Battle, trade, breed!
Please don't trade hacks or clones, this is not the thread for that.
Please don't post text lists, they are shit.
Please don't tease the euros about ORAS, it's not their fault.
ToTT: How are you finding the game so far? EToTT: How are you coping without it?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
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Anyone got a spare giga drain lotad from ORAS? I've been hunting for an hour now and all I get are leech seed ones.
>>21820382 Yes. The PSS system, Super Training, and Amie are all in ORAS exactly as they appeared in X and Y.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>21820397 How far in is the wonder trade unlock then? Either I am too dumb to figure it out or it must be pretty far in.
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Still looking for a Defiant Farfetch'd or a Farfetch'd Friend safari
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Anyone help me move an egg from Y to OR? 1848-2973-9885
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>>21820018 If you're still around, I slapped a Weedle up for one.
Good luck on that hunt, yo. Anonymous
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>>21820401 You should have gotten it from Wally after he gets Ralts. Refer to this.
The bottom screen is actually really useful in ORAS, probably the best one yet.
Toggle run would have been nice though Anonymous
Do gts and/or wonder trade in ORAS connect with their counterparts in XY?
>>21820496 Did they in DPP and HGSS?
Or BW and B2W2?
Yes. This is how generations work. Anonymous
>>21820514 Except the part where GF arbitrarily doesn't update XY with new pokemon-megas, even though they could do it easily.
>>21820532 Tell me how much you enjoyed using Giratina-O in Diamond, anon.
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>>21820556 Wow, so clever. I bet you're a real intellectual.
Since I'm not as smart as you, I'll just have to guess they could do it like they stopped instacheck by encrypting communications with a patch.
Or they could do it like they did with the Lumiose City save bug, with a patch.
In fact, it seems entirely possible that they could add new Megas to XY, possibly with a fucking patch.
>>21817548 Please help me with this anons I dont know where else to go
>>21817548 I really need help I'll try to help you with anything I can
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Fri 21 Nov 2014 13:06:23 No. 21820616 Report >was supposed to meet up with Ravi at the Nintendo World Store for the midnight launch >couldn't because I have to be in court to represent work to kick out some NEET who didn't pay his rent >tfw I should just resign How is the game? I'm looking forward to it.
>>21820616 It's really fantastic.
But I am a total Hoennfag so take my opinion with a grain of salt
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Hi EToTT:There's too much ORAS, I'm not coping at all, what do I need it.
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Fri 21 Nov 2014 13:12:37 No. 21820675 Report Quoted By:
>>21820648 I'm horny for Johto, but I really loved Gen 3. I'll grab a copy soon. Glad you're enjoying it.
Being in yurop is making me sad ;__; How can I quench my thirst brothers?
>>21820686 Drink your tears.
being yuropoor is suffering ;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21820686 Breed, MM, do something not-pokemon
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
that's a cute image ETotT: it's easy, I killed myself also the cs go fiasco is helping me distract myself
>>21820726 >not mai raifu`ru Still chuckled Mayoi
>>21820727 To lazy to rename files no bully pls Anonymous
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Fri 21 Nov 2014 13:20:21 No. 21820768 Report >>21820726 What happened in our love child? Respond quick, the judge will be here soon~
>>21820614 Can anybody please help me or direct me to somewhere that can please
>>21817548 Mayoi
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21820768 lot's of pros getting VAC banned and other pros who were obviously hacking emptying their inventory in panic
some private code writer leaked information to valve it's the
VACCENNING >>21820753 I came up with so much good shit for names after I used the nametag...
pokémans guise :^)
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg
Maddie Line 1263 - 6417 - 1645 !FsTTxUcRPg Fri 21 Nov 2014 13:44:36 No. 21820974 Report Quoted By:
>>21820812 That's fantastic.
>>21820781 May i have a female Cutebat? Please.
>>21821014 Well you did say please~ put a derp on gts and I'll get you!
I pre-ordered sapphire before knowing exclusives. skrelp is exclusive to ruby. I hate myself. Anonymous
>>21821059 Eevee with sunstone up for Zubat, Thanks Mayoi.
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>>21821091 No, thank you friend~ sent!
>>21821059 I assume chainfishing is in ORAS, i should either get my X back from my friend or buy the game with Staryu in it.
Shiny great ball Starmie is a beauty.
>>21821118 >buy the game with Staryu in it 10 /10 taste
Quoted By:
>Pokémon GS was released 15 years ago Jeez
It would seem i have found something to do until ORAS. I will breed a HP Ice Jolteon and a HP Steel Noivern
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>>21821498 Will gladly take a leftover of either.
Maybe you'll have some pentaperfects for trade? Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Hi wfg~ The ride never ends.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21821748 ride the ride
NEVER GIVE UP! r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21821748 Gib to me when done thanks.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21821834 I have one week to complete my quest.
>>21821932 Sent :^)
Howdy stranger ~ r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21821972 Hey bby hoe are you.
Anyone have a moeletta they could part with? Looking to send it to ORAS but I'll receive it in Y I have some old 4/5IV stuff i bred ages ago like ralts, togepi, misdreavus, feebas and such or if you want a legendary I could trade yveltal, mewtwo, xerneas, moltres or i could go catch the Z thing since I never did that
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Is it true ORAS has no gym leader rematches?
>>21822344 >i have 4 IV stuff for an event legendary Get out.
>>21822379 Something useful is worth more than a box trophy
Quoted By:
>>21822393 >4 IV >useful Anyone can easily breed a 4, 5 IV pokemon. Meloetta won't be legitimately obtainable again for years most likely. Fuck off.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21821993 I'm good, trying to avoid coming here because of spoilers but I just can't stay away~
How's ORAS? ;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21821498 >HP Steel Noivern literally pointless
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21822465 >Not being american mustard cheeseburger race Casual.
So fucking fun.
You're missing on so much.
Honestly it's alright. I mean it's kind of hard to go into a remake after you've completed the live dex for breeding etc. So I decided to do a ME run. A lot of the new features with the PokeNav are neat, I've only beaten the second gym so I can't say a whole lot. It's just hard to fully immerse myself in it since I have no desire to catch any pokemon so I dont' get to use said new features very much. Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Good morning everyone. Hope you're all enjoying your OR/AS while I still play Y for the first time. I hope I get money for my own copy on december at least.Though no Mega Ludicolo is a giant buzzkill
>>21820779 Can any kind anon here please help me with this request?
>>21817548 Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822499 If I marry you I could get a visa and become an American citizen~
I still have high hopes for ORAS, Gen 3 was one of my favourite gens, with all of the new features of Gen 6 added I can't see why sixth gen wouldn't become my #1 gen r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21822521 Long time no see.
>Y You did good. :3
>>21822545 But you still wouldn't be playing today. ~
Or while travelling.
Or during the wedding.
By the end of it all it would already be released there.
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21822558 Waifu gifted it to me when I went visit her, along with a stuffed bunny.
How've you been? It's been a while, so let me go and add your FC. ~
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822558 And that's why we should have planned this sooner~
I get what you mean about the Livedex thing, until there's a new 'cut-off' generation I don't think I'll be that hyped to catch them all again. r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21822573 Added. I've been good. Completed my breeding dex in XY so my ORAS time will be dedicated to EV training, SRing legendaries, and
Breeding HA Skrelp ~ >>21822579 Darn ;;
Yeah and with POkebank its going to be a breeze now Anonymous
>>21822542 I'll bump this once more and ask again does any kind anon here have a HA Shelmet I can trade please and thank you
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822613 Can new HA mons be traded to X and Y?
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can you trade directly from y version to omega ruby or is it only possible to trade via pokebank?
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How soon can you use Bank with ORAS?
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>21822631 I don't see why not I mean I've been trading anyway.
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Quoted By:
>>21822613 Right now I'm literally only catching things and sending them over in Wonder Trade, just to
Receive 4-5 IV 'mons and send them away once more to maybe someone who needs it more Also, I'm using mons that people gave me, one from Gene, one from Mayoi, one from Tewi and two from another friend back in my hometown. Since I'm goint to reset after I finish the game and try different 'mons along those playthroughs before I settle for full breeding game, I'll maybe even to another /vp/ run like I did in BW2, I still have that file.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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Welp, another trash HP Ice Zapdos 31/23/12/31/31/31
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>21822631 ORAS is okay. TRU gave me both plushes. They're pretty cool for being free
>>21822621 Any kind anon here have a HA Shelmet I can trade please help me
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822714 That's pretty damn lucky~
I went to GAME today to pick up a Diancie code and the guy asked me if I'd preordered ORAS yet.
I told him I'm not preordering here because there's no way to get all of the preorder bonuses, and that Nintendo store UK was giving them away as a full package for the same price as their steelbook edition.
He gave me a look as if to say 'I wouldn't preorder from here either'. Anonymous
>>21822728 are you going to at least try to make it seem appealing for someone to go out of their way to help you, or are you just going to beg for another day?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Welcome, nerds.Shiny Beautifly is pretty cool
>>21822774 I dont know what to say anon, I can try my best to help any anon who needs help with something that I have or they want
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21822728 Quit begging.
>>21822765 I'm sure you'll get the HP Ice Zapdos you want before ORAS. Hopefully we can do some multis later
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21822789 Hello there, Nappa ~
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21822818 Nice to see you back.
You going to be more regular now? Or again, as it would be?
>>21822810 I don't know what to say to you, maybe try and cobble up a list of what you have and offer it as collateral might be nice, instead of bumping GIB SHELMET PLS over and over
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822815 W-what happened to Gene?
>>21822818 >Remiel is back based
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21822827 I should be around a bit more, though I don't know how much I can aport since, as for now, I'm only beginning to play through Y, haven't even reached the 2nd gym because I've been having too much fun with Wonder Trade. Gimme back your friend code, Nappa ~
>>21822862 I saw him yesterday around.
>>21822863 Now all we need is St. Remi back ;-;
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>Name rater on BuzzNav on hair >Go to his house >He's bald. TOUPE CONFIRMED
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
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>>21822874 I meant that he had changed his name from 'Trainer Gene' to 'Zappa', unless that was someone impersonating him. He posted like 5 mins ago, kek.
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>>21822521 Y isn't as bad as some say it is. Play the main story, enjoy the tiny post-game, breed pentaperfects like everyone else.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
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>>21822862 It was never a KISS reference. It was an Outlaw Star reference. I change my name with every game.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21822874 I need to look it up, gimme a sec~
Not like you can't trade with us, and you aren't being forced into a contest right now. Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
So, besides the Chateau that I can't go back to until I get fly (Or a way around back to it), what's another good way to farm money?
>>21822981 Don't worry, I'll eventually get to breeding and MMing
with balltism and all Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21822987 Cafes in Lumiose
Also, to all my fellow ORAS players, don't forget about O-Powers
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21822999 Nice trips.
Is it fair to say that Amie is going to be in every game from now on? How else would we get Sylveon?
It kind of annoys me because Pokemon-amie is blatantly a reference to the French 'Mon Amie' , but the justification for removing trainer customisation in ORAS was that they wanted to keep the fashion stuff within Kalos because of its French origins/inspiration.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823044 Honestly, I could not care less about Trainer customization. I've never touched Amie and they better not force me to fo fucking contests
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21822987 pls gib shone Spindas, all patterns
Not sure if you ever heard, but my first shone in X was a Spinda Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>Bikes come in color >Only green and yellow You mean there is no blue, or red, heck even purple?
>>21823074 Ah, you and your spotted pandas. I'll MM one with
6 0s in al IVs for you.
>>21822833 Heres a list:
>Moon Ball Male Timid Houndoom 4 Egg Moves>Dive Ball Male Marill 3 Egg Moves >Quick Ball Female Clauncher 2 Egg Moves >Jap Female Aron 3 Egg Moves >Italian Female Dratini 1 Egg Move >5IV Male Duskull missing Attack Would anons here feel like any of that is worth it or should I continue to look for more?
Also I would trade any anon who offered me the shelmet something they found equal value I just didnt know what to say I'd offer sorry if it came across like I was begging
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823072 I can take it or leave it, but it was a nice feature and it was something new/unique to the Pokemon games. I think they touched upon it briefly in Battle Revolution, but it's something that most of us have wanted from the very beginning.
Kind of like walking with Pokemon in HG/SS. Not a huge part of the game but it's one of the little things that make them great.
dat Bell Tower trail r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21823099 Don't forget to teach it superpower! :D
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823125 The best thing about ORAS so far is that it lists a person's friend code in the PSS
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Quoted By:
>>21823129 >Superpower 0 everything Spinda Well, there's my first proyect. I'm still sad I never finished shone Sewaifu for Amoeba.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823134 Any instances that might come in handy?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823156 No more clarifying what someone's in game name is.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823182 Oh, that is useful then.
We wouldn't need it if people would just use their own name for their player and Mii :^) Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
I'll be going for now. You all better spam me with O-Powers, or else. Have a nice day, and enjoy your ORAS ~
Quoted By:
>>21822728 Bumping again I made a small list here
>>21823092 if that helps
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>playing the ORAS demo constantly with like 100ish clears over many days >Still have not gotten the Special Adventure, ony Nugget guy Kill me
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823309 I wasn't aware that the XY PSS is linked to the ORAS PSS. I got challenged to a battle and I assumed it was going to be a starter and some early route shitmon. Turned out to be 6 lvl 100 box legendaries
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>>21823524 Are you Nappa on Z version?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823524 Does that mean I could still multi with you ORAS players as long as none of you bring new megas?
Pls be real~ Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Fri 21 Nov 2014 17:55:37 No. 21823603 Report >>21823503 Why do you want it? youtube exists, a nugget isn't worth it.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21823572 Apparently. A little message pops up explaining any items or moves exclusive to ORAS won't be allowed
>>21823603 Why do you get to decide what is and isn't worth it?
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
Well looks like I'll be making a return. Was trying to start a Cleffa breeding project the other day for a friend of mine before ORAS came out but I've been too slow! Haha. EToTT: The hours can't pass by quickly enough. I need something to get me excited again on the series.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Fri 21 Nov 2014 17:58:24 No. 21823637 Report Quoted By:
>>21823619 You're right, a nugget is very valuable.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>21823603 I got the Nugget one. I have not gotten the Rematch with the enemy team one that is triggered by "Let's go somewhere secret!" after completion. I've gone through the demo at least 70 times by now.
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
>>21823642 Hiya!
jvk said I was missed. I apologize for like... being wiped off the face of the planet.
College took priority.
Did you get the game yet or are you in my boat too with not having it yet?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21823652 College is important, should come first.
I got it at midnight local time, even found a shiny already.
I highly recommend.
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
>>21823667 At least my senior capstone got to be me analyzing Le Guin's Earthsea series and spouting off about dragons the entire time. Should be interesting presenting that to the department considering I've gotten rebuked for considering such literature important at times.
AHHH no lucky
4 more hours on my end... I really can't wait to start with Treecko!
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21823691 That sounds pretty fun.
A lot of people seem to be choosing Treeko, from those I ask. I went Mudkip myself.
You can make it! you're almost there! Anonymous
>>21823667 >even found a shiny already. Did they make shinies even more casual?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
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>>21823720 No, I got lucky.
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
>>21823719 Indeed, should be fun.
You see I used Torchic on my original run but I've been burned out with Blaziken as of late.
Mudkip was a close second choice though.
I'm just upset about
Flygon having no mega... Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21823746 I hear many are.
I wish Spinda got anything new out of this, personally.
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
>>21823783 Me too. I have a Shiny one back from my old Sapphire copy that would've enjoyed a mega or something.
I just find one bit odd that Beedrill got a mega... and Butterfree didn't. It's like, lopsided.
>>21823823 Have you looked at megas?
Super lopsided.
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
Quoted By:
>>21823845 Yeah, that one just struck me in particular.
Just doesn't feel right!
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21823823 They did the same thing to Mawile in X/Y.
I'm sure it'll get one soon enough.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823823 Blame Gamefreak for being retarded.
Gardevoir shouldn't have got a mega until ORAS, alongside Gallade.
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin)
Brent 4570 6724 4866 (pansage, sewaddle, quilladin) Fri 21 Nov 2014 18:13:15 No. 21823866 Report >>21823823 Yeah, I'm surprised no mega butterfree. Not so much because of beedrill, but because Vivillon completely outclasses butterfree in every way imaginable. I guess butterfree is a hair bulkier.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823823 They're waiting for the Gen 1 remakes. Look at how Mawile got a mega in XY but Sableye didn't get one until ORAS
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
>>21823856 Good point. I hope so.
>>21823857 I agree with you on that.
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21823868 Good think I came back to double check a couple things.
Nice to see you again, Therru ~
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Hi wfg Who's where in ORAS? I just got to the Rustboro gym.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>21823901 Fighting Wattson Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>21823901 I'm at trick room goy
Therru !7d00DAs8uU
Quoted By:
>>21823866 I suppose so!
>>21823867 Hmmm
[spoilers]I'm hoping the remake on Johto will be amazing personally[/spoilers]
>>21823892 Hi there!
I'm not dead yet. Just busy. Nice to see you too!
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21823917 >>21823922 I've got some catching up to do
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823901 I just beat Roxanne.
Quoted By:
When in game does online become available?
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>21823963 I just beat her too.
Forgot Geodude could have Sturdy.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21823983 Sturdy didn't act like a free Focus Sash in Gen 3.
God damn I can't wait to explore Hoenn again. Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21824017 That and I thought it only had Rock Head.
One more week! Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21823983 I just would Quick Attack and then Mega Drain seeing as how Sandshrew wouldn't listen to me
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>21824056 Did the same thing, just with Absorb
Quoted By:
Is dex nav the only way we know of right now to get pokemon with hidden abilities in ORAS? And if so, is there a lot of pokemon that can be obtained that way? Friend safari was nice, but I'm curious if all of the hidden abilities I missed out on in gen 5 and not in friend safari, will be here.
Camille 0533 6084 9029
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Can anyone trade me a buneary? All I have to offer is charizardite Y for it, but you'd be helping me out.
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Any fun pokemon skype groups thats not always calls?
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
Are we back to Magikarp only for the Old Rod?
>16:50: Regigigas requires you to take all three Regis to Island Cave in Route 105 in the day, with Regice nicknamed and holding the Castelia Cone, Never-melt Ice or Snowball This is Mew Truck tier.
can anyone trade me a seedot? i have as
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21824442 if you use cut on the truck that brings you into your new house you get mew too.
>>21824545 most people have an ass
nothing special about that
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
Is everyone ready for Smogon?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>21824612 fuck really?
>>21824618 oras is the end of vgc fun times and brings back the vgc no fun times
smogon will just ban all new megas..
>Router is acting up and won't let my 3ds connect for more than a minute >Its in the wall so I can't powercycle it Oh I didn't want to do anything anyway
>>21824782 power cycle it with the breakers.
>>21824854 I'm not even sure which one its on
It's in the utility room, but that switch doesn't shut it down which makes me think it's got its own battery as well
>>21824782 >Have enough E-Shop cards from Christmas that I can buy AS for like $10. >Takes up so much memory I might not have space even if I deleted everything off my card and that means I would need to buy a new one anyway so Id need to leave the house. Its not fair...
>>21824947 Have you tried asking your parents for the password to the router?
>>21825040 I live on my own, thanks, so I have the password
Doesn't mean I can turn it off from my PC, or I would have done it already
>And i'm still here SR for a decent ID number.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
Quoted By:
>>21824775 Smogon will ban everything.
Quoted By:
So, do people already have HA Skrelp here?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>21825094 >Decent ID number What is this autism
>>21825123 I'm not like you, casual scrub.
Is it possible to trade a Pokemon from Y to OR before the first gym?
Has anyone cloned Diance from the event? My Gamestop was out of stock every day.
Quoted By:
>>21825063 Having access to the router means you can't reboot it.
Got it.
>>21825145 They maybe lied to you, because you look like a homeless
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>21825150 I think I look nice Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21825094 How can you determine the quality if an I'd number
>>21825168 let us be the judge of that
Quoted By:
>>21825201 I just want my 1s and 0s
>>21825201 He's probably a casual with shit colored eyes.
Quoted By:
>contests are local only Fuck this game
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21825235 >having eyes that aren't blue or green Might as well blind yourself to hide your shame
Quoted By:
>>21825278 >There's people here with Black and other shit colored eyes. Eww
I'll ask again since it's so difficult to find one. Does anyone have a Defiant Farfetch'd? It's a Hidden Ability. Alternatively it would be great if anyone has a Farfetch'd Safari so I could catch one there.
>>21825349 >Farfetch'd Safari You're one year late.
Quoted By:
How the fuck do you delete a save file?
Quoted By:
>>21825357 It's just a last resort, if no one has one, I might be able to catch one in a Safari
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Finally finished a breeding project. Got a few plans for the next ones but I'm looking to shortcut some breeding chains. Does anyone have: Pain Split Duskull family Switcheroo Klefki
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Does anyone have a HA Pachirisu he can spare? I'd really like one. Don't really have anything special to offer though besides commons
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>>21824987 Just keep being a NEET, or kill yourself
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
Most people here are playing through ORAS. The ones that aren't are doing their own thing. This should be obvious if you read the thread.
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>>21825063 log in, tell it to reset.
or just don't, and whine that you're both incompetent and useless
anyone willing to part with a wish/hyper voice eevee? name your price, just want a wish eevee
Does anyone have a Phanpy they'd like to trade? A good nature would be nice, but it doesn't matter. I would like to use one in-game for Omega Ruby but I don't have any to trade over.
pls /vp/ i can give any 6iv starter or legendary in return for the wish eevee, hyper voice would be a real treat
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21826218 But that place is hacks and clones and ruses
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 (Marowak, Wooper, Bunnelby) !3Gd1JhmKaA
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 (Marowak, Wooper, Bunnelby) !3Gd1JhmKaA Fri 21 Nov 2014 21:51:09 No. 21826766 Report Quoted By:
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21826799 Good afternoon to you too :3c
Quoted By:
>>21820686 You got 2 options, succum and get the game today via changing your region to austrailer then getting a downloaded copy or do what im doing and fill up your bank with the complete dex
>>21826799 >>21826814 Good evening to you both
>>21826915 And I mistyped my trip. Trying gain
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21827153 That makes more sense :3
Hy0u 4785 - 6231 - 9732
Anyone have a Rotom to show me for a second? I'm trying to complete my Kalos Dex as fast as I can and forgot to catch it last Tuesday :( I'll trade it back, just need it registered
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c Fri 21 Nov 2014 22:58:40 No. 21827661 Report >>21820367 Evening /wfg/
>>21820379 EToTT:
IRL stuff keeps the craving at bay. ;_; I haven't even decided on which version I'll get yet. OR has Groudon and better boxart AS has the Drizzle theme, Lugia, Dialga and Zekrom. Leaning towards OR. >Trades LF Numel, Drilbur and Scraggy in particular.
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c Fri 21 Nov 2014 23:01:06 No. 21827686 Report Quoted By:
>>21827661 >not getting both Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21827661 OR has HA Skrelp.
>>21827691 > getting either Anonymous
>>21827721 Fuck you're an unlikable cunt
McSmurray 2294-6128-5066
I've been trying for a while to get a chansey with a certain move pool, but it seems to be impossible to accomplish in just pokemon X. I want a Bold Chansey with Natural Cure - soft-boiled -heal bell - stealth rock - seismic toss I ask the following: 1. Is it possible to create such a thing in just pokemon X? I have a chansey, just cant figure out how to give it the moves. 2. Does anyone have such a beast? Would someone be willing to make one for me and trade it? I don't know what I could trade you with, but it would be amazing. New to the board so not sure if I'm breaking any rules. Sorry if I am.
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c
IGN: Exbo, FC: 2208 - 4885 - 3082 !BURNbb2n2c Fri 21 Nov 2014 23:07:27 No. 21827771 Report >>21827691 Even if I did, I'd barely have time do a total of 3-4 playthroughs until the next game comes out. So, get both to play each 2 times tops?
Nope. Please understand.
Quoted By:
>>21827771 Makes sense. I just buy both because I'm a Nintendo sheep. I think I only ever finished 3 playthroughs in XY
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>>21827741 Funny story, European Release Day marks the One Year Anniversary of that unfunny joke.
I think not.
Quoted By:
>>21827764 softboiled is a level up move, heal bell can be bred onto chansey by breeding with a skitty with HB, Stealth Rock is a tutor move, wait for ORAs and Seismic Toss can be bred on through Mawile iirc
1160-9889-3016 Tino
Is there someone can help me transfer some eggs from X to AS please?
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I can't seem to get any bites over aat the friend safari thread for a brelooom safari, can anyone trade me literally any poison heal shroomish? I just want it for catching pokemon. I don't really have anything to trade at all except a couple japanese wondertraded pokemon if you want to MM or something. Or if you want an X exclusive, I can catch you one.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21827176 I'm wondering if I gave you the right egg.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>All these shenanigans for SRing latias. Well at least it's 4iv confirmed.
Timid for Latias. Or does mega do somethign mixed cuz of that 100 attack.
>>21829103 What did you send?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21829297 The cubchoo? ~ it's doin real good
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
>>21829257 4 iv confirmed?!
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21828777 Just use Pokébank
I'm taking a quick break from ORAS if any ORAS-less regulars want to multi.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>21829337 I'm game.
It'll be nice to get out of this cave.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21829334 The last 3 resets I've had all had 4 31s (or I lucked out and got a 30) but it takes so godamn long
Quoted By:
>>21829337 >playing with euro plebs Not even once
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21829337 Uhh actually I probably won't be able to join unless we get some people together within the next five minutes or so. I'm going bed in half an hour.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21829334 Nope I'm just a lucky faggot pls disregard last one I had was only 3iv
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Has there been any reports of bike sim places? I know nothing will ever be as good as Luminese but I need my comfy breeding
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21829675 Are you saying that loooooong stretch between Verdanturf and Route 18 has been removed?
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Anyone have an unburden Hawlucha? Can trade whatever item you may want.
>>21829742 Not removed, but there are transitions between areas now and Mauville is a fucking mess
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21829742 not removed, but not as good
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21829759 >transitions How bad? Like walking through doors in Resident Evil 1 bad?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21829764 Please tell me they haven't put any 'worse than Hitler' bushes with street lamps on that route.
Quoted By:
>>21829776 Like when you transition from one place to another in Pokemon games.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21829792 I hatch eggs solely on Route 7 in X/Y. I think I'm going to keep hatching shit in X/Y judging by what I've seen in ORAS.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>21829868 Me too, flying to Lumiose was never worth the effort for me.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>3 minutes and 53 seconds between each SR Fuck It's like Nintendo knows we SR. They start with the fucking Diancie bullshit and now this?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>Mega Steelix's battle animation Oh god my dick. I need to breed those Premier Ball ones I have on my Y cart.
Ash Ketchup !wWd3Hzobbs
Quoted By:
>>21829885 Literally all I do is mm so hoarding boxes is much more efficient. But when I juat need to breed something quickly, I don't even bother.
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
I'm really missing the old exp share. I love the new one for post game EV training and Pokédex grinding, but sometimes I just want to catch up one Pokemon without having to switch in and out all the time
>>21829868 I'm using Y as my breeding game so I can have an ebin low number of hatched eggs in AS.
>>21830025 But new egg moves!
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>21830038 I didn't think there were new egg moves.
>>21829972 Fuck off, nobody likes you anymore.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21830076 It's just shitty flavor egg moves, nothing useful. Literally none of the Gen 6 Pokémon got anything usable. >>21830105 Literally who.
>>21830076 What about increased performance so the game doesn't shit itself if you actually try to turn on 3-Dee and WiFi capable Battle Frontier?
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>21830116 Flavour egg moves are my favourite ones!
>>21830134 Zess I use a 2DS
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21830177 >2DS >having flavor egg move autism I am so sorry for your loss.
Xyvre !!PJy+tUKKmlv
>>21830230 Been busy recently, and couldn't pick up ORAS today. Is Torchic catchable in any ball aside from a pokeball? Literally the only thing I need to know.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21830320 Still starter (PokéBall) / event Pokémon (in Cherish) as far as I know.
>>21830344 So what exactly is the reason to get the game?
Hi nerd. Xyvre !!PJy+tUKKmlv
>>21830344 I'm with
>>21830363 on this one. Seems kinda pointless.
I might then wait until next week to pick it up then Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21830363 For move tutor Pokémon with balltism of course.
>Timer Ball Bisharp can now learn Low Kick and Knock Off >Moon Ball Weavile can now learn Low Kick and Knock Off >muh shiny Chesnaught can finally learn Drain Punch :'^)
IRC is a meme at this point. >>21830386 If you wait, there might be some more information on your Torchic question.
You can get all the non Kanto/Kalos starters apparently. Angry Human Being 4167-5579-1461
Anyone got a spare Latiosite? Won't be getting ORAS for a couple of weeks so I'll be really grateful if I could have one for my Y version.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21830415 >shiny Chesnaught Feels good, man.
>>21830464 Kek
Xyvre !!PJy+tUKKmlv
Quoted By:
>>21830415 Would be interested, because
I've been wanting a shiny Blaziken in a premier ball for awhile now Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21830415 So it' basically bringing the Knock Off Experience to every single cart battle near me for free AND featuring WiFi Frontier?
I'm almost sold.
And I didn't had to put in any effort at all. Angry Human Being 4167-5579-1461
Quoted By:
>>21830493 Havin a giggle m8?
James 2105-9140-9203
Anyone mind taking my charmander up on gts for a larvesta?
anyone with ORAS want to teach my lucario ice punch will give goods
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21830622 The game just came out.
>>21830610 Put it up
James 2105-9140-9203
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21830706 I'm not seeing a Charmander for a Larvesta
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>5 Serious natures in a row
James 2105-9140-9203
>>21830757 Hmm, its set up, let me refresh it
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
I hate marshtomp's dumb face. Boxed forever
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Quoted By:
Those Link amiibos are disappearing quick.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21830810 Sorry man, I'm not seeing it
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
Can Shiftry get Sucker Punch in ORAS?
Quoted By:
Jolly Beldum first try. Feels nice.
Quoted By:
This DexNav feature is pretty addictive, I'm really enjoying it!
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21830984 Hey man. How far in are you? I'm taking a break to MM some more Tepig
James 2105-9140-9203
Quoted By:
>>21830970 Ah oh well, thanks for trying
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831028 About 220 eggs but took a break for the AS run
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Wow I wish I could keep playing and wasn't forced into this Latias bullshit. Yes I mad.
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21831083 what the fuck is that thing in that gif?
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>21831094 Someone needs to check their privlege
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21831110 I did, and it didn't answer my question
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21831056 I have three penta perfect female Tepigs. No hexas yet
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21831143 It's a sentence.
>sen·tence >ˈsen(t)əns/ >noun >1. a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831160 I've got a box of perfect cows, one hex. Took a break from it all to get drunk and remember where the fuck I get rock smash.
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>>21820367 can anyone trade me a shroomish? i can give a wobuffet or flabebe i got from wonder trade
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21831179 Doesn't Wally's dad give it to you?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831221 I don't tink so mon, post 3rd badge.
on badge 2 atm due to getting the game late Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21831255 Did you get both plushes too?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831270 Nah the cunt nugget that I dealt with told me ChariY was the ones left.
Though I waltzed into GameStop and snagged 20 posters, fuck preordering when you have "friends." Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>21831320 They forgot to give me my posters.
>>21831255 I have only had it for two hours, one of which was spent SRing for Treecko's nature. Cheers to oras~
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831358 Well get mad at them
I might be tempted to bs my way into getting a ChariX plush too >>21831361 Cheers bruv~
>>21831380 It's cool man, I'm just happy I didn't need to wait like I thought I would.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21831394 The girl that git me the games and plush is the one that took my preorder. Being tall, handsome and fit doesn't hurt either :^)
>>21831320 >tfw the lady at gf gave me the oras poster and some shitty burger king smash belt Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21831431 The one I got stuck with was a smug cunt that felt doing her job was a problem and the fact I ordered a fucking pony box before hand was some criminal offense.
So 1/10 TRU Norwalk, CT >>21831432 I got the same Shiggy diggy when I went to GS, fucking steamed I need to wait for Mewtwo.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21831501 We should meet up in NYC and hang out
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ