>>21622469Sorry, I was thinking of modern warfare. They have Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which itself is a head scratcher because it should be Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2, shouldn't it?
>>21622482That's the point, it doesn't make sense that the time wouldn't be an issue because people try to save every keystroke they can. They shorten "you" to "u", which is the same number of keystrokes saved and clarification there could actually an issue - if the 'u' was a typo and was actually supposed to be an 'i' it could change the whole meaning of whatever you are typing. Clarifying that you were talking about Black and White and not Black 2 and White 2 is unnecessary because if you were talking about Black 2 and White 2 you would have said Black 2 and White 2, or at least B2W2 or BW2 just Black 2 or B2. What the fuck else could Pokemon BW be other than Pokemon Black and White?