>>22076633Klefki is the biggest kick in the dick in all of Pokemon. It's what finally got Swagger banned on Smogon after well over a decade. It's the true overlord of Anything Goes. It's been banned from UU because it's an evil motherfucker. It makes paraflinch look like an angelic blessing.
Even if you chose not to abuse TM87 to the fullest, Spikes, Thunder Wave, Screens, and a host of more intricate abuses allow Klefki to unlock the worst nightmares of any opponent. Having the absolute best defensive type combination in all of Pokemon means that the mayhem and misery will last until your foe is as dead and empty as Klefki's cold, black, piercing eyes.
It is the perfect tyrant of the random number.
Jingle jangle, motherfucker.