Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
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>>22085621 first for being back
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Second for Eeveelutions should be a mono.
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Dragon will win.
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel)
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel) Mon 08 Dec 2014 06:06:32 No. 22085677 Report Quoted By:
Third for finally getting to namefag again...
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3rd for being lazy until a week before dedline
How much spare time would i need to have to play in this?
So is it any type vs. any type or is it a water vs. water tournament and for each respective other types?
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I'll register even though it won't be fun.
Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
>>22085716 it's any type vs. any type
>>22085743 Fairy or Dragon will win then, that's dumb.
JoJo/Joaco 4270-1507-2013 !7LJFgbDths
Quoted By:
We alive nigga
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>>22085778 Dark won season one, I believe water took season two and first for S3 would have been fire
Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
Quoted By:
>>22085778 check the docs. Salamencite is to be banned. It's gonna be quite wide open
JoJo/Joaco 4270-1507-2013 !Bexu5eMUDA
>>22085778 Believe or not Flying, Water and Dark were the best types in last seasons
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
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>>22085683 Maybe 30 mins a week, if that. Once you've been matched with your partner it's down to you and them to organize a time for the battle to happen.
>>22085778 If anything, Flying is the type that people complained the most about.
>>22085830 Anyone with a brain knows these are 3 of the best monos
BME !wp8LJJh.fs
Quoted By:
Black type NUGGER
>>22085830 I can see water and flying. I just can't think of Dark types being that good since Ive rarely used them since they came out
>>22085990 Sableye, Tyranitar and Greninja spam mostly :^)
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22085897 The 3v3 makes it more of an even playing field than you would think.
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>>22086010 Oh I forgot about Greninja. Alright it makes sense then.
Joey Needs a new trip
Quoted By:
>>22086011 Porys will rise to the top again!
Actias 5300 9493 0648
I'm ready for Bug to sweep this time
Joey !5VKj8abA6.
>>22086263 you means the bugs that could beat balkduck : ^)
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>22086287 Heracross gets knock off as a tutor move now, I think. So things may be a bit different
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel)
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel) Mon 08 Dec 2014 06:58:04 No. 22086347 Report Quoted By:
>>22086312 Unless it's used by you
>>22086400 >>22086488 wait, isn't this the guy that almost lost to the ice gym last season with mono fighting?
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>>22086530 I've almost lost to a lot of things
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>>22086530 He almost lost to me
If I don't have OR/AS yet can i enter?
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>22086946 You will need OR/AS to play.
You say 'yet'. You'll need it by the new year if you want to compete.
This sounds cool, but I only have 2 things bred and only 1's battle ready, so I doubt I'd be ready. Good luck to however does participate.
>>22087125 You've got almost a month
>>22087141 It took me having XY for 4 months just to get 1 battle ready mon. I'm not very motivated for that sorta thing. I have a bunch of bred things, but none that'd make a team.
>>22087125 You are welcome to enter without perfect bred mons
You might be surprised
>>22087125 >>22087141 This. Plus a lot of people will give away different stuff that they've been breeding too.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
I have leftovers available for any and all that wish to participate but are uneasy about building a team in time. Let me know. They may not be pentaperfect, but I can get you something close. I am not on always, so be patient.
Quoted By:
>>22087154 >>22087156 Breeding's not a problem for me. I just don't like ev training or level grinding. Plus I'm working on a living dex.
Team would probably be the Water mono I run on Showdown, if I had the time. Druides
>>22087153 If you want I can breed and train a team for you.
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>>22087213 Nah, it's cool. Thanks though.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)
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Oh boy I've been waiting for this to return.
oh shit finally happening? when's the start date?
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
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>>22087400 It will be in the new year, likely the 3rd as it's the first weekend in January.
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Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
ayy lmao mega mence for easy wins B] also why is staraptor the flying type up there
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)
>>22087676 >mega mence Already Banned.
Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
>>22087717 welp there goes that strat
flying still best type, m-altaria + m-gyara + talonflame + literally every good mon ever
is frisbee still around?
hi frisbee :] Anonymous
>gale wings will never be banned >fighting will never be able to use terrakion
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>>22087676 I don't really remember but I think when that OP pic was being made the person took the favorite pokemon of some of the regulars for some of it and widely used pokemon for the rest.
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>>22087940 far as i know, gale wings was on the table with salamencite. doubt it got enough traction to get banned
>>22086530 Lost to Dark too.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)
>>22087940 We should seriously have a vote on what legendary should be banned I mean types like Ice,Electric,and Fighting need things like that.
An example being Zapdos being banned for use with flying teams but ok to use for Electric since that type desperately needs it.
>>22087989 legendaries are shit. They are all out.
Also, Gale Wing Talonflame is fucking abusive as hell ;-;. If you have a mono weak to flying, your entire match is centered around only losing one mon to focus sash/sturdy the hit then retaliate.
Gale wings ban when? Too OP in 3v3.
>>22088006 And don't forget Flying is like #1 type for this too.
Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
>>22088037 It will happen, just watch.
Good of you to rely on broken things though scrub :^)
>>22087676 >mega mence Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
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>>22088096 >season 2 gym leader, pre ORAS >only dropped one set during initial phase that's nice anon :^) maybe you should try gitn gud
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
Aw fuck niggas, we back now
does no type counts a a type
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel)
Octavius [IGN: Tobias] (Still Stuck Between Dark and Steel) Mon 08 Dec 2014 10:40:53 No. 22088227 Report Quoted By:
>>22088165 Git outta here, Missingno!!! You're still not welcome here!!!
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>22088165 You'll have to pick one of the 18 classified types.
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 08 Dec 2014 10:44:04 No. 22088243 Report First for psychic gonna wreck some anus
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>>22088243 I thought we were frens
>>22087985 to be fair, fighting teams usually have a lot of trouble with sableye unless they keep infernape alive
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>>22088340 Try sable and spiritomb
OFFICIAL MONO TEAM POWER RANKINGS:>babby mode tier flying>easy mode tier fairy, water, steel>good tier dark, fighting, bug, fire, normal, dragon>ok tier psychic, ground, poison, rock>difficult tier grass, ghost, electric>has never made top 8 tier ice
>>22088409 friendly reminder that every tingle type has had a gym except fire
Quick, you now have to use all 6 slots. Your dream team?
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
Quoted By:
>>22088709 6 eviolite gligars
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>>22088709 5 klefkis and mega rayquaza :^)
>>22088409 Daily reminder that a Ghost team 2-0'd a Dark team last season
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>>22088429 Fire's made top 8 at least once before but the player didn't want to run as leader.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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omg were back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>>22085716 When I did this, I was Grass, my two matches were Fire and Dragon. So yeah, any vs any
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Might be fun, guess I'll register for shits and giggles
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
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>>22088243 but knock off tim
>>22088409 taking on easy mode water if i get my team done in time
>>22090995 not me
Let's get this shit going with theory crafts, ORAS builds, mono strats. What have you. I'll also be available today for practice matches with anyone who might already have a team or wish to test our certain things. I'll be using my Mono Steel team that earned my place as Steel Leader last season and allowed me to end in second place overall. I look forward to battling everyone, new and old!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22093529 Steel again? Pff, no fun.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22093529 lets fite bby i made a monoghost this weekend and im having much fun with it
>>22093674 I have not settled yet, but I figured using my old team and strats won't give away much. :^)
Also fun.
>>22094191 Sounds good, little girl. I'll be home in am hour just about.
Quoted By:
Hey is this that gayboy general I've been hearing so much about? :^) Anyway you ladyboys better watch out this time around as soon as I can figure out what type to run
Haris 4425-1624-7304
When's cutoff for entering a team for the tourney?
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)
>>22094962 New years I believe.
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Mon 08 Dec 2014 23:16:37 No. 22095044 Report >>22095017 Good...time for me to start breeding...
Luckily I only need a few things.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)
>>22095044 I'm breeding 3 maybe 4 different teams cause I have know Idea what type to use.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22095072 me too
so far i have a mono poison, a mono ghost a mono fire and my good ol mono weed :3
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
Quoted By:
>>22095118 Just started on Psychic with Fire,Water,Fairy on the way
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
Anyone for practice matches with a fag lord like me? :^)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
I want to test out this beautiful flying team I have laying around, any takers?
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22095486 >tfw lost because of SHEDINJA Daniel wins 2-1!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22095808 also why u keep using king shield when i used phantom force, it goes trough any kind of protection
pls remeber that in the actual tourney bby :3
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22095826 [/spoiler:lit]I honestly didn't think it was going to OHKO muh sword at full HP the 2nd time[/spoiler:lit]
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22095826 I honestly didn't think it was going to OHKO muh sword at full HP the 2nd time daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
JoJo/Joaco 4270-1507-2013 !Bexu5eMUDA
>>22095884 Grvio, teach me the ways of Steel
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22095920 What do you need to know my son? :^)
>>22095749 Are you still interested?
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
Quoted By:
>>22095969 He needs a new perspective on Steel that isn't my old ways :^)
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>22096002 There. Adding you now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22096108 I did not see Mandibuzz being the star of that series, good match
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>22096002 GGs!
I wasn't expecting Justified to ever betray me like that haha.
Zack wins 2-0!
Damn vulture.
Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
>>22096471 Nor was I.
But I have refined my Steel team greatly since this team was submitted on so long ago~
We should rematch sometime!
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22096474 >>22096492 Yeah, after a couple Flash Cannons I realized I could pull it off if I didn't play like an idiot. Speaking of, that Toxic game 1 was a total misclick, I forgot where I put Roost. And yeah, definitely looking forward to seeing the new team in action.
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22096204 You still looking?
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
Hello all newcomers. Friendly reminder that you do not need to be scared of breeding out a full team of competitive mons for the tournament. Many people here have leftovers to get you started, and some might even have a perfect mon ready for you to have. Just ask. The tournament is about having fun, so pick your favorite type and join in.
If you need any mons, I have many, many leftovers to help you get started on your team. Just let me know to get them for free if you sign up.
>>22087192 Grvio [Steel] 1864-9351-4506
Quoted By:
>>22096502 Yeah, I figured as much.
>toxic >against mono steel I did not think you were actually that foolish haha.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22096583 yes buddy!
im also looking for a male hoppip
do you have one?
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22096632 I don't believe I do, sorry m8. Added you.
>>22096632 I can't cancel the trade right now, but I don't have a male hoppip. I might on bank, though.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22096676 is that u katie, if so dont worry i can wait
>>22096632 ill add u buddy
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22096695 None on bank, I guess I lost those on ORAS too. I can catch a hoppip quick enough if you don't need IV's and whatnot.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22096733 i just need a male hoppip i dont care for ivs i need it to fuck a nice whimsi lady so the babies can have memento but since hoppip is transfer only i really apreciate it :3
will u participate in tourney bby? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22096745 I'll go catch one. Should only take a few minutes.
And I lost my AlphaSapphire cart, and with it, all
or at least most of my breedables and trained pokémon. Even if I were to buy another game, I don't believe I'd have a team ready in time.
It's not too late to join, is it?
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
Quoted By:
>Draco Miss Every single time I need it to come through ;_;
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
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>>22096824 That was the ONLY way I was taking care of that thing, I can't believe that got so out of hand
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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omg another crit
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
got btfo by zack and his mons throwing ebin crits at sableye time to teach it lucky chant or some shit lol
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
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>>22096933 I forgot how silly Ghost could get though. Scarf Lamp 2fast.
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
Anyone else want to play with my birds and bat-things?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22097000 i want to fite too
do u want to fite my mono grass :3
Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
>tfw no idea what to go as this season
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>22097122 omg nips
go steel bby
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
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>>22097081 Yeah, sure, give me a couple minutes
>>22085621 > So only 3 pokes allowed per battle?
3v3 but you're allowed to register 6 pokes to swap out, right?
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
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IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22097081 D-did the game just glitch?
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
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>>22097652 Oh wait, I'm retarded, that thing was at 1 HP
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
well i did pretty good considering the bad matchup lol ggs zack
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22097678 >mfw Cradily choked the life out of my team Hell of a match for Grass vs. Flying, for sure. GGs
IGN: Zack - 4871-4090-1177
>>22097699 Silly me, there was supposed to be a face there.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Alec 4012-4120-1149
>>22087192 If I could get a Heracross and Shuckle leftover from you I could do Bug this time instead of Poison again.
would it be a good idea to use a type you like that you know is sorta doomed to be somewhere between shit and average? Or is such practice encouraged due to variety?
>>22098525 It's more for the fun than anything else so use what you want
>>22098557 A'ight. I will maybe consider this then. I assume it's easier with a trip/name?
My favorite type is ice, so I know I'll just get fucked by 3/4 of the meta anyway, but like you said, it's for fun
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>>22097290 the set up is exactly the same as battle spot singles except a couple of game-breaking megas are banned. You have 6 mons that are locked through the tournament. No move change, EV change, item change, or pokemon change. Exact same mons from start to finish.
At the start of each match, you see your opponent's six and you choose three of yours to use. The match is 3v3 flat battle (everything set to level 50). Matchups are best of 3
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>22098257 I'll check what I have right now, or I'll breed some out for you. I will trading from my X game. Go ahead and friend me
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>>22098568 It gets easier to use one during the tournament but you don't need one yet.
Bob III !!ly8DIs9Mu4C
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Glad to see that the monotype tournament's back. I couldn't participate last time because I was too busy, but now I have more than enough free time. I'm hoping to see some fun, useable sets that I'll later steal and call my own from you guys!
Alec 4012-4120-1149
>>22098722 Could I actually get a Prinplup and Froakie? Got rekt by Flying last time and I don't want to have to deal with that again as Bug. It would be much appreciated. Added you.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383 !DragonMW6Y
Quoted By:
So anyone alive wanna help me test my new mono team?
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>22099393 sure, I got a 3iv female protein froakie for you and I'll breed out whateva for the piplup if you're still around
>>22100485 Thanks for the offer but I already bred a Prinplup and got a shiny Greninja from someone, ha.
Quoted By:
Are Secret bases gonna be use for gyms now?
I heard this gym leader thread gets the best shitposters from around the world, can't wait.
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>>22100769 can't be beat!
complain about gale wings for fun Actias 5300 9493 0648
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>>22100745 oh, well, okay then. No prob
Hoppip !hoPPiPzMj6
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hello fags
this is Heather from the last tournaments, though since I don't use that name any more ingame I'm dropping it
>>22098568 Eventually the tournament will end up with a "best person of every type" so if you're an unpopular type there will be less competition for a spot
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>>22096794 It hasn't even started yet, anon.
>>22088409 >>has never made top 8 tier >ice Is Ice really that bad?
I'm half tempted to try now and this would be my first.
Quoted By:
>>22101806 most teams will have several mons that sweep with as much coverage as they can get.
Fire, fighting, rock, and steel are all types that you can expect everyone to have at least one mon carrying.
Again, technically, you only need to be the best out of the other ice players to make it to the finals.
The most important thing is to have fun
Zaim [3840-5661-3560]
Joining as a Grass-type specialist!
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
>>22101806 We're just waiting for the Chosen One.
Everyone thought Electric was shit until Nathan rekt shop with it in season 2 and finished #2 overall, a mere ONE point behind Water.
Without Zapdos. #hashbrowns >>22087759 Hi bbq. Nips !NIPPLY0ayA
Quoted By:
>>22101806 Yeah, Ice hasn't made top 8.
That said, I was the Ice rep last season and ended up being a gym leader for more than half the duration of the seasons gym challenge, and it wasn't complete shit.
It just sucks how many weaknesses Ice has and how ill equipped it is to counter them
Quoted By:
>>22105276 Does anyone have a textless version of this picture?
Reminder that you have up until the 3rd of January to submit you and your teams details for the tournament.
>>22085830 Anyone got vids/sets of what previous tops ran?
>>22109625 for what purpose?
>>22109625 CB Talonflame on every flying/fire team.
>>22109853 >Not using the superior SD set. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22109853 >>22109891 >not using leichi berry nature power set Anonymous
>>22109891 >not using the easy mode set Anonymous
>>22109911 >Not SD'ing whilst the switch into a steel type before raping them with Flare Blitz Anonymous
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>>22109973 no i will just spam brave bird because i have charizard X on the back so no worries about those steel types :^)
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>22109625 This is what I ran when I made it through as the bug leader in the second tournament. I think I got about 10th place overall Anonymous
Okay so you faggots wanna ban gale wings even though it isn't a legend yet kept mega mom around for the multi battle tournament even tho many were opposed to that. Why are you all such big hypocrites?
Quoted By:
>>22110633 Are you the ones saying we should ban more stuff, hell if anything you should take your own advice and learn to handle it.
How the fuck do you guys decide on a type? I'm really torn here. Also are there types that really need representation?
Quoted By:
>>22110550 Gale wings isn't banned
>>22110795 You could always base a team around your favorite pokemon.
>>22110550 reading this just gave me Ebola.
Gale Wings is debatable as to whether or not it's deserving of a ban. It's only really bad during the tournament and not the challenge.
Furthermore, Mega mom has been crippled to being usable, but by no means broken
Quoted By:
>>22110821 But I'm on /vp/, I hate pokemon.
>>22110830 >Furthermore, Mega mom has been crippled to being usable, but by no means broken I was talking about the multi battle tourney that this thread hosted a couple months ago, i fully understand that mega mom is beyond in singles.
All i'm saying is keep gale wings legal since as everyone put it before with mega mom "it may be over centralizing but no one will use it, we are here to have fun"
Quoted By:
>>22110907 oooooh.
it was possibly the worst tournament /vp/s had. multis just dont work in a tourney setting unless everyones in the same room Anonymous
pls no more fighting gale wings isnt getting baned and if u have so much trouble dealing with talonflame just put rock slide on one of your mons is not that hard, also callum is not retarded he wont pair grass,bug or fight against a flying mono r-r-ight
>>22109713 To admire their skills?
No really. I've no plans of entering but want to take inspiration, I have enough IRL monotype fighting as is and am curious to see how I scale up to what the greatest of /vp/ run. Constructive discussion may be too much to ask for, but it's a start, at least.
>>22110121 Nice, bug's not the easiest typing to work with so props to you. AA is curious on Scizor; how did it work out for you? Your hit/miss ratio experience with Hurricane on Volcarona?
Ryan !!auUhdsFDvhU
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>>22111030 Well, i don't have any vids but i finished 3'rd in the season season tourney with a Dark team which consisted of
It was really fun and covered a lot of stuff.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
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>>22111030 XY didn't have a move tutor, so I had to work with what was available for both Volca and Scizor. Aerial Ace actually came in handy a few times if I recall. It was certainly unexpected. Hurricane was pretty much what you expected. Worked most of the time, but would miss when you really, really needed a hit.
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>tfw thinking about Electric >realize most require a HP due to lack of coverage
Quoted By:
Just hatched a shiny Larvesta out of nowhere, so I guess I have to go Bug or Fire.
Quoted By:
>tfw still completely lost as to what to run this time >tfw lacking motivation
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>>22112124 Rotom, nigga.
I mean easymode would just be like, Lanturn has ice beam and Electivire can just punch things.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
Quoted By:
>>22110795 Representation is usually fairly even, bug always seems to be the most popular.
I'll post signup numbers closer to starting time.
Picking your favourite type is probably the best way to go.
Quoted By:
>>22088409 >just good tier w-we'll show you
Did someone say gale wings ban?
>>22113023 Just ban Talonflame, why would you JUST ban Gale wings?
Quoted By:
>>22113075 Because talonflame can still be used without GW?
>>22112124 >Being a casual Come on. I thought you were better than this.
>>22110907 >it may be over centralizing but no one will use it I'd imagine flying teams will still use it to help vs ice teams. It's still bloody fast even without GW.
>>22112124 the only thing mono electric should run that needs HP is magnezone
>>22114091 >>22112124 HP is for chumps. I'm here for pokemon, not calculator battles. HP defeats the whole point of only allowing a few type moves to be used be each mon. Allowing access to all types is just bullshit. But it's weak enough that I don't care to complain about it
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>22114121 >hidden power should be banned, guys Anonymous
>>22114121 These are the shit posts we've been toldd about
Quoted By:
Austimo leader when?
Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
Quoted By:
>>22109625 here was my team from season 2, I lost one set (to a fucking 50/50 bleh) throughout both parts of the tourney and was gym leader for a bit before having to give some one else the position due to time constraints I've got a few battles against frisbee (who was season 1 flying gym and notorious for being hard to beat)
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
>>22113793 >>22114091 >Not wanting HP Ice Manetric or HP Grass Jolteon HP Fire Magnezone is sweet as well.
Kirzi pls, git gud. You'll die doing predicted switches :^)
Those HPs are excellent counters to common switches and prevents being walled by specific pokes such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Swampert, Gastrodon, Flygon, ect.
>>22085621 Okay, so, I might be an idiot, but if it's a Monotype tournament, can I use dual types? Like, say I went fire. Could I use a fire/fighting Infernape?
>>22116109 Yeah. It'd be kind of a lame tournament if we couldn't, frankly.
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>>22116117 Alright, thanks. Guess I'll work up some kind of team. Need to determine a type.
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>>22114188 Looks like your typical /vp/ fag who just sucks at the game.
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Bump for excited.
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
>>22115545 nigga I didn't use no Rotom-W
>>22117324 Then you were cheating, because i saw you use it in a replay last season.
How did nobody else catch this?
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
>>22117357 I wasn't even participating after season 3 and I didn't use electric or water in season 3 either.
Gonna have to step up harder than that, m80
>>22117380 Don't worry friend i'm busy at the moment but i plan to light up this thread later today. I'm one of the funposters from the multibattle tourney.
Nathan [IGN: Grandiose] !ELECTriC22
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>>22117590 cool I will look forward to it
Nancho !!Kqwtilxth/T
aw yiss, gud 2 b back!
still thinking what type to pick
>>22097678 omg hi daniel :3 Anonymous
>>22115545 /r/ing seasons one and three of these plox
>>22109625 pic related is what I mainly ran when I was gym leader for both types. Steel S1 and Ice S3.
Tourney wise, both teams were rather different, and I got through either out of dumb luck or lack of
competent competition.
You'll feel like you get a true grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of that monotype and your team the longer you stay in the tourney, so do well to stay alive.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>22117812 omg hi nancho im glad to see u back buddy pls participate
also happy birthday to kirzi yay
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>>22116011 Nah, I was calling you casual for complaining about hidden power. No need to convince me it's worth it.
>>22118592 Haha, thanks Daniel.
Alec 4012-4120-1149
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Anyone have any Mudkips? I have breeding leftovers of Tyrunt, Scolipede, Gastly, Joltik, Kangas and Shellder to offer.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>22118697 get online bby so i can give u ur special birthday dedenne
>>22085621 So pumped! any updates on how many in each type so far in this season?
>>22119203 registration has barely started and doesn't close until just after the new year. The numbers won't even be important for another few weeks
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>>22119230 alright, gonna get working on my team then!
How did you determine what type you were running? I'm Haven't been in any events yet, but I'm trying to decide between Normal, Water, or Electric.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>breeding for hp fire roselia since yesterday >no hp fire roselia yet >suddenly shiny hatches >hp grass breeding hp is suffering, also who wants rosey, first come first serve
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>>22119339 some choose out of preference. others out of convenience.
Steel's my favourite type, so that's what I went with S1
Glad it can hold it's own in a monotype game
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22119377 I wouldn't mind taking it. c:
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Is there a level requirement for the teams?
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>>22119753 get your mons to at least lv. 50. it's gonna be flat rules
>>22115545 >Awww yeah, monotype, this is gonna be cool! >Look at S2 >My team looks like a clone of Quad's Welp.
What about the six types not listed? is there a picture of them? Were they used?
>>22119837 Quad's notorious for being one of the toughest leaders. You'd do well to build off of him
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Signed up. If for some reason I have to change a held item, move, etc. will I have the opportunity to do that?
Hoppip !hoPPiPzMj6
>>22119837 most mono teams will end up having a lot of overlap, don't worry about it
there's more to the mons than just what they are - me and nathan were both electric for season 2 and we both had almost identical teams, but some of the sets we ran were completely different
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>>22119899 Huh. Alright.
>>22119959 So, I guess I'll go on with it, then. Thanks.
Hugo 4527-8916-7484
How often do you do this? I'm planning on getting Omega Ruby soon, but I don't think I'll make the deadline.
>>22120262 challenges go about one month max for the tourney, and two months for the gym challenge
Hugo 4527-8916-7484
>>22120785 Can anybody do the gym challenge or did they have to participate in the tourney?
>>22120968 anyone's free to participate
>>22121042 You faggots play favorites all the time, if you aren't a known autistic tripfag in this thread your opinion has no value no matter how good it is.
Some of you have even been caught cheating and it just goes under the rug, how is that fair to all the newcomers?
>>22121139 >some name someone who's not heather
good to see the funposting's back
>>22121202 >name someone who's not heather One isn't enough?
There was some other dude that was caught with imposter dittos changing his sets or some shit and some other dude who changed ev's, both werent a big deal because they were tripfags.
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>>22121202 Shouldnt have gotten a second chance.
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Here we go everyone, strap in and prepare for one wild ride.
I have no idea why you autists are banning mega lucario in a 3v3 format, shit will never set up.
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>>22121290 Mega Luke still hits pretty hard dude, if anything should be let back into the tourney it's mega mom.
Base 100 isn't very fast with the new meta anymore and things like mega gallade are a thing.
>>22121260 the ditto guy got caught by heather i think. ironically.
by all means, go ahead and search the archives for my opinion on the whole thing.
didnt bother to check: I agree that all the cheaters should receive punishment at the time of their cheating or within a set period. since it took to long for everyone to realize that heather was rusing everyone, there wasn't much that could be done. >inb4 why not keep all cheaters permabanned now not my call.
>>22121290 >no SD or NP on M-Luc >abloo bloo mega luc banned ur all autists okay
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22121260 Both Jaime and Ahmed were immediately disqualified. I wouldn't classify them as 'autistic tripfags'.
I don't have access to the S1 teams, but I do have S3. I fucked up the last mon for Nips Ice team so refer to.
>>22118534 Anonymous
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>>22121341 No all legends are broken, go play on smogon if you want to use your genies and birds.
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>>22121333 >dat post number Anonymous
>>22121345 Here he is, the ringleader of all the tripfags in here. Not only does he try to defend his cheating friends but he shares the list of everyones mons and sets so that people who have been here have an advantage.
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>>22121345 >Both Jaime and Ahmed were immediately disqualified. Of course they were, there was a shitstorm for both of them when they were exposed but people (you included) were defending them till the very end.
>>22121390 >Both Jaime and Ahmed were immediately disqualified >Not only does he try to defend his cheating friends anon, you're really off your game today.
>>22121406 Ignore the list part why don't you, why isn't it made public so that everyone can see it and not just those select few?
UGGGGGGH there was great discussion for the ban of gale wings, what changed everyones minds? Bug, Fighting, and Grass are all going to have their teeth kicked in by Gale Wings and NO sash is NOT a counter.
>>22121434 You mean the list that only he himself can and has seen?
That one list that's accessible through his email alone and has only been used by him to make sure people like Jaime and Ahmed weren't cheating?
That one anon?
>>22121487 You're a retard if you think he doesn't share that list with people. everyone uses imposter dittos/frisk/ect to find out what other people are running. Hiding that list just makes it inconvenient for everyone and gives people with access an advantage at the start.
JoJo/Joaco 4270-1507-2013 !Bexu5eMUDA
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>>22115545 Man, it's been so long.
>>22121520 if anyone is going to know if the lists got leaked, it would be me.
alas, that's not the case. you can take your tinfoil hat off anytime.
again, he uses the list while reviewing battle videos to ensure fair play.
Reading through the rules and the no legends, no exceptions makes no sense to me. Zapdos, terrakion, and manaphy are a couple that come to mind and aren't broken. More legit mons = more diversity = more fun
Everyone knows the real cheaters are the people who use mono-flying
>>22121557 You expect me to believe that if you saw that list you would tell everyone, get real.
>>22121568 >allowing genies lol no
also posion has no legends
legends are banned and there is nothing you can do about it
>>22121568 two words: blanket ban
>>22121465 ban it for tourney, nothing else
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>>22121575 Well it's legal under your shit tier rules, i plan to join and abuse the flying types gamefreak has blessed us with.
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22085621 sup guys long time no see! so when is the tournament starting? Because i'm still playing thru OR/AS and want to know how much time i have to get started on a team before decide if i am entering or not.
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>>22121590 >ban it for tourney, nothing else No leave talonflame alone, it may be powerful but it's by no means broken even on a mono team.
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>>22121575 Yea but only one of them will bullshit their way to the top. I almost walled a flying team but got rekt by two crits.
>>22121606 january
also guys plz stop fighting
>>22121584 fucking lel.
>m-muh conspiracy theories >m-muh hate of tripfags as you yourself said, we have imposter dittos and friskers to scout. it's really not that difficult to grasp.
anything else you wanna discuss, or were you about to sit down for your dinner of hotpockets?
>>22121585 >not allowing articuno You don't have to be a legend to be great, look at garchomp.
>>22121590 two words: blanket ban
Why? To keep things simple? You already have complex bans in place for certain megas.
>>22121634 So what your saying is fuck everyone ima inconvenience you for the lels.
Also i see why you would be opposed to making the list public, you get to view everyones sets and have the most time to make sure you're well equipped.
>>22121637 from what I was told, it's more of a lore perspective, since we're trying to emulate the in-game gym leader system, we should also follow their rules, namely mono-typing and no legendaries. Apart from a few instances in the manga, tcg and pwt, gym leaders don't use legendaries, and we're just trying to emulate them
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22121625 perfect i can work on a team over Christmas then. is there any list of how many people have chosen what types? and since this is taking place in OR/AS are we only allowed to use mons that you can obtain in those games or can i send something from X/Y to help build my team?
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>>22121672 I really wouldn't give a shit if the list was made public. Some people like their surprises and I get it, but I couldn't give a bigger shit if someone posted my sets. Look above in thread. People are posting sets already.
make sure you don't burn yourself on that there hot pocket Anonymous
>>22121683 So now you're role playing fags?
Unban shit like zapdos so we can use it or ban the broken mon instead of nerfing it.
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Tim (Thunder from Down Under) 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q Thu 11 Dec 2014 00:42:52 No. 22121717 Report Quoted By:
Oh I can't wait to get going this season! Hopefully not as many no-shows this season, that made waiting for a battle annoying as hell.
JoJo/Joaco 4270-1507-2013 !Bexu5eMUDA
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>>22121637 I just want the Regis. Every other legendary can fuck off.
So we can use aegislash and mega mawile on the same team?
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I demand justice from this oppressive patriarchy! you MEN are the ones who are keeping us from using legendaries! Using your M.A.L.E PRIVILEGE!! We demand equal pay as well as use of legendaries!
>>22121714 >m-muh Zapdos I see Heather is already in full shitposter overdrive
>>22121746 yes. Steel gym leaders had both for every season i think
>>22121759 Awesome guess i'll add a mega luke and probably an arceus steel while im at it for the tourney
>>22121714 lmao bro no need to be so mad, if you're having trouble playing an electric team, maybe you should git gud; people have done it in the past without zapdos, you can do it too anon
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22121752 heather only cared when she was using electrics because from her perspective electrics sucked. i doubt she really gives a fuck if she is playing another type this time around.
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>>22121780 >she >her ohboyherewego
Daily reminder if you use flying you're a scrub who needs to rely on overpowered crutches like Talonflame, Dragonite and Charizard.
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22121776 >arceus steel no legendaries bro.
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>>22121780 Yea dude isn't heather so hot?
I fap furiously while fantasizing about smelling her long flowing hair. I hope she teases my anus while rekking people in the tourney :^)
>>22121795 Arceus steel isn't even that good anymore, if people are preparing for aegislash and mawiles i dont see why they cant handle arceus steel.
>>22121793 >implying your shit taste in mono's is enough to even make it inside my anus. Anonymous
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daily reminder that heather is a fat hairy man
>>22121810 Wow it's so damp and moist in here
>>22121824 which is why i run Water mono of coarse.
>>22121778 I don't think doing well in these threads is an achievement.
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22121809 universal ban no legendaries not even shit like articuno.
>>22121838 Oh me, oh my anon!
how much water based lube did you put in here?
>>22121841 that just makes you look worse for bitching about no legendaries tbh
>>22121858 Enough to fill a swimming pool!
>Mfw my ass knows Hydro Pump Anonymous
>>22121870 It's a good thing I'm not that person, then.
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>>22121854 Who thought of these rules? They deserve to get shot in the face.
Callum !!4KFpWNDnsH9
>>22121709 Taking place in OR/AS and you can use anything that isn't banned.
So far there is:
>>22121878 who are you replying to?
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>>22121874 Well even with all of this i'm just not sure if it'll fit!
Maybe you should try it on me anon <3
pls enter my rock type anus.
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>>22121888 Someone that's terribly confused.
>>22121887 dark: 2
psychic: 2
bug: 2
fighting: 1
poison: 2
flying: 1
just fucking daniel ground: 2
ghost: 1
Evan !AtyW177MoE
>>22121887 >>22121910 hmm i might go fire if there isn't too much competition. i'll probably register around Christmas or Christmas eve.
>>22121955 So you have no problem keeping shit like moltres banned but will gladly spam charizard and talonflame. Truly the biggest of faggots.
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>>22121955 there's like 3 guys using fire, just haven't announced em yet.
They all use brave birds Anonymous
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>>22121975 Wowee i'm a fag too!
Let's jerk each other off Evan :^)
>>22121975 >using charizard and talonflame on the same team Anonymous
>>22121975 Be honest.
Would you use Moltres if you could?
>>22121991 Yes i would, moltres is probably the best toxic staller in the game seeing as steel types dont like fire.
>>22121989 Why the fuck not, 3v3 format you don't see much rocks, besides x is part dragon.
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>>22121989 >implying anybody sets up rocks in 3v3 Anonymous
>>22122005 X should be banned from flying type teams.
Hey guys what's going on in this thr- fuck
>>22122019 Get the fuck out of here, it's not a legend and requires a megastone, its by no means broken.
>>22122035 >implying a fire/dragon belongs on a flying team I have some Cream for that anal pain m8. You need some?
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>>22122035 Because requiring a megastone has always kept things balanced in the past.
>>22122031 Wow Ryan what are you some mega hyper faggot?
"Ryan with Ryanite is reacting to his gayboy ring!"
>>22122031 You like it? The trick is you have to set legit looking bait for people then begin funposting when they are all gathered here already. Some even join in on funposting.
>>22122047 So that means when you face mono dragon / fire you'll be swept by zard x?
Being two megas is part of the fun of using charizard and you should have a counter for both, besides if you let it set up dd's then you should just quit the game.
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>>22122084 I'm saying if it loses that typing your team is completely, then how can you call it a flying mono?
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I have so many more pokes to choose from this time and much faster breeding methods. Probably gonna wait until there's a list compiled and pick an under represented type.
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>>22121838 i see i have competition for Water
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>>22121465 >Sawk Sturdy Activated! >Sawk used Counter! >Smogon bird fainted! Holy shit gid gud. :^)
Grvio [Steel Veteran] !!19oOkoWwyVY
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>>22121714 >So now you're role play fags? >Now As the titanium doors crept open once more, dust and smoke slowly seep out. Upon the iron thrown, Grvio sat. Motionless, silent, eyes wide open forward.
"The time has come again, so it seems.." the veteran leader mutters.
The show lights shine bright around the arena within, bringing a slight grin upon Grvio's face. A grin the only meant one thing: