>>21834413This, basically.
A big issue is that, despite the fundamental benefits of a wiki system, they shoot themselves in the foot by running it dictatorially. If you disagree with the big name moderators and editors about anything, like, say, translations of the Japanese terms, they'll revert to their own versions. They've gotten quite far up their own ass, and it's a fool's errand to try and actually add to the wiki like, you know, a wiki is supposed to work.
They also pull shit where they shut down all public editing so they can fill the wiki by themselves, again defeating the purpose of being a wiki. Of course, release day would have people flooding in to edit the wiki, probably causing cause and server over burdening, so I can somewhat understand the intent, but there's better answers than "only our staff can edit." Maybe a sort of public beta set of pages, where a bunch of edits can be made without destroying the main pages until things cool down.
In the last year or two, they've fallen way behind on information. Which is really not good if you want to compete with Serebii, who is basically the Pokemon info and news god. I'm pretty sure they STILL don't have diancie information. The lack of 3D models being added to GEN VI images also makes it even more apparent, in retrospect, that they stole a lot of information and images from other places. "Stole" is perhaps too strong a word, as it's just info about what's in the game or images from the game, but it means none of the editors are actually capable of doing their own research, so when push came to shove with the recent versions and there was a long period where no datamining was possible, Bulbapedia was suspiciously devoid of information and images it would have been impossible to hide the origins of. So Bulbapedia also, despite it's pretensions, also simply isn't capable keeping up with other sites on its managers' own skills.