>>22124166There are fucking homo threads up all the time. There's probably one up now, even. Hetero threads like this one and all others literally only exist to "counter" them, with the hypothesis that /vp/ is so fucking gay that the thought of straight up heterosexuality disgusts them as opposed to homosexuality.
Both get their same amount of "shitposters" (which in reality are actually people who think it's autistic and cancerous, which is true, because it is).
Waifu and husbando threads get a free pass because it has less to do with headcanoning and more with being devoted fans with a particular character, which is autism too if you think about it but no one brings that shit up. Just consider them the "Nintendo" of the situation. It's okay when they do it.
TL;DR: It's all cancer/autism/whatever buzzword you wanna call it. Some just get a pass because said topics have been here for so long that the jaded anons that inhabit this cesspool of a board don't feel motivated enough to voice their disgust for it. It doesn't belong here, it's not tolerated, it was never welcomed, they all know that, but they're too lazy to do anything about it. So they just leave it there.