>>21665509For all the ridiculous things I've seen in all those years of internet, that's probably one of the most ridiculous. I don't know if I feel rage, funny, or if I feel bad for this guy.
He's the pinaccle of everythink we joke about, even about ourselves, the extreme of the "fat neckbeard manchild sweeting, masturbating to kids in grandma's basement".
Someone who still take time to do shit like writing about yourself on a particular area that nobody care, in a random website just because you don't want to look bad to someone that doesn't even know you and this will make everyone that know you just laugh more and think about how ridiculous you are, because they KNOW how you are and KNOW you're the one writing...
That would be the point of mockery and funny if it was done by a 12yo kid on facebook, becase kids are kids, and they're prone to doing ridiculous things for no reason... You would laught a lot for some minutes, and forget about it the next day.
When a teenager does it, it gets to the point of atrocius, ridiculous... Disgraceful. To the point where you feel shame yourself and really, really bad. You feel depressed for it even if it's someone you don't even know, or hate.
When an FUCKING ADULT MANCHILD does that... I have no words for it.
Fuck man. I always was afraid of life, as everyone and, even as a kid, I had a stereotype in head of what would be to be the ultimate shame to the name of your parents. Years later, i grew up that idea, as I tought that no one could fail like this. No matter how shit the person is, at least he can do something and go on living, work as phone assistant and pay his bills but, man... This guy actually managed to turn into the exact stereotype I made as a kid. An adult man that dedicates his life to a kid's hobby and gets mad over it.
Now I know WHY fathers of mothers get so worried about their kids. I tought it was just paranoia. Now i know it's real. You CAN turn into you parents worst nightmare.