Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Trailer for upcoming events:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83nfUeTDJWk Pokemon the Movie XY 2 trailer:
http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/ Next episode:
XY52: Ninja Art Showdown! Frogadier VS Barbaracle!! [December 11th]
http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer Upcoming episodes:
>XY53: Serena Gets Serious! The Wild Skiddo Race!! [December 18th] >XY54: Malamar VS Inkay! A Bond That Saves the World!! [December 25th] >XY55: The Weakest Dragon Ever!? Enter Goomy!! [January 8th] >XY56: Dedenne Does Its Best! All for Goomy!! [January 15th] >XY57: Vanillite Panic! Left Cold by a Whiteout!! [January 22nd] >XY58: Coumarine Gym Match! Frogadier VS Gogoat!! [January 29th] >XY59: Ash and Serena's First Date!? The Vow Tree and the Present!! [February 5th] >XY60: Aim to Become Kalos Queen! Serena's Grand Debut!! [February 12th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- Yes, it's fucking good just start watching it already.
>Will Serena win da Ash? IT'S HAPPENING
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? KAORI has recently returned to voice acting, so we'll see.
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing XY but their releases can happen any time of the week.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, Dreaming a Performer's Dream!
Last Thread:
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ORAS Special SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_Mega_Special[H264_1080P][5D5DC8E6].mkv.torrent
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_024_The_Castle_on_the_Seabed!_Kuzumo_and_Dramidoro!![H264_720P][110376DA].mkv.torrent
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=627944 NEXT:
>Sanpei returns! Satoshi and the others end up assisting him on a mission. However, a masked ninja gets in their way! And then, something strange happens to Satoshi's Keromatsu...? >Summary: >Satoshi and the others end up saving an injured Sanpei and his Gekkouga during their battle training. According to Sanpei, the two of them were attacked by the mysterious "Masked Ninja" while on a mission to deliver a secret scroll to a certain mansion. >Satoshi and the others team up with Sanpei and the group makes their way towards the mansion together, but once again the Masked Ninja appears for a battle. Will Satoshi and the others manage to safely deliver the scroll to the mansion? And what's happening to Satoshi's Keromatsu...? >Voice Cast: >Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi >Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu >Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena >Yuki Kaji: Citron >Mariya Ise: Eureka >Megumi Sato: Dedenne >Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi >Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro >Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth >Yuji Ueda: Sonansu >Yuuko Sanpei: Sanpei >Kiyotaka Furushima: Gekkouga >Kosuke Toriumi: Saizo >Unsho Ishizuka: Narration Anonymous
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UPCOMING SHIT POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 60: (Dec 7th)>Run, Satoshi! Cross the Kibanha River! / Abareru-kun Embarks on the New ORAS Chapter of 'Abareru-kun's Pokémon Trade Journey'! In This First Segment, He Goes to Kagoshima! XY53: Serena Gets Serious! The Wild Skiddo Race!! (Dec 18th)>Ash and friends meet Serena's mom again at a ranch. Her mom is opposed to Serena's dream and tells her she'll only approve of it if Serena wins a Skiddo Race. XY54: Malamar VS Inkay! A Bond That Saves the World!! (Dec 25th)>James' Inkay stands up to the Malamar that plots to take over the world. XY55: The Weakest Dragon Ever!? Enter Goomy!! (Jan 8th)>Team Rocket end up abducting a Goomy alongside Pikachu! XY56: Dedenne Does Its Best! All for Goomy!! (Jan 15th)>After being attacked by Team Rocket, Ash ends up separated from everyone else inside a forest! XY57: Vanillite Panic! Left Cold by a Whiteout!! (Jan 22nd)>Team Rocket goes after a Vanillite being kept in a safe shelter, which leads to the entire town ending up frozen over!! XY58: Coumarine Gym Match! Frogadier VS Gogoat!! (Jan 29th)>A battle against veteran gym leader Ramos! Will Ash get his 4th badge!? XY59: Ash and Serena's First Date!? The Vow Tree and the Present!! (Feb 5th)>In order to find a present for the Pokémon, Ash and Serena go shopping all by themselves. XY60: Aim to Become Kalos Queen! Serena's Grand Debut!! (Feb 12th)>Serena finally participates in her first Tripokalon! What kind of performance will she show us!?
No shitposting this time k guys?
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Too many upcoming TR episodes: lame.
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Wishfulshipping is ded
Other than the shitposting, would anyone care to post some Brobowl content? or maybe even the handsome latino himself, discussion about the based director?
>>22024288 If this theme plays at the league
>mfw Anonymous
Please post pictures of Serena and Bonnie in cute outfits.
>>22024681 >>22024687 of course, now then can we get on with talking about the anime now, any ideas for what Malamar's great scheme for the planet is and how Inkay stops it?
>tfw no Samurai that helped Oshawott to train in Unova
>>22024701 Ed Edd n' Eddy was total shit, though:
muh jawbreaks, muh butter toast, muh autism
Double D was the only non-retard on the whole show.
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>>22024714 Squidward's back! I gotta ask why you're the only good character in modern Spongebob?
>>22024714 I really hope it's the Malamar of the TF fatass from the games
>>22024714 >yfw Inkay evolves into Malamar and uses its newfound powers to stop the evil Malamar Anonymous
>>22024718 Because the last Samurai is in Kanto
>>22024713 You again? Pls GTFO
>>22024714 Squidward, I think Malamar is gonna go psycho and try to control all the Pokemon in the world and then Inkay will get Ash and co. to try and stop it.
>>22024723 Better off posting that in an Ed Edd n' Eddy thread,
>>22024714 I have no idea how that magnificent bastard is going to pull it over. All I can tell you is that, with the recent association of TR appearing every fucking episode to interrupt and cause stupid shit, we might actually get a decent episode with them, and maybe some back ground history on James' Inkay.
I have a good feeling about what's to come though, because it can't be any worse than
>the lovely charming villains Anonymous
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>>22024776 It's official, I've become illiterate. What is wrong with me. It's the long days, /vp/.
>>22024759 Best COTD on the show, and he was only in the 5th episode.
Also, a role Cathcart wasn't actually fucking awful at? Incredible: well, it wasn't the TPCi dub, so I guess it makes sense.
>>22024760 No no, not again.
I am not asking again. This is first time.
I want pictures of Serena and Bonnie in cute outfits posted please.
>>22024809 *that
Chespin sounds retarded and Meowstic sounds derpy.
>>22024736 >>22024742 >>22024770 >>22024776 You see how easy it is to actually have some discussion instead of shitposting? Now then to continue this train of thought, Do you think Inkay could be related to Malamar or possibly be Malamar's child (a bit cliche but it could work), or a possible old friend of Malamar?
>>22024857 Nah, too complex for Pokemon
>>22024857 Too complex, Squidward.
>>22024857 It sounds complex, but the thought has crossed my mind. Who knows, I get the idea there will be some form of relation, friend maybe?
Idk why, could get feelsy if Malamar was an old friend of Inkay, which was an Inkay when it was its friend?
Maybe James' Inkay will evolve?
>>22024857 That would be interesting and one idea to explain the "bond that saves the world" thing, maybe Inkay and Malamar realize they're related and it gets Malamar to reconsider its evil schemes. But I still hope there's an epic Malamar v Inkay battle
>>22024926 Then again, this is just speculation, but it has potential.
>>22024799 Search the archives, there was a Serena photo dump not too long ago
>>22024866 >>22024881 Why am I not surprised by this, well alright if it's too complex, what do you suppose the "bond that saves the world is"?
>>22024926 >>22024927 It might, perhaps Inkay could fight Malamar to try and knock some sense into it, be losing the fight, and somehow during the fight get flipped upside down or something and evolve, turn the tables and spare Malamar to teach it to rethink it's way's or something to that manner.
I hope the Malamar is evil because it's just an asshole and not because of a tragic past or something. Then maybe people can stop calling my bro Ursaring an asshole.
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>>22024941 I see potential for that, another idea is that maybe Malamar and Inkay realize they their individual powers synergize and make something even greater, that would be another bond.
>>22024988 I got that one I want more.
Why did you start avatar fagging again, squidward anon. Knock that shit off. It's worse than tripfagging.
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>>22025025 I do it on and off, as for why, I dunno, maybe I'm just a little attentionwhoring shit.
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>>22024995 >Malamar does have a tragic past and joins orphan Emma to fight crime when he realizes his errors Anonymous
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>>22025018 Search google then, we don't want another image dump here right now
>>22024995 Even if that is the case, XY 54 would make Malamar a redeemable asshole, and thus still bro worthy.
>>22024994 A bond that saves the world could also be referencing to James and Inkay. Seems unlikely, seeing as there hasn't been much evidence of chemistry between them other than "Use Psybeam!", but who knows?
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>>22024994 Unless it's the bond between Inkay and James, but we really haven't seen much of that in the anime
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>>22025106 Are we in each other's brains? We seem to be posting the same ideas
>>22025098 Personally, I think "the bond that saves the world" is referring to James and Inkay and that the Malamar is an irredeemable shithead.
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>>22025140 I bet it's just Flygon false flagging again.
>>22025140 Plot twist:
Lysandre is controlling Malamar . Eh highly unlikely but it's fun to think about
>>22025169 Plot twist:
Malamar is controlling Lysandre Anonymous
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>>22025181 Holy fuck that would be crazy
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>>22025181 I bet Manon is using her leprechaun magic to control both.
>>22025181 >controlling lysandre through psychic powers >all the way to Hoenn Anonymous
>>22025243 Two words: Mega Malamar
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>>22025257 We can only go further into Naruto with Mega Cthulhu.
>>22024857 Malamar is ded
and so is amour Anonymous
>>22025418 >stealing my punchline Anonymous
>>22025472 I should had copyright it
>>22025549 You should have stopped being a retard.
>>22025589 I admitted defeat a while ago...
literally looking for a sunken ship was a good meme too, but that one is dead also.
>>22025633 amour is ded is ded?
>>22025669 "Amour is ded is ded" is ded
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>>22025682 everthing we love is ded Anonymous
>>22025669 at least for me it is, you will probably still have to deal with my army of autists that picked up on it without me knowing it
>>22025733 Just curious, now that the date episode has been announced and all, do you still think amour is done for or does it still have a chance?
>>22025733 As the anon that started "This is your new waifu" only to see a bunch of shitheads run it into the ground, I feel your pain.
>>22025733 >>22025774 It was always my dream to start a meme
>>22025769 It never had a chance, but it will be fun to see what they do with the pairing as the season progresses
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>>22025769 This is the first of many cute happenings, anon.
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>>22025796 I think it still does have a chance but only if some drastic changes are in store for the anime's structure (or even existence). I like the pairing but I see the anime's current structure as preventing canonization. Call me a "realist" AmourShipper so to speak. AmourShipping "optimists" might feel strongly about the chances of it going canon
>>22025794 I started "Soon" and "Mary Sue flying through" and then other people kept using it. I feel kinda bad about it tbh.
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>>22025851 Soon? Like with the faces in the background? That's pretty popular
>>22025769 Last time they did anything Amour related was in episode 44.
Will the present in the date episode be something Ash gives Serena to wear in the next episode for her debut? Anyone else have an idea of what it is and from who to whom?
>>22025794 >people said georgia couldn't become a meme >they said that she was too likable >started spamming Georgia screenshots >people started getting annoyed >my army built over time >come 5 months later liking Georgia comes with negative connotations Anonymous
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>>22025879 The only details we got is that they leave their pokemon behind and visit the vow tree.
>>22025877 Right but we may see some Amour stuff in XY53 (see image of Grace hugging Ash and Serena). I'm expecting fewer shippy moments now that the show is focusing more on Serena's goal, but that doesn't mean I think it's "ded"
>>22025905 Honestly, I think we'll get hit back to back Amour with the gym, the date, and the TriPokalon.
>>22025946 The earrings or that choker/pendant.
>>22025952 I think that's plausible. Having a date episode right between Ash's midway point in gym badges and Serena's first Tripokalon is no coincidence, there has to be some meaning to it.
>>22025895 >people liked Korrina and hype for her appearance >call her a gold digging fame whore only in it to mega evolve her aura dog for weeks leading up to her appearance >she turns out to be a gold digging fame whore only in it to mega evolve her aura dog >people turn on her >get immortalized as a prophet Anonymous
>>22025974 >implying Ash has good taste Anonymous
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>>22026010 >rejected Misty, hates Iris He's got pretty good taste.
>>22025952 Only thing is i don't know how they make Amour relevant in the gym battle. It was tough enough to get into the Shalour battle with the dance flashback, I can't imagine what they'd do this time if anything
>>22026010 >doesn't go with anything else on her outfit >good taste >>22026006 nice one anon
I was part of the group that predicted the cliff scene word by word, but you my friend have unlocked your third eye and seventh sense.
>>22026068 >subs are kill no
Shitty memes aside, don't they usually release wednesdays? Anonymous
>>22026056 >implying Serena's skiddo race won't reveal strats against Gogoat for Ash Anonymous
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>>22025879 At least one present they will get is for the Pokemon, any others we don't know about
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>>22026079 That's an interesting idea, maybe Ash even learns himself from doing the Skiddo race
>>22026075 Just between you and me, I was part of the cliff scene prophecy too. Maybe I just have the gift.
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>>22026056 Well, there was Viola, and the Shalour battle got intense right after Hawlucha's one-shot of Meinfoo.
You know, Serena triggering him.
>>22025979 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the vow thing will be them vowing to achieve their goals, and be there for each other for support or some shit.
But there's also the question why they are sitting on a bench together by the pier. Serena looks like she's flirting or being forward. Don't have the picture, but I'm sure someone else does.
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>>22026158 All we have is this...
>>22026158 ...and a fanart based on it.
>can Serena wake up Ash's latent romantic side? Anonymous
>>22026111 But were you a true prophet?
Guys can we not talk about the date episode so much? I know its got the most hype out of all the upcoming episodes whether you are an amourfag or not, but by the time it gets here....
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22026078 They do, but they're having technical difficulties again.
>>22026158 Probably this. They'll probably be together so that they can discuss their goals.
>>22026217 I suppose there's plenty of time to talk about it in the weeks leading to it.
Anyways, what's Goomy's problem? Why the hell is it so afraid of Ariados?
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>>22026205 I dunno, having "Korrina is a gold digger", the cliff scene and predicting the sky battle episode on my resume is pretty good.
>>22026270 Because Ariados are bullies and assholes.
Arc V better than XY confirmed
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>>22026361 I'd agree shit just got real
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>>22026361 Nice try, yugi.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22026361 Then why does it get poorer ratings then? Anonymous
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>>22026361 Wait until we get the speeding Skiddo and battle with the speeding Gogoat.
>>22026330 except when they are disciplined by ninjas.
>>22026417 Then they become assholes who are sneaky bullies.
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>>22026442 Naw they become pretty bro
>>22026361 is that actually good or is this some sort of joke... I just took a peek at the opening and well this shit looks... I don't know
Why wasn't Korrina as gangsta as these two? Will Ramos bring the return of gangsta gym leaders?
>>22026495 It's actually good, OP is shit though and you have to weave through the first 3 episodes, but it really is good.
>>22026570 there is any fansub to watch it?
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22026595 Not until next year.
>>22026547 Ramos is too old to be a gangsta
>>22026547 No, looks like Ramos goes Highlander using the shears he has.
>>22026547 because Korrina lives in an isolated island, since a kid she had an early curfew (as proven by the fact if she was to stay out in town after dark the ocean gives her a big fuck you), her only friends before meeting the group were probably her grandpa and lucario, and to end it all she was always under pressure to be the successor. Being Korrina is suffering.
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>>22026632 Ramos is
practically ded
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>>22026641 >YFW there's a Quickening in the episode Anonymous
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>>22026586 Monosubs on nyaa
tfw koga is the masked ninja, and its teaching omething to sanpei the rough way. The masked ninja has kogas appeareance + the mask. Mark my words.
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
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>>22026834 Hate to break it to you, but...
>Kosuke Toriumi: Saizo Anonymous
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>>22026834 his name is Saiso
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>>22026834 No, Shiftry Ninja is Kiba/Strider.
>squirdward avartarfagging finally getting deleted Good, if only we can get rid of Mami forever.
>>22026875 Other than being a denialfag he's rather harmless.
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>>22026834 >yfw it is one of the brothers testing Sanpei's strength as a ninja Anonymous
>>22026885 Cancer isn't harmless.
>>22026908 >implying amourfags, waifufags, korrinafags and dubfags aren't the real cancer Anonymous
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>>22026925 >implying you're not the cancer for bringing it up when it's not being talked about Anonymous
>>22026875 >2014 almost+1 >can't ignore/filter mami its like you if you are incompetent or something
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>>22026908 >Cancer isn't harmless. Anonymous
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>tfw you realize that Saizo's seiyuu is the same as Little Mac's in Smash Bros.
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Currently have this song on repeat:
http://youtu.be/S4P9VxMRV8Q Anonymous
>>22026925 Dont worry anon, amour will be ded soon enough and the amourfags and waifufags will cry themselves to sleep when that happens, they are too delusional to realize their ship will never happen
Mami Kawada Lover !aNRFNkpkG.
>>22026994 Eventually, all this shitposting will end. Both sides will have a ceasefire, then people will once again start focusing on actual episode discussion.
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>>22026875 Yeah I was going too far with that.
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>>22026994 kek
>>22027006 or we can take discussion from thread outside of the thread
without our trips on of course :^)
>flying satoshi >not at least 3 minutes long Come on.
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>>22027071 Someone should make an extended version of it and put it on youtube or something. Mexican Ash demands nothing less
>>22024701 Other people should create more OC of it, and not just post pictures of the Eiffel Tower exploding and saying the words "Hype".
>>22024701 >yfw based Latino cowboy Ash goes all the way at the league with Hawlucha >Mexican Ash is best Ash Anonymous
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>>22027314 Shangdong Bidao
>>22026200 >Implying ol' Ramos won't notice how clueless Ash is about Serena's crush, and as the ladies' man he once was in his youth, proceeds to give Ash "the talk". Next thing you know Ash is buying a present for Serena in the next episode and they visit the vow tree, as the old man told him. Seriously though, gym leaders have been treated relatively well,we even got that pointless Korrina arc, but now that it seems Ramos will only appear in the gym episode and with the brobowl coming up next, is there any hope for him to be redeemed?
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>>22027358 I can see him appearing on episode 56 or 57
>Ash gets lost in the forest >Ramos helps him while everybody looks for him 57, the shelter maybe in Coumarine or something
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>>22025243 Malamar fhtagn
>there are still not an eldritch abomination presence in the Pokemon games >just legendaries that control the forces of the universe which you can catch >they're not even scary Anonymous
>>22027358 Ramos is in a really bad spot marketing wise.
He's right after the Mega Evolution arc with Corni, and before the battle with Citron.
Draxidean 3110-6194-6174
>>22024723 >>Mfw in the mexican dub the actor that does James voice also does Double D voice Anonymous
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>>22027786 Sad to say but it is true, Ramos may be quickly forgotten given how much focus was placed on Korrina for Mega Evolution and how much attention the BroBowl will have.
>>22027813 He a shit doe...
I fucking hate those regionalisms, shit made me quit the anime
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>>22027358 >>Implying ol' Ramos won't notice how clueless Ash is about Serena's crush, and as the ladies' man he once was in his youth, proceeds to give Ash "the talk". Next thing you know Ash is buying a present for Serena in the next episode and they visit the vow tree, as the old man told him. >yfw this actually does happen Draxidean 3110-6194-6174
>>22027996 Meh I stopped watching Pokemon at the middle of Pokemon jotho the fucking repetitions man it was worst than Dragon Ball
So is, uh, something interesting going on in the show? I've never watched the anime, but I have a lot of free time and not a lot to do.
>>22028223 Depends. Do you like romance?
>>22028144 I don't remember repetitions tbqh
>>22028241 What, ROMANCE? In the POKEMON ANIME?
Ok, this is something I may need to see with my own eyes.
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>>22028223 My advice: Watch the Japanese version (PM subs) of XY from the beginning, and be prepared to have your jaw drop multiple times in the first seven episodes. Because Ash is based. Also: because Serena.
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>>22028299 Yes, we are not messing w you. There is some romance, at least as much as you could expect to see in a kids show (just don't expect kissy kissy or anything). Just start from episode 1 and go at least until the end of episode 7, at which point you will probably want to keep going anyway. Dont watch the English dub though, it's pretty bad
>>22028299 It's still the one sided shounen type romance but it's more blatant than Misty ever was.
Last 5 posts seem like a ruse.
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>>22028369 Well, at least they had the decency to not do that "I haven't been around for a few weeks, what do you mean IT'S HAPPENING!?" shit if it is.
>>22028369 Indeed, something stinks in Sweden.
>>22028144 >middle of Johto >repetition Very accurate
>>22028364 Holy fuck, did that actually happen, or is that shopped?
Is pretending to be new, the new shitposting?
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>>22028478 It's gonna be a LONG week.
>>22028478 >look at poster counter >it doesn't move at all >multiple posts from people claiming to be new asking stupid questions Anonymous
>>22028461 I believe Garyland described it best by characterising it as the "death march" through Johto given all the fillers
>>22028472 no it actually did
ebin imo
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>>22028503 No, I knew about that. I always thought the slide was a shop though. That's a huge hint.
>>22028519 Exactly
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>>22028502 Why are the female scientists in XY so gorgeous? Just look at Sycamore's ass-istant Sophie too
>>22028521 Diantha's eyebrows or Eclair?
>>22028539 Is this a trick question? Diantha.
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>>22028555 >Still no Diantha/Ash /ss/ Anonymous
>>22028515 >I've never heard of Garyland Thanks a lot anon! I've been looking for a site like this
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>>22028248 They released like 20 episodes before reverting back to orange islands like almost a year it took then like four or five years to begin advanced generations and I not even sure they showed the whole jotho season, heck even cartoon network did a Pokemon marathon two consecutive years and only showed like five or Ten new episodes, the James dub was the least of his problems
>>22028568 I just checked it out, looks kind of like Pokemopolis.
I really miss Pokemopolis
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>>22028568 No prob, I like how in the XY44 review he actually describes Hawlucha as Ash's "*Mexican* wrestling bird" as opposed to just his wrestling bird (makes sense though given the lucha in his name). Makes you think of...
http://youtu.be/UXa10zrF6EQ Anonymous
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>>22028593 Wow, that one's good too. I hope it gets archived somewhere
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>>22028593 Pokemopolis is ded
Can we talk about Serena again?
>>22024793 Most of Cathcart's roles were good under 4Kids. Even his Gary went to shit after TCPI took over.
Cathcart's writing is shit, but Wayland's voice direction is clearly a much larger problem. The writing might as well be Shakespearean, but if the voice acting is shit it's still unwatchable.
>>22028792 Waifufagging in 3....2...1...
Talk what about her? The fact that she's super qt 10/10?
>>22028851 She has shit taste, if she's in love with Ash.
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>>22028839 >tfw i get to report posts again Anonymous
>>22028851 >Serena is closest I've ever had to having waifu feeling for >Can't call her my waifu because I want her to have the happiness she deserves with Ash It's awful. She's a super qt though.
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>>22028568 >doesn't have reviews for two of the best episodes so far, XY37 and XY38 pure shit
>>22028876 it looks like Serena accidentally stepped on that pancham.
Yea she is really cute.
>>22028792 That's what I'm here for all day, Dawn and Serena.
>>22028851 Is that pic an edit? Her neck is way too thin.
>>22028876 But what if she leaves at the end of gen 6, then she is no longer taken. But by that time people will be all over the new main girl.
>>22028868 What's so good about him? I don't get what she sees in him.
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>>22028910 Some animator seems to make her neck really fucking thin.
>>22028910 I hope not, we had brock for 3 season, why not serena too?
>>22028897 Green outfit is best Serena but all Serenas are welcome.
>>22028910 >Hopping on the new main girl bandwagon She's the first to make me feel this way, hopefully she hooks up and Serena changes outfits every region to match the girl from that gen.
>>22028929 She watched the Sinnoh League, but didn't watch the Unova League. I think she would sooner turn lesbian than go after Ash if she saw his performance in that.
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>>22028929 She didn't meet him during BW.
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>>22028957 Too bad Dawn is already lesbian
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>mfw these dead ass threads until next week
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Told you niggahs about idol serena, told you bros.
>>22028943 >>22028948 I hope she stays, I was already in tears when Dawn left. But now that we have a good Pokegirl again I want her to stay forever.
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>>22028943 because she's a
girl Anonymous
>>22028996 >>22028910 >>22028876 you waifu/amourfags are going to be heartbroken when serena has to leave at the end of XY and ash friendzones her and leaves for PokeNorway, sorry but this shipping will never happen
>>22028996 What's a matter nigger? Iris not good enough for you?
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>>22029025 Changed tactics again?
>>22029025 >PokeNorway >Not PokeSaudi Arabia >No girls allowed >Only ground types Anonymous
>>22029044 >PokeSaudi Arabia >Not PokeMars Anonymous
>>22029037 That which is not ded can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.
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>>22029025 >PokeNorway Why not PokeNew Zealanf?
Wailord Watching, free Piplup, volcanoes, mountain ranges, Flying/Ground Pokémon, Moa fossil, Tanewha legendary, scenery like Hoenn Route 119 all over the place and rendered in full 3d as opposed to blocky shit from ORAS
>>22026205 I dunno, am I?
Mirror Universe anon I was just as surprised as everyone else at it actually happening Anonymous
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>>22029025 >still confusing waifufags and amourfags Anonymous
>>22029069 Would you a Mirror Serena?
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>>22026547 Cause, she went full Khornoate Berserker
>>22029046 >PokeMars >Not just ripping off the plot of Interstellar as a Pokemon series Anonymous
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>>22029089 Too hillbilly4me
>>22029025 But we would get another blonde blue eyed girl then if Ash went to PokeNorway, she would be too similar to Serena.
>>22029031 She is terrible, she is an insult to Dawn by being her replacement.
>>22026939 Seeing Hilda in the anime threads is just too painful
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>>22029099 you are so childish.
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>>22029095 >Wanting to watch May outgrow Norman >Not wanting to watch Cozmo turn into Jirachi in Poke2001 Anonymous
>>22029099 Wherever ash goes the point remains, ash will friendzone serena to go to the next region, amour will never happen, it is ded
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>>22029099 Serena will never wave at you in the most adorable way like this
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>>22028957 That's okay, some girls were loyal in even his darkest time
>>22029089 Wrong question I think
Would Mirror Serena prefer you is the question
>>22029099 Iris is a good girl with a big heart that has been dealt with bad cards.
The nearer 2015 is the more that I want her to appear.
>>22029099 If amour isn't happening might as well give Ash a harem in the next region. No more homo companions, just the regional girl and an older oneesan traveling with Ash
and wants his D Anonymous
>>22029210 Iris a shit, post more Serena.
>>22029257 Fuck off, you're equally annoying
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>>22029210 She will enter the Divine Fire of Heaven, and come out purified
>>22029047 >stockings Nice
So what's TR going to do in the next episode?
Who is the worst character in the history of the show and why is it Cameron?
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>>22029286 Blasting off again! Anonymous
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>>22029286 Same thing they try to do every night, Pinky.
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>>22029291 Well, since Iris will be redeemed then he becomes worst by default.
>>22029291 why the hate to cameron?, I only watched the first half of BW so I don't know why.
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>>22029319 Watch the League. Make sure you have painkillers/alcohol handy.
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>>22029286 Do behind the scenes support to make their date work flawlessly Anonymous
>>22029319 He's an idiot, even more so than BW Ash at his absolute worst. He thought the Unova League was in Ecruteak City, he thought you only needed 7 badges to get in, then he brought 5 Pokémon to a full 6 on 6 battle.
His 'gag' is that he stretches his headband so it flies back and hits him in the head when he needs an idea. It's oberused beyond belief and not at all funny.
Despite the fact that he is the biggest moron in all of television, Ash still sees fit to go miles out of his way to help him,
then Ash subsequently gets defeated by Cameron and his 5 Pokémon, even though Ash brought 6. Anonymous
>>22029271 Then let's get a discussion going.
Misty = Childhood friend
May = "Underclassman"
Dawn = Best friend
Serena = ???
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>>22029356 Serena = Semen Demon
Ay least in my eyes. If Ash saw her that way she'd be set for life.
>>22029356 You got that wrong, sir.
Misty = ???
May = "Underclassman"
Dawn = Best friend
Serena = Childhood friend
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>>22029354 wooow. that's sounds very lame.
>>22029379 You still got that wrong.
>>22029356 >>22029379 The only ones wrong here are Misty and Serena, and those are going to depend on who you ask.
no Iris? Anonymous
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>>22029402 Iris(Game) = Waifu
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>>22029402 Iris is ded (again)
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>>22029234 I would be fine with just Ash and the main girl
and no more Team Rocket. Anonymous
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>>22029396 >didn't bother trying to correct >>22029402 At least you have an excuse.
Is it fair to say the most realistic ending to Pokemon will be Ash and Pikachu heading off for new adventures by themselves?
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>>22029379 Eh, I didn't want to say Serena was a childhood friend because Ash didn't even remember her.
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>>22029429 >implying Yandere Serena wouldn't handcuff Ash to herself so he could never go anywhere without her Anonymous
>>22029429 Most realistic ending to Pokemon is Ash finally winning a league and settling down. Not necessarily with someone, but just retiring after beating a champion or something and going back to Oak's lab and tending to his pokemon.
Any ending at this point will be very underwhelming. I think the show should just continue forever.
>>22029441 I think that would be reasonable if Pokemon wasn't a franchise, but unending adventure and exploration is sort of the overall Pokemon ethos. I'd imagine that settling down would oppose that idea.
>>22029463 Or this happens.
>>22029481 >yfw Ash is still 10 in 2094 and Pikachu is still being defeated by level 5 Pokemon at the start of each region Anonymous
He's 11 now. Iris and Cilan used the Magnet Train to go to Goldenrod City, which would not be operational until a year after Ash visited Goldenrod. This means that at least a year has passed since Ash was in Goldenrod, meaning that he must be 11 by now.
>>22029356 Misty - That girl who entered your life and have no idea when she'll leave
May - Teacher's...pet
Dawn - Overmaximum platonic best friends
Iris - "Why are you following me again?"
Serena - Childhood love
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>>22029531 >confusing the passing of time with aging Anonymous
>>22029507 He's 11 now.
Iris and Cilan used the Magnet Train to go to Goldenrod City, which would not be operational until a year after Ash visited Goldenrod.
This means that at least a year has passed since Ash was in Goldenrod, meaning that he must be 11 by now.
>>22029507 >pikachu didn't lose to a level 5 pokemon at the start of this region The walls of reality are caving in!
>>22029531 Many of these so called milestones have occurred and yet that didn't stop the show from stating he was 10 at the start of BW. They haven't clarified what his age is since then. But I'm assuming he's 10 until we are told otherwise
>>22029429 Yeah, I can't see him ever settling down too be quite honest. We all know how much they play up his passion for battling and just going everywhere and seeing everything, there's no way that he would just win the league and then his drive just flips off forever.
He even says in both the original and the dub that beating the league is his "first step towards becoming a Pokemon Master", so it's entirely possible and not at all a wrong thing to think he could win the Kalos League, because he'll still go on to the next region afterwards regardless. There's too much he could still do.
In fact, it would be really cool to see him go back to Hoenn and take up that Frontier Brain position for a bit for the ORAS part of this gen's anime. Probably won't happen, but it'd be interesting to see.
>>22029537 I love Pokemon, and I love Black Lagoon, but that picture is shit
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>>22029550 And I'm gonna assume he's 25 until we are told otherwise.
>>22029537 >Teacher's...pet Anonymous
>>22029552 >Battle Frontier >Hoenn Anonymous
>>22029552 >Hoenn and take up that Frontier Brain That was in Kanto. Just give him Brandon's Battle Pyramid and boom, continued traveling and Frontier Brain.
after 10+ years ash will finally have a water type evolve. holy shit
>>22029575 >>22029591 whoops yeah i forgot they moved it for some reason
okay scratch that then
>>22029571 Imagine the yuri with these two
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>>22029603 Imagine the yuri with these two and Roxanne in her new outfit.
My dick just became Steel type.
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>>22029463 >implying craziest Elite Four/Champion battles would be underwhelming Anonymous
>>22029552 And this is one reason why I don't see Serena winning da Ash unless the writers were to time skip before he went to Gen 7 (or maybe they plan on sending his kid to Gen 7 or having a new protag altogether). The structure of the anime prevents any lasting romance unless they were to make some big changes
>>22029597 This still makes me laugh everytime I see it. He explodes? Really?
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>>22029618 Well, if they go Kanto re-remakes then that could be taken care of. Ash and Serena's kid does Kanto then jumps to the new area.
How awkward would things get if Serena ever get's the courage to confess to Ash?
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>>22029618 Or she just follows him around like Brock for a couple of seasons until Grace calls her back to take care of the Rhyhorn farm or something.
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>>22029628 Narutoad Shippuden. Why are you surprised?
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>>22029598 Fire Red/Leaf Green promotion. Only problem was they were shit at it and barely featured any actual Kanto locations, then they spent several episodes on the ocean without visiting the Sevii Islands.
What they should have done was to put the facilities on the Sevii Islands. Seven islands, seven facilities, then have the fillers involving Sevii Island stuff from the game, including the Team Rocket plot and Moltres.
They could also have the Deoxys episodes take place actually on Birth Island, but alas, the people in charge of the anime at the time were idiots. (remembering that these are the same jackasses who built up Team Magma and Aqua, then subsequently did nothing with them except for a rushed finale with horrible animation and possessed Pikachu bullshit)
>>22029618 It's not as if the anime has always remained completely static. The Johto to Hoenn switch was pretty major, so it's not strange to suggest a similar change could happen again.
>>22029643 >He misconstrues the confession as non-romantic >She has to repeat it more literally for him, dropping spaghetti the whole time. Anonymous
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>>22029628 Maybe Frogadier learned self-destruct upon evolving.
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>>22029643 Nothing awkward the Ash
Well, maybe on confession night, but our boy'll hit his stride soon after again Anonymous
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>>22029618 >Brandon is in a leave of absence because something something Regigigas >He and Scott ask Ash if he could take on the roll of Pyramid King >He says ok >We get cameos from a mess of trainers challenging him to battles >Paul Rematch that ends in a tie but Ash gives him the Symbol anyways >Gary hears about it, pays him a visit >Meanwhile in Hoenn, May and Serena are doing contest shenanigans >Bonnie and Max hijinks with Max getting his first pokemon and having a battle with Bonnie Bonnie wins >Clemont refereeing at the Pyramid Anonymous
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>>22026361 If XY didn't have Team Rocket scheming to capture Pikachu and the "pokemon of the week" in the middle of the plot every week, it would be on par with Arc-V. XY is slightly lower because of this, but not by much
Both series are really good this time.
At least OEPD is not spammed every episode like Utopia was in Zexal
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>>22029628 Too fucking powerful.
>>22029543 You know they're just going to ignore this. THE NIGGA HAS HAD TWO DIFFERENT 11TH BIRTHDAYS!
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>>22029671 >implying it won't go file related Anonymous
>>22029712 The first was obviously the Pikachu movie from before the Entei film, but when was the second one?
>>22029712 If you're talking about that movie short, they've always been non-canon.
>>22029671 >Ash, I love you >Yeah, we make a good team. >N-no, I mean...I'll cool it again Anonymous
>>22029721 >>22029723 Yes, the Pokemon short, but he also mentions it in the anime. Sometime during the Orange Islands I think he turned 11. I cannot remember explicitly, but he pretty much said it in the anime as well.
>>22029741 You must mean the 'it's been a whole year since we've been here' in the Viridian Gym episode. That "doesn't count" because it was "dub only".
>>22029756 Well, all they say in the original is "a while".
>>22029726 Actually, that scenario makes it sound like Serena is the one that misconstrues what Ash says.
>>22029773 >yfw they both misconstrue their confessions to each other and end up giving each other awkward stares for the next 100 episodes Anonymous
>>22029671 So many people believe Ash will never win a league or never get a girlfriend or never whatever because of the vaunted status quo. The flaw there is they assume that no change in the anime structure will happen or is even possible. I think there is that possibility for the writers to make that kind of change, but that doesn't mean I think they actually will exercise that prerogative.p
>>22029790 >yfw ash friendzones serena in the date episode >amour is ded Anonymous
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>>22029726 Well, Serena looks like she's moving in on that one blurry scan we have. Of course, she might be just thanking him for spending the day with her.
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>>22029821 >yfw serena friendzones herself in the date episode >ash is ded >>22029811 It almost seems like laziness, or "don't fix what ain't broke," with the anime since Hoenn. I wouldn't be opposed to shaking it up a bit.
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>>22029768 >>22029756 Fine whatever. They don't care if they directly reference it because they'll just ignore it. It's called a writer error.
>>22029865 I do, it's funny.
>>22029882 >lying on the internet Anonymous