/vp/ Its day 4 pt 2 and the last day of my giveaways. To celebrate im doing a super giveaway 510 pokemon. Rules: How many pokemon per person?>one pokemon Who will start the trades?>I will start each trade Will the pokemon have items on them, EV trained?>Yes each pokemon will have suitable items making them battle ready ie Toxic Orbs, Mega Stones but will not be EV trained What if you miss my trade request or i dont have you added when its my turn?>I'll ask each person to trade twice, if you havent registered me, i will skip you completely and move onto the next person Version?>ORAS preferred for megastone mons, anything else can go to XY Finally please be patient /vp/ Ill be adding a 5-10 people at a time, dont constantly ask for things, first in first served. Pokemon: 72 Cherish Ball, Naive PKRS Diancie Megadiancite IV's:31/30/31/30/31/30 - MoonBlast - Diamond Storm - Psyshock - Hidden Power (Fire) 22 Movie14 Timid Cherish ball Darkrai IVs:31 All - Dark Void - Dream Eater - Dark Pulse - Phantom Force 20 Shiny Tanabata Jolly Jirachi IVs: 31 All - Wish - Swift - Healing Wish - Moonblast 26 Dusk ball Shiny Timid Gastly Gengarite IVs: 31 All - Hypnosis - Lick - Perish Song - Disable 30 Premier Ball Jolly Ice Body Shiny Snorunt Galalite IVs: 31 All - Powder Snow - Leer - Spikes 29 Dusk Ball Careful Harvest Shiny Phantump Lum Berry IV's: 31 All - Tackle - Confuse Ray - Will'o'Wisp 30 Luxury Ball Bold Prankster Sableye Sableyite IVs: 31 All - Leer - Scratch - Recover - Mean Look
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:12:52 No. 21983774 Report 28 Friend Ball Jolly Hyper Cutter Shiny Trapinch Choice Band IVs: 31 All - Feint Attack - Bide - Signal Beam - Earth Power 28 Lure Ball Bold Oblivious Slowpoke Slowbroite IVs: 31 All - Curse - Yawn - Tackle - Sleep Talk 29 Friend Ball Careful Poison Heal Careful Shroomish Toxic Orb IVs: 31 All - Tackle - Leech Seed - Spore - Drain Punch 28 Premier Ball Adamant Natural Cure Shiny Swablu Altariaite IVs: 31 All - Peck - Growl - Roost 28 Lure Ball Adamant Huge Power Shiny Marill Assault Vest IVs: 31 All - Water Gun - Belly Drum - Aqua Jet - Water Sport 26 Heart Ball Jolly Klutz Shiny Buneary (F) Loppunyite IVs: 31 All - Foresight - Switcheroo - Fire Punch - Ice Punch 30 Dive Ball Bold Swift Swim Shiny Feebas IVs: 31 All - Brine - Mirror Coat - Haze - Dragon Pulse
gordon 0920-1873-4460
Brandon 4141-2782-0864
>>21983772 Diancie please, adding you now.
Sam 5172-0542-5867
I waited for you :3 Diancie pretty please
Quoted By:
>>21983774 Can I get that Feebas?
FC: 1779-0367-9512 IGN: Faiz Would love one. Please and thank you.
I'll take a ghastly Ign:Boogz fc: 2363-5956-7578
gordon 0920-1873-4460
Quoted By:
>>21983788 received thanks!
Quoted By:
>>21983813 FC: 1779-0367-9512
IGN: Faiz
Would love Darkrai. Please and thank you.
Can I get one of those Jirachi's? FC: 5300 - 8979 - 5366 IGN: Antagonist
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Zigzagoon is up for a darkrai. I don't have any discs
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:19:45 No. 21983833 Report >>21983805 >>21983807 >>21983816 >>21983813 feebas?adding now... sorry about the long delay i know its been a few hours but one of my housemates cars broke down had to help him out
FC: 1075-0931-8440 IGN: Jonboy
Quoted By:
>>21983833 >>21983813 Sorry meant to say Darkrai
FC: 3239-3555-1371 IGN: Skarlett I would like a Jirachi please.
Oh man, this has to happen when I'm at work with no 3DS. Oh well, still good for everyone else. Awesome giveaway!
I'd like the Jirachi please FC: 3883 5654 1160 IGNL Yuna
Noah 0877-1212-8003
I'm early to a giveaway for once. Diancie ください.
I'd love a Diancie please FC: 2337-3737-3297 IGN: Markis
Brandon 4141-2782-0864
Quoted By:
>>21983833 Thanks for the diancie, good luck with the rest of the giveaway!
FC: 0791-1925-0142 IGN: Michelle Can I get a Phantump? Thanks.
Monokuma 0061 0354 1601
>>21983772 A Diancie, please! Adding you now!
James 2105-9140-9203
Peter G 5172-1351-4031
>>21983772 Would love a Darkrai.
Lia, 3497-2117-9696
Thanks greatly.
Saga(IGN:Saga): 0920-0395-2028
>>21983772 Welcome back! I would like one Darkrai please. I have already added you, so I will just sit and wait here.
Quoted By:
>>21983833 Got the ghastly, thanks a bunch man
Milky 2535-4944-9107
Would love the trapinch, please!
I would love a shiny Swablu please! FC: 1005-9076-4433 IGN: Satsuki I have added you already. Thank you so much in advance!
>>21983772 Would love a shiny Feebas.
My IGN is Alexandra, and my FC is 0877-1651-6614
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:29:10 No. 21983927 Report >>21983824 >>21983838 >>21983860 >>21983866 all good bro keep an eye out im always around genning or doing these now days>>21983867 >>21983874 adding in a second... please be online ill start the trades in a moment!
IGN : David - 4442 0990 7727 May I have a Gastly?
Sam 5172-0542-5867
Quoted By:
>>21983833 Don't worry about it bud, you have no obligations here. We do appreciate it a lot though.
And many thanks for the mon.
Aiour 0061 0354 1601
>>21983901 Dammit, Monokuma is the name of character and as Friend card, it's Aiour
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>21983829 Almost forgot to add you! Added
FC: 3593-0562-7760 IGN: Ethan I would love a Diancie
FC: 1075-0931-8440 IGN: Jonboy
Quoted By:
>>21983927 Thanks man I'll be online!
Christian IGN:Hazel 2621-2667-1170
>>21983772 Got some more Diancies? Many thanks in advance!
Darkrai, Jirachi or Sableye. Really appreciate it cheers! FC: 1220-8802-1576
Stella 0490-5495-2462
I would like a Jirachi, added you already thanks beforehand
Quoted By:
>>21983860 Actually, I'd rather have Darkrai if you see this. If not, the Jirachi is fine
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Darkrai please.
Quoted By:
What are the consequences for having something so blatantly hacked? Can you just not used it online?
>>21983772 Ign: Yannik
Fc:5125 - 1800 - 5553
Diancie please, thank you
OP, you'll probably have a lot left later on. I'm not trying to offend you but my fastest methods of distributing during giveaways was, after you're done the trade-only eventmon, to open the rest to the GTS. Get everybody to put up a singular pokemon, with the message of what pokemon they want and /vp/ so you know they're from here. Going from right to left you'll be able to give all the pokemon much faster than adding FC's, takes about 45 seconds per pokemon, and the GTS is basically a queue so you don't have to think about who goes next, just pick the next one in line.
>>21983772 could i have a phantumb?
ign: stian
fc: 3050-7686-2687
Nerf - 4957-3230-0288
FC: 1075-0931-8440 IGN: Jonboy
Mono (IGN:Daniel):2165-5055-9383
>>21983772 Might I get a Diancie?
Tom 1934-1721-2143
Would love a Diancie when you can get around to me
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch man
Quoted By:
>>21983927 Ah, I was the first guy you quoted - I'm online, but using my phone's wifi because connectivity is shit. Never got a trade, hopefully it didn't drop your request or anything.
Darkrai if you have any left, thanks for doing this! FC: 4399-1532-1595 IGN: Ashlee
Peter G 5172-1351-4031
Quoted By:
>>21983905 The name may be Shaun, I get confused with this mii and nintendo shit haha. Cheers in advance
>>21983772 A diancie would be nice. Added, thanks!
LightenUp [4382-2984-3063]
>>21983772 I'll take a Swablu please !
>>21983772 Hey Azure, just wondering if you still have me down for Trapinch from the archived thread?
Quoted By:
>>21983927 Thanks mate! You're a pretty swell guy.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:42:15 No. 21984031 Report >>21983879 >>21983887 >>21983901 >>21983904 >>21983905 Im adding you all now for trades beautiful /vp/bros
Noah 0877-1212-8003
Quoted By:
Thank you so much! Hope everything pans out for you.
Quoted By:
>>21983999 Ashlee here, if you're out of darkrai i would also love a jirachi.
Good luck doing god's work!
>>21984010 1435-5013-8513 smellybiskit
Aiour 0061 0354 1601
Quoted By:
>>21984031 Alleh, I fucked up,
>>21983932 did you put Aiour in friend code, because Monokuma is my IGN, thanks in advance!
Angus 3325-2390-8176
>>21983772 diancie please.
nuzamaki90 3411-2015-3364 (IGN: Ruby)
hey there. I'd absolutely adore a Jirachi. if you find your way to me, thank you. William 0147-1360-4147
Riesl 2724-0945-4062
>>21983772 I count around 13 Darkrai asked for so far, so hopefully I can get one.
Thanks, OP!
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:47:39 No. 21984076 Report >>21983967 yeah ive done that before, did a honedge giveaway.
Alec 4012-4120-1149
>>21983772 Such a great selection, I guess I'll go for Gastly please.
IGN: Yu FC:1332-8603-9308
James 2105-9140-9203
Quoted By:
>>21984031 thanks azure, i appreciate it
Quoted By:
OP is a cool dude, thanks a ton
>>21984076 Yeah, shoulda figured but I just thought I mentioned. Obviously do whatever you want, I just remember these things taking the piss out of me and going super late, thats why I only trade eventmon I make GTSable.
Anyways good luck regardless, it takes a certain something to be able to do these giveaways thats for sure.
Damian 0361-8239-3041
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:54:39 No. 21984129 Report Christian IGN:Hazel 2621-2667-1170
>>21983943 Oh god, I saw that Jirachi and now I can't decide...
Why did you have to mention Tanabata, man?
No, I've gotta be headstrong! Diancie!
Kevin 0877-2038-2196 IGN: May
I'd like to get a Diancie OP
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 09:57:15 No. 21984153 Report >>21984105 yeah man i feel ya once the eventmon are eaten up ill probably take a break and do another a few hours later with the gts method its just so much faster
Quoted By:
>>21984153 But Azure it's 2 AM here, I'm trying to stay alive, but I can't do a couple hours.
Satsuki 1005-9076-4433
Quoted By:
>>21984129 Thank you, I'm on now. I don't know if it's too much to ask, but is there any chance you could rename my shiny Swablu? "Manami" would be great.
See you soon!
Kyle: 3282-2440-9396
Would love one if you still have some left op
samass 0963 1178 5487
Diance if possible please, missed out in the other threads.
Quoted By:
>>21984153 Yup, I know. Good luck though seriously, I would offer to help especially with this massive giveaway you're doing, it's quite an undertaking, but I have exams this week and had to take a break. It's a tough thing to do these, after awhile I got a lot more direct in my rules and you feel like an asshole skipping people or whatever, but you have to do it, these things get too insane. 4 people asking me everytime "I uploaded something else" and explaining to them how GTS works, and then they don't really understand, etc.
It's good to remember you're still giving away hudnreds of pokemon and hours for free to tons of people.
IGN Jonathon FC 1392-5204-6440
Any diancies left OP, I would be very grateful if so.
DlCKS (5129 1578 4166) [AS]
Sarge (4597-0553-2209
>>21983772 requesting Jirachi, if out darkrai
Hope I'm not too late, could I get a Dianne please 4640-0398-7181 IGN: Andrew
Kyle: 3282-2440-9396
Quoted By:
>>21984167 forgot to mention, diancie if possible
Cam 4527-8651-5076
>>21983772 Hey OP, could I please have a darkrai please? If none are left could I have a Jirachi or Feebas? Thank you.
Would love a diancie Ign: shorty Fc: 3625-9071-5556 Thanks!!!
Peter G 5172-1351-4031
Quoted By:
>>21984076 Thanks for the darkrai, have a good day /vp/bro
IGN:Seren 1564-3028-5210
Jirachi please if there are no more then Swablu
Satsuki 1005-9076-4433
Quoted By:
>>21984129 Thank you for the Swablu and best of luck for the rest of the trades!
samass 0963 1178 5487
Quoted By:
>>21984176 Actually jirachi would be prefered before diance if left.
Quoted By:
>>21984227 Just in case you are out, darkrai please.
Thanks again. I think it's amazing you do this!
Quoted By:
>>21984129 Thank you so much for the Darkrai! And thanks for the giveaway in general!
Christian IGN:Hazel 2621-2667-1170
>>21984149 Yeah, I'm actually changing my mind. Jirachi, please? 7/7 is actually a pretty meaningful date for me, so it'd be pretty sweet to have one.
That's the last peep out of me until it's my turn!
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:10:29 No. 21984271 Report Yuri: 1349-6886-4122
>>21983772 I'd love to get a swablu, OP!
Quoted By:
>>21984256 seconding this, i would love you forever if i can get a jirachi. darkrai if none left <3
>>21983999 is me
here's a pokemon wallpaper for you!
As a n00b question, do we need to add the ops Fc and if so, where is it. I'm blind.
>>21984303 Literally in the op
Christian IGN:Hazel 2621-2667-1170
Quoted By:
>>21984271 Thanks, m80. Means a lot! Good luck with the rest of the trades!
Quoted By:
>>21984303 Daily reminder that /vp/ is infested with 12 year olds
Quoted By:
>>21984271 Its 3583 0562 7760*
IGN Ethan
My mistake
Quoted By:
>>21984271 Cheers my IGN: ROBERT
I'm post 947
Stella 0490-5495-2462
>>21984271 Thanks,I appreciate it
IGN: Luis (5086-3298-8523)
>>21983772 Jirachi please? Hope I'm not too late...
Esteban 1564-2291-8769
I would like a Diancie! :D Thank you very much!!! IGN: Esteban 1564-2291-8769
Purple 0791-2357-6498
May I get a Dancie please?
Quoted By:
>>21984017 You and I are already friends on the 3DS, but my friendcode it 5257-9300-4952, IGN: Natalie
Quoted By:
>>21984315 Thanks - couldn't see it on my mobile. Appreciated as I know it was a dumb question.
I'd love a Diancie, please. If you're out of those, a Darkrai is fine too. Thanks! FC: 4124-5406-9804 IGN: Conor
David - 4442 0990 7727
Quoted By:
>>21984271 Much obliged good sir.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Kireen 4656-6455-8657
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:22:12 No. 21984359 Report Anonymous
i'd love a diancie if still available - ign: Vlin 0559-7321-0034
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
>>21984359 Dang, I got skipped twice ;-;
Mal (2380-3653-0028)
>>21984359 Hi, I would love a Diance or a Jirachi if you have one spare. Added you already
IGN: Luis (5086-3298-8523)
>>21984333 If you're out of Jirachi a Darkrai is fine too.
Quoted By:
>>21984359 Thanks again OP!
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:30:10 No. 21984440 Report >>21984378 my bad link me to you
IGN: Red 2036-7585-0828
WOuld love a pokemon once you get some time, using AS. FC:2036-7585-0828
Quoted By:
>>21984359 >>21984378 I got skipped too :/ :'(
If you've still got the time op
FC: 1220-8802-1576
Thanks again!
Mono (IGN:Daniel):2165-5055-9383
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:32:33 No. 21984460 Report Quoted By:
>>21983984 you wont accept the trade?
IGN: Eddie (FC:5155-3756-3630)
>>21984359 Asking for Diancie or Darkrai, if not whatever is good.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:34:44 No. 21984476 Report >>21983999 >>21984016 >>21984017 >>21984048 >>21984053 youre up now, just gonna add you, roll a smoke and ill keep going with this
Mind if I get a Feebas if you still got them?
Bleben 4828-64233-7176
I could use one of those swablu.
Quoted By:
>>21984476 Thanks! Did you see my post about wanting jirachi instead of darkrai if possible?
Also another pokemon wallpaper for you!
Wric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21984477 Sorry, forgot name and code
Bleben 4828-64233-7176
Quoted By:
>>21984482 Wrong code, the correct one is 4828-6433-7176
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:38:21 No. 21984503 Report >>21984490 Auro bro!
back again i see
3239 4920 7365 Fonz
Shiny Swablu would be based
Quoted By:
>>21984503 Thank you so goddamn much.
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21984503 Told you I'd be, heh. How goes it?
Sensei 0318-8354-6062
Quoted By:
>>21983772 A Darkai if you can
Angus 3325-2390-8176
Quoted By:
>>21984503 Thanks mate, i thought i'd never get the opportunity to use a diancie.
Lanton 4227-2097-2730
Quoted By:
>>21984503 Thanks so much! Stay based
ABagOfPups (2638-0190-4816)
Quoted By:
>>21984503 You make it so hard to choose one...
Got any Snorunts left? If not, i'd settle for a buneary.
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Would pretty much fucking love you for darkrai.
Fc: 0259-0320-3059
IGN : Ruby
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:49:37 No. 21984584 Report LightenUp [4382-2984-3063]
Quoted By:
Thank you so god damn much.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:50:46 No. 21984592 Report >>21984542 good im so busy with these trades man its really exhausting. some people are rude and dont realise i spent around 10 hours today doing this stuff
FC: 2423-3893-0670
hello, do you still have a Dianice my friend?
Quoted By:
thankyou sooo much! keep up the great work!
IGN: Red 2036-7585-0828
>>21984448 Would love a Gastly if you had any left.
Quoted By:
>>21984592 Yeah, it takes a long time to do things and you're offering very cool stuff, so I can tell you worked hard on it! Even if I don't get one, thanks for doing this for the community. People like you restore my faith and happiness in the industry.
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21984592 Sheesh, lotta work for an anonymous image board, I'd buy you a drink if I could man
Zael - 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>21984584 Thank you very much for uniting me with this Jirachi. you're a good guy.
Alec 4012-4120-1149
Quoted By:
>>21984584 Thanks a bunch!
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
Quoted By:
>>21983772 ah, was only ten down in the queue when I had to sleep! Nevermind. A diancie would be awesome, but i'm on x, so if that won't work a darkrai or jirachi would be great too. Thanks OP!
Quoted By:
>>21984584 Baby come back, you can hang it all on me?!? (Skipped me)
Luke 1848-2446-7331
Quoted By:
Any diancies left?? omg please
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:59:28 No. 21984641 Report >>21984624 get your ass to melbourne and you can hahah
Riesl 2724-0945-4062
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch for the Darkrai! Hope everything else goes smoothly for you.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:02:12 No. 21984659 Report IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
>>21984641 I posted earlier, so still use that queue, but I guess even though Darkrai is my #1 pick, if you ran out of him Diancie or really anything would be greatly appreciated. I know how much work this is, so thanks man. Even not for me, just for doing this. You're a good person!!!
FC: 2423-3893-0670
Quoted By:
>>21983774 Can I get the lopunny,
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Quoted By:
>>21984659 May I get a lopunny?
>>21984641 Pls man, I got skipped somehow, posted an hour and half ago :/
Thanks in advanced
IGN Jonathon FC 1392-5204-6440
Quoted By:
>>21984659 You're going to have to not send the diancite, I'm uainf my pokemon X. My Sapphire needs a software update and won't be able to go online at the moment
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:06:28 No. 21984691 Report >>21984662 >>21984667 ill get to you when i do guys please be patient
Kyle: 3282-2440-9396
Quoted By:
>>21984659 yeah if you still have any left
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:07:29 No. 21984697 Report >>21984687 i requested 2 times and you didnt acccept so i moved on
Kyle: 3282-2440-9396
Quoted By:
>>21984697 thanks a lot goy
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
Quoted By:
>>21984691 Sorry, I wasn't meaning to rush D: I thought maybe you'd run out of darkrai and then my post would get skipped.. :/ sorry!
FC: 2423-3893-0670
>>21984697 I am the guy who wants Diancie does it matter if I am on Y because I haven't got ORAS yet
Quoted By:
>>21984697 Really?? I've been watching the whole time honestly sorry if I did miss it
Damian 0361-8239-3041
Quoted By:
>>21984659 Legend. Thanks a bunch.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Quoted By:
>>21984713 Diancie was an X and Y event.
Zael - 1607 3391 0910
Quoted By:
>>21984627 >>21983772 Can I get a Diancie?
samass 0963 1178 5487
Quoted By:
>>21984659 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>21984659 Hey OP it's
>>21984151 Thanks for the Diancie, I really appreciate the trade, good luck with the rest of your trades.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:16:22 No. 21984757 Report Andrew 4640-0398-7181
Quoted By:
>>21984757 Thanks in advance :D
IGN Thomas FC 1864-8783-7213
Quoted By:
I'd like a darkrai or diancie! Thank you! If not anything would be great too ^.^
3239 4920 7365 Fonz
Quoted By:
>>21984533 I'll probably be sleeping once you get to my post OP, I'll just post again when I'm online if your thread is still up.
Quoted By:
>>21984757 Cheers man, you made my night after not catching the poke I wanted. Keep doing gods work, we all appreciate it!
IGN: Yu FC:1332-8603-9308
>>21984087 Hey umm really sorry I was AFK for a while can I go again. I didn't get a chance to trade with you.
Can I get Swablu
Dattac 5043-2031-9861
Quoted By:
Could I maybe get a Jirachi if you have one left? If not then I'd truly be happy with anything!! Thank you for doing this!!
Sarge (4597-0553-2209
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:27:21 No. 21984821 Report FC: 2423-3893-0670
I don't wanna act like a little bitch but people who came after me already got their pokemon. I am still waiting on a Diancie, just a heads up OP
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:31:02 No. 21984836 Report Quoted By:
>>21983772 Shiny Phantump if theres any left, if not Snorunt. I asked this yesterday(?) But it was late and felled asleep. Sorry if you reached me but I wasn't online.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:31:30 No. 21984840 Report >>21984803 sorry gotta stick to my rules. ill come back to you later if youre still online. there are plenty of swablu left
Could I get a Darkrai please? Or a Jirachi if you're out of them. FC: 4940-6476-8008
Quoted By:
>>21984840 What pokemon are even left? Are the legends like darkrai, jirachi, diancie even still available?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:32:32 No. 21984850 Report >>21984830 link me your first post and i can let you know why, i dont miss people unless there is a reason
>>21984830 actually no, look at the posts he's directing to and then yours. he hasn't got to you yet so yes you are acting like a little bitch. be patient. you aren't entitled to free pokemon.
IGN : Omar - 5129-2905-9459
Quoted By:
Hi, i was on part 1 on the giveaway , can i get a trapinch please ?
Esteban 1564-2291-8769
Quoted By:
>>21984821 Thank you very much!
IGN: Yu FC:1332-8603-9308
Quoted By:
>>21984840 Its okay I'll wait i guess thanks
IGN: Red 2036-7585-0828
Quoted By:
>>21984619 If you have a Trapinch left i would love that instead of a Gastly.
Andrew 4640-0398-7181
>>21984757 Hey op sorry but I have not received mine yet. My first time doing this so I might be doing something wrong, please let me know :)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:35:26 No. 21984866 Report Quoted By:
>>21984851 thanks anon
i spent around 10 hours getting this set up spent 3 hours earlier trading and ive been going for over 2 hours this time
FC: 2423-3893-0670
Quoted By:
>>21984850 >>21984851 Yeah I just realized, sorry about bitching. Keep up the good work OP
Joe 2766-8654-5294
Quoted By:
Could I have a sableye please?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:38:03 No. 21984880 Report >>21984861 if you didnt add me by the time i added you you wouldnt have come up
if you werent online i move on
if you dont reply to a trade 2 time i move on
Yuri: 1349-6886-4122
Quoted By:
>>21984821 Super thanks OP, time to go wreck people with a yellow cloud of doom.
IGN: Luis (5086-3298-8523)
Quoted By:
>>21984821 Thanks OP. You're a saint.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:40:10 No. 21984893 Report Andrew 4640-0398-7181
Quoted By:
>>21984880 Ah I see cheers. I have just added you
Tac 5043-2031-9861
Quoted By:
I'm the one that asked for a Jirachi then said anything would be nice. I gave you the wrong name. Sorry!! I'll probably lose my spot but I'll be waiting
Mal (2380-3653-0028)
Quoted By:
>>21984893 Hi sorry. My internet dropped out for a tick. Hopefully I didn't lose my spot.
If I did, let me know and I'll hop back in line for either Diance or Jirachi
Quoted By:
>>21984893 thanks man, you got me (
>>21984345 ) here
you've the patience of a saint. diancie wasn't given away in my pos 3rd world country so I really appreciate it
Purple 0791-2357-6498
Mal (2380-3653-0028)
Quoted By:
>>21984893 Thanks so much :-)
Quoted By:
Is this still going?
Quoted By:
Would like a ghastly, if possible... 4828-4622-0906 Marc/マーク
Kireen 4656-6455-8657
Quoted By:
>>21984893 thans bro you are awesome.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 11:56:49 No. 21984977 Report Alessa 3625 9118 1027
Quoted By:
I would like a diancie. If there are no left then I can choose something else.
Quoted By:
>>21984977 You skipped me the 2nd time around?
Bleben 4828-6433-7176
Quoted By:
>>21984977 Thank you friend, I'll never forget your kindness and effort ;_;
Quoted By:
>>21984845 Whoops, added name info:
Could I get a Darkrai please?
Or a Jirachi if you're out of them.
FC: 4940-6476-8008
(Alpha Sapphire) Name: Sock
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
>>21984977 Oopsie, I needed a Feebas, still got them?
Eric (IGN Auro) 4957-4926-1038
Quoted By:
>>21985045 Ah, there we are.
Thanks dude, based as always
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:11:08 No. 21985079 Report guy im calling it a night ive been at this for 16 hours today and i am exhausted dont worry ill be back again and again until i get rid of these mons /vp/
IGN: Yu FC:1332-8603-9308
>>21985079 What time will you be back are you making another thread?
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
>>21985079 ahh can you just do like a couple more :C I've been staying up watching close as fuck all night and I don't want to get skipped because i'm sleeping in. If not I understand just.. :( i'm like, right there. (Ruby!)
ABagOfPups (2638-0190-4816)
Quoted By:
>>21985079 Fair enough, you are doing God's work. Take it easy.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:13:03 No. 21985089 Report >>21985083 ill be making another thread
id say about 8-9 hours when i wake up and the same time i did it tonight as well!
Quoted By:
>>21985079 Just me man? Please you missed me the 2nd time, I've waited the whole time pleeeeeaaasseee thanks for helping everyone though (also from Victoria)
>>21985079 Fuck you I want my pokeman
ABagOfPups (2638-0190-4816)
>>21985089 See you in 9 hours for that sweet sweet snorunt.
IGN: Eddie (FC:5155-3756-3630)
Quoted By:
>>21984977 Thank you for the Diancie!
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
>>21985089 since I was so close in this one is there any way that I can get closer in your next thread or do I just need to hover 4chan all day? I was literally 4 away.
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
>>21985079 so close again! Just unlucky I guess. have a good rest OP.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:15:25 No. 21985107 Report >>21985093 really anon
>>21985085 sorry ruby like i said ive been at this for ages and i just need some sleep!
>>21985094 thanks bro ill look forward to trading some off, love exploding on mons hahaha
>>21984641 I'l buy you a drink, i live in toorak.
Thanks for the jirachi <3
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:16:51 No. 21985119 Report >>21985099 >>21985105 sorry guys
good news is i have this archived as with the other one, ill keep an eye out for you guys in the future and hopefully youll get closer to the top!
Quoted By:
>>21985107 Please dude u told me to wait then skipped
IGN: Yu FC:1332-8603-9308
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:17:54 No. 21985129 Report >>21985114 based toorak bro!
>>21985099 >>21985105 also have you both added so catch me on any of the gen threads or powersave threads and id be happy to swing you things
Quoted By:
>>21985129 How come you're not listening to me :(
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
Quoted By:
>>21985119 Thanks! I'll set an alarm for 7 hours and sttart watching.
>>21985129 if you drop a kik or something, il get you a cold one some time :P
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
Quoted By:
>>21985119 you're a bloody gentleman! Sweet dreams
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave)
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) Mon 01 Dec 2014 12:20:05 No. 21985145 Report >>21985139 no kik but hit me on insta or snapchat i guess all social media is the same for me:
Quoted By:
Diancie please? FC- 4184-2489-6268 IGN: Takuya
0361-7281-6458 (IGN:Oaks)
Quoted By:
>>21983772 >Buneary >Switcheroo For what purpose?
I'd love one any way
Otherwise snorunt is good too.
Quoted By:
>>21985145 followed, i'm aslee_pls
>>21985145 Man are you serious? I waited 3 hours and now you are completely ignoring me. I have been patient the whole time and appreciate what you do but I feel that I should've gotten one tonight.
Quoted By:
Diancie please? FC- 4184-2489-6268 IGN: Takuya
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
>>21985168 just wake up in the morning and try again man
Quoted By:
>>21985168 Just be thankful he's doing this great deed. Is waiting longer gonna kill you? I've spent over 10 hours playing bike simulator trying to breed a good snorunt, And still waited around here for almost 2 hours. You don't see me complaining.
Quoted By:
>>21985168 I've been waiting since
>>21984087 missed it and had to wait again
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
Quoted By:
>>21985129 I have.. no words. Thank you based Ethan.
Quoted By:
>>21985198 He skipped me though. Others got them, just pisses me off all this was for nothing
IGN: Ruby FC:0259-0320-3059
>>21985145 Thank you so much I love you dood
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
Quoted By:
>>21985244 he's a top lad :)
Quoted By:
>>21985079 thanks so much man, couldn't do what you do for 16 hours
Aikawa - 2208 - 5815 - 9809
Quoted By:
>>21983774 Is this still on? I hope i can get a buneary (F)
THRILLHO 0860 3699 6673
Quoted By:
>>21985244 can I add you for safari Ruby?
Jack - 5000-2856-2043
Quoted By:
>>21983772 I'd love a Darkrai, if it isn't taken.
Meulin - 4527-9336-8327 !393k3HhvPo
Quoted By:
I would like a feebas, good friend of all. (Is it a girl)
Tommy - 4355-9628-4088
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Darkrai or jirachi if you're out of darkrai please.?
Eric 1478-3722-5329
Quoted By:
Still any diancies left? cos i'd love one of them
smellybiskit 1435-5013-8513
Quoted By:
>>21984476 oh shucks i missed it, forgot to go online. can I still get a diancie by any chance?
Jim 4055-3658-2363
Quoted By:
If you've still got any Diance left it'd be much appreciated
IGN: Alex FC: 4270-3076-9538
If you still have a Darkrai you could trade me, I'd be very thankful!
Jack: IGN: Pervy 2036-8042-6803
Quoted By:
If you have any Sableye left, I'd be grateful if you could trade me one.
IGN: Alex FC: 4270-3076-9538
Quoted By:
>>21986033 Wait just checked the requests and the number available. Can it be a Diancie then?
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Jess 4210-5300-0798
Jirachi please or Diancie. Thanks anon.
Quoted By:
Gabranth 2122-7979-6391 Either a Darkrai or a Jirachi. Thanks in Advance :-)
Erik 0189-9166-0346
Quoted By:
I would really appreciate a Phantump. If not possible, a Diancie would be great too. Thank you in advance man!
Gear 3437-3546-5940
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Are they anymore darkrais?
Guys OP won't be back until 5-6 hours from now, read the past comments.
Quoted By:
>>21986204 Thank you based anon.
IGN Fusero 2466-3987-0990
Quoted By:
Wanting to participate in the giveaway. will take anything. thanks in advance. added you
Quoted By:
>>21986330 >>21986341 Yes, he'll make a new thread when he wakes up. Read the thread.
Quoted By:
Any darkrai left? Or am I too late....
Mike FC: 1048-9307-1244
Quoted By:
>>21983772 Have any darkrai left? If you do plz if not diancie or jirachi
Saku: 3454 2585 1058
Quoted By:
Any Gastly's left? I'd like one.