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ITT: Intelligent people who aren't putting up with it.

No.21821952 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've written to GF:
>They revealed everything
>Took out best feature (if not "best" to some, it's incredibly popular regardless, the recent Q&A proves it)
>Exploiting older fans by teasing
>Not the only time
>Charging money for it
Written in the most articulate way possible. It'll probably go viral and I'll be cyber bullied for being such a loser but I literally don't care.

It's not just about GF, it's the video games industry.
It's not even just about the industry, it's about consumerism in general. These protests are happening globally as we speak. It's blatant laziness, and they expect money for it.

If you love the franchise so much, you won't buy this game.