>>21881112Swampert @Swampertite
Jolly/Adamant 252 Att 252 Speed
-Low Kick (Superpower optional)*
*Low Kick hits 100 base power against Ferrothorn, Superpower has 120 but lowers Attack/Defense so isn't preferable despite stronger initial hit.
M-Swampert's biggest issue is that it can be easily walled by opposing bulky Waters like Rotom-Wash, Alomomola, and M/Slowbro. Toxic in the last slot means you cripple their incoming switch in, which allows them to be softened up later when Swampert or another Swift Swimmer comes in, and is your only option for Swampert to get past its counters.
Some may be tempted to run Power Up Punch, but Swampert is built so that it'll either sweep an unprepared team after its been softened up, or it'll come to a hard stop, against which Power Up Punch's boosts does jack.
This assumes you have Rain support from Damp Rock Drizzletoad and/or another teammate.