I'm having trouble putting together a semi-casual team. Mostly because of the HM requirements in this gen, and that I want to have a decent diversity of typing while also using pokemon I like.
As it stands, I want to include Sceptile, Absol, and Milotic in my team. The other three are open, but I don't want a dedicated HM slave. This means I want my HMs spread across my entire team, without the need to swap pokemon in and out if I need to cut down a tree. Milotic already kind of falls into that trap since it can learn Surf, Waterfall, and Dive, and I don't really want to have multiple pokemon with the same type in my party, but Surf is good to begin with so I'm not too irritated by it.
Any suggestions? I'm only going to be capturing the pokemon I plan to have on my team (aside from legendaries that go in the box).