Mine eyes have heard the glory of the coming of Hoenn,
The trumpets blaze in 3D as Gary wields the SmogonSword.
Serebii confirms the Smashfroge and unbans the Bravest Bird,
/vp/ goes marching on!
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
And McBob goes marching ON and ON and ON!
A madman for a manager, with all Kanto at his back,
His brilliant formations let the afro lead the attack
And as a single strum of salsa wafts across the football pitch,
/vp/ goes marching on!
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
And McBob goes marching ON and ON and ON!
A thousand years of torture, for three weeks of great success,
We smashed /sp/, tied /i/ and /y/, and went through all the less.
And now with knockouts looming all the /tr/ainers take the stand,
as /vp/ goes marching on!
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
Glory, Glory to /vp/,
And McBob goes marching ON and ON and ON!