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No.21919858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After the horrible turds that were the gen 6 games, Masuda is committing sudoku, /vp/. He knows he let his fanbase down and doesn't want to ruin gen 7 too, so he is entrusting Pokemon into your capable hands. What changes would you make to improve the franchise?

Here's what I'd do:
>Fucking difficulty settings at the start of the game goddamnit
If someone wants to play on baby tier easy mode, that's fine, but if someone is looking for a challenge then that option should be available. Hard Mode was in BW2, it should be in all games going forward. And don't just raise pokemon levels and increase AI, give opponents more and better pokemon to fight. I'm sick of fighting gym leaders with three unevolved underleveled shitmons.
>Way less handholding. Not a completely linear region. More exploration.
Self explanatory.
>8 pokemon per party, 6 moves per pokemon.
There are so many good Pokemon with so many good moves it sucks limiting yourself to so few pokemon with so few moves. Especially when you sometimes have to dedicate 3 of your pokemon's moveslots to HMs like with my Sharpedo in AlphaSapphire. More options = more fun. Before anyone complains about "b-but muh metagame" you smogonfags can always ban it back down to 6 and 4 and continue living in the stone age.
>No more adding cool features and removing them.
If something is added and the fans like it, then it fucking stays in or it gets replaced with something better.
>Mega evolutions are treated as forme changes.
You like your Camerupt mega-evolved? You can mega-evolve it from the pokemon menu and it will stay that way inside and outside of battle. You can also mega-evolve or de-volve it in battle as you see fit. Still, only one mon can be mega at a time and if your mon faints while mega you can't mega-evolve something else.