>>21648726Fuck you faggot.
As for the topic of the thread, 32 of the 45 pokemon we can make out have already gotten confirmed megas in their family lines.
(33 out of 46 if you agree with me that the mon above Raichu's tail is a Beldum but I'm not 100% sure there.)
I count 25 distinct family groups, correct me if I'm wrong.
6 of these lines shown have no connection to Hoenn and of those 6 families 5 have megas and the other family has pikachu in it.
Lopunny/Slowbro/Beedrill/Steelix/Pidgeot are all either pre or post Hoenn.
At this point its hard to say "The pokemon shown are just random."
So of the 25 family groups (27 fully evolved pokemon total.) there are 16 megas already confirmed and 2 pokemon that don't have megas already have a family member with one. (Slowking and Froslass.)
Those are the facts, make of them what you will.