>>21886339>Wouldn't ORAS technically count as the second time you encounter Deoxys?Yep. None of the legends here are appearing for the first time, so them being shiny would fit with my "theory." Of course, Deoxys has never been capturable without an event before either, and we don't actually KNOW for certain that the weather Trio are or are not shiny locked yet. We'll see over the next few days, I'm sure. There's got to be shit tons of autists SR for these guys already, not to mention the dataminers, so we should have an answer either way soon.
>On top of that, how else can GameFreak bring Deoxys into the other games?There's plenty of ways. For example, look at how they did it for HGSS, Platinum, BW2, etc. Tower for the Weather Trio in HGSS, Roaming Birds (and event Regigigas exclusive Regis) in Platinum, the Lati@s just show up in BW2, and so on. Especially if it's a new region, they can literally just put a cave or a path somewhere and have some generic NPC say "oh hey, a foreign pokemon stopped here for a snack or something." Of course, I'd hope for something more substantial, but there you go. Maybe they'll work old legendaries into the lore of new regions? It would be a way to help with the next issue below.
The real test will be in a Generation or two. XY had only three new main, in-game, legends and three more events that look to be spread between XY, ORAS, and whatever comes next in Gen VI, so it seems like they're trying to cut back on them already. Same with the actual number of new mons overall. We've got rumblings from interviews on some how simplifying the built up complications of pokemon, though I think people tend to read too deeply into that statement.
Damn, ORAS is barely out, I haven't even finished it, and I'm already looking forward to what the next big game announcement is. Guess we'll see in a few months.