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[18 / 5 / ?]

Leaking Megas? Better get a stone plug!

!!QiVWNyFD+XA No.21733968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, Losers! Got a question for ya.

If you found out that all of these leaks were real how ticked off would you be at Game Freak? And better yet, would you return your games since you couldn't cancel your pre-order?

I bet one or two of you no skill spuds would! I've never had a lot of faith in /vp/ anyway. All of you on here remind me a lot of Ashlings.

Let me know when you all get good enough to take me on! I might give you a shot at witnessing greatness!

Hah! I've got more important things to do than diss you all. I've got REAL Megas to catch in Hoenn!

If you see Ashyboy and his caravan of sinkers, be sure and tell them that I've already conquered Kalos and that he should really KETCHup to real progress! Hahahah!

Smell ya later!