/vp/ Its the second last day of the giveaway. 30 Naive Diancie with pokerus IV: 31/30/31/30/31/30 - Diamond Storm - Moonblast - Hidden Power (fire) - Psyshock 12 Movie Timid Darkrai IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Dark Void - Dream Eater - Dark Pulse - Phantom Force First in first served. If you constantly post asking for one ill go to the next post, if you arent online to accept the trade or accept the trade after two requests ill move on. Ill be trading 5-10 people at a time. Post FC and IGN and what you would like. One request per person.
Hanz 1177-7733-6354
>>21960612 Can I get a Darkrai please?
IGN Alan Bun 4828-3982-2758
>>21960612 Naive Diance please.
thanks anon
Zael - 1607 3391 0910
>>21960612 Adding for Diancie.
Bill 'Romeo' 2251 - 6007 - 6017
Jazz 0774-5401-3898 Teddiursa, Minccino, Chansey
Jazz 0774-5401-3898 Teddiursa, Minccino, Chansey Sun 30 Nov 2014 03:21:01 No. 21960652 Report >>21960612 Diancie please!
Dandy 2079-7022-4751
Kael 2981-6866-9970
>>21960612 Added. I want a Diancie.
DarkFusionHD 5327-2204-1874
Hyper 3566-2742-8294
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Brett (IGN) 2251-6712-5980
>>21960612 i would like a darkrai please :)
H0E (5413-1066-9881)
>>21960612 I got a Diancie Thursday but can I get another one?
IGN Alan Bun 4828-3982-2758
Quoted By:
>>21960684 Thanks, just coming online now.
May 5327-2204-1874
Andy 0645-6283-9350
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
I'd like Diancie, please.
Creep(IGN) 4854-7256-2689
IGN: Thomas
>>21960612 IGN Thomas
Friend Code 3711-8612-7323
Could I get a Diance please! Thank you
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>21960612 Can I grab a Diancie?
Obama 3093-7982-4799
>>21960612 Darkrai please!
Boofy :: 0447-5318-3478 Dance please! Thanks
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
>>21960612 Forgot to quote OP. Diancie please.
Mamoon 4527 8651 5076
Diancie or Darkrai please, whatever you have left or give me.
Nick 1204-0346-7280
Diancie Please! Thank you Anon!
Vos 3797-6842-6805
3668-9271-0562 ign: K0d3x
Vos 3797-6842-6805
Claire 2836-0122-0864
>>21960612 Could I get a Darkrai?
Thank you!
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
Quoted By:
Sign me up for a Diancie
Bill 'Romeo' 2251 - 6007 - 6017
>>21960650 I tried to trade but something went horribly wrong
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21960669 >>21960674 >>21960682 >>21960688 >>21960705 adding now
>>21960694 sorry bro rather give to people who dont have one
>>21960626 didnt accept so im going to move onto the next list
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
hi, I would like a diancie, please!
Bill 'Romeo' 2251 - 6007 - 6017
Quoted By:
>>21960862 Two failed attempts to connect for a trade. Skip me.
Got a diancie, don't need a darkrai.
Laury 5370-0502-5397
Nerf 4957-3230-0288
Darkrai and Diancie if possible If not, Diancie.
ign wucas fc 1805 2244 2935
>>21960612 can i get a dianacle pls, thanks
Quoted By:
Are you still doing this?
Hanz 1177-7733-6354
Quoted By:
>>21960863 I accepted but you didn't click further, I can wait though
>>21960612 yo, i'd love a diancie please
ign Nips 1977-1205-0529
IGN Cows FC 0559 7955 7211
>>21960612 Diancie please.
H0E (5413-1066-9881)
Quoted By:
>>21960863 Alright I still appreciate the Diancie tho.
Julie 2380-3034-2476
I'd love a Diancie but if there isnt, then a darkrai is okay too!
Quoted By:
>>21961005 I know your pain anon
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
Mind if I get a Darkrai if you still got em?
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
Quoted By:
>>21960745 >>21960612 Oh, I guess my IGN is Haruka though.
Aikawa - 2208 - 5815 - 9809
Mamoon 4527 8651 5076
Quoted By:
>>21960795 IGN is Cam by the way.
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Max 1006-0208-7430
>>21960612 can I get a diancie please?
>>21960612 I'd like a Diancie, please.
Don 2423-3168-1200
>>21960612 I hope I can get both if possible.
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21960612 >>21961046 Shit, I remember you, you're the bro that remade my Ninetales, shit, you're still hard at work, I see.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21960723 >>21960728 >>21960737 >>21960739 >>21960745 next group adding now
if you got an error hit me up after ive done the last group for the giveaway and ill swing you one of what you want after
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
>>21960688 nice guy brett!
traded him the wrong mon and he gave it back
Dandy 2079-7022-4751
>>21961169 Will wait for retrade, thanks based Azure
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
>>21961161 yeah man hahah
After this ill do another Gen thread on my x cart
Aid 1392-6349-2360
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21961266 yeah man just wait till after the threads last group ill get back to you man
Andy 0645-6283-9350
>>21961285 I thought you had to go to the friend code screen on the 3ds homescreen in order for the code to completely register.
I'll take a Darkrai if you have any left. :^) Lyn 3411-0812-1449
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>21961169 error
god is dead
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
>>21961330 no they register ingame as well because the application still runs in the background.
Andy 0645-6283-9350
Quoted By:
>>21961345 I got one too. He really is dead.
Hanz 1177-7733-6354
Quoted By:
>>21961169 Cool, no worries here on error trade, I've got time.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
>>21961345 i think the house mates are torrenting hahaha
a lot of people are getting errors it seems and i dont know why
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
yeah house mates are downloading all of House
Ign:Diego fc:4313-1611-7191 i want both please
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>21961418 House is a good show, at least. Parts of it.
The early stuff.
Thanks for the Diancie!
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21961469 Hugh Laurie is based
Sam 5172-0542-5867
Darkrai would be wonderful
Rusty (IGN: Azure) 3239 5158 8751
>>21961490 I know people are getting errors but if there's still any available I'd love a Diancie.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Mamoon 4527 8651 5076
Quoted By:
>>21961542 Please pokegods, no more errors.
Creep(IGN) 4854-7256-2689
Quoted By:
Thank you OP doing gods work you are
Andy 0645-6283-9350
Quoted By:
>>21961542 Finally, now I can go eat. Thank you.
Boofy :: 0447-5318-3478
>>21961542 Cheers. When I said Dance I meant Diancie, autocorrect wrecked me
1160-9889-3016 Tino
Quoted By:
>>21961141 >>21960612 Oops, I forgot, IGN is Tino
Rusty (IGN: Azure) 3239 5158 8751
Quoted By:
>>21961555 Heh, yeah I chuckled as well when I noticed yours.
Nick 1204-0346-7280
Quoted By:
Thanketh the great Arceus, OP, you are the giver of the Divine, the bane of Giratina and all that he stands for!
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
>>21961581 was tempted to nickname yours Dance for laughs
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
Quoted By:
>>21961542 Based OP! Enjoy the Happy Hour Smeargle.
IGN: rwn FC: 2165-6359-8512
I'll take a Darkrai please!
Diego 4313 1611 7191
Quoted By:
Please op, i want a darkrai if have any of them
Boofy :: 0447-5318-3478
Quoted By:
>>21961542 Housemate disconnected our internet for a second there, did I miss it?
What a coincidence, I downloaded all of House just a few days ago. Is the Diancie 'legit'? In that it has the right OT and cherish ball and stuff? Either way I'd like one if there are any left
2578 3912 3301 IGN: Helel
>>21961692 Herp I'm retarded
Obama 3093-7982-4799
Boofy :: 0447-5318-3478
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Cam 4527 8651 5076
Quoted By:
>>21961542 Cheers mate! Sorry I didn't have anything half decent to give you in return.
Nerf 4957-3230-0288
Quoted By:
>>21961803 Yup Diancie is fine thanks
Nick 1204-0346-7280
Quoted By:
OP where'd you go? It says you disconnected?!?! AAHHH god has died everyone.
Vos 3797-6842-6805
Quoted By:
>>21961803 Thank you based OP, didn't have much to offer other than the 4IV Larvesta
Phil 3308-4593-7637
Quoted By:
Could I grab a Diancie if you have any left? Thanks heaps
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21960909 >>21960933 >>21960936 >>21960954 >>21961046 youre up next after these few trades so please be online, had one or two people not online for trades, kind of annoying
3668-9271-0562 ign: K0d3x
Quoted By:
Thank you, kind op
Rumboh 2251-4956-2130
Quoted By:
Darkrai please and thank you. :)
Nerf 4957-3230-0288
Quoted By:
>>21961803 OP, you're the shit. Thank you very much!
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
>>21962009 OP, I think I got skipped by mistake :(.
Quoted By:
can someone please send me a Diancie Friend code : 5215-0639-8420
Nick 1204-0346-7280
Quoted By:
OK this is one motherfucking based OP!!!! Thank you so much! Never gonna forget this m8! Errbody thank the hell out this OP for me will ya?
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
ign castillejo FC- 0103-9701-3254
Quoted By:
>>21960612 Darkai please..
thanks op.
Quoted By:
Nips here.
>>21962009 im online in 30 seconds
Friend code: 0877-2739-4734 - IGN: Machrus
Friend code: 0877-2739-4734 - IGN: Machrus Sun 30 Nov 2014 05:04:01 No. 21962253 Report Hey based OP not sure if you're still on. Really keen on either of those Pokemon, really don't have a preference both would be awesome. Just added you now. Nintendo name is Machrus
>>21962009 waaaait i had go to im gonna go online right away
Friend code: 0877-2739-4734 - IGN: Machrus
Friend code: 0877-2739-4734 - IGN: Machrus Sun 30 Nov 2014 05:05:31 No. 21962277 Report Quoted By:
>>21962253 By "both" I of course mean either* and am not asking for both! One or the other, don't really mind which!
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21962009 Thanks m8.
I'll be watching for that Gen thread, I need just one more Pokemon before I'm all set.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21962268 ill get you after this group
Quoted By:
thank you based OP
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21962284 ill be under Ethan on that one
Quoted By:
>>21962302 ok thank you so much op, you're a god among men
Aid 1392-6349-2360
>>21962287 Do I have to go back to my friend list to have you fully registered?
Goat (2208-5682-3467) - IGN: Jack
Quoted By:
Could I please get a Diancie? Thanks in advance.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: {0653}
Quoted By:
>>21960612 Hello OP, I'd be so grateful for a Diancie if you have time to get around to me. I can offer a well-bred Pokemon with egg moves of any of the following:
Bagon, Kecleon, Absol, Swirlix, Chatot, Pumpkaboo XL, and a couple options.
IGN Can0
gordon 0920-1873-4460
>>21960612 Is Darkrai still on?
Quoted By:
please may I have a Diancie ?
Lyn 3411-0812-1449
Quoted By:
>>21962287 Online and ready :^)
Max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>21962287 did you start this group yet? you're not showing up as online
gordon 0920-1873-4460
Quoted By:
>>21962389 lol okay nevermind you're on my friends list and you're offline.. some other time then..
Quoted By:
I just gotmy Diancie thanks alot Azure!
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21961449 >>21961502 >>21961540 >>21961627 >>21961722 Helel you get the last diancie and yes they are legit.
finishing up this group then you are the last ones guys
2578 3912 3301 IGN: Helel
Quoted By:
>>21962490 Beautiful. Thank you so much.
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
Quoted By:
Ill have 120 to give away in around 20 hours time so keep an eye out for the last giveaway
Quoted By:
5215-0639-8420 plz pokemon god send me a Diancie.
IGN: rwn FC: 2165-6359-8512
Quoted By:
>>21962490 Cool, I'll be waiting!
Diego 4313 1611 7191
Thanks a lot OP you are doind god's job
Max 1006-0208-7430
Quoted By:
>>21962490 thanks so much man
Aikawa - 2208 - 5815 - 9809
Quoted By:
Praise lord Goomy! thx for the trade!
Sam 5172-0542-5867
Aid 1392-6349-2360
Quoted By:
Got it, thank you OP!
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21962537 bro you only get one, read the top post, so what is it you want?
Don 2423-3168-1200
Quoted By:
>>21962590 Oops, I'll take a Diancie then.
Lyn 3411-0812-1449
Quoted By:
>>21962287 Thanks so much! I just started my game over. One Darkrai is enough for me, and sorry I didn't have anything to give. :^)
Azure (IGN): 0834-1552-0897
>>21961333 did i dun goof?
Diego 4313 1611 7191
Quoted By:
>>21960612 I'd love a Diancie - thanks so much Azure!
IGN: Hunta
FC: 1993-8206-7202
Nicolai 0275-7061-6328
Quoted By:
Been monitering vp for what feels like forever! If Diancies still going out please please please!
Don 2423-3168-1200
adding for Darkrai if you still have them!!
IGN:Seren 1564-3028-5210
Quoted By:
I would like a diancie if you have any left
Rusty (IGN: Azure) 3239 5158 8751
Quoted By:
>>21962490 Awesome! Sorry that I won't have anything to give in return.
Quoted By:
>>21962670 Marcus 1117-7905-7563
Rusty (IGN: Azure) 3239 5158 8751
Quoted By:
>>21962629 Thanks OP! You're a beautiful person!
Diego 4313 1611 7191
Quoted By:
Thanks OP, love you
Quoted By:
>>21962490 You're the man, OP. Here's to you getting some poon tang sometime this week.
ign wucas fc 1805 2244 2935
Quoted By:
did you skip me? just asking, i cant see you
Quoted By:
5215-0639-8420 plz pokemon god send me a Diancie.
IGN: rwn FC: 2165-6359-8512
>>21960612 Can I have one
ign: Croiko- 3024-5768-5245
Quoted By:
>>21962911 a Diancie I meant! lol thanks in advance
Quoted By:
This giveaway is over. Check again in 20 hours.
Adrian 0232-8264-3716
Quoted By:
>>21960612 Damn it. Darkrai must have issues with me. My Black 2 save became corrupted and I've missed two Darkrai trades.
Now this. Oh, woe to me!
2578 3912 3301 IGN: Helel
Cool thank you. I was a touch confused by the stats until I noticed it had already been EV trained. Much obliged Azure.
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:03:38 No. 21964113 Report IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
>>21964113 hey man are you still doing this jig or am I just too darn diddly late to the party? I tried on thanksgiving but missed the boat once again
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:08:36 No. 21964188 Report >>21964154 hahah sorry lovely late this time... im just cloning a heap for tomorrow. 120 diancie, 120 mystery pokemon
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
>>21964188 aw okay then. ;^; so no more darkrai ?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:12:36 No. 21964246 Report >>21964213 add me and ill swing you one quickly now, just clond some for tomorrow
Quoted By:
>>21964246 ily. offer trade whenever.
Quoted By:
>>21964246 You're the best oh my god. Enjoy droughtmon
GucciRog 300 2638 0912 8381
Quoted By:
are you still giving out diance?
peh/vine - 1779 2231 6294
I just finished breeding a penta perfect Sableye. Leftovers of the breeding are 6 Prankster/Bold Sableyes with at least three perfect IVs and a penta perfect one with, unfortunately, Stall. All of the Sableyes know Recover. The perfect IVs are marked. Anybody interested? Will be happy to give'em away.
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
Rumboh 2251-4956-2130
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
Quoted By:
>>21964413 ilysm. You also enjoy droughtmon
peh/vine - 1779 2231 6294
Quoted By:
>>21964432 lol, the Luvdisc thingy was hilarious, nice.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:31:30 No. 21964523 Report >>21964413 id love one so i can clone it and trade them off... i have a few diancie and darkrai available right now
>>21964413 i'll take one
ign: Boogz 2363-5956-7578
peh/vine - 1779 2231 6294
>>21964507 You're next
>>21964523 I'd love the Diancie
>>21964524 Hang in there bro
Also, these captchas are fucking annoying.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:33:52 No. 21964555 Report >>21964549 no worries added and ill be waiting for the trade
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
>>21964555 ( ._.) um, Azure-kun? Is there any way you can trade me a not-shiny jirachi?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:39:56 No. 21964630 Report >>21964549 thanks man its already ev trained as well.. stats are in the top of the thread
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:40:58 No. 21964645 Report >>21964612 wait until tomorrow ill be throwing some into the giveaway
peh/vine - 1779 2231 6294
>>21964630 Much appreciated!
>>21964524 You still there? You're next.
IGN: Natalie 5257-9300-4952
>>21964673 Thanks alot dude
peh/vine - 1779 2231 6294
>>21964716 No probs.
Also, thanks to the Anon who gave me the Manaphy!
Still got two Bold/Prankster Sableyes with Recover and 3 perfect IVs left.
and one pentaperfect with Stall ;_; .
Rumboh 2251-4956-2130
>>21964645 Azure, what do you want us to catch for the event? Please tell me.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 07:57:18 No. 21964860 Report >>21964837 anything that is able to be used in breeding to future giveaways. so mons with egg moves, mainly
>>21964860 Oh crap, you're only taking good shit?
What about Scrappy Adamant Kangaskhan with Comet Punch, Leer, Hammer Arm, and Stomp?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 08:00:16 No. 21964898 Report >>21964879 bro its a give away hahaha
anything at all... i would prefer well bred mons for egg moves but if not its no biggie id even take trashmons
Tom 1934-1721-2143
Quoted By:
Have any left bb?:)
>>21964898 What about a charmander with dragon rush?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Sun 30 Nov 2014 08:05:05 No. 21964946 Report Vinny 2535-3620-4118
Quoted By:
>>21964946 >Darkrai Any left?
IGN: Marie