>>21826475I was talking about the sheer playtime they gave you compared to the shit we have today but okay. You really ask what the fucking difference is? The difference is that the maison gives you nothing but brainless standard fights against dumb bots. Oh but wait! I almost forgot! Tons of fun and joy await you once you beat the single battle mode, because now you can do the same thing with double and triple battles! How fucking exciting, it's not a fresh concept, no, but hey it never gets old!
HGSS at least tried to give us something better than that but somehow they decided to go a step back rather than a step forward with X and Y. What ever the fuck the reason was for that shit to happen. Now we get a chance with the remakes to go back to those glorious times and they fuck it up once again. All hail John gamefreak, they managed to fuck up the potentialy best game in the entire franchise.