Always read the guide newfriends!
Wanna make a trade?
Wanna rustle up a battle?
Wanna bitch about breeding?
Wanna give or receive mystery eggs?
Wanna start an argument over your incompetent competitive teams?
Here at WiFi-General, we do all of that and more!
--------------------Misc Info--------------------
Everything you need to design a trade sheet, make a mystery egg run report, or learn how to IV breed/EV train can be found here:
> But OP, how do I know who has what for trade?
>If there is not a link in the email field, the person probably has their trade sheet posted somewhere in the thread. But OP, what is a Mystery Egg run?
>Add people on your 3DS as soon as you can, get some eggs and play through the game with them! But OP, the wi-fi is derping!
>It's either Nintendo's fault or you live with Lima. But OP, where do I check IV's?
>Use the IV Checker in Kiloude City and an online IV checker. But OP, I'm a newfag, what do?
>Always include 3DS code and what you can offer in your post! But OP, 4chan's down, what do?
>Make a blog to bitch about my copypasta Go elsewhere for your friend safari, cloning, hacking and general miscreant behaviour
Old Thread:
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
Don't have any Shellos, sorry Anise.
timmy !GTSHonch.6
ToTT: what was the first gen you played/bred competitive pokemon?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>The Great Wall of Text At least it isn't a Ben or Zayne thread.
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
>>21950265 It's cool. Thanks for looking/tolerating my begging!
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
Quoted By:
>>21950269 Gen IV.
>>21950252 Nigga I am the other guy. But thanks, this Scyther is absolutely perfect.
Quoted By:
how many of you ended up buying poke bank?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950250 9/10 OP but we need an image that tells people looking for handouts or friend safaris to fuck off
>>21950280 Sudo got sniped. Try a junkmon please.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
What should I dexnav next? I'm considering audino, muna or some form of tank for my team I have a ferrothorn
timmy !GTSHonch.6
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>21950303 It's in the OP not to look for Safaris.
And looking for handouts isn't a bad thing.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Free Stuff*: >>21950303 >not telling the people looking for handouts and safaris to fuck off yourself Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
Okay, this trading thing seems to be broken. I have a Frillish up on the GTS looking for Shellos. Sorry for the inconvenience!
>>21950312 >that pic N-now I feel bad for having a pickup linoone around with me.
But yeah, put up a poochyena.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950322 This is WFG, not giveaway general. Doing giveaways is an act if charity, not something to be expected
>>21950323 I have no issue doing that
>>21950323 Ayo gimme that weedle son.
>>21950303 A+ reply, take that, elitist people that claim people bother to read the OP.
>>21950346 > This is WFG, not giveaway general. Doing giveaways is an act if charity, not something to be expected This is what Gen VI has done.
>>21950337 Gotcha this time. Enjoy.
>not having a Pickup Linoone I'm sorry that you hate getting free items and having a dedicated HM expert.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21950346 >I have no issue doing that :'^)
>>21950360 Upload a random shitmon on the GTS asking for a female, level 1 - 10, Weedle. Tell me what you uploaded and it's yours.
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>21950346 It's also a community that was built on helping people out.
And Giveaway General or GTS General are useless threads which should be broken and scattered to WFG for the legit stuff and the hacking/genning threads for the non-legit stuff.
Quoted By:
>>21950372 >Convince me to have a pickup Linoone >post pictures that make me not want to have a pickup Linoone due to feeling guilty S-Stop messing with my feelings
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950362 Do you really want even more people sitting up the thread with
>HA Skrelp leftovers? Anyone? Please? >Please. Someone. Anyone. Hawlucha has been my bro since X. Does anyone have a shiny penta they can spare? >>21950372 I keep my Linoone very close
to my HM slave Linoone from Y Anonymous
>>21950390 Alright I uploaded a wurmple.
Can you go nickname it Bugaboo real quick though? Gotta get my nostalgia on and thats my old nickname.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21950435 I can't nickname it. Most of the Pokémon on that Pastebin are all leftovers brought over from Y cart, which I've already restarted to easily get Spanish Pokémon. It's nicknamed Buzzy because I was going to use it in-game but decided against it. Sorry about the inconvenience. :^(
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21950456 No issue.
Bugaboo is pretty gay anyways as I was a literal child when I came up with it.
>>21950428 See
>>21950401 WFG was build and kept by bored breeders to waste time, blog, circle jerk and get rid of excess shit to the less fortunate and casual.
The silly notion that your bits of data are worth anything and all and that you are entitled to something in return is a relatively new concept.
Also, it's new game release time, retards and casuals always come crawnling out of the woods for that. If you can't handle it, maybe go to the beach and come back in a month or so.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21950481 Sure hope you're Michael, because that was the first Wurmple I saw asking for a low level Weedle. If not, I can just breed you one.
>>21950478 >posting Doctor Shit I want Reddit and Tumblr to leave.
>>21950487 Lets try that again, who wants a shiny hexaperfect ditto. I'm giving away two.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>21950518 Put a thing on the gts asking for a level 40 - 50 ditto. And tell me what.
Quoted By:
>>21950530 Uploaded a lv7 Zekrom
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>21950530 Put a female lvl 36 munna up for it
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>21950492 This. Also the fact that it's not exactly that many posts each thread and a lot of the breeders have free pastebins cause they want to get rid of shit (and some people like helping others if it's an easy task).
>>21950506 > Anonymous
>>21950541 That's done; I have one more. Who wants it?
How do I get Quick Attack AND Close Combat on Pinsir?
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
S-sorry for Shellos begging
Quoted By:
>>21950506 Yeah that's me thanks mang.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21950557 Shut up Stu you watch wrestling. :^(
>>21950564 You breed them on.
>>21950560 In case you needed convincing...
>>21950247 Anonymous
>>21950582 >You breed them on. fucking smartass Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950492 >entitled to something in return >what is trading I'm not even going to finish this tripe
>>21950512 Lel. Is this what you want WFG to be? Some guy giving away hacked ditto and nobody calls him out or the people receiving it? You've driven people out for less. Whatever; wallow in your own crapulence.
>>21950585 ill take it for a level 30 castform
>>21950591 Not him, but
>asking a question google can answer in seconds What were you expecting?
>>21950599 >Hacked Who gives a shit, it makes breeding a million times easier. But fine, I'll hang on to them then.
Quoted By:
>>21950599 It's better than a WFG with you in it.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Quoted By:
>>21950599 I got it for breeding purposes.
Wanted to see what's more effecient and faster
Dexnaving or the matsuda method
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21950564 ethan gave me one of those just earlier. put something that's not a luvdisc up on the GTS.
>>21950599 don't send me o-powers, assclown
Quoted By:
>>21950604 >Not him but You know the other guy's using a trip.
>>21950616 There you go, enjoy. And I'm done here, you guys are terrible.
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
>>21950599 Are you just thick or something? No one here has said that hacked things are welcome, more often than not people who try to trade 6IV dittos are given shit.
Same thing with genned and RNG'd stuff, but less so because it's a grey area for a lot of people.
But someone coming in and asking, nicely, if someone could breed them one pokémon without asking for too much (even asking for pentaperfect and egg moves isn't too much nowadays).
If you have a problem with this sort of mentality then you probably shouldn't be here because this is the way WFG has been ever since its creation.
Gabriel 3995-6605-9789
Quoted By:
Can someone help me transfer a pokemon from Y to AS?
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>>21950571 Ignore Gene, he's new and doesn't know his way around here.
>>21950599 Fun fact:
You can't people force to do things over the internet.
All you can do is lead by example and hope it catches on.
And just look how it worked out for wfg the past 13 months.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950608 >Hacked? Who gives a shit You guys. Or at least you did.
Quoted By:
>>21950645 Well I love ya.
Quoted By:
Have they nerfed repels?
>>21950492 >>21950599 I'm aware I'm a nobody but here's my two cents: I'm not a collector, nor a battler. I literally breed for the sake of giving away. It's fun. It's nice helping people. That's why my pastebin is free. But it's also okay for people to want to trade for what they "worked hard" for. So if people want to give their shit away, Nice. If people want to trade. Also nice. You can choose to trade with people, or you can choose to take it. Now, getting mad because muh wfg doesn't work the way I feel is pure is just plain retarded. I agree with no hacks in here but god damnit guys, stop being such asses and try to fucking have fun once in a while.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
take your stupid ass drama to /gg/
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21950564 pls respond I'm really tired.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21950686 >>21950698 >getting mad >drama >implying we're not just lazily posting while doing other things David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21950701 Mothers can pass egg moves now. Just breed a female pinsir with a heracross for close combat for another female, then breed that with a scyther or something for quick attack. You then have both on all future offspring.
timmy !GTSHonch.6
>>21950726 no, dumbass. I'm trying to give that guy a pinsir I have with both those moves.
learn to reading comprehension.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>21950726 He's not the person asking for help; he's the one offering it.
>>21950633 >>21950734 >>21950701 Go to bed. I'll breed my own. I got what I need to.
Give it a poor African child.
I just started a playthrough of X after finishing AS and I want a Piplup for my in game team. I don't need it to be perfect just decent IVs and a nature that doesn't minus special attack. The only thing I have of value since it's a new playthrough and all is a Charmander with Charizardite X. I also have a Lucario with Lucarite but who doesn't and a raw Tyrunt I would really appreciate it if anyone could help.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>21950740 >feeding african children to pinsir I've never tried this before.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21950734 God damn nigga calm down. Unless I backtracked in the thread there was nothing in your post or the one you quoted that could have lead me to that conclusion.
>>21950736 See now this is a normal way to inform me.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950743 Lemme check bank
>>21950740 >running QA over Feint Enjoying getting a peck on the cheek from Bravest Bird
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21950765 See
>>21950756 >Unless I backtracked in the thread there was nothing in your post or the one you quoted that could have lead me to that conclusion. Summer 2122-7150-5977
If I dexnav nincada and get a shiny Will it give me shiny shedinja and Shiny ninjask?
>>21950776 Thanks Anon I appreciate it
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21950789 Yes
>>21950778 It's not even a busy thread and you are notified if somebody quotes you.
Close Combat is overrated, use EQ instead. Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>21950776 Enjoy getting a slap on the ass by Greninja, who you cannot faint after stealth rock damage, or life orb damage.
With quick attack you're afforded the chance to SD with Greninja out without mega evolving, to not take much from ice beam, and then you can faint it after life orb damage with quick attack, but not feint.
+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Feint vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 202-238 (70.6 - 83.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Quick Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 270-318 (94.4 - 111.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Greninja has insane usage compared to Talonflame. There is no contest.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
Quoted By:
>>21950812 >you are notified if somebody quotes you It wasn't me who was quoted. And I'm not going to be bothered to read every post. I only come here rarely if I'm looking for something to start a project or want to toss out some leftovers.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950793 Uh, I can't nickname it but I have one. Put something shitty up for it on the gts.
>>21950812 >dat spoiler I concur
Quoted By:
>>21950776 >running feint over quick attack Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Quoted By:
>>21950828 Oh yeah? Well
thank you. That was very informative. 4227-2380-9631
>>21950835 I would but I haven't seen one in game yet so I can't seek it on the GTS mind if I send you a friend request?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950873 Just go down to the bottom where it says "What Pokemon?" and enter it
>>21950891 Holy shit now I have two reasons to thank you I never knew that existed I put a Houndour up for trade for one thanks again anon.
Good morning, WFG ~ ToTT: If you had a pokemon ability, based on how you act/live, what would it be?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950911 You're quite welcome. It's sent.
>>21950928 Just got it you're the best thanks again.
>>21950926 Truant
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21950935 No problem. Sorry for the weird ass egg moves
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
That was probably the quickest breeding project ever. I got 4 leftover Adamant Scyther, 3 females, 1 male. One of the females is hexperfect, the rest have random IVs but at least 4 perfects, None besides the hex have a penta in the ones Scizor "wants". They all know: Quick Guard Baton Pass Defog Night Slash They all have Swarm Who wants one?
1907-8648-1812 !ignRoyalHk
I know this isn't the "right" place to ask, but it seemed better than making a thread. I went to Sea Mauville and picked up the scanner, but Stern just fucking rambles at me and won't take it. What do I need to do?
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
>>21951014 Did you show it to the dude looking for it on the Sea Mauville first?
>>21951027 I ran into a scientist on the top and he asked me to take it to Stern, he's the only one who has mentioned it. Still didn't take.
Quoted By:
Is it known if Deoxys, Rayquaza, Kyogre, and Groudon can be shiny in ORAS
1907-8648-1812 !ignRoyalHk
Quoted By:
>>21951006 jokes on you lenny is still better than wang.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21950959 Last call before I WT them all off except the Hex, which I will likely offer back to Summer as a thank you.
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
>>21951034 Huh, that's weird.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:11:25 No. 21951059 Report Quoted By:
ME Run Update. Did I miss Reema?
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
>>21951044 I'll take the dude if no one else is stepping up for it.
Quoted By:
>>21950947 I actually don't hate agility on it after one boost it can probably sweep about half the E4 given it's absurd special attack and decent coverage.
>>21950959 I don't want a scyther
Stop sending me requests
I'm trying to nav spheals
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951061 Take it, throw up a derp or whatever on the GTS and tell me what to look for.
>>21951074 My bad. I guess I'll just sit on the Hex for now then.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:15:46 No. 21951109 Report >>21951078 I could take the Hex. Let me fire up X and see what I have to offer.
By the way, do anyone has a spare manectrite?
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951109 Honestly the only thing I really need at the moment is a choice scarf, if you want to give me one for it that'd be great. But if not, you can just have the Scyther. It will just rot in my box.
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
>>21951078 female wingull up.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
I still don't have the moneys. And I have been posting without a name, go me.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:24:33 No. 21951185 Report >>21951134 I don't have a Scarf. You sure you don't want anything else for her?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21951182 Sorry, I have Y or I'd lend you mine
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Quoted By:
>>21951214 It's fine, don't worry.
I still don't have my mega ring anyway, just passed the second gym.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:34:05 No. 21951287 Report David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951185 Tell you what. You can have her Scott free, just help me evolve my other one to a scizor while we are at it. Sound good?
>>21951136 Sent, enjoy.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>21951134 Upload something to the GTS asking for a level one female Frillish.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:36:47 No. 21951306 Report >>21951289 Sounds good. Adding you now.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>cutscene >battle >cutscene >receiving the mega bracelet >flying back >Latios and Steven both say their goodbyes >can finally check your shitty Latias's stats and reset Who thought this was a good idea?
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
>>21951289 Thanks!
>>21951312 Gonna hazard a guess and say people who didn't give a shit bout SR.
>>21951312 The same people who thought not putting a savepoint between rayquaza and deoxys was a good idea
Quoted By:
>>21951312 Is it worse than Sinjoh?
>trying to transfer a jolly synchronizer to ORAS >12 eggs in no synchronize >finally hatch one >swiped in less than a minute Will people still snipe it if I post "HACKED BAD EGG" as a message?
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:43:02 No. 21951395 Report Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21951378 Couldn't you ask us to transfer it from a game to another? I don't mind helping if that's the case
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>21951287 10/10 Meme
>>21951353 >>21951353 Y-you know you can kill Deoxys and then come back alter right?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>21951353 I heard that you can faint Deoxys and then SR in peace at a later point in time because it respawns on some island, is that true?
>>21951378 Just use Bank.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>21951134 >>21951301 Please respond. I want to give you a scarf, but I also want to make food.
Quoted By:
>>21951450 Please stop ruining Zappas Perfect General.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951301 >>21951450 Shit man you don't have to do that. Fuck that's kind. Level 1 male squirtle up, couldn't specifically ask for a female due to no dex entry. Thanks a million.
>>21951306 Thanks much for the help, enjoy the Scyther.
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734
>>21951395 >>21951449 >implying I'm gonna put up with my bank's bullshit and hop on the wheel of >card rejected>phone call>confirm purchase>still rejected lol>phone call >>21951433 Alright I'll add you but still need to hatch a fresh synchronizer
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21951497 Sure thing, I'll add you and we can trade whenever you are ready.
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 16:50:36 No. 21951513 Report >>21951479 No problem, and thank you! Scizor tried to learn a bunch of moves including Bullet Punch, but I opted out of teaching any since I didn't know what you wanted. Have fun with her!
>>21951497 Figure out what zip code your card is listed under before you buy something.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>21951479 >that pokémon has already been traded Welp. Surprised it was sniped because >bankmon.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951513 Nah it's fine, I am literally drowning in Heart Scales. Thanks again.
>>21951520 >German derp frillish God damn krauts, New Squirtle up, this time asking for a female.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
3196 3254 1279
Quoted By:
Looking for a Helioptile or a female Snorunt, preferably newly hatched. Don't have much to offer, best I've got is a Jolly JPN Charmander with Dragon Dance.
Quoted By:
Just lost a DexNav streak due to this: - About 70 Zigzagoon into a streak - DexNav can't find Zigzag, I walk around until DexNav finds something else (because it won't break a streak to engage a DexNav mon outside your streak) - Beat a DexNav Taillow - DexNav still won't find another Zigzag, another Taillow appears - Engage the second Taillow, find out afterwards that the Taillow streak must have supplanted my Zigzag streak because the levels have reset. The hard lessons are learned best, I suppose.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>Latias - #380 (Timid) : 31 / 18 - 19 / 24 - 26 / 31 / 31 / 31 >on the 5th or so reset Whooo!
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:05:19 No. 21951664 Report Quoted By:
>>21951639 >24 max def. It's shit, try again.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951585 You're my god damn hero.
>>21951312 >>21951639 Am I the only one who was annoyed that the game literally forced that Latios on you not even 6 badges in? I didn't even bother resetting, I immediately just released it.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>21951669 It is annoying, and I actually enjoyed hunting for it in Emerald (I purposely speed EV trained a Murkrow caught in FireRed and gave it Mean Look, Taunt, and Thunder Wave). Getting it handed to you halfway into the game complete with a mega stone is pretty cheap.
But of course, it's a one-time legendary, so who would I be not to reset for a good IV spread?
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:12:12 No. 21951737 Report >>21951669 Kids like cool Pokemon and story elements. The only thing that irked me about it was that it was so sudden. It's hard to
feel a connection with a Pokemon that decides to go with you after meeting it a minute before with no build up or effort on your part.
>>21951669 Like how XY the box one after 7?
Or BW2 sort of forced Cobalion after 6 badges onto you?
Or practically any other game the box one after 7?
>>21950506 Ahhh I would absolutely love that Sneasel if it's not too much trouble. Just to make things quicker, I already put up a Slakoth on the GTS, and the message is "/vp/".
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>21951639 >dat defense Enjoy your Sucker Punch/Pursuit
Quoted By:
>>21951777 Good fucking lord I meant to reply to your original post, boo. But still.
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
>>21951692 Mah nigga. Hunting for them is half the fun.
>>21951737 >with no build up or effort on your part. God damn, this. Why did this Latios pick me over Steven? Steven straight annihilated in that battle, one of my pokemon fainted ffs.
>>21951745 >Like how XY the box one after 7? Yes, but only because you HAVE to catch it. You can't kill it.
>Or BW2 sort of forced Cobalion after 6 badges onto you? Never played BW2, I hated Gen V so much I took a hiatus until XY. Glad I did, this gen is fucking awesome.
>Or practically any other game the box one after 7? Nah. I actually prefer to kill legendaries. I don't use any on any of my teams because
realistically it makes ZERO sense that a regular trainer would ever even see a legendary, let alone catch it. Nothing to do with how strong they are. I'm just irritated that all these newer games are like "NO. YOU HAVE TO CATCH IT. PLAY THE GAME -OUR- WAY." Though I'm probably alone in thinking this.
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Would I be being too greedy If I asked for baltism mons and specefic things in exchange for my Male Hexaperfects and Pentaperfects?
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
>>21951790 First set with 31 IVs, second set with 24 EVs:
252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 162-192 (104.5 - 123.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 164-194 (105.8 - 125.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 84-102 (54.1 - 65.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
252+ Atk Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 86-104 (55.4 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 93-111 (60 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latias: 96-114 (61.9 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Doesn't make much of a difference.
>>21951843 >Never played BW2, I hated Gen V so much I took a hiatus until XY. Wish you would have skipped this gen, too
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21951880 (SPA) Ones btw, for those who care about MM. Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc
Queen Faggot Quag (IGN: Dani) [1203 - 9953 - 6786] !Quag.o4OGc Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:26:36 No. 21951918 Report >>21951880 No? What are you looking for?
anyone have some spare regenerator foongus? i don't have much but i got a bunch of Adamant DD bagon
David [Y/OR: 5284-1835-0550] !qrfDYY3p1I
Quoted By:
>>21951897 I love you too.
>>21951863 I GET IT
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:29:08 No. 21951961 Report Dammit, anyone have modest Kirlia/Ralts?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>21951961 I have modest gardevoirs
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21951918 This is what I got will add more stuff since my list isn't done.
3196 3254 1279
>>21951961 I do
it's a boy Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (Cascoon, Ariados, Toxicroak) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:32:21 No. 21952004 Report Quoted By:
Anybody wanna trade US Diancie & shiny Gengar codes for my EU ones?
>>21951976 Do you have a want list?
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:34:02 No. 21952038 Report Quoted By:
>>21951974 Would you be willing to trade a 3 to 4 IV Sand Rush Drilbur for one?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21952018 I'm making one.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 !saIBZOfkUI
Quoted By:
>>21952047 I want to finish AS first (and then EV train some of my in-game bros, because all of them are rbed to be pentaperfect) before doing multis again, switching back to Y mid-game would feel strange.
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:46:00 No. 21952171 Report >>21951984 Actually, this could still work, because I just need the nature. Would you be willing to trade?
3196 3254 1279
>>21952171 Sure, do you have a female Snorunt or a Helioptile?
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734
>>21951511 ayy you still here? Was writing something for a while but just hatched a winner
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:49:44 No. 21952220 Report >>21952203 Just female? Not at the moment, no.
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
>>21952205 Sure, whenever you're ready, pal.
3196 3254 1279
>>21952220 Actually a male would work, too.
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:53:04 No. 21952261 Report >>21952252 That's all? No IV's/natures or anything? I do have a male one.
3196 3254 1279
>>21952261 Yep, plan on using it ingame, so I don't care about the rest.
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:55:04 No. 21952290 Report >>21952275 You want it in ORAS, I imagine, just give me a minute to transfer it over.
Kmatt 0404-7459-3734
>>21952241 thanks m8 <3
I'd give you something but only just got postgame on ORAS so I don't have anything good
Remiel Scarlet 4742 7497 4716
Quoted By:
>>21952314 Oh, there is no need to repay me, it was only a transfer job.
Thanks for the potion and the 'goon, though. ~
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica)
Armitage [Y/OR 4055-3996-9605] (OR IGN: Veronica) Sat 29 Nov 2014 17:59:51 No. 21952349 Report >>21952290 Alright, I'm ready.
Nikki 2681 0774 0748
Quoted By:
I posted it again mom
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 29 Nov 2014 18:04:00 No. 21952379 Report Quoted By:
Looking for the person from yesterday who wanted mystery eggs.
[AS] 3196 3254 1279
Joukyuu 0232-8049-9350
>>21951942 anyone? i'm pretty desperate
Nearing completion on Heavy Ball bingo card.
LF/FT: . Can breed anything listed.
>>21952725 I got a lure ball sudowoodo
>>21952810 What would you like for it?
Does anyone have/breed modest/timid Horsea or ferroseed?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
Still have a few Love Ball Chansey left to giveaway. Also pic related, I think I have... 2 of these 4IV Seviper left? As well as a few 4IV without some of the egg moves, if someone would prefer that.Also, I'm considering collecting Sentret in every apricorn ball for the sake of having a goal to work towards, but I'm not sure if I should bother.
Quoted By:
>>21952423 >tfw the only trainer with a HA Foongus on the GTS wants a lvl 10 gyarados for it; fucking faggot I wanted to help too; anything else you might want? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21952852 Your firstborn.
Anybody have a shiny adamant Tyranitar?
Quoted By:
>>21952423 Are you in a rush? I can breed one, but it may take a moment.
>>21952867 I have a Modest Horsea to give. Put up something on GTS for it and let me know what it is.
>>21952877 Let me know if you'd like some help, I have Sentret in Level, Love, Heavy, and Moon Ball.
Dardo 4098-3899-7504
>dexnav for sincronize adamant ralts >2 hours later, still nothing Some help pls
Quoted By:
>>21952908 Would it be possible to trade for my Giratina? If not I can try to get you something else
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21952918 Oh, I think I can get Love and Heavy from a friend, but Level and Moon would be wonderful. Do you have a want list? Not sure if I'd have anything on it but I can check.
>>21952949 Here's my want list, but I'll gladly give them to you for junkmons: I'll get to work on them now. I think I already have an egg move male so it shouldn't take too long.
>>21952939 I can give you one. Would it be easier for you to trade through the GTS or PSS?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Dardo 4098-3899-7504
>>21952983 Then you should both put something up and tell me what it is.
Dardo 4098-3899-7504
>>21952991 i have a lv 50 spinda now
Dardo 4098-3899-7504
Quoted By:
>>21952991 Thanks based anon.
Anyone have anything decently leveled that can use false swipe that you're willing to part with? I want to go legendary hunting but all I have that can use it is this level 25 pinsir which doesn't work so swell.
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21952966 Ah, yeah, I could've sworn I had one of those Sudowoodo for you but it was Moon Ball. I'll find some junk, then. Thank you so much!
>>21952918 Awesome. Disced up. Can you name it Mariana if possible? Do you know its IV's by any chance, I really don't care that much though.
Hay, looking for Modest 4 or 5 IV Ralts. I've got a bunch of 4 and 5 IVs I can trade for it, like Growlithe, Dratini, Gligar, Charmander, Froakie (Protean), some others.
Quoted By:
>>21953095 Sorry, I'm not the OT. 31/xx/31/31/31/31.
>>21953068 Thanks for looking, hatching now.
>>21953057 I have a lvl 51 Farfetch'd that knows it; I will gladly get rid of it
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21953101 List what you got and the pokebal they're in.
>>21953111 >>21953185 Gimme that bad boy. I just put up a female mudkip for one on the gts. Lemme know when the deed is done.
>>21953235 what is the message?
ZenN (4468 - 0966 - 4617)
>>21953122 4 & 5 IV Adamant Dratini with Extreme Speed and Marvel Scale in Poke Ball
4IV Timid Charmander in Poke Ball
4 & 5 IV Timid Forakie with Protean in Poke Ball
4 IV Adamant Shellder in Poke Ball
4 IV Adamant Beldum in Poke Ball
4 & 5 IV Adamant Scyther in Poke Ball
4 & 5 IV Adamant Growlithe with Close Combat and Morning Sun in Premier Ball
5 IV Bold Gligar with Immunity in Timer Ball
Didnt see other threads where I could post it, so check it out. I was testing out a team, was a pretty fun match JH3G-WWWW-WWWD-34JG
Quoted By:
>>21953269 Found it
it was the first one wow The Deed be done Anonymous
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21953268 Trace or Synchronize?
Just add me and send me a TR then Trade me whichever one of those you listed.
>>21953095 Brendan, Horsea is sent.
>>21953068 Gina, your Sentrets are ready. Please get on PSS.
ZenN (4468 - 0966 - 4617)
>>21953293 Ideally, I want a 5IV female with Synchronize.
What do you have?
Also, of my things, is there anything in particular you want?
Quoted By:
>>21953287 No problem
Happy to help
Gina 3050-7578-5885
Quoted By:
>>21953302 Okay! Getting on now, thanks a ton
~ Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>21953272 >Skill swap for the bonus Intimidate and Close Combat shenanigans Anonymous
>>21953356 Yeah, pretty clever. I think Ill try it out on something like Mega Sceptile.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>21953387 Oh, I thought that was you.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21953337 The one I'll be giving you will have 4 IVs. HP/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed. As for the third question, I have everything you have but
better, as In Heavy Ball Skill Link Shellder, Fast Ball Intimidate Growlithe, Sports Ball Scyther Technician, Dive Ball Protean Froakie, Timer Ball Charmander, Dream Ball Immunity Gligar. So just surprise me. .
Are you okay with the Ralts?
Quoted By:
>>21953394 nah, but im pretty proud I was able to pull that win out of my ass.
ZenN (4468 - 0966 - 4617)
>>21953411 Thanks a lot, appreciate it.
Also, maybe I'm missing something, but isn't the ball type purely cosmetic...?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21953476 Yes. But I also have 4 Egg moves on those I listed including Dratini along with Pentas and Hexas of those.
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953302 Thank you so much! Also nice items, that was very
sweet of you.
Quoted By:
Can heatran be used as a wall of sorts?
>>21953536 You're welcome. Do you already have/want Dream Ball Sentret?
Guys what ball should I put Gallade in? Friend, Nest or Premier?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953573 I've already got Dream Ball Sentret, complete with HA, but thank you for offering
~ !LINooNep/c
>>21953601 No worries. I'm playing SoulSilver as we speak; would you like me to pick up Fast, Lure, and/or Friend while I'm here? It would be no trouble.
Gina 3050-7578-5885
Quoted By:
>>21953595 Friend Ball, of course.
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953628 Oh, Fast and Lure would be fantastic! I'm waiting on a friend to reply about Friend Ball so no worries on that, though.
I know this seems stupid, But I actually would really like to have these two
Quoted By:
>>21953648 FC is 2036-7695-4414
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21953648 also never mind about Shaymin's IVs.
>>21953643 Just caught them both. It'll be an hour or so before I have them transferred up and bred. Will you be here?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953730 Yeah, I'll be hanging around. If I'm not actively posting, I'll be lurking. Thank you so much! Are there any items you need/want in exchange?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704
Hey. Does anybody have a spare Galladite i could have?. I have some tsv shiny hatched Eevees or plusles for trade. Thanks
Gina 3050-7578-5885
Quoted By:
>>21953708 I'm interested in that hexa Level Ball Rhyhorn, give me a sec to check my Y to see what hexa males I've still got. Also, unrelated, but do you still need a Cherubi for your dex? I think I've got a spare Love Ball one for you.
>>21953708 I have a penta female Love Ball Cherubi. May I trade it for hexa male Skarmory please?
>>21953761 If you'd keep an extra Friend Ball Sentret when you get one, that'd be nice.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21953826 Yes! Sorry Gina but I'll take this Cherubi.
Okay. Add me and I'll add ya back.
>>21953850 okay, FC is 1478-3847-3507. I've added you. I'd actually prefer Gina to get that Rhyhorn, so if my offer prevented her from getting it I'd let her take your hexa Rhyhorn.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21953873 Okay. Add me Gina and I'll ya back.
You're one swell guy. Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>21953874 >best /gg/-er >around when you need him Mayoi
>>21953874 Hello, sorry for disappearing . Should I put something up in the gts for an elekid?
>>21953929 >/gg/ what?
>>21953939 I believe I still have you in my acquaintances. I'll just trade you that way.
>>21953966 Let me just pop into Y then. I'll be online in a minute~
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953850 Yeah, that's no problem, I understand.
Hexas I can offer for the Rhyhorn: !LINooNep/c
>>21953896 JESUS, I have a 5IV Dream Ball HAF Lileep to offer you for that hexa male Skarmory instead. Deal?
Quoted By:
>>21953981 I think I got you on ORAS, haha. Sorry if that's an inconvenience. I cancelled when I saw that you wanted to switch.
>>21953966 >passerby Kirzi w-what. I didn't know this happened. Hope you don't mind the shitmon. Is there anything you'd like that I can get you?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21953826 Oh, sure, I didn't see this til now - I'll hold onto a Friend Ball one for you, definitely.
>>21953873 Also didn't see this til now - you can still go for the Skarmory if you want, I do have hexas I'm offering.
You're being way too nice to me !KirziqSAMA
>>21954017 Nah, you already got me - what was it? A masterball, I think? It's no problem either way. Wasn't even an inconvenience since I had to rebreed it anyway.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954001 YES!YES!YES!
>>21953996 Trade me the Cherubi for it.
Quoted By:
Holy mother of text wall.
Quoted By:
>>21954034 It was! And ahah, this was fun. Glad I didn't have to switch carts either~ Thanks again!
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Both of you get online and send me TRs.
>>21954035 Getting online now.
>>21954030 just trying to make friends. I apologize for being too assertive. JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21954104 Thanks for the Lileep!
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21954063 Ah, just so you know, my Cherubi isn't pentaperfect - it's missing Sp Def.
Also if you can nickname that Rhydon Leclerc for me, that'd be great. I'll be on in a sec.
>>21954104 You're doing a good job at making friends, then~ ;^) Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
Hi guys! Back from doing stuff. I should really start importing my old breeding mans from X, but I still don't have access to the IV checker.
Guys please help. I have this Crobat and have no idea what I need to make a full team. I need something good against steel types and a wall and i dont know how to play this game help!
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954148 >Leclerc Okay Will Do. I don't the missing Sp.Def.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21954171 I don't mind the missing Sp. Def.*
Mige !mige.pXHBU
>>21953708 I've got Dream Ball HA Pachirisu, Spiritomb, and Caterpie.
Want to trade for your 6IV Swablu, Solosis, and Rhyhorn?
Okay, time to deliver on that promise for an item giveaway. Take what you like - I have no use for any of them since I can't be fucked to transfer any more over to AS. All I ask is that if you want more than like 4-6 items, let everyone else have a chance to grab stuff first.
Also, unless you just want one item, I'll be doing this by FC, so here's mine. 0190 0057 7161
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954214 The Level Ball Rhyhorn Is going to Gina.You can have the Repeat Ball Hexa If you don't mind.
And yeah those Trades seem good.
Add me and I'll add ya back.
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21954171 Okay! I'm on now.
>>21954169 Perhaps you could give us some details on your Crobat and then we could help from there?
Like, was it bred to have any perfect IVs, what's its nature, did you EV train it at all, things like that.
Also what are your plans for the team - do you play singles, doubles, etc, that would also be helpful.
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
>>21954236 Choice scarf, weakness policy, focus sash and white herb. Please.
>>21954236 I want priority on everything Stu wants
Question: I want to play online with a friend against two other players. Is there a matchmaking option for that in omega ruby/alpha sapphire or would I have to try random people again like in X/Y?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954247 You still need to add Me.
Mige !mige.pXHBU
>>21954243 That's fine. My FC is 0619-4373-8558. Added you.
>>21952918 Are you still around I received a modest Horsea on gts, but it's Japanese, so I'm not sure if it was youm
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
Caught a shiny Machop on route 112 after 4 days of spamming horde battles for a shiny Numel. Anyone have a shiny Numel they're willing to trade for it? I'm sick of looking
Alex: 2638 - 0665 - 3628
I have most pokemon, to the point I've got the Shiny Charm in X and Y. I cannot trade ALL of them, but most. I'd desperately like a Diancie. I have an event Arceus, Shaymin and some other bits and bobs like that.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Sat 29 Nov 2014 20:34:56 No. 21954289 Report >>21954236 Can I reserve Kee, Maranga, Lansat, Starf, and Enigma berries?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954236 Blazekenite Pls.
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
>>21954289 >>21954236 May I have a set of these berries, too?
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>21954269 Okay. I'll add ya and trade you after Gina.
Gina give me a sec. Last raincheck on IVs, just to be sure.
Quoted By:
>>21954236 remember when Megastones were valuable?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
>>21954236 Could I grab that Lucky Egg, a Pinsirite, and an Ability Capsule? Adding you in a sec.
>>21954262 Oh, sorry, I'm a bit out of it today. Added you now, will be online in a sec.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>21954236 Could I get Manectite, ability capsule and a moon stone? That would be very helpful. I'll add you shortly.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21954257 Sure. Will trade shortly.
>>21954258 Sent.
>>21954289 Sure.
>>21954292 I know that's you, Jaime. The answer is still no.
>>21954302 >>21954320 >>21954326 Sure.
I'll get to everyone roughly in the order you posted.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954320 Thanks for the Cherubi!
>>21954353 ??? What did I do?
>>21954352 Sure. I'll have you throw a thing on GTS when I get to you.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Sat 29 Nov 2014 20:40:15 No. 21954368 Report Quoted By:
>>21954353 Thanks, Kirzi. There is no rush for me, you can get to others after me beforehand, since I need the items on X rather than AS anyway.
Thanks again for doing this!
Quoted By:
>>21954326 How do I find my friend code?
>>21954353 It's nice that you're giving things to people, but do you have to do it roughly?
Anise 3024 5735 6455 !GoomyjEyFk
Quoted By:
>>21954353 Thanks very much!
Quoted By:
>>21954366 alright I will throw up a 5IV Charmander, is that ok?
what should I look for?
Mige !mige.pXHBU
>>21954236 Could I get a Scarf, Sash, Specs, Life Orb, Ass Vest, and Leftovers?
Also, were you still looking for Master Balls?
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>21954353 Can I nab a Damp Rock and a Focus Sash?
Luke - 3136 6558 8581
Need a hand bringing Pokémon over from X, if anyone's available.
Summer 2122- 7150 - 5977
Quoted By:
>>21953790 You get it in game.
If you have x or Y you can't receive it.
Quoted By:
Looking for a dratini with extremespeed, don't have much to give back exccept for some breeding leftovers, perhaps some 4 IV larvitars or scythers.
Idaho 3497 2065 3980
>>21954236 Can I get 2 leftovers, a choice band, and a life orb?
Gina 3050-7578-5885
Quoted By:
>>21954353 Okay! Jsyk, my IGN is Riley for the trade, since I'll be trading from OR instead of Y.
>>21954365 No problem! Thanks for the Rhyhorn!
Summer 2122- 7150 - 5977
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954396 Thanks for the mons! Hexas are getting taken fast.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>21954236 If still available may I have a Focus Sash, Ass vest, and a choice scarf?
Maybe an AC too if you're ok with that. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>21954466 Haven't counted, but it may be quite a lot.
If it helps any, you get free Pokédex data out of it if you haven't 100% already.
Alex: 2638 - 0665 - 3628
Quoted By:
>>21954285 I can include a Life orb if that sweetens the deal.
Maj 4098-4888-1693
Let's finally get this show on the road. Being euro is suffering no longer.
Idaho 3497 2065 3980
Quoted By:
>>21954247 It has perfect IVS hidden ability and is ev trained for attack and speed. It has a jolly nature.
>>21954198 Yeah that's what I was kinda thinking.
Mige !mige.pXHBU
Quoted By:
>>21954474 Thank you as well.
>>21954418 PM me, @truejiro Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
>>21954518 Preach it, brother. I got mine yesterday but I only finished breeding my team today so I'm just at Petalberg.
Summer 2122- 7150 - 5977
>>21954236 Can I get the assault vest, eviolite, choice scarf and zoom lense?
>>21954538 >PM >@ Am I missing something?
>>21954538 truejiro on IGN [sorry] Summer 2122- 7150 - 5977
>>21954285 Do you have any fully trained pokemon I can use on a team?
I'm looking for tanks right now and I have a diancie.
I don't like legendaries.
If you have a protean greninja with max IV's I might settle for that too.
I want trained pokemon!
>>21954591 >IGN May as well put up your rebbit, facebook and tweeter accounts whilst your at it.
Quoted By:
>>21954600 I have a protean froakie with max IVs.
What do you want to trade for it?
Quoted By:
>>21954615 kek
only thing available at the time
7.8/10 Brendan
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a penta perfect ferroseed to give away? I only ask because I feel like Ferroseed was a really common breeding project once and people might have a lot. If not I can just fuck off.
Quoted By:
>>21954632 I'm just trying to help, ingrate
Alex: 2638 - 0665 - 3628
Quoted By:
>>21954600 > tfw never got too into competitive battling. Kill me.
I have a Jolly Garchomp with 31 IVs in everything but Sp. Atk.
Adamant T-Tar with the same IVs.
Modest Charizard with 31 in everything but Attack.
Finally I have a Calm Articuno with 31 in Sp. Def, Speed and Attack (That one sucks, I know.)
I mostly just bred the occasional powerhouse for the Maison.
>>21953708 I have a female penta Heavy Ball Snorlax that I'd give you for the Heavy Ball Machop. Here's the deal though. Level it up to a Machoke first.
If you're okay with this, put the Machoke on the GTS and ask for female lv. 1 Snorlax.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>21954693 Sure. Let me level it up. FC please.
>>21954353 Man. I can't figure out who you are. Maybe Scorp, but I doubt it.
>>21954744 Sorry, I'm paranoid about posting my FC online.
People might find my leddit That's a joke, I'm no ledditor JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
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>>21954794 Okay then. I'll tell you when I'm uploading it. Be quick or we might be sniped!
>>21954744 It's datsporeguy
>>21954794 If you have nothing to hide, post it
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>>21954850 Maybe I have something worse than leddit to hide.
JESUS 0275-9861-1372 !3Gd1JhmKaA
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>>21954844 /dng/ haunts me to this day... Even PG somewhat. !KirziqSAMA