Why are you guys so fucking weird about us women playing pokemon? This isn't the old days when you were shamed for playing..
just approach us and say hi, but don't dork out or act seriously weird. even if she isn't interested it doesn't mean she won't have gamer friends who aren't. just be normal and cool.
i hate it when guys approach and be weird and off putting. also, shave your beard. it's not cool, it's not the style, and you look fedorably laughable.
be cool, be chill, sit down close by but not directly next to and ask if I've caught anything cool or any legendaries. also ask if i want a battle or something. don't just sit there and stare, for the love of god don't fucking stare.
and yes, i have cleavage, yes it's visible. get over it. you want to touch and lick? then learn how to talk to us and not fanatasize. also don't get pissed if she does turn you down cause 1: if she's hot and not into lard, you're fucked.
2: if she's not into niggerdick then don't act like she's racist, just not the color of my life, homie.
3: don't say I'm or she's stuck up cause we don't want to adhere to your advances.
play the game, get to know her a little then start with the asking out, subtley, and try doing it over pokemon things like competitions, card game nights, vidya sleep overs (every campus has them) or maybe invite her to an anime convention or animefest on campus (every College has an Anime group/gaming group)
Be smart, play your cards right, and be patient. You might not be getting the skinny girl with a nice ass and huge rack but what you get is what you deserve for being a tub of lard, so just fucking take what you can get and don't act pissed off when I tell your fatass, politely, that I'm not into being smothered by sour cream skin.
Hope this helps. :\