>In BW2 N says a time is coming where pokemon and people will live together free from pokeballs
>In the Sinnoh legend there was once no difference between humans and Pokemon
>His skateboard has scratchmarks on it
>You reach his cave by following a Zoroark but there is no evidence this Zoroark is his pokemon
>In BW2 a Zoroark triggers a flashback of two Plasma grunts talking about N, and somehow N managed to hide in the room without them noticing as he appears from the back of the room at the end.
>He was raised by pokemon and believes he was born from a pokemon, also he was apparantly found alongside Zorua by Ghetsis,
>His hair is shaped like a Zoroark
>Zoroarks are able to talk when they take the form of humans, there is a Zoroark disguised as a backpacker in BW2
>Ghetsis says he does not have a human heart/soul
>He is able to speak to Pokemon