>>21734215>Dragon resistFine, but it kinda kills the point
>Bug is SEBug should be neutral, not SE; Bug already hits three types pretty hard.
>Grass resistsI like this; Grass needs a defensive buff
>Ice resists those typesDragon? No. It's only SE against itself as is resisted by Steel and Fairy. Both of which are great defensive types that you'll likely be running at least one of on your team.
Normal I can agree with, but it defeats the purpose.
Bug and Grass do not need an Offensive nerf.
Flying I can get behind, however, especially with the amount of Birdspam that Talonflame, M-Pinsir, and M-Salamence are causing. If you want to give Ice a resist, let it be to Ground; it's a common enough attacking type with two types resisting and one immune.