[22 / 5 / ?]
So last year, the night pokebank came out, I left my Black 2 on my desk to transfer in the morning to the new gen. All of them were on Black 2, from the first game I ever played, to the Mew I waited three hours in line to get at a TRU, to my team from Diamond (the first game I ever beat), all my gen 4 and gen 5 events, my first (and still only) shiny I've obtained besides trading and all my EV/IV trained pokemon, including my Perfect Shiny Azelf, who although is no longer viable, still was my favorite pokemon of all time. I woke up, to find my new puppy (3 months) chewed and destroyed the cartridge. tl;dr idk what to do, I feel like the only thing I've ever been proud of myself for is gone. With ORAS coming out, I don't know if I even wanna play anymore.
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I don't want sympathy or any charity from people who want to help me rebuild, I just was hoping /vp/ could help me find a way to cheer myself up.
>ever leaving your cartridges out in the open
>>21740730 >Standing in a toy store for hours >Playing a kids game >Only thing you've ever been proud of in your life Jesus, Anon. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise
>>21740782 This. Go get an education, a job and a constructive hobby you faggot
>>21740745 this
you had it coming, OP. Kill yourself
>>21740782 >>21740788 >>21740789 Sounds like you guys had poor child hoods.
Don't kill your inner kid anon.
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Isn't a year after the fact a little late to be lamenting about it in a post? I mean, you could have already rebuilt your collection now if it was that big of a deal.
>>21740807 But you aren't a kid. You're a grown ass man with a juvenile mindset. Acknowledge what your meant to be doing as an adult and find your place in the world. Get a job. Get a wife. Hang on to Pokémon, but don't let it be the only justification for your existence. Bitch.
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>>21740828 Oh, and buy an Action Replay. You'll have those little shits back up and running in one afternoon.
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>>21740730 You had a puppy and left a game out anywhere REMOTELY near where it could get it?
You're an idiot, I'm sorry
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TradeMeShitToday~4355 9241 8484 !N1nxeO6jKs
TradeMeShitToday~4355 9241 8484 !N1nxeO6jKs Mon 17 Nov 2014 07:57:04 No. 21740859 Report Quoted By:
>>21740730 put the nostalgia and attachment away.
Go to
http://www.pokedit.com/ . Select a Black 2 game, open it in the editor and customize each Pokemon to your exact wishes. They will load the game onto a cart with all your specifications and mail it to you.
You are reborn.
>>21740730 Did you take your puppy to the vet?
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>>21740730 Did you fuck the dog?
>>21740828 >Implying I want a Job and a Wife to be my Better Justifications Children are the future. Poke'mon is my job. It helps develop bonds and will keep a kids interest in Learning & Creativity & Self-Improvement & simple education all as some kind of root base.
I will Imply that we have different Justifications for existence, but mine also include Discovery, Imagination, Friendship with strangers.
>>21740919 You should've mastered all those things when you were eight. I'm sorry anon, but you have crippling autism and Pokémon has only served to pursuade you that such a mindset can be considered a healthy lifestyle. There's no saving you now. I hope you find some comfort in your depressing years to come as you degrade into a hollow husk of a human.
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>>21740730 All that work and you left the cartridge out in the open? are you legitimately retarded?
Post pics or it didn't happen.
>>21740959 >My 8yr skills grant me Job capabilities, so random anon takes his Kid issues out on me because he is a bad parent. Coolstorybro.jpeg
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>>21740979 >Kickstarter.gif Anonymous
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>>21740882 Seconding this. The importance of the health and wellbeing of an actual living creature is much greater than some data and pixels, get your priorities straight
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>>21740730 >dogs that's what you get for being a fag.