think you are on my aquintances so I will send a trade when I see you.
>>21586440 Ayyyy qt~
I summon you. Anonymous
>>21562087 Putting a Luvdisk up for an Absol if you still got one. IGN is Alice, /vp/ as the message.
>>21586621 I'm finally here. I'm putting the Disc up one more time
Eric 4914-4335-1375 (Spiritomb-Lampent-Pumpkaboo)
Eric 4914-4335-1375 (Spiritomb-Lampent-Pumpkaboo) Wed 05 Nov 2014 01:21:18 No. 21586680 Report Quoted By:
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21586675 Sent, so sorry about that!
>>21566286 Bumping list
http://pastebin.com/ys0S3F2V I have 6-10 of everything left.
Breeding for Audino now so I will have something new to give away shortly ~
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>>21586731 Yes. Thank you so much
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>>21586081 I never heard about her
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>>21586653 >2 days later beggars never learn
>>21586731 A little late, but disc up for Duskull.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587003 Its sent, thanks!
>>21586731 http://pastebin.com/ys0S3F2V Just added Audino to this list.
Imperfect 4-5 IVs but I have a few for now.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21586621 imma be out for a bit
will be back in 2-3 hrs
whatchu want? Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21587070 You're too slow.
Somebody else wanted you. Anonymous
>>21587028 Just wondering if you have any HA Shelmet that are in a legal ball, or are the level balls ones all you have?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587122 Just level, they are left over from my mm. I can breed you a male real quickly if you like.
>>21587028 Disc up for a Duskull, if there are any left. IGN is Eric.
any of you guys have any of these poke: shelmet duskull ponita Aipom
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587198 Sent, thank you!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21587221 yeah, but only if you learn to fucking read, retard
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587125 I'm fine with it, thanks for the offer though.
I already have a HA Shelmet, I just wanted one in a cool, but legal ball.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587681 Alright, sorry I can't help!
>>21587747 Ash, what do you count as shitmon?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587813 My friends tell me everything I breed is shit, so that's usually the qualifier!
Personally I am not particularly a battler, just a breeder. And when I think looks nice just usually falls below the OU line.
>>21587881 Do you only breed shinies or is that a special order?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21587920 I breed shinies for casual battle use, most of them are alright for competitive use. I just also find it very therapeutic.
>>21587956 Would you be willing to breed a shiny Panpour if the offer was right? Like a shiny magnezone perhaps :)?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21587975 I only breed them for myself, and I have a list of 20-30 I would still like to accomplish. You could easily breed yourself one by the time I would be ready to ;)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 04:26:52 No. 21588246 Report Really need a HA Roselia (or any member of the Budew line). Can anyone help an anon out?
>>21587028 disc up for duskull
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21588694 Was it sniped? Sorry don't see your disc
>>21588246 I can help: Fuck off, begging asshole
>>21588857 Yeah i was sniped. Disc up again
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
IGN Richard
>>21587028 Disc up for Trubbish please. Thanks
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Miguel (0662.3962.0637)
>>21588981 Disc up for Zangoose. Thanks in advance!
Also I'm looking for a Bagon with Hydro Pump. If anyone has one to spare, i'd really appreciate it.
>>21588981 Disc up for swinub
>>21588981 Disc up for Larvesta. Thank you again!
IGN Richard
>>21588981 Disc up for a female Heatmor please
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21589025 i have a penta jolly bagon with one
sent fem
>>21589072 >>21589043 >>21589128 sent
new thread:
>>21589156 new thread:
>>21589156 new thread:
>>21589156 J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 06:36:10 No. 21589185 Report Quoted By:
>>21589160 Why are these still being created? I can't even have a shiny ha rosella from this fucking general
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 06:41:24 No. 21589220 Report Quoted By:
>>21558802 Bump for shiny ha roselia
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 06:49:12 No. 21589258 Report Quoted By:
Miguel (0662.3962.0637)
>>21589139 I didn't catch your Bagon. I sent a Disc for one.
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 06:57:00 No. 21589310 Report >>21589277 Who cares? I want my shiny roselia
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21589277 uh oops sent bagon but it didnt have the move
swore it did
>>21589310 i have hp fire shiny HA roserade :^)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 07:02:03 No. 21589339 Report >>21589327 Fuck off tripfag, I don't want your shit, I want a ha shiny roselia not a fucking roserade. Thanks for nothing, attention whore
Miguel (0662.3962.0637)
>>21589327 I sent another one. Thanks for your help!
Quoted By:
>>21589340 shut the fuck up miguel, you jew
Quoted By:
new thread:
>>21589156 new thread:
>>21589156 new thread:
>>21589156 J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21589340 that was the only one
i can try breeding one later/another time
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Jon 0387-8993-7102 (Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Wed 05 Nov 2014 07:12:07 No. 21589393 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21586081 > My legacy is defined by what I do in a pokemon game marketed to children. My sides.