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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

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Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.


Trailer for upcoming events:

Pokemon the Movie XY 2 trailer:

Next episode:
XY52: Ninja Art Showdown! Frogadier VS Barbaracle!! [December 11th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY53: Serena Gets Serious! The Wild Skiddo Race!! [December 18th]
>XY54: Malamar VS Inkay! A Bond That Saves the World!! [December 25th]
>XY55: The Weakest Dragon Ever!? Enter Goomy!! [January 8th]
>XY56: Dedenne Does Its Best! All for Goomy!! [January 15th]
>XY57: Vanillite Panic! Left Cold by a Whiteout!! [January 22nd]
>XY58: Coumarine Gym Match! Frogadier VS Gogoat!! [January 29th]
>XY59: Ash and Serena's First Date!? The Vow Tree and the Present!! [February 5th]
>XY60: Aim to Become Kalos Queen! Serena's Grand Debut!! [February 12th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?

>Will May return as part of ORAS hype?
KAORI has recently returned to voice acting, so we'll see.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY but their releases can happen any time of the week.

>Muh dubs when?
This Saturday, Dreaming a Performer's Dream!

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