Friendly reminder that americans will never ever be /comfy/
1. When doing a giveaway, make sure you state:
>What Pokemon you are giving away. >Relevant info about said pokemon (eg. If it is shiny, has HA, etc) >What pokemon on the GTS you want for it >What message the above pokemon should have to be noticed 2. When possible, avoid responding to GTS giveaways that have already been confirmed by other people.
3. Reply to yourself when your giveaway is finished informing the thread it is done. You may wish to adopt a name or tripcode to avoid spoofing.
4. No begging giveaway hosts for specific giveaways.
5. Event Pokémon should be traded through Acquaintances after a Disc-for-Disc trade.
6. Keep smaller giveaways like breeding leftovers elsewhere to avoid clutter. We have /wfg/ for that.
Please refrain from overjewing. This means taking more than one pokemon from the same giveaway and making it unfair for others to obtain a pokemon. Unless ok'd by the giver of course.
comfy is the BEST meme!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quoted By:
>>22026795 >dirty europoor Anonymous
its /comfy/ time already? where is Natalie. she is /comfy/ queen. she comforts us all like our moms used too. she has paid the iron price sharing her broken foot. so she is deemed /comfy/ queen.
anyone else get here from le reddit xD
>>22026843 well i sure dangditty did! oh boy!
Quoted By:
>>22026820 >>22026843 Can you stop shitposting please?
Quoted By:
>>22026820 >>22026843 >americans trying to ruin /comfy/ time how pathetic you don't accomplish shit
>>22026839 Natalie is a fucking autist
Quoted By:
>>22026870 >>22026864 what are you talking about? she is just wonderful!
she makes /comfy/ what it is. people should feel ashamed.
>>22026881 sorry anon but its true kek dont deny it
Quoted By:
/comfy/? /comfy/.guys what is your favorite /comfy/? mine is shiny charmander!!! XD
Quoted By:
>Spergs will never leave and just let us enjoy /comfy/
I don't want comfy I want giveaways Someone please feed this jew
Quoted By:
>>22026894 well i like her the way she is.
you people should learn to be more accepting.
>>22026917 I'd prefer comfy over sheckles
Quoted By:
>>22026936 comfy+shekels <3
>Americans will NEVER EVER be comfy
Quoted By:
>>22026981 >tfw american and have been here for every /comfy/ time !!6YwDO+jOv6t
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:07:11 No. 22027012 Report i like comfy times
>>22027000 Stop posting this faggot no one cares
>>22027000 Uploading. I presume name is not needed?
Quoted By:
>>22027000 I will upload one in two minutes! Thanks!
pick your favorite comfy starter from the following comfysaur, comfyzard, and comfystoise comfaynium, comflosion, comferaligatr comftile, comfiken, comfert comfterra, comfernape, comfoleon comferior, comfboar, comfurott comfnaught, comphox, comfninja
>>22027028 The message is needed
>>22027024 No thanks
>>22027012 Comfy likes you, sir. Any kick ass giveaways today?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:10:26 No. 22027058 Report >>22027045 same as before but i have absols, joltiks and shinx added to the list
just waiting for my girlfriend to finish with my ds
>>22027012 Are you still doing the baby mons?
honedge? Anonymous
>>22027000 This fucking litwick is such a pain to find
>>22027000 man i have mi litwick up since you start the giveaway and nothing
>tfw I didn't get a pokemon from the Alleh giveaway.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:11:52 No. 22027077 Report Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:12:53 No. 22027088 Report Quoted By:
>>22027074 just wait man the misses is just genning some for herself ill do it in a bit just get comfy
>>22027074 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22027000 Got mine in the last thread. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>22027042 >>22027042 comflosion and comfert
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>>22027044 Litwick is up! Thanks, Ruby!
Quoted By:
>>22027077 wonderful! is it gonna be a GTS giveaway or trade request? Oh, and what kind of 'mons will you want in return?
>>22027060 Well why didnt you breed some when I said that I'll start using them ages ago?
>>22027069 I waited a little over an hour. Had the second up for almost another hour now.
Quoted By:
>>22027058 What did you want up? I'm only checking between commercials, so if I could throw it up now that'd be great.
>>22027069 Maybe because you didnt do what I said and did your message as /vp/
Le ebin comfy meem, mirite. Leddit is the cancer, ebin. Gib many upboats pl0x
Quoted By:
>>22027044 Okay, now is up. Been wanting a competitive lando for a while
>>22027137 Faggot
Ruining my comfy time
Quoted By:
>>22027134 I have a 'wick waiting. Gracias
Quoted By:
>>22027134 i thought that farm lion was the nick name
up again
>>22027115 Are you Zim Chaos?
Quoted By:
>>22027000 Gunna go grab a litwick.
Quoted By:
>>22027162 Lit is up, thanks for doing this
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>>22027162 I have re-upped because I forgot to ask for Level 50, IGN Ruby!
So, no one cloned tornados?
>>22027209 >tornados Yeah it was kill I think Jack is fixing them
Quoted By:
I've got an event Diancie if anyone trustworthy is willing to clone it
Quoted By:
>>22027221 Yeah, it was a typo. Thanks for replying.
>>22027149 Le comfy is teh best
Everybody blog about comfy
Quoted By:
>>22027107 I don't normally browse the giveaway threads. Anyways the litwick is up
Quoted By:
>>22027266 my neighbor's dogs are still barking
>>22027221 Can we still double-dip?
Quoted By:
>>22027000 guess i'll take one, candleing up
Cuddled up to my 2 german shepherds and drinking choca in my bed. So fucking comfy. Waiting on some giveaways
Wow i thought /comfy/ wasn't until a few more hours, still how's your day been anons
Quoted By:
>>22027285 Okay I have upped another, IGN Ruby. Thanks my brother will love it!
Quoted By:
>>22027313 it isnt, all the kids are having fun before their bedtime
>>22027316 Deal with it amerfat
>>22027162 >>22027196 That was me btw. And yes that's my ign, why do you ask? (I was thinking I read the double dipping part wrong, but you answered that already so I'm at a loss)
Quoted By:
>>22027330 >amerifat Try again
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Farm Lion.
>>22027335 I asked because I wanted to know which anon I was talking to, you'll get your second Lion so wait calmly
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>>22027000 ign baldo, baby candle up
>>22027374 No worries, I'm watching a movie atm. Was just curious if I was on some kinda spooky blacklist kek
Quoted By:
>>22027000 Cangle up for Landorus.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:42:52 No. 22027449 Report mmm do people like politoeds? im about to get really comfy
Quoted By:
>tfw want to trade but don't have anything interested to offer
Quoted By:
>>22027449 Fuck yes. I was JUST thinking about making a rain team.
>>22027449 Alleh, as long as it isn't boring smogonshit or legends its coo
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>>22027374 Thanks for the Farm Lions! :)
>>22027449 politoeds are cool btw have you started sending out pokes yet i put a magikarp out quite a while ago
Josh 1478 5705 7488
>>22027000 >>22027000 >>22027000 This is now closed I'll finish off the rest the last one will go to Michi who uploaded just in time
This was a success in all, either I can do my own Landorus
He wont be Hb or I can do what you anons want
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:47:30 No. 22027519 Report >>22027479 was gonna drizzle toeds with toxic, psychic, ice beam, scald
was gonna timid nature or modest
Quoted By:
>>22027449 Shiny please. Make it rain
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>>22027000 any chance of asking something else? no litwick in ORAS
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:48:31 No. 22027533 Report >>22027493 nope not yet bro
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
EoS here, a trip you can trust, with EARLY ACCESS™ FUNBRO GIVEAWAY DORITO™S+MOUNTAIN DEW™ EDITION DLC This is a two-part giveaway, I'll go on for as long as I can stay awake tonight, then I'll close. I'll be back tomorrow with 2 more boxes of Funbro, there is only one of me so please understand thank you. If you are a cloner who would like to help it would be very much appreciated. For now, please enjoy EoS Approved Mememon™ Funbro
>>22027533 What pokemon should we have ready for politoed? Magicarp?
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>>22027516 Is there something you would actually LIKE to distribute?
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>>22027516 >bred Litwick while watching TV and uploaded it only to come back and see this Now I'm prepared for the next one at least, ha.
And also a step ahead on my Chandelure breeding. Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:51:22 No. 22027583 Report >>22027559 Am i the only one who found that significantly annoying/hard to read?
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>>22027559 AW FUK YEH
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:52:25 No. 22027595 Report Quoted By:
>>22027567 i like Karps hahaha
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Quoted By:
>>22027583 It's on purpose, don't worry it took lots of brain cells for me to write that out too
>>22027583 You were not the only one. I barely understood shit.
>>22026839 Broken foot? I have a kidney problem, I'm taking Oxy everyday for the pain. I guess I'm comfy Emperor
First decree: stop making 'comfy' threads and generals. That's one way to kill it. Also it's an arbitrary name given to two giveaways late at night. FYI - it didn't happen for the last 2-3 nights. Probably because there's no 'pattern', so don't expect anything because you likely won't get shit
>>22027629 It didn't happen because cunts like the ones infesting this thread hang around. Once they piss off, it's quite obvious, and those newfags who do hang around learn how to act.
Plus we have a signal through the day to let regulars know what's happening
IGN: Carbon
>>22027559 ay bruh i couldn't input gender, sorry if its a hassle luv u
>>22027629 you have to show it for anyone to care. thats how she is queen. she payed the iron price and shared a photo of her feet.
being self proclaimed means shit. fuck off.
glood luck with your health and rip to your dead family.
Quoted By:
>>22027629 but then how can is we be /comfy/
Quoted By:
>>22027655 lel shut the fuck up you are retarded
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22027656 It's fine, you should still pop up. I'll keep an eye out for your name.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 03:58:33 No. 22027678 Report >>22027627 hes doing a giveaway i think
Quoted By:
>>22027655 I realize that. Most of us will. But it's to our benifit to be vague when talking and simply discourage stupid comfy posting because shit hasn't happened because
>is it comfy tiem? XD >hilarious 'I'm from Le Reddit' poster >hundreds of faggots stick around with their faggotry. Nobody does anything And making a new thread and back linking it to the old, autosaging thread was stupid last night.
Quoted By:
>>22027669 lmao at this faggot
>>22027519 non shiny please... green so coo
>>22027669 >being this much of a slut for a whore who got its pathetic foot broken and showed pic for attention whoring. Fuck off you autist shit.
IGN: Carbon
Quoted By:
>>22027677 cheers bruh, you're a good dude
Quoted By:
>>22027677 I had the same problem, IGN Ruby!
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22027704 >coo What, did Candlejack got a hold on your ton
Quoted By:
>>22027704 It's way better blue. MAKE IT SHINY
>>22027669 Want a photo of my recent surgery scars and painkillers?
>>22027678 Seems like it. Lol
Somwthing about a Jesus slowbro or some shit.
>>22027716 >he doesn't abide by the foot Don't you know where you are?
Quoted By:
>>22027677 Happened to me too. Ign. Marcos
>>22027734 and your feet pls Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22027669 maximum faggotry
Question. Im assuming you all use powersave. Will using powersave at all compromise the validity of my save file? Like say I use the all tms code, and I then later try to enter an official tournament. Will the whole save file be turned down, or do they only check for hacked mons? I was planning to move over some of my legends from OR to Y and do some cloning, so i dont think that would compromise validity, but still, helps to know what does and doesnt fuck me over
Quoted By:
>>22027726 what the fuck are you talking abo
>>22027756 Fuck off, redditfag
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22027736 JESUS was the guy from wi-fi general who got me a block slowpoke with 5IV, it's thanks to him I'm able to do a giveaway this early. But to keep my promise on doing it at a later point, I'll do the same giveaway twice.
Jesus is also our lord and savior without him taking away original sin we wouldn't have pokemon™.........
>>22027757 no, as long as you do it correctly (making it look legit) it'll work
>>22027771 >Has nothing else to say >use the reddit card Top kek
Quoted By:
>>22027559 Put up my disc with extra luv mwah
>>22027757 Pretty much.
If you use any powersaved mons, you can't do ratings battles, or anything official with that save
Quoted By:
>>22027775 I thought we were all monkeys
>>22027776 For individual pokemon id assume? Like i said, my main thing is cloning.
So using codes not related to hacking mons wont compromise m save file?
Quoted By:
>>22027779 Fuck off, redditfag
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Quoted By:
>>22027757 No, make a backup file of a save before you used Powersave, then make more backups as you go.
It's in case something bad happens, trust me I did this shit a lot with Pokemon Pearl and bricked/crashed my cart more times than I could count
>>22027783 I do ratings all the time with powersaves. No worries friend.
Quoted By:
>>22027775 That's deep, man.
Quoted By:
>>22027559 Disc up, thanks :^)[
ign is Vitor
Quoted By:
>>22027559 Shit I couldn't put gender, IGN LEmon. Sorry man.
>>22027795 It does, and Nintendo can tell pretty fucking easily. Anyone who tells you it's safe is rusing you
>>22027559 Disc is up.
IGN: Alex
>>22027747 >>22027751 Seriously, maybe this actually does deserve a
trigger warning.
>>22027841 what happened to you?
>>22027841 what's the story with this? what's oxy like?
Quoted By:
>>22027841 Holy shit. Keyhole surgery? Just studied that stuff actually. You must have gotten a really good doctor, if it was for kidney stuff. Some old kidney open surgery procedures leave huge scars
>>22027830 jeez what's your problem anon? I just got here.
>>22027841 Shit man. Hope you get better
Quoted By:
>>22027042 Comfysaur sounds the best
It would be best for comfy cuddles
>>22027841 Sweet baby jesus, what happened to your kidney to end up like this?
>>22027879 You doing stupid shit like that
while using my name Anonymous
>Alleh never delivered >misses Lando because of it not comfortable at all
>>22027918 I know that feel, brother
>>22027678 Alleh you cunt give us toads
>>22027809 So for the most part I should only use a spare 6th gen game and even then only to clone and use tms and what not?
>>22027950 I suppose. Safest is to have a secondary DS, because Nintendo can trace it back to the handheld, very similar to being blacklisted
>>22027559 This still going on?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:23:21 No. 22027997 Report >>22027918 >>22027924 >>22027930 sorry everyone the girlfriend is done with my ds
So this is what i have:
30 Dive Ball Modest Swift Swim Poliwhirls lv 25 Holding Kings Rock
- Toxic
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Scald
Put those glorious fish up with Alleh in the name
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Thanks for the Comfybro eos!
Quoted By:
>>22027954 You'e not supposed to reply to giveaways, with a common name you're going to spoil it for a lot of people by acting like a newfag. Read the OP in the future before posting please
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Quoted By:
>>22027985 Yes, but if I go through this second box I don't think I have enough time to reboot another box since I may have to go in a few but yeah
Quoted By:
>>22027855 It was a congenital defect which was unearthed by me drinking a large amount of fluid. My ureter was wrapped around the major artery, causing it to pinch the flow of urine. It would make my kidney swell up with urine, and as it drained be very painful. Much like a kidney stone blockage.
Uteropelvic junction obstruction was the name. Kidney hydrophrenesis is one of its side effects. Lyckily, I retain over 85% of usage of that kidney.
Surgery was bad. Took over 60mg of morphine to the dome to control postoperative pain and needed a pump for a week. The red blob coming out my side is a catheter that runs into my kidney to drain it of pus and blood. Not pictured is the urinary catheter which is like hell, consistently collecting bloody urine. I don't actually urinate, it's more like a steady flow that drains both kidneys.
Lost lots of blood too. I'm O- so I'll be giving back a lot after this. Had to sign lots if documents
>>22027912 >>22027899 Thanks guys, much better now actually. Mostly controlled of pain which feels great. Painkillers are fun I'm sure to healthy addicts but for serious pain and cancer pain it's more like 'make me woozy enough to sleep through the pain, or else this pain will keep me up forever'. It's bad. Better now though.
>>22027864 Morphine is weird, it hits very fast via IV lines and is a very heavy feeling on your body. Your body buzzes. My kidney still throbs but rather than feeling a stabbing pain, I simply... Feel it there.
Now I over did a little bit of morphine here when I still had the lump. Figured I deserved a prize. It made having wires in my dick and kidney and arm feel tolerable, and internally bleeding felt better. So I imagine it's a pretty great drug.
Took Oxy when the pain got better so I didn't need a dedicated IV line for morphine. It's less of an electric blanket on my body, and more of a warm fuzz on my head, definately works for pain. Easily the top comfy drugs, as much as it pains me to say it.
>having a girlfriend what a faggot
Josh 1478 5705 7488
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:26:17 No. 22028049 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>22027997 What fish ya want pal? Anchovies?
Quoted By:
>>22027997 Make it drizzle my nizzle
so no honedge left? ;_; Anonymous
>>22027997 Fish swimming at you.
Why is Alleh best giver? IGN: Luis 1263 - 6731 - 0928
>>22027997 The Luv fish is up
>>22027997 Fish up, thanks man.
>>22028068 He's asking for magikarp, not luvdisc.
>>22028062 Alleh is much better than
nate Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:30:02 No. 22028096 Report Quoted By:
>>22027997 >swift swim why not drizzle? who the fuck uses swift swim politoed
IGN: Luis 1263 - 6731 - 0928
Quoted By:
>>22028076 >>22028086 Magikarp is the fish of love
>>22028098 It's not a Politoed yet. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22027559 Disked up for bro
>>22028098 >>22028107 nvm, I realize im retarded and it;s not politoed.
>>22028098 Swift swim becomes drizzle when it evolves fuckface
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:31:56 No. 22028118 Report >>22028095 >>22028062 probably because im not a fag who gives out one type of mon at a time usually. i like to have a selection in exchange for Karpoverlords
>>22028118 Are you a boy or a girl, because I want to
suck your dick Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:33:12 No. 22028140 Report Anonymous
>>22028118 That and I like your selection. Non-event/legends are nice, but hardly anyone does them.
Plus you have great taste. Anonymous
>>22028062 Because he's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Alright, did I miss anyone? I'll have to go in a few minutes so I'll be able to take double-dippers tomorrow. I just re-checked GTS and I don't see anymore requests.
>>22028140 Lv.99 event shiny magikarp give when? :^)
Quoted By:
>>22028143 >not Eh's a cool guy Kill yourself Anonymous
>>22028153 >not glorious lvl 100 karp GTFO
Quoted By:
>>22028147 Im waiting on a poliwhirl
Quoted By:
>>22028171 >not sticking to the event mon Come now friend
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:37:25 No. 22028183 Report >>22028139 ill be whatever you want me to be for the right shekels
>>22028141 yeah i still have a box of M14 darkrai, Tanabata Jirachi and diancies but ehh
>>22028143 Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war.
Quoted By:
>>22028183 That's how you can spot new friends, they'll sperg out over the legendaries, and not care about the baby mons
>>22028183 It sorta bugs me that Jirachi is the only thing missing in my Hoenn dex, but not enough to beg for one. Stick to the cool things like you have been, please. Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:39:18 No. 22028203 Report >>22028153 i leveled my lv 100 Godkarp team for E4 today
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:40:34 No. 22028213 Report >>22028202 if you have an avalugg or burgmite with sturdy i could swing you one, want to do him as pat of a giveaway
>>22028203 >tfw I'm the guy who sniped 3 golden Karps earlier >tfw I'm breeding two of them to have more Karps for your future giveaways >tfw I just hatched a shiny fucking Karp EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Quoted By:
>>22028147 >>22027559 Alright since I probably should sleep I'll go ahead and close this.
If anyone still waiting I'll probably check again while I'm trying to sleep, wew
See you tomorrow
Nick 4184-1443-3485
>>22028183 wouldn't mid a drakrai or jirachi, the ones i had were lost when my diamond disappeared :/
Mike FC: 1048-9307-1244
>>22028183 Are you giving some darkrais?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:42:09 No. 22028227 Report >>22028219 you sir are lordlike
>>22028183 What's the other thing?
Breadbox 3222 6978 8711
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>22028213 I'm fishing for karpgods, but I can hop on Y and try to find one, I don't remember seeing one in bank when I looked.Trapinch Guy btw, ha. Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:43:41 No. 22028242 Report >>22028222 >>22028226 nope not today
>>22028229 Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
Quoted By:
>>22028219 Im certain they have increased the shiny rate Ive found 2 shiny's in oras and the only shiny ive gotten Legitimately aside from that was in Y
Quoted By:
>>22028222 You have a
warpedperception Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22028183 Karp up for poliwhirl bruh
Mike FC: 1048-9307-1244
>>22028242 Aww then can I ask when?
>>22028227 Would you be able to trade me one of those eventmons our lord and savior alleh?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:47:10 No. 22028280 Report 12 left of these hypnotic motherfuckers
>>22028242 mfw I got that reference
Ana(IGN:Saphire) 5344-0409-0600
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>>22028222 tfw got 2 from husbando a few days ago Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:49:07 No. 22028300 Report >>22028283 brilliant
>>22028274 >>22028272 somtime in the near future. not sure when i leave for hawaii soon for 10 days
>>22028280 i think you skipped my magikarp Alleh.
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>>22028280 fish has been up for a little bit
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:50:09 No. 22028311 Report >>22028302 if it doesnt have Alleh in the description i wont see it hahaha
>>22028300 It's not going to be as comfortable around here without you, man
>>22028283 A long time ago, I was in Burma. My friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with tangerines. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So, we went looking for the tangerines. But in six months, we never met anybody who traded with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a tangerine the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:51:43 No. 22028328 Report Quoted By:
>>22028315 thank mate. havent hit merica in two years so im keen
ill miss you jews too
Hanz 1177-7733-6354
y0 Alleh b0ss you got any leftover event jirachi?
>>22028326 >A tangerine the size of a tangerine Toppest of Keks
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:53:28 No. 22028353 Report Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:54:31 No. 22028361 Report Quoted By:
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>>22028353 plz no skip ;_;
Hanz 1177-7733-6354
>>22028353 Oh, alright, so it'll be a bit of a few weeks wait then. Cheers.
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:55:43 No. 22028371 Report Quoted By:
>>22028366 yeah man like 2 weeks
>>22028311 It had Alleh as the msg, for a poliwhirl lvl 21-30
Anyway, i take it down and put it up again. Toad Recieved!
Thanks for not skipping me
again ;)
>>22028347 A long time ago I was in Burma, my friends and I were working for the bandit the size of a tangerine. So we went looking for the local government. In six months I saw a tangerine the size of a tangerine. The bandit has been the tangerine.
>tfw I had a magikarp since Alleh started the giveaway >tfw I double checked that I had the right message and mon >I did I will never get an Alleh mon
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:57:43 No. 22028390 Report Quoted By:
Fonz 3239-4920-7365
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 04:58:46 No. 22028405 Report >>22028385 what level is godkarp?
gts has been odd since maintenance
>>22028376 I just re-uploaded mine aswell hopefully no skip again
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:00:44 No. 22028426 Report Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:01:52 No. 22028432 Report >>22028402 not poliwag... poliwhirl...
>>22028408 YEA based Alleh delivers!! Thanks mate
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:03:26 No. 22028447 Report Quoted By:
>>22028432 Trapinch guy here.
Tried finding a sturdy mite for you.>HA so I spent 20 minutes in Frost Cavern for nothing >no Ice Friend Safari's S-sorry. Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:04:40 No. 22028456 Report >>22028450 all g man thank you for trying i really appreciate it!
polibros are done too now
Fonz 3239-4920-7365
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>>22028426 just fixed it,srry Anonymous
>>22028456 man I love waiting 45 minutes for nothing :/
>>22028456 I'll try my luck on GTS for a bit.
>Welcome back Magikarp! ;_;
>>22028456 I dont understand why you couldn't see me. I had a karp up the whole giveaway and made sure I had "Alleh" as the message and double checked I had Poliwhirl and not any of the other Polis.
WTF Some fucker just took my magikarp and give me a poliwhirl lv50 with 2iv D: FFFFUUUUUU
>>22028456 are you for real? mine was up for 45 minute.
>>22028473 jew complaining about free mons and not knowing gts only shows some mons since downtime the other day
>>22028456 umm.. i got the friend safari for bergmite..
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>>22028505 you're so cute...
Tyler 2724-0632-3489
>>22028490 I wasn't even talking about the Poliwhirls.
>>22028456 >all mites on GTS want Diancie Welp. I tried. Sorry.
Also my Karp never got found. but that just means I got one to put up next time. >>22028505 Add me please?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:11:24 No. 22028522 Report Quoted By:
>>22028473 >>22028481 >>22028482 >>22028486 sorry guys but its like anon said here
>>22028494 gts doesnt show all the pokebros these days since the maintanence with the zig issue
>>22028490 >>22028494 It just sucks. I get all these legend giveaways I dont give half a shit about, but when someone puts up something I do care about he cant see my karp.
>>22028520 i meant i got someone's ice safari.
hunting for sturdy one atm
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>>22028530 Oh, cool. Happy hunting.
got it, how do we do this?
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:13:54 No. 22028547 Report >>22028524 ill do another later on, just need a smoke an some food and drink and some down time to stretch a bit
ill also have 15 rotom wash and 15 rotom heat
30 skill link shelders and some manetrics
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:15:22 No. 22028560 Report >>22028542 put a bergmite up for say a diancie (not sure if you can trade them now, but i know you could before)
>>22028547 i want a shelder so bad
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:16:23 No. 22028570 Report >>22028560 i meant jirachi
>>22028547 fuck yeah rotom thats my nigga
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:17:27 No. 22028583 Report >>22028575 >>22028564 should be fun times yo
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:19:06 No. 22028600 Report >>22028586 nope wont work bro umm want a 6iv recover prankster sableye instead?
>>22028583 >>22028583 is later in a few hours or another day later?
>>22028600 gimme one of dem marills that i've been trying to get but have been sniped twice
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:21:10 No. 22028618 Report Anonymous
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>>22028618 Good. More time to catch Karps.
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>>22028618 can the boi get a marill too?
>>22028547 I gotta leave but I really need a Manectric. Do you think I could trade you for it? You're in my acquaintances
>>22028618 kalos/hoen born?
>>22028618 hope the gts doesn't fuck me over again
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:30:13 No. 22028703 Report >>22028672 sorry man im away from my ds right now just taking a break and i dont want to open the floodgates
>>22028675 yeah man all born in ORAS
>>22028681 preach it
>>22028703 It's all good, I appreciate what you're doing man. Do you think you could save me a Manectric for tomorrow? I'll bother you about it if that's cool.
>>22028703 faggot Allen doing shit giveaways and you fucking Jews love it ha! fucking reddit scum go die and go join them Allen you shitty giver
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:33:53 No. 22028735 Report >>22028712 yeah man ill hold one for you no worries
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>>22028725 Why do you have so much hurt, anon?
Tell us about it. Did your daddy hit you? Mommy didn't love you enough?
It's ok, no hate needed here
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>>22028725 Fuck off nate no one likes you
>>22028735 Thanks. I'm golden karp guy by the way. I'll give you one of those
:^) Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:36:49 No. 22028774 Report >>22028725 *Alleh
>>22028760 no worries man keen
>>22028774 Are you doing Brotodiles before your trip or no idea yet? Anonymous
>tfw I missed Lando Calrissian
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE
Alleh (IGN's:Ethan/Azure): 0834-1552-0897 (gen and powersave) !XkESNK8apE Thu 04 Dec 2014 05:51:09 No. 22028908 Report >>22028856 yeah man i got some sheer force in lure balls awaiting a gts giveaway ill probably do it in a few 4 hours man
>>22028892 Thoughts on 7? >>22028908 Cool! Can't wait for best gater~
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>>22028926 Envy. Rage. Sorrow. Pancakes.
is it safe to come out now?
>>22029136 It seems so, we've hit the bump limit
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>>22029141 really early today
remember: noko -> sage Anonymous
>>22029136 No. Just a word of advice; shut up during the day, and shut up during the night. Wait for at least another hour MINIMUM, this is semi-late for most NA's and the preferred time for specific people.
Also; wait until the givers post.
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Lights just wait until husbando gives the word
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>>22029136 come to me and keep your eyes open
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>>22028908 I didn't think Sheer Force was legal for the Feraligatr line yet?
>>22029155 I don't post, only thing I posted was the sign; I have noticed plenty of posts talking about it though. It seems the new givers are a bit more active during this time (or maybe it's just me, just an observation from yesterday).
I'll give it until 10 till the top of the hour Anonymous
>>22029245 That's because one of the new givers is an Aussie
like me Right about now school/work is finishing for ausbros, and in a couple hours is usually when it gets decent here. You'd think the increase of aussies would increase the shitposting though
>>22029245 Well, yesterday really wasn't all that great
its a spur of the moment thing. In about 45 minutes is usually a good time to post, only in autosaged threads and usually casually and vaguely until the givers post. If they don't then we don't need to post. It's been getting too busy so it's been scaring the regular givers away Anonymous
>>22029272 That's because it's not the Aussies that make it good. It's less traction. Aussies are notorious shitposters elsewhere. On slow boards that I go to, Aussies, Americans, everyone is fine. It's because it's slower, out of sight, and less people join it. It makes it more cordial for everyone envolved, easier to organize, etc.
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>>22028908 do you still have one of thosee shinx from earlier, i think i got skipped :^(
>>22029281 >tfw I start Aussies v Canadians threads on /sp/ such top quality shitposting by both sides
>>22029273 who's been scared away?
>>22029320 It's not really scaring. They won't do anything in a bad thread. That's why you can't force them. Ts so people don't infest these things and expect free shit. These ones come around when the thread is authentically more relaxed and fine, not out of a sense of obligation that 'wow,, it's late. Let's comfy and give free shit!' Kind of thing.
Also I'm Canadian. Never been shitposted by, or towards Aussies. Always been fine with them. Only ever had issues with Americans on /sp/ or /int/ (although I hate the latter and the former I only go in the hockey general)
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>>22029341 It certainly doesn't help having N8 back, giving shitmons and bending over backwards to please the beggars
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>>22029341 Kippers is that you?
I think we're in the clear. Taking a break from my assignment, I swear I get migraines the day before I start important assignments and fuck myself over. You guys want to do it via Acquaintances or GTS?
>>22029466 Acq or GTS, it really dosnt matter ( unless the mon is an eventmon )
Funny thing, i have A as acq only in Omega Ruby, and M only in X
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>>22029466 GTS please. My wifi times out on 1-on-1 trades.
>>22029498 GTS it is
small giveaway, only 24 available. Tired of Smogon sets, so will do this one; helped me get through 32 battles in Maison, hopefully it can help you guys somehow.
Magnemite (Lv.1) @ Berry Juice
Premier Ball - shiny
Adamant - Sturdy
Magic Coat
going to do this till either they're all gone or its 11:30PM PST, whichever comes first; you guys (should) know what to do for my giveaways.
>>22029513 top lel, weird how that happens.
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>>22029466 Acq would be better incase there's lurking Jews, depends on how giving you're feeling
>>22029544 I don't know who you are, so I have no idea what to do. Anonymous
>>22029563 Lurk more
>>22029544 Either standard message will do?
>>22029544 What Mon do I put up mate?
>>22029577 Sorry. Last time I really lurked was when the threads were Luvdisc themed. Anonymous
>>22029617 Here's a hint anon, in one of the last few threads there was a picture posted. That's what you put up
>>22029563 >>22029595 >>22029617 this will be the only hint you get:
go back to the old thread (it is now archived) and look for a singular image posted 4 hours ago Anonymous
kind of surprised there's not more of the regulars on tonite
So /comfy/ is pretty much the new IRC crowd then? Only people in "muh sekret klub" are allowed to participate?
>>22029668 stay frustrated, newfag
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>>22029668 If you've been here more than a day, and have half a brain, you could work it out
It's not a sekrit club, it's an intelligence test
>>22029667 usually we see Natalie here, then there's a few others that don't use their name but I know post
>>22029668 nope, everyone who lurks at nite should already know. Dead hours haven't changed much
>>22029674 >Implying >>22029668 isn't completely true Anon pls
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>>22029684 oh, you mean the jews who feel the need to blog and chit chat
Martin Is All Our Husbando !bhEyc1b4yA
>>22029657 I'm here, bust working on exams. Probably similar for the rest
>>22029668 Not really. If you don't find it accessible it's less on you than it is on anyone else. Anybody who's been on 4chan for longer than a month and knows how to read posts and post properly themselves would be able to easily integrate themselves into this in a second.
There are no closed channels here
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>>22029685 >implying >>22029674 and >>22029684 aren't completely true Reddit, git gud
Dubs confirm and laughing at the kids whining a out 'muh sekrit club' It's accessible as shit to anyone who knows what they're doing. People just gotta whine like bitches whenever they can't get every little thing due to how incompetent they are
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the fucking guy has a particular style of posting how fucking hard is it to figure out who it is and what to post?
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>>22029668 I was able to figure out what to do when it was my first time experiencing /comfy/
If you can't do the same then that's your own fault
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>>22029696 >B-But muh entitlements! Crying Jews confirmed amerifats
It would help if the giver wasn't posting as anon do we know who the fuck he is. There's more than one dead hours giver...
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>>22029709 No, it wouldn't. It's obviously as fuck to anyone who isn't a newfag
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>>22029709 Not for us there isnt, we've been here long enough to know who our regular giver is
>>22029709 There are only two and one left...
>inb4 you put a Magikarp up fucking retard Surely you've figured it out by now
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>>22029722 I think I put up the right thing.
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it's so damn obvious, do we really need to hold your hand?
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>>22029688 No new fan fiction in awhile, huh? ;_;
sorry i don't remember every giver's shitmon like a fucking jew
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>>22029709 If you read the thread and look at the hints you've been given then you should be able to figure it out
15 left, should I extend the deadline? I don't think there's much interest in these though
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>>22029750 no you should stop
>>22029750 Well, his fuckwit (
>>22029744 ) opened to floodgates for you now
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>>22029744 inb4 they still don't get it. Also take that down
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>>22029745 No, it's literally called lurking for half a day. You'd have to be incredibly new or retarded to not know. Even then, too bad. Learn to accept you're not ever entitled to shit in this life
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>>22029755 I see what you've done there
I don't really get the whole "It's not a secret club, but if you're a newfag fuck off" mentality. I haven't been here in a few months, so I guess I'm just used to givers giving whatever and people not being prick. It's really not worth all the shitposting everyone's doing on either side of it, tbh.
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>>22029746 >>22029757 >all this frustration it's like you guys aren't comfy at all
>>22029750 I've been meaning to try one of these level 1 strats for the Maison. Which is better this or Endeavor Aron?
>>22029750 Can i ask what is your team for singles ?
I used Greninja, M-Gardevoir and A for the first 20. Was a good team until i got rekt at 24 in super singles
>>22029770 That's because you're stupid. If you can't see the value of it you are probably retarded.
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>>22029775 Nearly missed Magnemite because I needed to take a leak ;)
>>22027978 This is a load of shit. lol. My friend has attended premier challenges (Sanctioned Events) and passed fine with 4/6 of his team being powersaved stats/EV trained through powersave. lol
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Ok if this post gets more than 5 replies I'll tell you the shitmon and message
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Upping for a Mag now. Kek at the newfriends
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>>22029780 All you need is protean greninja and its guaranteed 50 win
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>>22029787 Jesus Christ m8, you're responding to my stale b8?
>>22029782 The value of what? Arguing for no reason? If the giver wants to make it a game to figure out what to do to get what they're giving, that's fine. It's people like you crying "lurk moar jew its not hard xD" that are the problem. Not everyone is a NEET that can lurk 4chan 24/7.
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>>22029801 >>22029770 This is the level of newfag we have to deal with. They don't deserve help
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>>22029809 Just fuck off. 4chan has always operated this way. Learn to accept it or leave.
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>>22029809 >not lurking at work and getting paid to shitpost Don't worry son, you'll grow up some day
>>22029809 It's so fucking easy though. If you can't figure out such easy shit then you don't deserve anything we are not here to spoonfeed you and make anything cater to you
Magnemite closed
>>22029778 I found this more useful, Aron does well don't get me wrong, but I had difficulty with knocking out the other Pokemon since Aron needs Sandstorm help to knock out the other Pokemon and not waste a move
>>22029827 I'm not complaining about it. I figured it out, I just have no interest in a Magnemite, so I didn't participate.
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Who here /comfy/?
>>22029840 Alright then you should have no problems then. That image explains everything. This is just the way 4chan is; this board is particularly bad to begin with; long term this will be more helpful than not. I could go on for much longer but it's a waste of our time.
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>>22029832 Thanks, I'll try it out
>>22029832 Nice giveaway. Anything else lined?
>>22029780 Darmanitan, M-Swampert, Porygon2
I've been switching Porygon2 with Greninja and M-Swampert with M-Gardevoir, the latter ended my streak at 39 by a Shadow Sneak Spiritomb. M-Swampert has been awesome though (Rain Dancr/Earthquake/Ice Punch/Waterfall)
>>22029832 I took the mite to battle spot and they always forfeit at the first turn.
>>22029872 That fucking shadow sneak spiritomb ended my run at 38. Fuck having to do all this bullshit again
>>22029854 I know it's bad, I just don't remember it being this bad. I haven't been around much in a few months.
Nice to have a decent discussion at least. Enjoy your /comfy/, I'm off for a bit.
>>22029862 Nah, that's it for tonite, I've gotta get back to my research.
>>22029874 I haven't taken mine yet, maybe tomorrow
>>22029878 yeah, it's a bitch especially after having to put up with all the bullshit the NPCs get (I got hit with 5 Stone Edges in a row by an Aerodactyl right before Spiritomb)
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>>22029920 Thanks based
kekans !
Good luck with your assignments!
>>22029881 No worries. At the base of it all, it's to teach users self-reliance and how imageboards are used, as well as specific board culture. Somebody says they don't know how to go back a few days to see what somebody said will indicate to most that he's new or is unaware of some key features.
And spoonfeeding everybody isn't nice in the long run. If /a/ didn't shitpost recommendation threads they would literally be swamped with them. Yeah, it seems mean. But they can learn to search, lurk, use google, and post properly. And then maybe they can contribute better to the board rather than always being a drain on it and derailing threads with basic questions.
Long run, it really is better. And if anyone has been here since 2010 at least (and before of course) you should be aware of any methods to find out who the giver was ITT. It's fairly simple and I can think of 5 easy methods off of the top of my head. Spoonfeeding will clutter up this thread with more people who would rather whine or beg than learn how to use shit for themselves and reinforces the mentality we do not want here. It's not just a /vp/ thing, it's a 4chan thing as well.
>>22029947 Man, I've lurked since like 09 and I don't know any of that stuff. I just used the context clues and what the hinters said to figure it out. Wasn't hard.
one last post before I officially call it a nite:is there a specific Pokemon you guys would like? I'd like to stray from events, but I would do them if it's asked of.
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>>22029967 Exactly, but you've still learned enough to gleam easy shit from what people say. Some people are so lazy or generally inept they can't even reverse image search an image or something when looking for source. People like you at least are learned enough to the culture to easily pick up on shit. That's the way imageboards go. Even in 2ch, there's a similar mentality. It's not to be mean, but 20 posters who know how to do shit for themselves is better than 20 people who get spoonfed and hence never learn how to post properly and continue spamming their requests everywhere.
Right? It's not hard. For most people it shouldn't be. And if anyone is seriously upset that they missed out, all they have to do is maybe use google or lurk this board properly for a little while, and it comes easily. I think that's a problem these days. People are used to other websites where spoonfeeding is literally rewarded for points and being that here, and people these days often don't have the attention span to lurk.
People don't have the attention span to read a thread. How many times will someone do a giveaway, later change a small aspect two posts later, and yet people still ignore it and do things with the wrong instructions?
It seems gruff and mean to be like this but it really really is better in the long rub
>>22030005 A mon you enjoy that you haven't seen given out
>>22030005 Relicanth would be cool to see
>>22030005 Shiny Belly Drum Poliwraith would be awesome. I've never even seen a Poliwraith giveaway. Everyone only cares about the toad.
>>22030005 extreme speed entei
>>22030025 I second this, sounds fun
>>22030005 A nidoking or a crobat would be nice
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>>22030046 Nope that'll be five dollars if ya wanna guess again
>>22030014 Found it (I think):
>>22030024 I actually bred a few before ORAS was released on my X cart, that's definitely doable.
>>22030023 I haven't seen it done, so I'll take it into consideration. If I decide to, I'll do it alongside Poliwrath. What set would you like?
>>22030025 I'll look into it, no promises. What set is preferred?
>>22030042 Since I never got a Heat Wave Crobat, I never got a chance to do it..I'll do this one sometime in the near future. What set would you prefer?
>>22030064 I'm no good with sets, but a rock head/head smash set would be pretty fun, could throw in a rocky helmet with hp/defense investment to take on Talonflames.
>>22030005 Curselax or curse Umbreon, cause nostalgia and I thought they were pretty fun
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>>22030064 extreme speed/sacred fire/stone edge/?
>>22030064 If you can get a Heat Wave Crobat, something like this:
Crobat@Life Orb/Choice Band
-Heat Wave
-Brave Bird
-Cross Poison
>>22030064 Glad to hear you're willing and able to do Poli. He's been one of my favorites for a long time. Maybe you could do:
Poliwraith (Shiny)
Lv. 50
Swift Swim
252 Atk/252 Spd/6 HP
Belly Drum
Brick Break/Circle Throw
Just a suggestion of course.
>>22030084 Done to death
>>22030096 Noted, I'll see what I can do
>>22030105 I want to do this pain in the ass Snorlax I battled but I'll take yours into consideration
>>22030114 will do that set
>>22030126 You want level 50 or 100?
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>ib4 new bread
>>22030149 Pain in the ass snorlax?
I support anything the create bumflustering
>>22030149 I've been here for a couple weeks consistently and haven't seen 1 beedrill
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>>22030158 Holy shit autocorrect, what are you doing
>>22030005 I would LOVE a shiny Shaymin. If it's too much trouble or anything, don't worry about it. But I've been dying for one. Let me know if you wouldn't mind.
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>>22030096 Just to make it easier for you to see something I had in mind
Relicanth@Leftovers or Rocky Helmet
Mild-Rock Head
Head Smash
Aqua Tail
Yawn/Sleep Talk
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>>22030162 Dude, they were done ad nauseam in the lead up to ORAS
>>22030167 Shit nigger, that has to come from gen 4!
Alright, will think about those suggested, going to bed now
I hope, thunder cracking a few minutes ago nearly gave me a heart attack >>22030167 I don't gen, also it is shiny locked past Gen 4
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>>22030198 >>22030149 Level 100 would be better I suppose. Totally up to you though. I'm just happy you're even considering my suggestion really.
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>>22030182 Why must Shaymin BE the sweat inbetween my fingers.