This game is shit, literally the worst of the Pokemon MD spin-offs.
You become friends with a Pokemon, you form a rescue team, you meet a group of meanies, they accuse you of being responsible for some end-times doom, the whole town becomes a cult against you, you need to seek some mystical Xatu priest guy, the whole town chase you off to the mountains, prophecy is not fulfilled, everyone loves you. tha end!
if you want plot play explorers of sky, which is a pokemon-ified space opera, about two starcrossed lovers, a villain trying to create his own future, a psychotic ruler of a dark world, and a young hero who just wants to go home becomes centric to it all. bonus points for the real ending only available after 70 hours of grinding through a dark atmospheric game where literally everything is depressing as fuck, and where you are left to see the cast on their deathbeds, and two deaths actually occur on-screen (holy shit ESRB why is this not E-10?) only to get confirmed that arceus is god & 2012 was just a falsesafe for the fact lol doom is actually coming tomorrow instead.