Hey guys, it's Lex (again)!
As promised, I have more Diancies to hand out! This time is the big giveaway, I have 3 boxes (90) of these diamond ladies to give out!
No EVs
Naive nature
Holding an Enigma Berry
>Diamond Storm >Moonblast >Hidden Power Fire >Earth Power Here is the sign-up sheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WWjmfzSRmmWgRZc3SnC2GkUnb7d28ZWp92oYrW-Xk3Y/edit?usp=sharing I will be monitoring the sign-up sheet.
I will be trading/adding people to my friend list in groups of 15 at a time.
Please be patient. And I will be sending trade requests in order of the sheet. If you spam me with trade requests, I will skip you.
Feel free to give me whatever in echange for the Diancie. Just no eggs. If you give me an egg, I will give up your spot to someone else.
So who wants a diamond princess?
I do
Quoted By:
i have been looking everywhere, thanks
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 04:35:14 No. 22111947 Report Quoted By:
Err.. Not sure how to keep bumping this so people know that this is a thing.
Juan [2251 - 4404 - 1092]
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Bumping for kind OP's sake.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
Do we sign up at the google doc or here?
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bumpin 4 based OP
Luke 1848-2446-7331
>>22111841 Silly question... is there a difference from adding you between X/Y and ORAS?
On mobile phone, can't enter info
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Ingame name: June Friend code: 4141-2115-9030
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>>22111841 Bada bim bada Bump
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 04:48:16 No. 22112094 Report >>22111997 Join on the doc
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>>22112102 Fug, I'm sorry. Got it now.
Fenix (3883-7418-5280)
Quoted By:
I have a mighty need OP
Luke 1848-2446-7331
Quoted By:
thank you so much!
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Registered. Thanks based Lex, I got a ditto from you too.
Juan [2251 - 4404 - 1092]
Quoted By:
Thank you based genner
May 1736-1314-2114
Quoted By:
Sweet! thank you!
Salvador 2105/8899/0137
>>22112094 I seem to be unable to modify the spreadsheet, I'm on my mobile and have no means to get on a PC right now, what should I do?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 04:58:40 No. 22112190 Report >>22112173 I'll add you myself.
Just be on alert for a trade request.
>>22112173 I could do it for you
Freya 3024-5610-4825
Quoted By:
Registered, thank you based OP
Ian 1993-7792-1019
I can't modify it either. Can I be added to the queue please? I added you. This seems like a good format for giveaways
dan 4382-2206-1366
Quoted By:
i'd love one if you still have any left
Salvador 2105/8899/0137
Quoted By:
>>22112190 >>22112196 Thanks! I'd appreciate it a lot.
Never used a spreadsheet before, how do i get to putting myself on there?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:02:35 No. 22112232 Report >>22112215 I've added you to the spreadsheet, add me and wait for a trade request
>>22112225 go to link in OP. Click in boxes and type your IGN and friendcode.
Vanitas • FC: 5300-9428-4009 !!l7ClSbJhm7n
Vanitas • FC: 5300-9428-4009 !!l7ClSbJhm7n Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:05:16 No. 22112254 Report Quoted By:
Registered, added you too OP. Thank you!
Can someone help a computerless faggot out? My laptop broke and I only have mobile. FC: 4081-5905-8562 In game name: Stephen
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
Quoted By:
>>22112250 Thanks, it wasn't edit-able for some reason when I tried.
Quoted By:
>>22112272 Thanks man, appreciate it.
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Diancie!
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>>22111841 Meant to give ya a heart scale, but I had it on a mon with HMs. Sorry OP, but thank you very much!
IGN: Dolores
Quoted By:
Thank you for the Diancie.
jaXon 3308-5005-9238
can someone add me to it pls
OP, can you also add me? My computer is broken, so I only have a phone. IGN: May FC: 2509-1861-2380
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:24:11 No. 22112413 Report Anonymous
Alchius 4785-4748-4937
Quoted By:
Aww man, someone wrote over my name.
jaXon 3308-5005-9238
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
Quoted By:
>>22112413 Just realized my FC on the spreadsheet is wrong. 6 should be 3 like this FC.
If I give my FC out, is it possible that I can clone someone's Diancie via the trading method and give it back to them after I'm done? I'm testing it with version 1.3 now, but I'm not getting anywhere.
Edward 5086-2022-0748
I feel terrible for asking, but can someone hook me up on the spreadsheet?
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
Quoted By:
I'm not sure having a spreadsheet that everyone can edit will lead to smooth operation.
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Lex, I'm breeding Adaptability Skrelps right now, do you want one? I know you're running a charity but I want to give you something good.
Quoted By:
Alright put my name on the list, just gotta wait now
>>22112453 I straight up cannot clone with 1.3. I can confirm that 1.3 cloning CAN occur because I've cloned one pokemon successfully since the patch, but it's very very difficult.
Powersave's in the mail. :/ thanks GF.
>>22112413 hey Lex, yesterday i gave you my landorus to change one IV and then my internet got kill, any chance you still have it?
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
Quoted By:
>>22112232 Hi, Lex, just realised you misstyped my FC in the spreadsheet, it's 2105, not 2015.
Ikato (0147-0309-0017)
Somebody is changing my FC in the doc...
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>>22112493 You're lucky. I'm thinking on investing in one soon, but for now, I'm going to keep trying my luck. Godspeed to you as far as getting it soon.
Quoted By:
>>22112528 Yea someone is changing all of the FCs in doc, while doc is being crashed every so often as well.
May 1736-1314-2114
Quoted By:
I"m in group 2. someone changed my friend code. it should be May 1736-1314-2114
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:37:40 No. 22112579 Report >>22112505 I still have it, sorry. Send me a trade request if you see me online
>>22111841 can't type in the spreadsheet
>>22112579 i can't see you online, maybe you deleted me from your friends?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:39:36 No. 22112595 Report >>22112583 People are crashing the spreadsheet
Fenix (3883-7418-5280)
Quoted By:
Bah wrote my code down wrong on the sheet. heres the correct one
Edward 5086-2022-0748
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>>22112543 You're the best.
What's with all the "skipped"?
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Can't boop the snoop
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:41:45 No. 22112622 Report >>22112592 I might have, lemme go fix it. I will send you a trade request
People are fucking with the spreadsheet ffs
Alchius (4785-4748-4937)
>>22112595 You had to have kind of seen this coming given the format.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:42:54 No. 22112638 Report >>22112624 Yeah, I know. Not sure what to do from here.
>>22112638 Is no one able to edit now?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:43:54 No. 22112652 Report >>22112612 People are fucking with the spreadsheet
Fenix (3883-7418-5280)
Quoted By:
>>22112622 On the spreadsheet under Fenix, it's an Invalid Code. The one in my name is the right one.
I'll wait until it's my turn, but please don't skip :(
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:45:18 No. 22112667 Report >>22112648 I disabled editing for now.
>>22112652 I sure hope I'm not skipped. FC is correct though. What's the plan now?
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890]
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Excuse me Lex, but seems like I can't add me to the doc, can you add me to the list? thanks in advance :}
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>>22112652 thanks a lot for the landorus, sorry for the inconvenience
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:46:45 No. 22112680 Report >>22112670 Not sure how to continue from here tbh
I might force people to sign in to edit the doc
>>22112667 I think you should keep going with everybody who's left on the list. Everybody should check to see if their codes are right and post here if it isn't.
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>>22112680 my ign is michi i accidentally put 2721 when it's 2621 in the beginning of my FC.
>>22112688 Keep everyone on the list pleease
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I am unable to add my info withing doc,so ill add it here: name is Sailor V FC 3024-6048-2345
Sean 3222-6244-0340
Quoted By:
Please baby, please!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 05:51:18 No. 22112746 Report >>22112712 Everyone on the list will remain on the list.
Just, everyone make sure your FC is correct and post here if it is not.
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>>22111841 me too :)
IGN: Kyle
FC: 1521-3987-4706
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890]
Quoted By:
>>22112688 >this it's a good way to see if people is still interested or not and saves you a bit of time while you put the list in order again
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I only managed to get my ign (lean) on the doc before it closed FC 2707-2219-8928 pls bbgirl
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>>22112680 I fixed May's FC in the second group
JOE 1864-9649-9968
>>22112746 I'm #41, but someone edited by IGN and FC.
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I would like to enter the giveaway too if still possible! Thanks. ign: Colby FC:4468-2191-7871
Edward 5086-2022-0748
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I'm #56. My FC is off by one number, specifically the last. :^)
Zan 0430-8541-9859
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>>22111841 I dunno how accurate the doc is but I want in if it's not too late.
Fenix (3883-7418-5280)
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Ok, I don't want to spam trade requests, so I'll just wait for reply.
belem 4382-2206-1366
Ikato (0147-0309-0017)
Quoted By:
>>22112769 Thanks for some trolls the doc crashed a few times and some of the FCs were modified...
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:00:27 No. 22112835 Report For everyone's whose FCs have been edited, stay posted. I will add everyone as I go and if your FC is invalid, I will post on here and ask for it. I'm sorry
Sean 3222-6244-0340
>>22112835 Not to be "that guy", but will the names of people who posted after the lock be added too?
>>22112835 Are you still sending to the 15-30 ones?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:03:23 No. 22112861 Report >>22112851 Yes, I have a friend adding the names to the list as well.
Sean 3222-6244-0340
Quoted By:
>>22112835 Seriously though, thanks a lot for doing this.
Quoted By:
>>22112859 I had some connection issues,connecting right now.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:04:39 No. 22112872 Report >>22112859 Yes, I will update the spreadsheet as I go
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
Just to be sure. Is it for XY or for ORAS?
Sean 3222-6244-0340
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>>22112861 Sweet. You're a good person, Lex. Don't let anyone tell you different.
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>>22112872 I see you skipped me, I'm connected now.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:06:30 No. 22112885 Report >>22112874 Either, I can send the Diancie to either game.
However, it is with stats for a Mega Diancie, which would require ORAS to get the Mega Stone.
Quoted By:
Fc: 1332-8145-0829 Ign: Cesareo If i'm not too late for one i would cery mucj appreciate it!! It wouldn't let me add myself to the list.
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22112885 Ah, okay. I can also see, that my FC got changed. My IGN is May and my FC is: 2509-1861-2380
Quoted By:
>>22112885 I wish I had heartscales to give you man.
Thanks a lot.
Quoted By:
>>22111841 I dont have my gameam on mobile atm. Anyway i can have your email so we can set up a trade some other time? Im not on here that often anymore because of finals.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:09:37 No. 22112910 Report Note, I am active and sending people their Diancies and what not. Just letting everyone know that I am doing my thing.>Game crashes what
Lean (2707-2219-8928)
Quoted By:
Tried to add to the list earlier and only got my ign before you closed it. Would really appreciate it
>>22112910 Is that why I got a connection error?
>>22112910 We appreciate you doing your thing
Are you still updating the spreadsheet with Added/Sent though?
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22112896 Now I'm there twice lol. I'm nr. 50 and 62.
Quoted By:
>>22112910 Didn't get the Diancie, connecting again.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:12:28 No. 22112936 Report Quoted By:
>>22112920 Yes, did you get the Diancie?
>>22112921 Yep, working on sending Diancies but there was an error so I'm trying to figure out what happened
Joshii 3196 4352 1471
>>22111841 Can someone add me on the list please. I can't modify the doc file.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
DlCK LOVER 3625-9079-4139
eyy hope its not too late to join this thang
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:16:05 No. 22112967 Report >>22112957 omfg I'm not Santa
I treat my elves with love and tenderness Matias
Quoted By:
Finally, thanks for the patience.
Joshii 3196 4352 1471
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
DlCK LOVER 3625-9079-4139
Edward 5086-2022-0748
oy vey I'm #55. Mind changing the 7 on the end to an 8?
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22112991 Can you change the name for slot 34 to James?
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
I hope it's still okay to sign up. I wasn't able to use the cloning trade glitch successfully. I don't mind the wait, though.
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Hi can i get a diancie if theres still one left
Edward 5086-2022-0748
Quoted By:
>>22113022 Thank you kindly. ;)
>>22113004 fuck you and fuck your memes you fucking faggot
DlCK LOVER 3625-9079-4139
Quoted By:
Thank you very much for the Diancie.
Hey, can you add me to the list?
! Didn't manage to add myself on Doc =( If there are still any left IGN: Autumn FC: 2337-5691-1455
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113036 It already is "James"
>>22113041 >>22113042 Added to queue
May 1736-1314-2114
Quoted By:
Thank you OP!!!
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113056 Only if you provide your IGN name and FC. Can't put ya down if I've got nothing to put down.
>>22113060 Added to queue
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:28:59 No. 22113086 Report For people looking at the thread, starting 31-45 now.
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
Quoted By:
>>22112967 I know this sounds like bullshit, but I really have somewhere to be in 15 minutes. Can I get my Diancie soon-ish?
I'm #45 btw.
Harrison 0189-9246-4917
>>22113056 >>22113077 Forgot to add IG and FC, fixed
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Ian 1993-7792-1019
>>22113086 33 here. Did my code not add right? I'm definitely online.
JOE 1864-9649-9968
>>22112967 #41 here, FC is still incorrect. Spreadsheet shows 9639 instead of 9649.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:34:52 No. 22113127 Report >>22113117 I listed you as Offline only because you were offline when I added you. i will edit that.
Piscine needs to add me and JOE's code is wrong.
Harrison 0189-9246-4917
Ian 1993-7792-1019
>>22113127 >>22113127 That's weird. I've been online this whole time staring at your un-registered friend card. Which is still unregistered.
*getting worried*
Hello, please add me to the list, my IGN is Daniel, FC 4270 0823 0383
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:38:59 No. 22113153 Report >>22113142 Oops, added you now.
>>22113120 Fixed it, you are added.
ign wucas fc 1805 2244 2935
Quoted By:
i want one pls, thank you
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113120 The spreadsheet shows 1864-9649-9968. Do you mean the opposite?
>>22113142 Exit your game and then restart it. The PSS bugs out at times
>>22113146 Added
Ian 1993-7792-1019
Quoted By:
>>22113127 >>22113142 NEVERMIND ALL IS WELL I LOVE YOU LEX *dicksucking, etc*
Ian 1993-7792-1019
>>22113160 thanks to the elf also (cribbed this from the spreadsheet when it was in chaos mode btw)
Quoted By:
>>22113153 Got mine. Thanks Lex!!
Satsuki 1005-9076-4433
I'm interested too! Thanks heaps in advance
>>22113077 Thanks for adding to the doc!
>>22113173 that was mine. also the snoop dogg one.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113173 I've got something better
http://www.matmartinez.net/nsfw/ It is sfw, despite the link.
>>22113178 Added
>>22113179 No problem
Ian 1993-7792-1019
Quoted By:
>>22113180 >>22113187 Heh
Also got mine, thanks!
sledge fc:0962-9186-8630
>>22111841 Are you going to be doing this tomorrow?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:52:43 No. 22113233 Report >>22113224 I'm doing this right now. I probably won't be doing another giveaway for a while though.
There are 17 slots open.
Yig 2337-4204-3788
Quoted By:
Thank you based Lex
sledge fc:0962-9186-8630
>>22113233 How do I sign up?
(Idk if it says it on post but im half asleep right now)
>>22113233 IGN Faith
2595 0728 0642
Please add me to the list. Thank you very much!
>>22113233 Hey lex, I just bought omega ruby yesterday, do you think I can get in the giveaway too?, if not, well, I will wait next time.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Vanitas • FC: 5300-9428-4009 !!l7ClSbJhm7n
Vanitas • FC: 5300-9428-4009 !!l7ClSbJhm7n Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:56:53 No. 22113266 Report Thank you based OP!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 06:56:56 No. 22113267 Report >>22113256 Yep, just add me and post your FC and in game name and wait for a trade request.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
IGN Sapphire: 2234-7425-5909
>>22113256 You need to get far enough to where your PokeNav is upgraded I think.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Quoted By:
>>22113274 added to queue
>>22113275 correct
Quoted By:
Thank you for the rock OP. She will be the best rock.
Scarlett 4811 8169 3675
This may be a really stupid question, but how do I add my name to the google doc?
Scarlett 4811 8169 3675
>>22113306 Never mind, I am a retard.
It's Stur from the spreadsheet. I forgot I'm not going by Stur on oras, my name is Star ingame. The FC is still the same-I just came to let you know.
Mox 2337-2888-2307
Still open for signup? If so, please.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Quoted By:
Thanks Lex and Elf, you boys are doing god's work.
guys i cant get on the spreadsheet and sign up- if i could still get in on the action that would make my week. Info: Quentin 4828-5073-8853
Quoted By:
>>22113267 nice!, once I get the ability to trade, I will post my FC here.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113355 just saw i was added- you are truly doing gods work.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:12:37 No. 22113370 Report Quoted By:
Starting 46-60 now Tribewar, you are skipped until you log back on
Michiru 3926 5015 5442
Hope you still got fairy waifus left.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Alchius (4785-4748-4937)
Why did I just disappear from the spreadsheet? I was 51.
Setsuna 0619-4304-7599
If you're still available OP, I'd also like a Diancie. Thanks.
>>22113355 >>22113368 hey idk if you want the trainer name or not but i put my trainer name as Yesman not Quentin so ye
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:18:48 No. 22113426 Report >>22113396 I sent you 3 trade requests (you were in batch 3, number 44) and you didn't respond.
Alchius (4785-4748-4937)
>>22113426 Oh. I never got any requests. That's a bummer.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:20:17 No. 22113437 Report >>22113430 I'll send you a Diancie anyhow
Zoe (2208-5736-2528)
Vince Gelato
Hello I will have a Pokemon with heart scale attached if you have any left :) 5172-0347-0299
Alchius (4785-4748-4937)
Quoted By:
>>22113437 Thanks man, I appreciate it.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Quoted By:
>>22113430 >>22113437 Added again, please be ready
>>22113440 Added
>>22113442 Need an IGN, unless it's Vince Gelato
Vince Gelato
Quoted By:
Yes, the very same. Thank you.
belem 4382-2206-1366
Quoted By:
thank you, Lex!
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
So are you sending out friend requests first or is there a way to do it all in game? (im really bad at this stuff)
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
If you still have one, I'd appreciate it.
IGN Serena, FC: 5129-1765-2885
Could I get one of these lovely Diancies, please? Elaine is my IGN.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:29:14 No. 22113502 Report >>22113492 Nah, you have to add me first then get back online in PSS
Elaine (1161-0239-5765)
>>22113501 Whoops, name didn't register.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:30:21 No. 22113509 Report Quoted By:
>>22113501 Post your Friend Code
0361-7281-6458 (IGN:Oaks)
Call me retarded, but why can I not fill in the boxes on the form?
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
mon 2337-2888-2307
>>22113510 Only based god can fill it
Jared 3625-8666-1238
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:31:39 No. 22113523 Report >>22113510 I closed it because people were being butts and fucking with the spreadsheet.
You will be added to the spreadsheet by posting here.
Setsuna 0619-4304-7599
Hey Lex, just wondering if I'm still added even though my name and FC isn't in the doc. I've already added you
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
0361-7281-6458 (IGN:Oaks)
Quoted By:
>>22113523 Sometimes I forget that 4chan isn't a giant hug box, thanks
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
>>22113531 my bad, I'll fit you in
Vince Gelato
Added you Lex. Thank for for taking the time to entertain the masses.
Setsuna 0619-4304-7599
Dio Brando 1736-2777-4322
If it's not too late, tack me onto the google docs
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:36:49 No. 22113572 Report >>22113556 No problemo, it's a labor of love.
I love /vp/
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
mon 2337-2888-2307
>>22113542 For some reason, I am not seeing my fc in the spreadsheet.
0361-7281-6458 (IGN:Oaks)
>>22113542 >Added >Still not on the doc :^)
Edward 5086-2022-0748
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Quoted By:
>>22113590 >>22113614 I dun goofed, my apologies
0619-3613-2812 IGN: Thanya
>>22113572 ok, I just got the ability to trade and just added you too.
Quoted By:
Thanks Lex! i really appreciate it!
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
0619-3613-2812 IGN: Thanya
Quoted By:
>>22113683 nice!, I will wait for my turn.
Toxin 5300-9708-0034
Quoted By:
If there's any spots left OP would love one! If not, thanks anyways man
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:50:47 No. 22113706 Report Quoted By:
Starting on 61-75 now, adding people.
Zan 0430-8541-9859
Quoted By:
>>22113572 Thanks so much OP, I wish I was able to give you something that wasn't kinda shit but I only just started using OR more. Happy holidays though
Sean 3222-6244-0340
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, Lex. I greatly appreciate it.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Chris 1907-8807-0414
Can you add me to the list please?
Joshii 3196 4352 1471
It doesn't matter if we are on ORAS right?
Autumn 2337-5691-1455 !Pji2RcT83A
Quoted By:
Added you Lex~
Excuse my retardness but has any giveaway happened for pentagon Shaymin, Victini or Keldeo from the Japanese scrap events? If they already happened, is there any future giveaway planned?
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Quoted By:
>>22113732 >1907-8807-0414 Yup
Compulsive 4699-7268-4756
Sure, I'll bite. Even if the list is already past 90
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
Would you prefer a 27/31/?/?/?/31 V-Create EV trained Jolly Level 100 Rayquaza or a daycare-leveled max IV Bagon with 4 egg moves, but no EVs?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:58:47 No. 22113775 Report >>22113763 Bagon
>>22113746 Haven't done any of those but I might in the future depending on demand.
>>22113743 Nope, doesn't matter.
Lex's disgruntled elf !!SCeAGzh7+nu
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
>>22113775 Oh, shit. The Bagon is actually EV trained, but I have another one that is level 1, HA, no EVs, and still egg moves. My in-game name is Psy, btw.
Quoted By:
>>22113775 Thanks, would appreciate it to further my pentagon event collection
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:01:04 No. 22113802 Report >>22113791 That's fine, you can keep the EV trained one.
I'll take the newly hatched one.
Compulsive 4699-7268-4756
>>22113788 neato, I got a bunch of extra Vivillon patterns or an Impish 5 IV Gligar with HA or a modest Porygon
Bobby 3153-6122-6950
>>22113758 Put me in if you can, please.
Toxin 5300-9708-0034
>>22113724 I think you added lllias FC code as mine in the spreadsheet, and my IGN is Matt, sorry my mistake Q.Q
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
>>22113802 Perfect. I can give it an Ability Capsule to hold, or any other item. I didn't use balltism, so it's in a normal Poke Ball.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:03:03 No. 22113829 Report >>22113807 I'll take the Gligar, thank you.
Joshii 3196 4352 1471
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:04:59 No. 22113851 Report >>22113817 No more slots left, sorry.
>>22113825 The Ability Capsule would be nice.
>>22113824 Gotcha, I'll fix it.
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
DlCK LOVER 3625-9079-4139
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:07:49 No. 22113875 Report >>22113862 I appreciate it a ton, dude.
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
>>22113875 Before I upgraded the patch, I usually BP-grind, but at the same time, I'd local trade-clone the Ability Capsules so I wouldn't run out, so I have 5 atm. I can always try to get more.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:11:20 No. 22113905 Report >>22113894 Ive been too busy to BP grind and I wanted to do giveaways with Ability Capsules.
Thanks for making my job easier in the long run!
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
>>22113875 By the way, thank you so much for this. I'm going to try and clone one for my friend instead of being greedy and using my other 3DS's FC for another Diancie. It's worth a shot to try and use the cloning glitch until it works.
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
Quoted By:
>>22113905 You're very welcome.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:13:24 No. 22113921 Report >>22113911 You're more than welcome, I enjoy sharing the wealth.
Good luck, dude!
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
>>22113911 cloning glitch?
Autumn 2337-5691-1455 !Pji2RcT83A
Quoted By:
Thanks so much Lex!
Harrison 0189-9246-4917
>>22113921 Hey, sorry I was trying to get you an Audino from the other thread but it was taking too long
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
>>22113921 You too, bro. I hope to start my own giveaway sometime early next year, possibly in the same format you did it. For now, I should head to sleep, but again, thank you for the giveaway.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:19:22 No. 22113959 Report >>22113951 Don't worry about it, I appreciate the notion.
>>22113952 Giveaways are hectic but fun. Best of luck to you! Good night c:
Andron (5386-7794-9612)
Quoted By:
>>22113930 Yeah. If you have two 3DSes, you can actually clone your Pokemon while the trade is finalizing, but it's all in a matter of timing, which is around 4.5 seconds immediately after it says, "Communicating. Please stand by." Before the 1.3 patch, it was easier. I've been to a few forums, and a few threads here on /vp/ were posted about it some time ago. I think there's a way to downgrade to the previous patch.
Harrison 0189-9246-4917
>>22113959 I can put a luvdisc back up and try to grab you one for after your giveaway ends if you want. Thanks so much for the Diancie though!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:21:52 No. 22113980 Report >>22113973 Nah, it's fine. I appreciate the notion, though!
ign wucas fc 1805 2244 2935
Quoted By:
>>22113980 received, thank you so much!!
Satsuki 1005-9076-4433
Thank you so much Lex and good luck with the last 15 or so! I bet you're going to sleep well tonight haha
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
you'll have to forgive me lex, i just bought the game on sunday and i have very very little to offer. :(
>>22114001 No problem!
Yeah I am, I'm dead tired.
sledge fc:0962-9186-8630
Quoted By:
Thank you so mUch lex I wish I could do more to show my appreciation but I got sleep have a good night!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:26:49 No. 22114018 Report Quoted By:
>>22114009 You're fine, I don't ask for anything in return.
>>22114011 Oops, I forgot my trip.
Quoted By:
Thank you, Lex!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:29:24 No. 22114032 Report Quoted By:
Starting the last batch, 76-90 Then I'm gonna go fuck off and sleep.
How long will you be here for? I can't trade right now and I'd really like one.
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
i dont see an invite anywhere is it in game or in the home menu
Quoted By:
>>22114049 It's on the little orange face icon. Press add and put in the friend code.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:33:09 No. 22114055 Report Quoted By:
>>22114049 What do you mean? I need you to add me onto your Friend's List in the Home Menu (the square smiley face).
>>22114042 Sorry, dude, all Diancies have been claimed.
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
>>22114049 i added you but its not saying youre online in game
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:38:06 No. 22114081 Report >>22114074 That's because I'm not online yet in-game
Dio Brando and Matt need to add me
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
>>22114081 makes sense. im tired as fuck as well
Dio Brando 1736-2777-4322
Quoted By:
>>22114081 just figured it out, added
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 08:40:54 No. 22114097 Report >>22114085 Don't worry, I'm also really fucking tired.
Quoted By:
Thanks, Lex, you're the best~!
Yesman 4828-5073-8853
Quoted By:
>>22114097 truly doing gods work. Goodnight sweet merciful lex
Quoted By:
Thank you so much, Lex! I haven't started breeding or anything, so I didn't have much to offer. Hopefully, Timid with Synchronize helps you out!
Setsuna 0619-4304-7599
Michiru 3926 5015 5442
Quoted By:
Thanks Lex. Have some well deserved dreams tonight.
Serena 5129-1765-2885
Quoted By:
Thank you OP, received mine!
Vince Gelato
Quoted By:
Thank you for the gift Lex, have a good night's rest and a Merry Christmas (soon)!
Elaine (1161-0239-5765)
Quoted By:
Thanks Lex! The Carvanha also has Destiny Bond.
0619-3613-2812 IGN: Thanya
Quoted By:
Thanks so much lex!, that ralts was the best I could get from the dexnav, take care, and have a good night~
Toxin 5300-9708-0034
Quoted By:
>>22114097 Thanks a ton for waiting on me! appreciate it and thanks!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 09:14:31 No. 22114258 Report All right, Brandon never came online so I guess I'm doing then. 89 Diancies distributed. Good night, everyone! I'm gonna go die now.
Compulsive 4699-7268-4756
Quoted By:
Thanks for staying up so late Lex.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Wed 10 Dec 2014 09:15:32 No. 22114263 Report Quoted By:
>>22114258 I guess I'm just gonna keep his Diancie then*
Jesus, I need sleep.