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No.21775401 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>mfw ORAS has no "male" goodra
>mfw every goodra in the anime is fe.m.ale
>mfw ash gets a normal goodra and she is a main character

How does it feel knowing that all Goodra in future games including ORAS are fe.m.ale? Shauna's Goodra was just a fluke and is just a transg.ender one. Notice out of all the 10 Goodra in X and Y it was the only g.ender confused one? Yes, this proves my point even further.

Zinnia's Goodra is also fe.m.ale as you'd expect. Game Freak seems to be realizing their mistake and is patching it up by making all Goodra in future games and the anime f.e.m.ale. Ash is getting a Goodra too and she is fe.m.ale. This does put a smile on my face as it would encourage /vp/ even more to just admit Goodra is fe.m.ale. I've done it and so has everyone else. It seems after spamming so much, it may have payed off. GF now knows that Goodra is indeed of the fe.m.ale g.ender only.

Also, someone from somethingawful this "Earnicked" person is posing as me and taking credit for my works. I'll just let you all know that he's an imposter and probably doesn't even unironically believe that our gooey gooddess should be of the fe.m.ale ge.nder only. I'm not the ORASspammer either. If moderation-san wasn't so keen on deleting my threads as soon as they are posted, I'd be using a trip.