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No.22081247 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Listen /vp/, I haven't posted here for quite a while now, I was active over previous years and the first half of this one, but I'm mostly a lurker right now. That doesn't matter, who gives a fuck, the thing is: I have to post this shit now. Everyone is sad/angry/mad/whatever because ORAS didn't have Battle Frontier and Masuda pretty much said "lol dis is full of casuals why would I bother with the bf?". Now, you think it's the end of it, for ever. But you don't realize: the INTERNET exists, and I believe it's one of the most powerful weapons there is.


How? well, Masuda considered the Hoenn remakes because the fans wanted it hard. And this is not some random site on the interwebz, this is the Pokémon board of 4chan. For starters, there's thousands of pokeyman fans here, every day, and with everyone doing something you can make a difference. The idea is a snowball, of people wanting the challenging Battle Frontier back for future games. And you can definitely get other sites into the movement, bigger sites, even those you hate like reddit or youtube, since those are probably the ones that can have the biggest influence. You just have to start it, if you and others REALLY desire it, it will be relevant enough for the developers to at least consider it. That is, if your desires are strong enough, you fags.

Of course, JAPAN is a big factor in this, so if you get some people to write moonrunes you might get the fans from there to help the cause.

It's too late for ORAS, but you can save the future Pokémon titles. If you want.

But I know you won't start the movement, because you prefer to bitch about it instead of making something meaningful. I personally give a fuck about the battle frontier, there, I said it, but you REALLY seem to love it, and you are able to stat something big enough to bring it back. So, just in case, I'll leave this post here for you to consider it.

Pic unrelated.