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Mega Sceptile

No.21883177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright so for my OR playthrough I decided I wanted to try what I always do and utilise an offensive mons less common stat. I usually do stuff like special Lucario (inb4 special MLuke, ive been running NP since BW2) and physical Greninja so now I wanted to try a mixed MSceptile

I was thinking something along the lines of

Naive nature
-Swords Dance
-Dual Chop/Outrage
-Leaf Storm

I figured 110 attack is usable for a mixed set since it gets SD, but Im having trouble deciding on the EVs. 252 Spe is a given, but what about the attack EVs? I figured since Leaf Storm is its only special attack, and its coming off 145 SpA, and it ca get a Lightningrod boost, AND it gets STAB, I dont need to invest too many points into SpA. On the other hand it "only" as 110 attack, but it can boost it quickly. I guess something like just as many EVs needed to OHKO specially defensive Rotom-W would work in SpA and the rest dumped into attack.

Thoughts? Other sets you guys like to use? Sceptile/uncommon sets thread.