Hey guys, with OR/AS coming out later this week, I thought I would celebrate by giving out some WISHMKR Jirachi from the Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc. I don’t exactly know how many I am going to give out, so we’ll play that by ear. The first post after this one to get dubs, gets the first Jirachi, after each giveaway I’ll take a small break to give the winner their prize then continue. If you want, you can make an offer for one, and if it appeals to me I’ll let you know. I’m also willing to trade for the following (first offer gets it): -A Latios - A Ditto with 5 IVs -Anything holding a Charizardite X or Mewtwonite X TL;DR: FIRST TO GET DUBS GETS A WISHMKR JIRACHI
IGN: Chervil
Quoted By:
>>21752705 goin for the dubs
Fae - 4897-6052-4359
2723-9326-6849 IN
Quoted By:
>>21752705 What are the IV's on the Jirachi?
How about no
>>21752705 How about I'll give out 5 of them for nothing, and you stop being such a jew
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21752744 That was faster than I thought it would be! Congrats!
Do you want the Latios or Ditto to be real?
IGN: Chervil
Fae - 4897-6052-4359
>>21752763 Adding you, Ill boot up X in a minute
>>21752757 Sounds good, Can I have first dibs?
TK 4210-3986-4656
TK 4210-3986-4656
Fae - 4897-6052-4359
TK 4210-3986-4656
OKAY ROUND 2: Next dubs gets it!
>>21752882 i will trade you a mewtowite X for one!
ign : kzvant
Vanilla 2724-0945-4062
Quoted By:
>>21752882 Sure, let's give this a try.
Keith 1779-0725-7086
Keith 1779-0725-7086
Quoted By:
>>21752933 Awesome. I already added your FC
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21752933 Congrats!
>>21752926 Awesome, I need your friendcode though.
>>21752977 Yeah, i put ign if i get doubs
IGN: kzvant
FC: 1435-6083-4873
I already added you
>>21752757 can you give one to a powersaver? I would like one.
Keith 1779-0725-7086
Quoted By:
Wish Maker received. Thanks TK!
How about no !!C5HWAJ3kpQz
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753011 K I added you for the Mewtwonite X trade.
Quoted By:
I didn't get dubs.
Quoted By:
>>21753110 Thanks! Im now closer to get that 719 pokedex
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753011 Thanks so much for the Mewtwonite X!
and with that.
Next dubs gets it, I guess!
Ign: Shark
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>21753255 You got it Congrats!
>>21752705 A Latios you say? I just happen to have one.
I much prefer Latias anyway.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753283 Post your FC, I'd love to trade!
Ign: Shark
Ok op how do i claim the prize?
4441-9002-6823 !Mochieow4U
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753314 I need your friendcode so we can trade. just send me anything, and I'll trade the Jirachi
How about no !!C5HWAJ3kpQz
Giving away 5 WSHMKRS for no trades, not even dubs. Put a disc up on the GTS with the message /vp/ OP pls
4441-9002-6823 !Mochieow4U
FC : 3969 6370 7184
Quoted By:
Rolling for dubs! I have a Charizadite X, mewtwonite X and a Shiny latias. Interested?
>>21753332 the rules are rediculous so yea its gonna take awhile, unless we get clones passed around.
OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
>>21753299 Here it is, yo. See ya in the game.
Ign: Shark
>>21753349 Kk 4141-3068-9783
>>21753357 can you save one for the powersaver need to go get a disc. GTS trades Jirachis?
Luke 5284-1732-4093
Yo TK, I will give you ANYTHING for it. Even Diancie.
4441-9002-6823 !Mochieow4U
ign mark 0361 7583 1149
TK 4210-3986-4656
How about no !!C5HWAJ3kpQz
>>21753395 One saved for you provided you don't bargain with them like OP. Just give them to the people who request them.Trading the rest now
Quoted By:
>>21753357 powersavers disc is up IGN christoper w heart scale
ign mark 0361 7583 1149
How about no !!C5HWAJ3kpQz
>>21753468 Fuck, forgot Jirachi can't be traded via GTS.
Provide FCs
>>21753453 >>21753395 OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
Quoted By:
>>21753465 So.... Why can't he be traded?
>>21753468 as a powersaver i dont do that shit. Never want my lengend mons back and give items freely when asked.
>>21753507 fc is 4227 1954 3430
>>21753507 thought so mine is FC:4398-9805-0107, whats yours, or aquantiance trade ign is christopher
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753376 >>21753376 I doesn't seem to be letting me trade with you?
How about no !!CQQzsnWuBYt
Quoted By:
Awaiting Friend Code
>>21753530 Added
>>21753544 3 more left
OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
Quoted By:
>>21753555 Damn, that sucks. I wonder, can Latios be traded over the GTS?
How about no !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Quoted By:
>>21753593 what's your fc?
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 02:57:32 No. 21753619 Report >>21753593 Wasnt updating my name
>>21753593 "Hansel" fc is added
Quoted By:
>>21753624 nvm wrong person now is added
>>21753619 OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
Quoted By:
>>21753555 So I've verified that my Latios can indeed be traded over the GTS. Maybe it's an issue on your end.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:01:12 No. 21753697 Report >>21753530 You sure you dont want a shitmon?
>>21753697 no i want a jirachi
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753398 Luke, I'm just going to trade you one, you want it the most, give me something cool if you want, it'd be appreciated.
I'm just gonna stop now. It takes me like 20 minutes + to make these and transfer everything. I just used dubs so I would be able to give some out fairly, and add some requests to mutually benefit me and someone else.
The last time I did this, it was fun, and people enjoyed it. BUT HEY, being able to post an unlimited number of times to get a free event pokemon, fuck it, I'm a huge jew.
Sorry to anyone who didn't get one. Maybe I'll try again in the future. I hope everyone enjoys their Jirachi's no matter how they got them.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:02:29 No. 21753724 Report Quoted By:
>>21753710 Or rather, to give me a shitmon. Dont need a cress personally.
OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
>>21753723 Thanks anyway, man. It was good enough to see the model of Jirachi anyway. Let me know if you find a Moeletta.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:04:36 No. 21753766 Report Done
>>21753554 >>21753544 Got threee more WSHMKR Jirachis, no strings attached. Drop FC and IGNs
Quoted By:
>>21752757 Still have one?
>>21753766 4785 6231 9732
IGN Hy0u
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753764 >>21753764 You're a cool dude, if you want to try to trade me something else instead, I'll do that too.
>>21753766 FC: 3969 6370 7184
IGN : Victor
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:07:36 No. 21753841 Report >>21753723 You are. Making people beg and grovel and make numerous attempts at something that takes 5 minutes and is free to you is totally moneygrubbing. Just give the fuckers away.
>>21753798 >>21753821 One more left
Vanilla 2724-0945-4062
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:09:15 No. 21753881 Report >>21753872 Will add in a sec
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753841 Literally no money is involved.
People could've given me shit and had no extra interaction other than the trade, I don't care, I just wanted to share, and I did dubs so if I ran out, people wouldn't be left out.
Plus is it that bad to want one or two pokes to fill my collection? I don't think so, but then again I'm a huge jew.
Quoted By:
>>21753881 I'm accepting the trade but the game is being a bitch. What the hell.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:11:51 No. 21753937 Report >>21753908 Figure of speech dumass
OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
>>21753812 Hey! It worked! Enjoy your Shiny new Entei, my friend.
>>21753881 Thank you very much!
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:12:57 No. 21753963 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>21753881 Thanks a bunch!
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753937 That figure of speech, doesn't work if it isn't literal. Dumbass.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:14:11 No. 21753998 Report >>21753937 I say dumbass and I leave out the "b." Oh the irony.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>21753948 Thanks a lot man, I hope you enjoy your jirachi to it's fullest!
>>21753998 Victor here.
Thanks man
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:16:16 No. 21754046 Report >>21753986 Adjectives: acquisitive, avaricious, grasping, money-grabbing, gold-digging, rapacious, mercenary, materialistic
OP pls
Also, added
>>21753872 OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
>>21754024 I will, now I'm trying to find a way to offload this Latios and a spare Diancie code.
>>21754046 Whoops did that O-power mess up the trade ;_;
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:18:44 No. 21754097 Report >>21754038 No problem!
>>21754057 Diancie codes are dead now I believe.
Quoted By:
>>21754097 They should work for a few more days
OashKoash 0533-5355-6734
Quoted By:
>>21754097 Nah, there's still tons out there in distribution, but the one I picked up today still works.
Quoted By:
>>21754097 sorry I didnt reply, no I clone them like im cloning dittos, jirachis, and v create rays right now.
TK 4210-3986-4656
Well /vp/, after 8 years of mostly lurking on 4chan, this thread is the first time I've been hostile towards someone else on the internet. It all started with me wanting to give some rare pokemon away. I have a lot to think about. I am one incredible faggot.
Quoted By:
>>21754089 Oh wait, it was the ingame chat thing.
Most people I know go with it off; a bit silly that it auto-cancels when your choices don't match on that.
Either way, thanks a whole lot again.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:23:48 No. 21754235 Report Quoted By:
>>21754135 Christ, dont take it so personally, just be less stingy on how you give it out. If people want something, and you're trying to be nice, the last thing you should do is hang it over someones head with RNG. Just be generous, don't ask for anything in return.
Quoted By:
>>21754135 making people "pay" with a legend and an item that you can get once in a game. Thats not a giveaway thats gouging by using people's wants. AKA "jewing"
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
OK I got me a Jirachi OT WSHMKR from Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870, also have a Korean shiny Ray w/ V-Create and a jap shiny 6IV ditto. Cloned some n have some to give away. Post FC and IGN and tell me what you want. Must have dubs or singles
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:34:09 No. 21754469 Report >>21754399 kek
You should take it to
>>21751162 Get a lot more exposure.
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
>>21754469 im not trying to be here all night just wanna show OP how to be nicer
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:38:26 No. 21754541 Report Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
>>21754541 im a non jewish powersaver im hated by /wfg/ I try to be nice because wealth should be shared not jewed. If I could give out Volcanion I would I clone boxes of legends at a time and wondertrade them for fun.
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv
Incarnate FC: 1907-9257-6870 !!f4Y1H3OYxYv Tue 18 Nov 2014 03:44:18 No. 21754638 Report Quoted By:
>>21754586 Eh, /wfg/ hates everybody because they believe in a fairytale world where no one clones or RNGs. Tis a silly general
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
Quoted By:
sure is dead in here, might just go to /gg/
>>21754399 I want that Rayray pls
FC : 3969 6370 7184
IGN : Victor
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
>>21754788 you have to add me back son
Heyo, willing to trade my Charizardite X with a 5 iv mon for a WISHMKR. Up for it op?
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
Quoted By:
>>21754898 yep
>>21754829 want a jirachi? need fc/ign plz no items or good mons
>>21752705 I can trade you a 6 IV ditto, I have two
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
Quoted By:
>>21755568 i have one and dittos
Christopher FC:4398-9805-0107
Quoted By:
>>21755568 i have a request though Hoopa is apparently tradeable so i wanna test it out
Quoted By:
>>21752705 Make sure you don't give these out as clones because cloned pokemon don't count as legit and seeing how rare bonus disc jirachi is I want a bonus disc jirachi that actually came from the disc and not a clone trick
>>21754586 OK honestly lets just back up and breathe deeply for a second here
I think that people here take drama on /vp/ way too seriously and we just need to recognize this isn't some deep complicated polifical divide between the decisions on how people want to get pokemon that is causing some serious emotional drama in the community but to just recognize this all for what it is
A mountain out of a mole hill. This is just a game played by kids. This image board is just interacting with you with some text from people you'll never meet on your screen while you sit in your room. The other people if they ever get cranky are probably in the wrong to get upset at all over something so vain and unimportant and they don't even know you as a person
Don't worry about you being a "Powersaver" or somebody being an "rnger" or somebody being a "legendaries user" or a "charizard lover" or a "fuck smogon" type of person
I don't think we really want to be at eachothers throats. Life is hard enough as it is the last thing I want to do is to escape from life into a conflict onto the internet and go back into life feeling worse. Fuck
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>>21756880 if everyone accepted that /vp/ would be a better place