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ToTT: Playing Luigi's Mansion for the first time
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>>21772222 D-D-D-D-DOUBLE
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 01:34:31 No. 21772405 Report >>21772347 I have burmy, minun, and wumple in level balls.
want to trade for yanma, paras, and kricketot?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21772347 I have your mons whenever you're ready.
>>21772405 That sounds fair, I'll get to breeding those now.
>>21772415 Getting online, thank you.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
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TOTT: MH3U and Magic: the Nerdining
>>21772415 You're awesome Justin. Do you have a wants list I could look at?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
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>>21772553 The Cubone is penta with 0 speed, Spearow just a lefty.
I'm not really looking for anything right now. Thanks for what you gave me tho.
Ron 0361-7252-2152
I was breeding a shroomish for kicks and found this guy! Anybody want him? I'd love a shiny litwik, but best offer gets him!
>>21772347 Oh goodness, it's nice to see you again.
Your mons (Fast Ponyta, Level Meditite, etc) are ready. So sorry for my sudden disappearances.
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>>21772765 Hi you. I have 4 pokes all prepared for you. See you online!
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:00:55 No. 21772881 Report >>21772445 Okay, I've got the three ready when you are, and will just be breeding this damned illumise
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>>21771983 keep it up!
before I got the modest one I got a penta pefter HP ice that was bashful
>>21772881 thanks, sorry I'm taking a little longer than I expected. 15 minutes and I should have all three.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:12:55 No. 21773093 Report Quoted By:
Alison 1461 6226 3092
Hello thread! I have balltism pokemon I can breed for you. Anonymous
ToTT: Posting bears in wfg
Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>21772730 I have a shiny derp psyduck and a few spare shiny gen IV legends from events if you want any of those. Spare shiny Gengar (your choice of English or Spanish).
Probably not but I'd kick myself for not asking. Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:28:23 No. 21773415 Report >>21773242 Okay, I compared our lists.
I'd be interested in ledyba in a level ball, ledyba in a safari ball, and heracross in a safari ball.
Want to do that for caterpie, paras, and spinarak in sports balls? (I actually have all of the sports ball females if you'd prefer another three) I'll just post my list here.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:31:06 No. 21773484 Report >>21773415 Meant to quote
>>21773183 I'd also be interested in Illumise in safari ball, missed that one.
Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>21773415 >>21773484 That sounds great, I'll get to breeding for you right away.
The ones you suggested are great, how about a sport venonat as the fourth?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:39:47 No. 21773655 Report >>21773635 I actually just noticed you only need 5 sports balls left if I'm not mistaken, so I'll just finish off the sports ball collection
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>>21773655 I appreciate the hatching power.
>>21773655 I'm having to re-breed Level Ball Paras due to a males-only batch. Hopefully done soon. How would you prefer to trade?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 02:50:03 No. 21773880 Report >>21773873 probably just friend code.
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>>21773880 Alright, my FC is 1478-3847-3507. Adding you now, I'll hit you with a "nice" when I'm ready.
>that OP pic >tfw my butcher shop isn't run by qt girls. Also, I wonder what meat they're serving. Miltank? Also Also, iqdb had nothing - anyone have a sauce?
>>21773466 I know you listed under free leftovers but is there anything specific you are looking for?
I'm interested in the Modest igglybuff with speed
>>21774005 Nope, thanks for asking though. Gender?
>>21774083 Female.
I'll throw up a eevee with a sunstone on the GTS for it.
>>21773880 Got it. Sending TR now. Do you need a Safari Ball Paras by any chance? I have an extra that I got while I was preparing egg moves for your trades.
>>21774259 Thank you.
What is everyone working on by the way?
I am swithing between catching Safari HA mons and doing a MM Eevee gamble.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:08:40 No. 21774331 Report >>21774304 I actually have one, but thank you for asking.
>>21774314 >MM eevee gamble What's that anon? :3
>>21774314 Just hatched this ~
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:12:58 No. 21774439 Report >>21774304 Thank you again.
So are you focusing strictly on level ball mons right now, or would you be interested in other random apricorn trades arranged from your list?
>>21774377 I am breeding without a everstone.
>>21774390 Such a cutie, have you checked the IVs?
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>>21774390 cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute
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>>21774331 Thanks for the Level Ball pokes and the items!
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>>21774451 Haven't checked but I see from its stat that it's missing HP. Probably going to not evolve and use for pickup farm or something.
>>21774439 I'm ultimately interested in catching all 135 apricorn-legal pokes in all 7 balls. I'll take a look through your pastebin and see what sort of stuff you need too.
>>21774451 why in the world would you do that
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:19:44 No. 21774598 Report >>21774564 Okay. I'm on the hunt for all unobtainable bug type pokeball combos, so I'll look through your list too once I finish with Allison
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>Only one ultra ball >Critical Capture based
>>21774564 I am fairly sure i don't have anything rare from those but i can check my bank if you'd like.
>>21774569 Just for the heck of it really and even if the shiny becomes a mess i will have gotten a few regular eevees worth keeping in the meantime.
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>>21774679 Oh that sounds interesting. Good luck Anon ~ :3
>>21774598 Thanks. I bookmarked your list so I can prepare some things for you (I'll be heading to bed soon). I'll do three things to start with, and I can have them for you by tomorrow. I'll start with Love Ball bugs!
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:27:25 No. 21774758 Report >>21774704 Okay, I had a cursory look through your list and hope my small collection is helpful at least a little.
I'm so mad I sold HG and B2
Alison 1461 6226 3092
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>>21774598 I just finished hatching your four, you can TR me whenever.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21774766 I banned you
don't go around insulting my ravi :<
>>21774758 If you could finish off my Sport Ball collection I'd really like that. You appear to be a Bug enthusiast so having your OT on some Sport bugs would be kinda an honor.
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>>21774002 Diagram on the left shows Tauros, so I assume that.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:35:19 No. 21774924 Report >>21774845 Yeah, are the 9 in your list what you have already?
>>21774924 Yes, I only need Caterpie and Paras. Do you need egg moves or natures for any of your bugs? If not then I can have you all the Love Ball ones by tomorrow night.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:39:30 No. 21775020 Report >>21774994 Nah, I find it easier to trade derps just for the balls. Some of my bugs with matching balls come with egg moves and IVs easy though
Alison 1461 6226 3092
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:41:16 No. 21775054 Report Quoted By:
>>21775023 Yep, thanks as well.
Don't forget volbeat. He can't pass down a ball, but he's the black sheep of the 12 sports ball pokemon
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>>21775020 okay, sounds like a deal. I'll finish your love ball bugs if you finish my sport ball ones. Thank you!
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Erin, if you're lurking - the HA Dive Ball Binacle I gave you is only a placeholder because I'm breeding a 4 Egg Move one tomorrow.
How many pokes are available in dreamballs?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:57:57 No. 21775372 Report >>21775308 Here's the copy paste list. I don't think it includes events like Arceus. Or if there were any other events besides arceus
Pleasant Forest
Bellsprout, Bidoof, Buneary, Castform, Cottonee, Doduo, Electrike, Elekid, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, Girafarig, Glameow, Growlithe, Hoppip, Igglybuff, Kangaskhan, Karrablast, Lickitung, Lotad, Mareep, Marill, Miltank, Natu, Nidoran-F, Oddish, Pachirisu, Petilil, Poliwag, Ponyta, Poochyena, Psyduck, Rattata, Scolipede, Scyther, Sentret, Shelmet, Shinx, Skitty, Stantler, Sudowoodo, Sunkern, Surskit, Taillow, Tangela, Tympole, Vulpix, Zigzagoon
Windswept Sky
Aerodactyl, Butterfree, Chatot, Delibird, Drifloon, Ducklett, Emolga, Gligar, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Ledyba, Murkrow, Pidgey, Pidove, Sigilyph, Skarmory, Spearow, Staravia, Swablu, Taillow, Tropius, Wingull, Yanma, Zubat
Sparkling Sea
Alomomola, Anorith, Barboach, Basculin, Buizel, Carvanha, Chinchou, Clamperl, Corphish, Corsola, Dratini, Feebas, Goldeen, Horsea, Kabuto, Krabby, Lapras, Lileep, Luvdisc, Magikarp, Mantine, Omanyte, Qwilfish, Relicanth, Remoraid, Seel, Shellder, Shellos, Slowpoke, Stunfisk, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Wailmer, Wooper
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 03:58:59 No. 21775395 Report >>21775372 Cont.
Spooky Manor
Abra, Chimecho, Drowzee, Duosion, Duskull, Elgyem, Galvantula, Gastly, Houndour, Illumise, Mawile, Meditite, Meowth, Misdreavus, Mr. Mime, Pawniard, Ralts, Sableye, Shuppet, Smeargle, Smoochum, Snubbull, Spinarak, Spiritomb, Spoink, Stunky, Wobbuffet
Rugged Mountain
Absol, Bagon, Burmy, Cacnea, Croagunk, Crustle, Durant, Heatmor, Hippopotas, Koffing, Krookodile, Larvitar, Machop, Magby, Makuhita, Mankey, Maractus, Numel, Phanpy, Rhyhorn, Riolu, Skorupi, Slugma, Spinda, Teddiursa, Torkoal, Trapinch
Icy Cave
Aron, Axew, Boldore, Cleffa, Cranidos, Cubone, Diglett, Drilbur, Druddigon, Dunsparce, Geodude, Gible, Nosepass, Onix, Sandshrew, Shieldon, Shuckle, Sneasel, Snorunt, Snover, Spheal, Swinub, Vanillish, Whismur
Dream Park
Aipom, Audino, Beedrill, Carnivine, Chansey, Cherubi, Combee, Eevee, Ekans, Grimer, Gulpin, Gurdurr, Heracross, Kecleon, Kricketot, Minun, Nincada, Paras, Pineco, Pinsir, Plusle, Roselia, Scraggy, Seedot, Seviper, Shroomish, Slakoth, Snorlax, Togepi, Venonat, Wurmple, Zangoose
Sorry for wall o text. I probably should have just linked
>>21775395 >>21775372 yeah you should have you fucking retard. this is why newfags are shit
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 04:02:35 No. 21775470 Report Quoted By:
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Does anyone have a dream ball female hidden Anorith they'd be willing to part with? I have literally every pokemon possible in Safari balls and a whole box of leftover female dream ball hidden Lileep (all penta).
0860 3355 2906 - Max
I made a thread for this before I saw that this thread existed, so sorry for putting it twice. I am looking for for a HA Crawdaunt, Corphish, Sharpedo, or Carvhana. In return I can trade you one of: 5IV Modest Clauncher, 5IV Modest Hidden Ability Nidoran F, or a 5 IV Adamant Archen.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 04:07:24 No. 21775569 Report >>21775491 Yeah.
>>21773415 Here's my list. I'd prefer apricorn balls over safari balls, but I'll definitely take what I can get. Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21775569 Sweet, thank you. I can breed you a safari ball Shuckle since it's on your list, or you can have on the Lileep.
>>21775525 I can breed you a Corphish hidden if you give me some time. Do you care about the ball?
0860 3355 2906 - Max
>>21775622 I don't care about the ball, thanks. Do you want one of those things I offered?
>>21775491 how did you get them all
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
Hi guys! I am currently in the process of training a rock gym for my school's club, and I was wondering if any of you have any spare fossilmon and a spare aerodactylite. I have the XY fossils, aerodactyl and omanyte, so I just need two more. Thanks!
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21775691 forgot to mention, I have a few bellyjet marrils and a 6IV ditto to offer
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21775641 A Clauncher would be great if it's not too much trouble. Breeding your Corphish now.
>>21775753 I have some decent Lileep if you're interested.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
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>>21775690 Caught most of them. When I realized you could pass on balls in gen 6 I went back through all my old games and caught anything I could find. Getting everything from HG/SS was a bitch though.
0860 3355 2906 - Max
>>21775808 OK, adding you for Clauncher. Whenever you're ready
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21775808 that's great! what would you like for it? I also got a good roselia
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>>21772222 ive fallen out of favor with pokemon. i don't know why. i was hyped for it but now eh. Cool that it comes out friday tho. looking forward to playing it.
also anyone got a diancie i can have? I forgot to get a code.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21775886 Got a Corphish for you. Sorry for the delay, I tried to grab something out of pokebank and it had to update. Hopping on now.
>>21775936 I have over a box of Lileep leftover from my friend's breeding project. Just throw me a derp or any leftover you have lying around.
0860 3355 2906 - Max
>>21776231 OK, got it, thanks.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21776231 thanks for the lileep man!
Zack 0087-3549-1512
I'm preparing for ORAS in the last stretch by breeding a team to play through with. However, I need two more Pokemon. I'm looking for a Shinx with HA in a Luxury Ball and an Eevee with HA in a Premier Ball. Alternatively, if anyone has an Eevee or Luxio in their Friend Safari please let me know.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21776284 Cool, thanks for the Clauncher!
>>21776320 Anytime! Enjoy!
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
I'm still looking for one more fossilmon if anyone has any spares
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21776344 Shit dude, I've got a HA Eevee in a premier from a project I did like a year ago. It's only got 4IVs and absolute shit for egg moves but it's yours if you want it.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 04:50:28 No. 21776411 Report >>21776366 Just any old fossils? I'm breeding anorith, and am sure I'll have some pentaperfects by the time I finally get a HA female.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21776411 any old fossil. The gym is supposed to be noob friendly.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
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also looking for aerodactylite
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21776397 Is it female? I don't have much to give but I can give you a 4 IV Litleo in a Premier Ball.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 04:52:51 No. 21776459 Report >>21776430 swift swim or battle armor?
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21776454 It's female, and you can give me anything for it. Though I prefer things with funny nicknames when possible.
Please Please, pretty please All Ive ever wanted is a way to make my bro good Please does anyone have Extremespeed Linoone?
>>21776504 those are extremely rare, you're not likely to find one here
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21776494 Great, I'll add you and get you my best nicknamed Litleo.
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>>21776524 They started giving them away in Japan again
Please dont destroy my dreams
hes my favorite Pokemon...
Lizerd IGN: Dallan 5343-8030-3718
ToTT:I've been breeding mega babies. So far I have a Weedle, 2 Beldum, 2 Bagon (plan on making at least 3 or 4 more just for all the different possible sets), and a Snover. I plan on making a few Swablu, Buneary, and finally soft reset for Diancie. Also BIONICLES AND JOJO AND DBZ AND 3RD PARTY TRANSFORMERS HYPE!
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>>21776560 >bionicles Based
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21776528 >Mad Ma-Ma Lol nice! Enjoy the Eevee!
Zack 0087-3549-1512
Quoted By:
>>21776494 Thank you so much. You really saved my bacon here preparing for ORAS.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:10:57 No. 21776825 Report >>21776430 Okay, if you're still here, I hatched a penta anorith to kick noob asses. You can GTS up for it if you want
Rell [2208-5865-0555]
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Since I realize I've been a massive faggot and haven't touched my X file (I have like 2 badges), I figure I might as well play it while waiting for ORAS. Does anyone have an orange or white Flabebe/Floette? I'm in the mood to do some breeding.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21776825 I'm still here. I'll put up an abra
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>>21776816 fine, i'll go
to bed good night wfg ~ Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:20:25 No. 21776965 Report Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:22:30 No. 21776994 Report >>21776704 Okay, I finally got a quad anorith you're looking for. That was an endeavor.
Friend code trade?
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
>>21776965 thanks so much!
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21776994 Sure. IGN is Jeff. Did you want the Lileep or Shuckle? I know breeding fossils is a bitch, so you can have both if you like.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
Last thing I'm looking for is a spare aerodactylite. I know I can look for it in rocks but I can't bo bothered. Anyone willing to help?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:25:55 No. 21777046 Report >>21777024 no problem, it was just an extra breeding leftover. Is there another specific fossil you're looking for? If it's just a derp, I'll throw one in the daycare really quick.
Nick 3926 - 5555 - 2483
Quoted By:
>>21777046 I now have 6 fossilmon so I'm good. Thanks for the offer though!
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:27:14 No. 21777062 Report >>21777034 Just shuckle thanks. I think I already have a decent lileep
>>21777039 >I know I can look for it in rocks but I can't bo bothered. Anyone willing to help? If I remember correctly you just get one by talking to a scientist post game
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:30:35 No. 21777100 Report Quoted By:
>>21777062 Actually it's not post game, it's just as soon as you revive a fossil, talk to the scientist in ambrette town.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:31:40 No. 21777113 Report >>21777034 Thanks for the trade. If there might be anything I could do for more safari ball mons, I'd be open too.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21777062 Awesome! Thank you! I'm hoping to breed a good one for my ORAS team and this will really help!
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777113 I'm always hunting for more Dream Ball pokes. I had a list with what I had/needed but it's out of date and I need to update it. If you have any specific requests though I can probably help you out.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:35:20 No. 21777165 Report >>21777138 I know I'm missing spinarak, yanma, venonat, and surskt.
Assuming there aren't any more legal safari ball pokemon that I missed.
I don't suppose there is just one solid list of legal safari ball pokemon someone knows about?
IGN: Liamaru
Does anyone have that balltism picture of mons and their shiny colors and what balls match well with it? I would greatly appreciate it.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:37:20 No. 21777184 Report Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777165 I actually have a safari ball spinarak, I could breed you one tomorrow if you'd like.
IGN: Liamaru
Quoted By:
>>21777184 Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so very much.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:41:21 No. 21777242 Report >>21777230 Yes, that'd be awesome. Want me to breed anything in advance?
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777242 Not particularly, any breeding left over is fine~
I would breed it now but I am feverish so thanks for waiting!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777165 I can breed all of those for you, except the spinarak since
>>21777230 has got one. How about a DB female HA Flaffy, Scraggy, and Qwilfish for them?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21777299 sup bb
hows the ride going?
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777300 Hey J-Sal, could I get one of those female Dream Ball Kabuto please?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:49:03 No. 21777344 Report >>21777302 Sounds great, I'll get started breeding.
>>21777300 I finally finished that EM illumise if you wanted it.
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If the kind anon who gave me the Shelgon is still around: Thank you so much! I just hatched a 6 IV after only a couple hours. First perfect Pokemon I've hatched!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777315 I got a slowpoke the other night with
no HA and 12-13 SpD. I think it is fine for mega, but I will probably rebreed for another later.
Just started Tentacool mm. Too bad I am dying, I don't have the will power to mm 4 shinies at the moment.
How are you ~
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:52:07 No. 21777377 Report >>21777302 Oh, but are you looking for good IVs/egg moves?
I usually don't bother with those too much for balltism pokemon for quick trading. I just had really good anorith parents
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21777344 yesss
>>21777343 male or female?
>>21777359 eh, doesnt matter if its for a oras run
and good, sadly none of my friends are going to an oras midnight launch, so i probably wont either.
feel better.
i havent gotten sick years :^) i swear sweating helps. and hygiene. Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21777377 Nah, I'm not worried about IVs or egg moves for balltism stuff. Thanks though
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777388 Female please. I'll drop a Porygon on the GTS for it. IGN is Jeff
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 05:56:56 No. 21777435 Report >>21777388 Holy shit, sewaddle was my next breeding project, and you keep getting dubs
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777388 Its for competitive use, unfortunately. I will find a way to make it work somehow, though. I will go with you to midnight launch!
I don't have any friends who play Pokemon. I am sick at least once a month. I have a terrible immune system, plus work at a pharmacy where people cough on me everyday. I have great hygiene though.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
thanks brent
>leftovers you sure?
>>21777435 no prob fren
>>21777426 sent
>>21777446 but you're like a million miles away and its in 2 days
ah, i assumed it was for a run. sucks to be you heehee
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21777505 Got it! Thanks a ton!
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777505 Its only a ~12 drive. Do you have any idea how driven a resourceful woman can be? :^)
Free things, take them. Only Shelmet was illegally bred. Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777242 Actually, if you want to wait ~15 minutes I can breed Spinarak for you tonight.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:14:32 No. 21777635 Report >>21777628 Yeah, I'll be here for a while.
Watching a paper mario speed run.
Quoted By:
>>21777584 feels good knowing i dont need to learn to living in NY with all the public transportation and dealing with parking, insurance, and bumps/scratches.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777635 Hey, I've got your Venonat, Yanma, and Surskit done. Let me know whenever you're ready to trade.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:17:35 No. 21777661 Report >>21777651 two out of three, and the third batch is starting to hatch. Should be soon
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:23:34 No. 21777699 Report >>21777651 All right, all done. Getting them ready
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777661 Take your time. I'm watching Let's Plays and breeding Poochyena
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21777699 Thanks so much! Enjoy the bugs!
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:28:37 No. 21777758 Report >>21777706 All right thanks, just one more.
>>21777584 I do have a bunch of HA male anoriths with egg moves if you wanted one for the spinarak, otherwise most bug types I can breed a good egg move/IV parent for
Quoted By:
>>21777300 Numel up for a female Drowzee, yo.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777758 That would be just fine!
I have one with imperfect IVs ready otherwise I can keep breeding.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:34:32 No. 21777854 Report >>21777831 Oh no, ivs don't matter.
More importantly, do you want swift swim or battle armor?
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21777792 Could I please have that Cyndaquil in the repeat ball? I'll throw a Shuppet up on the GTS. IGN is Jeff
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777854 I will take one with Swift Swim, thank you!
Would you like to use GTS or FC?
Does anyone else not have anyone to play ORAS with? Want to buddy up?My boyfriend was going to play it with me before he dumped me. Now My friend cancelled his order and I don't have anyone to play it with anymore. I don't wanna play alone ;;
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:40:45 No. 21777936 Report >>21777886 I'll gts it. Even if it gets sniped, I have like 4 pentas.
Anorith is up for spinarak
>>21777915 Are you in
Eastern Europe? I'd play with you if you were.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
>>21777936 Spinarak is sent, thanks so much!
>>21777947 I don't care if its just chatting online and such. But no I'm not buddy.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 06:43:55 No. 21777987 Report >>21777965 Thank you for finishing off my safari ball bug types collection
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21777926 >Holding a heart scale Thanks so much!
>>21777974 Timezone? I'm just curious if it would even be feasible.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21778014 I am US Central but my sleep schedule I pretty messed.
I'm not sure if I am buying oras Friday, but I can play with you eventually!
>>21777987 No problem, glad to help!
>>21778014 Where are you? Houston here, getting AS
My pokebro isn't able to get his Friday or anytime soon probably
Quoted By:
>>21778090 Too far to play in person still. Also getting AS. Really, really dont mind just chatting online as we play and trading/battling though.
>>21778090 Not him, but I'm in Missouri.
The day ORAS comes out I have to open at work and then go perform at a recital.
Quoted By:
>>21778124 I took off the weekend months in advance just to play. Feels. Anonymous
Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>21777915 Yo, I'm up for it. I love having people to play with.
>>21778265 Do you have Steam? It's my main online chat. Skype is alternatively acceptable Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 07:11:33 No. 21778298 Report >>21778191 I'd love that free dream ball shuckle.
I'd also like a friend ball weedle. Would you take a sports ball paras for it? I don't know how long it will take for 5 IVs and egg moves, but I can get started
Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>21778277 I'm kaprosuchus13 on steam. [/spoiler:lit] I'm away from my computer and just realized I need to install it on my phone. Anonymous
>>21778191 > That Growlithe would make me really happy right about now
Quoted By:
>>21778314 added you friend pal
Ive got work the next two days, but im picking up ORAS at midnight and then Ill be off til monday
>>21778298 You're welcome to her! Just tell me what you put on the GTS and we'll PSS further?
Don't sweat moves or IVs too much, though.
>>21778315 He'd love a proper home, anon.
I always forget to offer nicknames on these damn I suck. Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 07:25:05 No. 21778436 Report >>21778403 Okay, I put up an anorith for the shuckle. It is male, but it is also HA/4EM/5IV. Thank you.
I started breeding a sports ball paras if you are up for breeding a friend ball weedle. I don't really care about IVs though for trading purposes.
Mike 2852-9272-6828
Breeding rejects if anybody is interested.>Slowpoke >Bold >Oblivious >Curse >Yawn >Zen Headbutt >Tackle >Shinx >Adamant >Rivalry/Intimidate >Fire Fang >Ice Fang >Thunder Fang >Double Kick >Volbeat >Relaxed >Prankster >Encore >Trick >Baton Pass >Tackle Looking for other breedjects in exchange.
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21778470 >>21778191 Would any of those Shinxes happen to be in Luxury Balls?
Mike 2852-9272-6828
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21778511 It's okay, thanks anyway.
>>21778403 Can you name him Rubicante for me?
I need a little time. My apartment wifi is...erratic.
Alison 1461 6226 3092
Quoted By:
>>21778191 Could I get one of those moon ball swablu girls? I put up a little female, message vp wfg.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21778543 Hey, I just went through my friend safaris, and apparently I have one with Luxio. I can catch you a female one if you like.
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21778594 Ah! Yes! I mean, if it's possible to get one with Guts that'd be great, but right now I'm kinda hoping for anything.
Thank you Rushu, you're too good to me. Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21778632 No problem man, happy to help. May take a bit to get one though. I haven't even found one with guts, male or female.
Zack 0087-3549-1512
>>21778672 I think the person you're getting the safari from needs to be online for you to get one with the HA.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 07:50:37 No. 21778703 Report >>21778690 They don't have to be online at the moment, they just both need to have been online at the same time at some point for the third pokemon and hidden abilities to unlock.
If he's encountered 3 pokemon, guts should come eventually
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
>>21778703 I've got all three unlocked, and gotten a bunch of Luxios but none have the hidden (I'm checking with Trace). This may take some time, actually.
Alison 1461 6226 3092
>>21778690 Hang on, I know that FC. Did you finish your HW?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21778191 > happen to have any fem ha premier shroom, level meditite, or heavy absol left?
Quoted By:
>>21778741 Take your time I can wait for this.
>>21778749 Mostly.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21778690 >>21778741 Spoke too soon! Just got it! I'm hopping online now
Zack 0087-3549-1512
Thank you again. Now I can complete my team before ORAS.
>>21778436 Much appreciated! Weedle done.
>>21778577 Named and ready.
>>21778773 All available, friend.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21778835 Happy to help! Good luck!
And thanks for the Cleffa!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21778842 what do you want for em?
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 08:08:23 No. 21778898 Report >>21778842 Okay, I've been having bad luck with paras, it will take a bit more time. I even had a fifth bad egg move overwrite leech seed
>>21778842 My FC is 4184 2788 5055
for the growlithe
Amoure 1779 1254 2504
>>21778865 Luxury Drillbur, Moon Barboach and Love Shuckle would be grand if you still have leftovers.
>>21778898 S'all good, take your time. I appreciate the effort.
>>21778953 Added.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>21779005 holy shit wifi stop embarrassing me in frront of amoure
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>21779005 >items thanks for the stuff
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 09:09:06 No. 21779544 Report >>21779005 Are you still here? I think I'm going to have to call it quits and go to bed. It's been 80% males, and the females all have 4 IVs and effect spore, while I keep drifting into sleep
>>21779544 That's all acceptable to me! Don't keep yourself up on my account.
>>21779192 Smooches. You're a great help.
In other news, the trade animation is long and misleading.
>>21779632 I feel your pain
At this point...can we try GTS maybe? This clearly isn';t going to work no matter how masny times we try. and I wont have access to real, stable wifi til friday.
>>21779666 Satan permits.
I'll throw Growl up in a bit. Probably the less snipe-baity of the two.
Quoted By:
>>21779693 Refuses to even come close
Just abandon, I will come back for it with better wifi
I am sorry for this hassle
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
HP 30 - 31 Attack 18 - 18 Defense 20 - 21 Spec. Attack 23 - 24 Spec. Defense 30 - 31 Speed 30 - 31 Is this HP Ice Zapdos worth keeping?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21780862 >2 imperfect stats eye of the beholder you could probably get all of reddit for that but then again here you are posting on /vp/
I'd be disappointed in you if you keep it
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21780895 What do you mean by that? I have never been on Reddit once, other than seeing screenshots and archived stuff posted here from le ebin doxxings. The layout/format looks awful compared to 4chan. The imperfect Zapdos is gone, onward I go. >>21780943 B-but I only woke up an hour ago.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21780954 all I'm saying is that reddits casuals would have told you to keep it
fucking hell they told someone to keep a neutral natured diancie
>get a naive diancie >sp.def 152 >speed 77 this doesn't seem right...
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>21780992 153 is max -def value
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21780977 I still haven't picked up my shiny Gengar from the girl in the Pokemon centre. I couldn't give a shit about Diancie, event legends suck.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21781034 I didn't even get a shone Gengar code. Sludge Wave isn't worth shit IVs
>>21781141 Can sludge wave be passed by breeding it, or did GF just give out a gengar with one unlearnable move?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21781141 >he doesn't soft reset for a timid 31 speed gengar to make your oponent think you'd be a casual using events and then outsanicing him Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21781183 I don't believe it passes
>>21781186 I'll just breed my own. Besides, if I was going to use M-Geng it'd be in a Premier Ball
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21781208 the duskball has to be part of the ruse though
Moises 1719 3539 8376 (Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Moises 1719 3539 8376 (Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Wed 19 Nov 2014 13:23:18 No. 21781262 Report LF a HA-enabled Friend Safari with Charmeleon, or a Female one with Solar Power in a Luxury Ball. OF pic related, and my safari is also above.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21781219 I feel like bringing Seaking or Qwilfish would ruin the ruse
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Morning wfg. Dead or lurkers?
>>21781925 Still at it? ahah, good luck~
I'm actually taking a break from breeding goomy and am sorting around my boxes but effort. I wanna breed more stuff but cold weather is making me lazy~ >>21781988 Morning~
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>21781992 How are you this morning?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21781992 >not breeding under the covers in a NYC hotel room while cuddled up with a wiffy gee qt [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21781988 there are always people lurking
>>21781925 Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21781988 Morning~
Check my list for anything you might want/need. >>21781992 Hi~
Yes I'm still going strong.
>>21782061 Does Zapdos count as 'edgy'? Look at all of those spikes.
>>21782043 Doing fine, doing fine! You? And btw, you're looking for a helioptile with 4ems? I've got one w/ the only 4 EM it can have so I can rebreed it for you. It's dry skin tho so not sure if you'd like one or not.
>>21782056 I'm a strong, independent guy who don't need no wiffy gee qt
tfw no gf >>21782088 I've never SR for a shone before so I cannot imagine the amount of patience it takes. Still, I admire your conviction~
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>21782061 I suppose that's true. Doesn't make it very lively around here though.
>>21782088 That male Bergmite would be nice.
>>21782130 That's good. I just finished work. The early shift sucks but at least I've got the day to breed egg moves now.
Anything you'd want for the Helioptile?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21782130 I think the legendary Pokemon in X/Y are all shiny locked, which is kind of a good thing for me because I'd probably feel inclined to capture and keep a shiny Zapdos.
>>21782175 I'll get online after I've caught and checked this Zapdos.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21782188 Take your time, I'm in Le Nah.
>>21782175 Yes. I want you to
wait a bit since I'm cleaning up my room before rebreeding it. I'm sure it won't be a problem right?~ And I like the early/night shift better than the others. I stay up all night anyways so I might as well be working.
>>21782188 Oh, I forgot about that. But yeah, SR for IV's is a pain nonetheless.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21782227 Take your time, I'll be here
unless I fall asleep. Yeah, it could be worse. At least it was slow.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21782227 I have my trusty Staraptor to check if the Speed and HP are 30-31. The worst part is when the damn thing won't stay in the ball for 20+ turns despite being at 1HP and asleep, then when I finally do catch it the nature is horrifically bad like Adamant, Quiet, Careful, etc.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21782088 I never understood the 2nd pair of black wings
I'm pretty sure they were meant to be a shadow first and then they just went with it
zapdos isn't edgy it's a majestic bird
nice double digits my friend >>21782188 double double digits and both 8's you are on a roll :^) Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21782385 T-thanks~
I used to think Articuno>Zapdos>Moltres, now I've realised the error of my ways. Moltres is still a shit Anonymous
>>21782227 Yo, how about that Amoonguss? I also have a spare penta Sudowoodo for you, since I went ahead and bred that awful thing.
Quoted By:
. - ~ * M E M E S * ~ - .
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
HP 30 - 31 Atk 3 - 15 Def 30 - 31 Sp.Atk 29 - 29 Sp.Def 25 - 25 Spd 30 - 31 Best stats I've had so far. Not good enough.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21783015 I'd say the generic mortal could keep this if it was hp ice or flying
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21783062 It was HP Dank.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>Piplup has only one good egg move >It's a level up move Well then.
>>21782613 I totally forgot so I'll start working on it right away!
>>21783098 >HP DANK >>21783117 yo! got the helioptile! how you wanna do this?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21783117 U wot m8?
>Icy Wind >Yawn >Agility >Feather Dance >Aqua Ring These are amazing by Gen VI standards, look at Greninja, holy shit.
>>21783146 > Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>21783146 I can put something on the GTS, you can put it on the GTS, or I can add you. Doesn't matter to me.
>>21783117 What are you smoking? Agility is mandatory for the classic SubPetaya Empoleon, Icy Wind is good for Doubles (though you can tutor that once ORAS is out), and Yawn can also be great. FeatherDance's no joke, either.
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549
>>21783168 I laughed out loud.
>>21783177 let's be friends then~ Adding you now, just TR me when you see me online!
Quoted By:
EV training my shiny mudkip
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>21783168 >>21783185 I suppose.
>>21783243 Will do. Do you want something for it or just some derp?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21783243 I love stupid gifs.
>>21783295 If you're breeding egg moves you might as well fill all four slots.
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549
>>21783295 if you got any female fossil leftovers in dream ball barring aero and anorith I'll take one. IV's don't matter. if you don't have any on hand, just a derp will do!
>>21783311 Infomercial gifs are the best.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21783311 All my mons have 4em, some just need to be rebred now that they learn new moves/mothers can pass moves.
>>21783334 No fossils in dream balls, sorry
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Oh boy what a surprise, a wall of text
LF: FT: Snag one, help me out, ect.
>>21772347 I have your stuff
>>21769241 Oh sorry I was out but I still have plenty of Cows
Drinking___________________________________________________ Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Wed 19 Nov 2014 16:41:34 No. 21783418 Report I'm back/ Stupid sleep
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Good afternoon everyone ~
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549
Quoted By:
>>21783466 No worries, just glad to help
>>21783471 Hi!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21782613 Got the Foongus ready for you if you're around!
holy shit, fuck you captcha Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21783599 Thank you friend~
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>accidentally run I fucking know that Zapdos was 31/31/31/31/31/30
>>21783794 30 Speed is non-ideal for HP Ice, though, you'd rather have 31/E/30/31/31/31.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21783809 If I got the spread I mentioned I'd probably keep it though.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21783782 I'm up for multis
>just learned Rock doesn't resist bug When did this happen
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21783909 In the same gen when Bug and Poison were super effective on each other
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21783933 All these wasted years
>Just lost a 30 win streak in maison to a Bright Powder Swampert Cancelled ORAS preorder
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21783948 Unlucky.
I'm starting to think maybe I was a bit hasty catching Mewtwo.
>>21784085 Did legendaries get the "guaranteed 3 perfect IVs" treatment in X/Y as well?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21784085 GF should just do away with IVs.
>>21784120 You should just do away with yourself.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21784269 Nice. Epic. I like it.
I love SMT and DQM and I don't miss IVs in those games. You could argue those games don't focus on the competitive aspect as much as Pokémon but I'm willing to bet that, aside from children, very few people go to VGC tournaments without penta perfects
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21784120 I disagree, but Hidden Power needs to be simplified to the point where you can tell what type it without looking up a guide and having to visit some obscure NPC in their house.
>>21784269 4/10 must try harder.
Rushu [4570-6996-2564]
Quoted By:
>>21781262 If by some miracle you happen to be around, I have like 8 leftover female Charmander in Luxury balls with solar power.
Deadly 4313-1414-7417
Quoted By:
Looking for a cacturne or cacnea, nothing special just filling out pokedex, I have a bunch of tyrogues available to trade
>>21783385 Hey Ben, do you still have those dream ball Miltanks from yesterday?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21784414 Yeah man, just put up a derp
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c Wed 19 Nov 2014 18:06:37 No. 21784462 Report Quoted By:
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21784437 Lure Ball Spinarak
>>21784434 Nice, I deposited a heavy ball miltank for it
Also, do you still want moon ball miltank? I can transfer and send you one
>>21784437 Whismur
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21784437 HP Ice Zapdos :^) Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21784437 Sassy Level ball Onix
>>21784510 Sent~
Yeah man that'd be neat thanks
Quoted By:
>>21784538 Thanks!
I will transfer one, just give me a minute or two to rebreed it