Requests will be ignored that do not include FC, IGN AND the actual request including all details. Do NOT link to another post 'asking for whats in that post'. Retype or copy and paste if you're requesting again. Be patient with savers, they're the one doing you a favor. What powersaves CAN do:>Clone (Up to a whole box at once) >Shinify (Up to 10 'mons at once, but 'mons that are shiny locked can't be traded back to you. Also can't be nicknamed afterwards if done on an XY cart) >Make anything 6iv (Up to 10 'mons at once) >Change any IV to 0, 1, 30 or 31 (One 'mon at a time) >Natures (One 'mon at a time) >Get you items/berries, although they may say no to multiples as they'd have to trade you as many >pokemon as you need of that item. >Unshinify 'mons (One 'mon at a time. The OT will become the powersavers, but still can't be nicknamed in XY, can in ORAS) >Change the region of a 'mon to US, UK or JP (One 'mon at a time) >Change balls (One 'mon at a time) >Give pokemon pokerus (One 'mon at a time) >Generate event 'mons from gen 6 that have happened (Recent events will not likely be able to be done shortly after launch) What powersaves can NOT do:>Anything with pokehex or whatever it is that you want to do so stop asking >Change abilities >Generate 'mons for you >Get certain moves >Ribbons >Edit location caught (i.e. route 7, but I want route 10. Born in Kanto, can't change to Johto) >Specific levels Codes for specific games OR/AS:>Nickname >Something with the ID/SID/PID, once someone tests this I will update what can actually be done. Details of above to codes are down underneath known powersavers X/Y:>Change form of Floette, Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist, Vivillon, Shellos/Gastrodon, Basculin, >Burmy/Wormadam, Deerling, Furfrou, Unown (You can change genie and deoxys form in game) >Evs (One mon at a time and anything not 252/0 is probably going to be declined)
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22122169 Can someone shinify some pokemon for me?
Now that Zekrom and Reshiram are not Shiny locked i'd like mine shinied.
Uknuld 5172-0786-1838
Is anyone can help me change: Kangaskhan into a Dusk Ball with Pokerus Talonflame into a Premier Ball with Pokerus ?
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122244 ok but once i shiny it the OT will no longer be you, if you're alright with that.
>>22122323 ok too
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22122353 Yeah its ok, that doesnt bother me.
skohly 1907-9325-3921
Quoted By:
>>22122388 wokay, send me a TR, i already hv u on my list.
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
Can anyone please help me change my buneary's gender to female and change its nature to run away?
4141-3453-3120 !!PsKPGO4kVRn
could i have my greninjas ivs changed to 31/30/31/30/31/30 ?
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
Requesting IV and nature tinkering
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122425 run away is an ability not nature. we can't change abilities.
>>22122439 no IGN no talk.
>>22122448 i owe you 4 nature tweaks. give me a list to work with bruh.
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
>>22122461 Oh oops! Yeah nvm then just the gender change then :)
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122483 add up. i'll TR you in abit.
sparky 4141-3453-3120 !!PsKPGO4kVRn
Uknuld 5172-0786-1838
Quoted By:
>>22122353 Ok thanks I added you.
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122497 IGN, FC and TYPED REQUEST all in one post pls. I'm abit anal about this but it helps me keep track.
>pls pls Rupert FC:5300-9960-5383
I would like my trapinch with 6 IV/s with Jolly nature and my crobat 6IV and also nature. Would greatly appreciate this!
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
sparky 4141-3453-3120 !!PsKPGO4kVRn
>>22122515 sure whatever you say, could i have my greninjas ivs changed to 31/30/31/30/31/30 ?
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122524 check your FC, says invalid
>>22122532 ok i'll send you a TR shortly.
Rupert FC:5300-9960-5383
Quoted By:
>>22122524 I meant to say both trapinch and crobat 6IV's with jolly nature.
Rupert FC:5300-9960-3583
Quoted By:
>>22122544 You're right, I swapped the 5 and the 3. thanks
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22122515 Shiny my chestnaught and make him and my clefable perfect iv plz.
Uknuld 5172-0786-1838
>>22122353 Can I send you a TR?
skohly 1907-9325-3921
Quoted By:
>>22122563 ok, easy one, i've got you on my list.
>>22122570 i will TR you
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22122544 Oops wrong Landorus, here's yours.
Thanks bro appreciate it. When I get my Powersaves I'll help out the anons too.
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122587 anytime bruh.
BTW, i'm not doing anymore requests after
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
I thought premier ballin an entire team was to much work so today i will have a somewhat easy request, shinify some pokes (?
Rupert FC:5300-9960-3583
Quoted By:
>>22122603 I've added you. Thanks bro
(Crest) FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong
(Crest) FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong Thu 11 Dec 2014 01:54:14 No. 22122662 Report I want to breed HP Ice and HP Ground on various Pokemon. I have two Dittos, can anyone change one of these Ditto's IV Spread to 31/30/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice) and the other to 31/30/31/30/30/31 (HP Ground)? I would greatly appreciate it. Forgot to mention that changing their region/OT would help in breeding them, also.
skohly 1907-9325-3921
Quoted By:
>>22122626 I'm sorry bruh, you're gonna have to get another saver to help you. I have a full workload and i cannot stay long today.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22122603 >two minutes late That look bro
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122669 I can't find sparky or rupert and sabi is busy.
Fuggit. i'll do a couple of shinying for you. Get online.
Rupert and Sparky, there is a reason i ask for IGN. TR me when u see me free.
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
Quoted By:
>>22122461 Groudon: Lonely
Landorus: Adamant
Terrakion: Jolly
Yveltal: Mild
Kyurem: All 31, Rash Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Quoted By:
>>22122696 Cheese bro thanks
Rupert FC:5300-9960-3583
Quoted By:
>>22122696 You haven't added me I think
My IGN is Rupert my FC is 5300-9960-3583
skohly 1907-9325-3921
Many apologies to DAN, J-Rev, Rupert and Sabi. I will not be able to do your requests at the moment. My schedule got brought forward, i need to skedaddle soon.
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
>>22122814 Hey skohly! You haven't forgotten about my buneary have you? Lol
Uknuld 5172-0786-1838
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
skohly 1907-9325-3921
>>22122836 chill lady, i'll do the pokes requests i have first before i leave.Not THAT big of a Dbag.
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
Quoted By:
>>22122856 Lol okay I'll wait patiently :)))
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
Uknuld 5172-0786-1838
Quoted By:
Thank you very much skohly, I appreciate that.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:20:07 No. 22123007 Report I'm around and can probably help with some requests. Though I need someone to test trading a Mew I genned earlier. You can keep the Mew, I just need to find out if it is actually trade-able. All I know right now is that it is not GTS/WT friendly.
Quoted By:
Can anyone help me to change The nature of my Altaria to Modest and /or clone her Altarianite?
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
>>22123007 Yes, I need your help to sinify my Lugia, Sean.
Also, can you clone my Meloetta, Arceus and trade it for my ORAS account please? I don't have poke bank.
Quoted By:
Powersaver here. Willing to do some work for some good pokemon and pentagon legenadries. I'm not specifying IVs or EVs but ill do the 31/0 and 252/0
Heidi 3024-6182-7618
Quoted By:
Thank you so much skohly!
QUESTION I bought the Action Replay DSi from like 2011... Can I update it for OR/AS?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:25:49 No. 22123085 Report >>22123052 Yeah ok. I'll grab my Y cart now.
I have to go to the Bank to make some room for the clones though.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:28:01 No. 22123114 Report >>22123082 What? You still need to import the mons via BW/BW2 like normal. Then use the transporter to ORAS I would assume. Don't know haven't tried the transporter with my AS yet.
>>22123101 well when I go to that stupid website it lists in the instructions manual it doesn't even load on my macbook
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
>>22123085 Alright. Tell me when you're ready.
>>22123122 >macbook there's your problem m8
I need a ditto with 30 in every IV, If you can make it a shiny that would be awesome, but it doesn't have to be. Please and thank you. FC: 2251-5129-7919 IGN: Justin I have the spare ditto if you need it.
>>22123142 Is it just cuz I'm using Safari? Will it load if I dl a new browser?
>>22123145 sorry man ditto's at 30 in all?
thats a bitch to do
im gonna need your rarest pokemon and $10
Is it possible to get a Diancie or a Hoopa through powersave yet?
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22123085 Bro can you shinify me a hand of pokes
>>22123173 do you have something other than a mac?
the software doesnt really work with the Mac OS that well
Quoted By:
>>22123190 yes
diancie uses the event, hoopa uses a fake event
>>22123192 what do you have?
Quoted By:
>>22123198 I do yeah just haven't tried it yet
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22123114 >>22123007 Could you shiny my chestnaught and max his iv, max my clefable iv, and change my chansey's nature to bold?
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123225 Alright, I'l just do it for $5 paypal.
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
>>22123264 I got nothing, ahaha sorry man
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:39:07 No. 22123281 Report >>22123128 Ok ready to go. I'll be on and send the request in a minute. You can keep the stuff I send over. Just shitmon back is fine.
>>22123145 30 and not 31?
Quoted By:
>>22123280 >I got nothing Why do you like lying?
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
Quoted By:
>>22123215 request me or whatever now so we can trade
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
Quoted By:
>>22123281 Yup 30 not 31, it's to breed certain types of hidden powers. .
>>22123281 can you change a nature for me when you're done with the others? if it's not too much trouble, of course
Biv 1392-5750-6236
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123308 what nature for what bro
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:42:57 No. 22123329 Report >>22123128 What about the cloning of the Meloetta and Arceus?
Quoted By:
>>22123321 i have a lonely latias, i want it modest
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
Alright. First is the siny Lugia. WHen you're on, trade with my XY IGN Armando and I'll send you Meloetta and Arceus to clone. Give them and the Lugia to Fuyumi for me. Thanks.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22123316 Can you shinify some pokes
Biv 1392-5750-6236
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:46:47 No. 22123378 Report >>22123354 Oh. Didn't realise you were Armando. I'll get back on now.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123215 I'm going to clone them so I can use them too.
But they're on the way.
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Quoted By:
>>22123403 Okay =). Enjoy the wish chansey.
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
>>22123378 My bad, also transfer my hoopa please
Biv 1392-5750-6236
>>22123365 send me a trade
>>22123316 can you make my latias modest?
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
Erk, hoopa cannot be traded anymore?
Biv 1392-5750-6236
>>22123316 Can you make my Altaria Modest?
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22123448 Bro i dont see you
Quoted By:
>>22123461 adding yu, here's my FC 3609-1138-6657
Biv 1392-5750-6236
>>22123455 Need fc and name
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 02:55:54 No. 22123486 Report >>22123456 I'm on Y. Despite the data for Hoopa existing on the cart, it is either considered illegal, or knows and ORAS only move.
I'd have to clone it on my AS cart if we wanted to do that.
Shinying and cloning the stuff now. Back on soonish.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123468 is it ev trained and has max iv's / good nature/ the moveset or whatever?
>>22123484 IGN Rager
FC 3609-1138-6657
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
>>22123486 Is the ditto a no go then?
>>22123492 Almost normal, the only thing she has is Hyper voice
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
I have a shiny Sableye that i got from a giveaway but it has a pretty lame nickname. Could someone help me change it? If you could change it to "Nugget' that'd be great
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123516 I can max out it's IVs/ change it's nature and give it any 252 EV you need shinify it and change its pokeball
all i ask is that you give it the moves you want now and ev train the specifics
if it's a level up move i can rare candy it
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:00:33 No. 22123543 Report >>22123511 You really want me to sully a perfect JAP ditto to make your less than perfect abomination in the eyes of Arceus? Behold the hubris of man.
I can but I am busy finishing this other request first. I'll do it afterwards and I'll let you know when it is ready.
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
Quoted By:
>>22123486 If you could give me that shiny Rayquaza earlier. It would be awesome :)
Biv 1392-5750-6236
>>22123506 do you need that shiny aswell
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
>>22123550 no, just the nature changed to Modest, thanks
>>22123533 She's lv 65 and correctly EV trained
my fc is 4682-8763-5227
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:02:29 No. 22123571 Report >>22123456 >>22123432 >>22123354 Ok ready to go. Just for clarity, I am sending one shiny Lugia, and 2 x Meloetta and Arceus right?
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Quoted By:
Can my gliscor be taught substitute with powersaves?
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Quoted By:
How can i get some free potato salad
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
Biv 1392-5750-6236
Biv 1392-5750-6236
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123570 added
what do you want exactly?
go ahead and be specific if needed
>>22123588 is there anything you'd like in return?
Biv 1392-5750-6236
>>22123608 It's okay, but if you have extra HA or egg moves, that would be appreciated
>>22123476 shinyfying charmander, tyrannitar, and sceptile correct?
>>22123607 Just IV and Modest that's it
ahh, and if it's possible clone her altarianite.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123646 yes i can clone the pokemon itself
which clones items
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123646 why are you running hyper voice AND moonblast?
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
>>22123662 Bro, can you fix some IVs, natures and shinify some of my mons?
Quoted By:
>>22123715 It's just a preset moveset moonblast is gotta go
Fuyumi 3239-3739-8612
Thanks so much for helping me, Sean.
Biv 1392-5750-6236
Quoted By:
going offline now
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123728 depends if I like them enough to keep a clone for myself honestly
post what you want, the answer is likely yes anyway
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
>>22123520 just bumping this request hoping for some help.
Quoted By:
>>22123747 Thanks E you're the best
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123776 I don't think it's possible, you MIGHT be able to change the owner id in X and then rename it but that's a lot of work.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:19:00 No. 22123799 Report >>22123559 Your imperfect blob is ready. I made a shiny and a non-shiny in case it has issues. If the shiny doesn't go through, I'll try sending the non-shiny.
Uriel , F.C:3668-9673-6934
Anyone here with powersaves that can generate for me the event Jirachi of X/Y ? (tanabata Shiny Jirachi , i think...) or someone who have one and clone it and give me one :) Preferebly one who is not lv 100 i need one between level 10 and 50 Thankx
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
Quoted By:
>>22123747 Changing my Kyurem to All 31IV with Rash
And a HP Fire Spread (31/30/31/30/31/30) and signifying a Greninja
Justin FC2251-5129-7919
>>22123799 That beautiful imperfection will help create some very powerful mons. I'm on, I already added you.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Quoted By:
>>22123796 Ah, it's not worth the trouble then, I'll use it as is. Thank you.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:22:09 No. 22123832 Report Quoted By:
>>22123818 It'll be holding a Destiny Knot, to save you a little effort. Just some shitmon back is cool.
>>22123740 No worries. Enjoy your mons.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:23:39 No. 22123846 Report >>22123811 I already have one sitting around. Once I finish offloading this Ditter I'll add you and send it.
Uriel , F.C:3668-9673-6934
>>22123846 Thanks :) i added you
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:27:53 No. 22123887 Report >>22123858 You sure you did? And that your FC is right? Because you weren't already known when I added you just now.
Looking for a max IV ditto so for sexy purposes, willing to offer lvl1 feebas.
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
Would anyone like to to make my Flebebe penta perfect and possibly rename it?
Uriel , F.C:3668-9673-6934
>>22123887 lol sorry i forgot to turn on the Internet connection xD i'm ready
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:31:12 No. 22123928 Report >>22123907 Double check your FC. Because it still says there is no FC handshake yet.
Uriel , F.C:3668-9673-6934
>>22123928 Sorry Internet senpai was jelly about our friendship
Now my body is ready
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22123894 is it marvel scale
Quoted By:
>>22123977 >>22123977 can't you just powersave a marvel scale? -.-
and no, it's literal garbage. Would you prefer hyper cutter mawile?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:42:06 No. 22124039 Report >>22123951 You are going to need to stabilise that internet if you want this to happen mate.
>>22123894 I've got one with 30 in all IVs I can give you right now. Unfortunately all my 6IV ones are the in the bank at the moment.
>>22124039 Fine by me for ditto, i ain't picky.
Uriel , F.C:3668-9673-6934
>>22124039 Thanks m8 i'm done now we can still be friends but thanks for taking my request :)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 03:49:18 No. 22124132 Report >>22124071 Added and waiting online for you. What is your IGN so I know who to look for?
>>22124118 No worries mate. Enjoy those mons.
>>22124132 >>22124132 with knot too? holy shit thanks man!
Quoted By:
>>22124213 No worries mate. Enjoy your mon.
But with an IGN like that, I can see why you were after this.
Right I am off to play some other vidya now.
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
Can anyone clone a Lucky Egg to trade in ORAS? My pokemon are underleveled for Deoxys.
>>22124247 kill it and fight the e4 a few times
>>22124247 or just pokenav pelipars
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:02:16 No. 22124281 Report >>22124247 Fuck it this one is easy so I'll do it. I'll slap one on a Mew and send it over.
I need your IGN and FC though. I'll be on in a few minutes.
>casual rrostit Captcha knows.
Quoted By:
>>22124280 you want someone to work on something you can literally get in 5 seconds
>>22124281 I may have already added you before, but just in case
1934 1528 1527
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:08:48 No. 22124339 Report >>22124313 And what about IGN? I'm on Y so knowing your FC without your IGN doesn't help me identify you.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124339 Are your Mew's legit or look legit or are you using the generator.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:12:04 No. 22124373 Report >>22124355 Genned them via the AR this morning. They should look like they were caught in Emerald on the Birth Island or whatever it is.
I just wanted a lower level Mew, so I had to gen those up. Wanted to raise one myself for once.
You want one?
>>22124339 I don't have an ign account, what if I trigger the trade?
Freya 117778205421
>>22124281 Hey Sean let me know when you've got some free time, if you're still down to gen two mons for me. Got the .pkms made
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
Re-requesting Flabebe nature and IV tweak.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124373 Yeah as long as it looks real.
I'll give you my special IV Gyrados
I can't seem to bring my Gallade to Battle Spot. It's genned but I wonder on what specific. It's shiny in a dream ball. Has Psycho Cut, Knock off, Drain Punch and Swords Dance. Anyone have an idea?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:16:31 No. 22124412 Report >>22124374 IGN is In Game Name. Has nothing to do with the ign website.
>>22124382 I saw you in game earlier and was hoping you would turn up here. Have those PKMs for me to try?
>>22124391 Don't need anything special back. It isn't like I will run out of these. The only dodgy looking thing on them might be the date. I just set it to 2010 since I couldn't remember when Emerald came out.
I'll add you now and send one over.
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22124373 If you have a spare Mew you could trade man I would love one, I don't really have many mons to give you. Also looking for Celebi, Victini, Keldeo, Moletta, Arceus. Have Darkrai I can trade or Manaphy or Japenese 6IV Ditto holding Destiny knot
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124393 >dream ball battle spot only accepts pentagon pokemon
and dream ball isnt in this gen
maybe you can breed it though
>>22124412 Whoops, sorry
IGN is Wesley
Freya 117778205421
Noire: 5000-3431-9125
Quoted By:
>>22124414 I have a Meloetta if'n you wouldn't mind trading the Manaphy.
>>22124424 Is there a way for Genner's to stamp a pentagon on it?
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124412 >Don't need anything special back. Yeah, but you WANT this gyrados for use.
With Crunch it';s great, unless XY doesnt accept crunch
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
Quoted By:
Yeah sure, it is shiny lvl 100 if that is okay?
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124435 >>22124435 no. make a legit one (breed) with the ability and i can maybe change its ivs evs etc
Liam - 0404 6321 9707
I'm looking to change the gender of my Lopunny to female, and change the ball my Banette is in from an Ultra ball to a Poke ball, if that's possible.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124412 i want a meleotta for a mon too if its not too much?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:21:42 No. 22124468 Report >>22124414 Yeah I can send one over. I think I have all those others you are looking for as well. I'll check after I finish this other trade.
Don't really need anything fancy back. Just shitmon is cool.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>22124449 >>22124465 Think if I just get the balls changed it'll pass inspection?
If you're looking for Meloetta I've got a spare.
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22124468 Wow thanks heaps man, Yeah I haven't bred any ivs or egg moves yet so not much to offer :/ Only these event mons, Do you need the Darkrai as well? Or just Manaphy?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:25:56 No. 22124515 Report >>22124439 You didn't mention it was red. I fucking love red Gyarados. And yeah Crunch is the shit. Thanks mate.
>>22124432 Got them. Will try and load them now. Will take about 15 minutes.
>>22124464 No worries mate. Enjoy your mon.
>>22124465 Ok. I'll trade you again now. Didn't see this as I haven't refreshed yet.
Liam - 0404 6321 9707
>>22124494 Give me a second, my system needs an update apparently, I'll add you in a few minutes.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:28:17 No. 22124535 Report Quoted By:
>>22124498 I've already got both.
And Phiones. But thanks for the offer.
I'll let you know if I can find them all in a few minutes.
Liam - 0404 6321 9707
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
>>22122169 hi :) could i ask someone here to make my event metagross 6iv. and hold a lansat?
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
Quoted By:
>>22124515 >>22124515 yeah! red in a pokeball with pentagon too
taunt and crunch
its EV's are bulky so it can set up more easily (plus mega gyrados gets a defence boost)
Crunch and EQ + mold breaker hit pretty much everything except like mandibuzz
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
I have a powersaves, and I'm willing to help people out with whatever they need. Hit me up.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22124552 Can you help me out with some ball changes?
I've got 4 of them in total.
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
>>22124552 Need a Flabebe nature and IV tweak.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:32:47 No. 22124583 Report >>22124414 >>22124498 Ok I have everything on me except for the Arceus and the Keldeo. I'll just have to make a bank run to grab more of them.
Any other legendaries or events you are after while I am there?
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124538 Do you want to change anything else?
Pokeball, EVs, IVs, shiny, nature?
I'm assuming IVs arent perfect?
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22124583 Also after a Shaymin! You're a legend! Also after a Hoopa and the Volcano one? Fuck I forgot it's name.. I don't think those two are tradable though right?
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
>>22124547 I could help you out FC: 4356 0699 7722
No berry though, sorry. >>22124577 You can do that through breeding, you can do it on your own
sorry Liam - 0404 6321 9707
>>22124606 The IVs on Lopunny are, I'm not sure about Banette, but I think they're close to. If they aren't, I wouldn't mind them being topped off. Other than that, that's it.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22124627 Shiny Lopunny is Pink. Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22124572 They're all in Dream Balls illegally so I can't use em online so I'll get em switched. Hopefully it resolves the issue.
Gallade into Luxury Ball
Index the Espeon into Heal Ball
Bakuya the Espeon into Luxury Ball
Altaria into Heal Ball
Man I hope Game Freak introduced some new balls in Gen 7.
I'll add you. If you're looking for something please let me know. I do have a complete pokedex and some event mons.
Liam - 0404 6321 9707
Quoted By:
>>22124635 I realize this. I have a problem with Pokemon looking too cheatsy, so I only use shinies that I get legitimately, otherwise it irks me. Sorry. Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
Kyle I'll give something valuable to hold while I have your metagross. What nature do you want?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:40:09 No. 22124668 Report >>22124610 I can grab a Shaymin as well provided you don't care if it is shiny or not.
And yeah Hoopa and Volcanion aren't tradeable to Y.
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
>>22124621 oops it has an hm
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
Quoted By:
>>22124678 Take it to the move deleter then.
>>22124659 Sure, I can do that. Adding.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:43:17 No. 22124702 Report >>22124432 Bad news. The transporter didn't like either of those mons. Which is odd since I could swear I've imported that same Keldeo before.
Any others you want me to try?
I can have a proper look at the PKMs after I finish with these trades and see if I can figure out what is blocking them.
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Quoted By:
>>22124665 ah.. it's currently impish... i think that's okay
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22124668 Yeah shiny doesn't worry me,
ahh thought so. Thanks heaps man, just trying to drop out of the elite 4 now, 1 minute
>>22124702 Yeah if you could try and look at them that'd be nice. No idea why they arent working I went off of serebii's eventdex to make them. Don't have any other files genned up at the moment. I can wait a while, so no hurry.
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:47:08 No. 22124762 Report Quoted By:
Hello, is there anyone that can transfer my illumise into a Dream Ball?
David 5344-0275-3540
>>22124702 Are you genning, or just powersaving?
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
Arc you can keep this Azumarill I hatched it myself
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:48:59 No. 22124793 Report >>22124722 Ok I'm done. Get 7 shitmon ready and I'll add you now.
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
>>22124776 could i add to my request? same 6IVfy thing
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Quoted By:
>>22124776 Awesome. Thank you.
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
>>22124802 What do you want to add?
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
Quoted By:
>>22124793 There are never enough zigzagoons and poochyena in the world, sending 7 your way. Thank you so much man
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Quoted By:
>>22124814 the 3legend dogs
David 5344-0275-3540
Quoted By:
I have the legendary golems that I need given 6 IV's, Regice needs a Modest nature and Registeel a Calm one. Anyone help me out? If there are any genres around I cold use some help there too.
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite
Pixel 3282-2983-7912 Dragon: Noibat, Gabite Thu 11 Dec 2014 04:55:08 No. 22124883 Report >>22124802 do you do pokeball changes?
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Quoted By:
>>22124883 nope sorry, i dont have a PS
Mal (May in game) !Mal/KdZTDU
Alright Arc, finished up. Getting online in a sec.If you have any good balltism breeding fodder for me that would be cool Especially if they have egg moves
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
Re requesting an IV and nature change.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
I've been trying to MM a shiny ralts, and when I went out to Dexnav a 3iv rlats, I ran into a shiny. Is there anyway I could get someone to change the nature from Lax to Jolly and max the Ivs for Attack and speed?
Quoted By:
Could someone shinify my Buneary please?
>>22124956 Give it moves and EV train it first. :^)
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
>>22124966 Will do, give me about 10-20 mins.
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22124793 Cannot thank you enough man! Absoloute legend
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
Fuck. Looks like even with the ball changes from Dream, Battle Spot still won't let me use these mons. Goddamn it.
>>22125046 you need a pentagon
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:13:32 No. 22125062 Report >>22125015 No worries mate. Enjoy your mons.
>>22124765 I have both. I am trying to import some PKMs for anon from the other day.
>>22124755 Ok I think there may be some issue with the PIDs. So I changed the IVs and am trying to import a few versions of them now. We'll see how we go.
Arc FC :2122-6006-0390
>>22125060 So the only way to by pass that is to breed them in the host game?
Holy cow that's annoying. Will it be like this from now on?
Kyle 1521 3987 4706
Quoted By:
>>22124921 ah, nevermind.. i have to go back to college now
David 5344-0275-3540
Quoted By:
>>22125062 If you have time after your current job, can you help me out? Reposting my original request:
>I have the legendary golems that I need given 6 IV's, Regice needs a Modest nature and Registeel a Calm one. If there are any genres around I cold use some help there too. Freya
>>22125062 Thanks man, you da real mvp
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:18:10 No. 22125118 Report Quoted By:
>>22125095 Fucking system update just as I was ready to try the transporter.
>>22125075 It's to minimize cheating, yes.
Quoted By:
>>22125148 >have boxes upon boxes of genned pokemon >all unusabe Christmas is ruined. Thanks, Game Freak.
This is only in battle spot, right?
I've used these mons in 6v6 battles against friends like a week ago and it didn't stop me from using em.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:30:29 No. 22125217 Report >>22125095 Bad news. The changes I made didn't help.
I need to get some lunch/dinner now. But I'll give them another once over when I get back in about 30mins.
I am pretty sure I have this Keldeo though. SO if you want I can just give you a clone if you want.
The Arceus I'll have to play around with. But what is it specifically about that one you are after? E.g. The moveset? Because I'll see what I can preserve for you, but change what is needed to make it pass.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:30:36 No. 22125219 Report Powersaver in the house. Anyone want anything done?
Pride 4124-5086-0799
Is anyone who can help still about? I need the IVs of 3 Pokemon changed, and then the IVs + nature of 3 more changed. Any help with any of these Pokes is greatly appreciated.
David 5344-0275-3540
>>22125219 I have the legendary golems that I need given 6 IV's, Regice needs a Modest nature and Registeel a Calm one.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125219 Could I bother you to change the IVs on my Ralts to max out attack and speed, and to change the nature from Lax to Jolly?
>>22125217 The Keldeo clone will be perfect. I just want an Arceus without the Pokedit OT for my living sex? Moveset doesnt matter, I just want it to look legit.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:33:32 No. 22125257 Report >>22125222 >>22125239 >>22125243 I've got you give me a minute to system update and add all your friend codes and then I'll do you all at once
>>22125219 Shinify and a Weakness Policy please?
>>22125219 What's the device I need in order to start power saving?
Also how much for the license or what not to use the software/server?
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
>>22125257 Thanks, really appreciate it.
chewy 4098 3468 8397
Quoted By:
I'm looking to shinify a skitty, thats all
Pride 4124-5086-0799
>>22125219 How timely, haha.
To be more explicit I need:
- Diancie, Latias, Mewtwo - Max IVs.
- Beldum max IVs and changed to Jolly.
- Xerneas max IVs and changed to Modest.
- Ho-Oh max IVs and changed to Adamant.
Florg 2165-7300-7567
Quoted By:
>>22125219 Japanese Ditto with 6IVs, nature doesn't matter. Please.
Ign:Michael 0104-1854-5863
Can someone Get me a Mew and a Keldo? Mew and Keldo are my Bros. Any one clone one and give it to me? I'd be grateful
David 5344-0275-3540
>>22125257 Thanks, got you added now.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:41:24 No. 22125362 Report Quoted By:
>>22125255 >for my living sex Oh my what a slip. Especially given your IGN. I'll clone the Keldeo when I get back. I think I might have a different one somewhere as well. So I'll check it's OT and give you whichever looks more legit.
Should be back in about 20mins or so.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:43:32 No. 22125384 Report >>22125346 I can if you can wait about 20mins. I'll be back then.
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
>>22125219 It's way too late but I need a nature and IV change and possibly a name change (if you have it) on one Mon.
Pride 4124-5086-0799
>>22125384 Hey, if you're gonna be cloning stuff anyway, any chance you could clone and give me a Mew, Lugia and Yveltal? They're the last 'mons I need to complete my Dex.
Don't mind waiting however long, thanks a lot.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:55:57 No. 22125537 Report >>22125422 >>22125356 >>22125303 Alright I have a lot of Pokemon to fix so please give me like 15 minutes :)
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
>>22125537 Wow, you could get to me!? I'll wait bud.
(Crest) FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong
(Crest) FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:58:08 No. 22125562 Report Quoted By:
I posted this request a couple hours ago:
>>22122662 Are there are any powersavers around to help?
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 05:58:22 No. 22125567 Report >>22125553 I meant to finish them all like I will have them done and start trading them back in like 15 minutes
Pride 4124-5086-0799
>>22125537 Thanks so much man. If you need anything back, feel free to ask, might be able to provide.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125567 Not to rush you or anything, but I noticed you get offline. Do you have an eta for when you'l be back?
David 5344-0275-3540
>>22125537 Take your time.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:05:33 No. 22125658 Report >>22125632 soon. I have all of the IVs fixes but I can only change one nature at a time.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125658 Aight, thanks a lot for taking the time to do this. Is there any pokemon you're looking for? Can trade it if I have it after I give your sableye back.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:08:22 No. 22125696 Report >>22125677 >>22125587 If you have a good IV'd Swablu/Altaria that you can trade easily that would be cool, otherwise don't worry about it.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125696 I'll go Dex Nav for one while I wait.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:14:40 No. 22125745 Report >>22125643 Yo does your Regirock need a nature change, or is Impish the best one?
>>22125261 I am using a Datel powersave. I have never heard of a license unless you mean the one that came with the box.
David 5344-0275-3540
>>22125745 No nature change for Regirock.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:18:06 No. 22125772 Report >>22125346 >>22125440 Ok I am back. Let me know if you still want these done.
>>22125255 I'll get cracking on the clones and see if I can get the PKMs fixed as well.
IGN: Zero FC: 2964-8588-1752
Quoted By:
Hey, if any saver's aren't too busy, I do have a request. I've got a Metagross and I'd like it's nature to be changed to Jolly along with EV's changed to 252Atk/252Spd/4HP.
Pride 4124-5086-0799
>>22125696 Sorry bro, not a Pokemon I've ever used :/
>>22125772 Yeah dude that'd be great. Just need that Mew, Lugia and Yveltal to complete my Dex.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:23:21 No. 22125824 Report >>22125803 >>22125750 >>22125707 Alright I'm done and online whenever you're ready.
Quoted By:
Bumping request for a shinify.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
Didn't find a swablu, but I gave your sableye Pokerus incase you didn't have it.
David 5344-0275-3540
Quoted By:
>>22125824 Online now. Thanks again for your help!
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125824 Whenever you're done with your next batch, could I bother you again to turn two dittos into 6 IVs for me? If you let me know what Swablu IV's you want, I'll Pokenav until I get one.
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6
Ryuuko Matoi: 2895 - 7622 - 6883 !Moneyw2KG6 Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:28:00 No. 22125864 Report Quoted By:
>>22125856 it's cool man I'm probably going to bed after I return all of your Pokemon
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
Really don't know what thread to post this in, but if anyone can trade any of the ones in white if you have them laying around for my shitmons that would be appreciated!!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:29:24 No. 22125876 Report >>22125803 Ok good to go and have you added now. The only Lugia I had laying around is shiny. Just whatever shitmons you have laying around is fine back. Don't need anything special.
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
Pride 4124-5086-0799
Quoted By:
>>22125824 Thanks so much man, you're a lifesaver. I'll keep you on friends, if you ever need legit Pokes, let me know.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
Anyone able to turn two dittos I have into 6 Iv? Can offer some shit mons, I've got 320 caught so I might have something useful. Thanks.
Noel 2122-7160-4498
Quoted By:
Can someone give my Registeel a sassy nature and hexaperfect?
Another Brendan 3539 9122 0079
Quoted By:
Will any savers be on long enough to get to mine? Nature and IV change for one mon.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:34:00 No. 22125905 Report >>22125885 I've got a Togetic, Gliscor and Porygon-Z laying around if you want them.
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
Quoted By:
>>22125905 I feel bad you have done so much for me already! But if you want to man that would be sweet
Can someone explain the region change code? It doesn't make Pokemon hatched in my (US) 3DS have the "JPN" tag on their summary page. Does it change some other tag I can't see? Does it make Masuda method breeding happen? Or is it just a non functional code?
Pride 4124-5086-0799
>>22125876 Thanks so very much man, with this my Dex is complete! If you ever need any 'mons, let me know, got quite a few competitive-ready ones lying around.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:42:30 No. 22125965 Report >>22125946 It apparently doesn't work.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22125965 Are you doing another batch after you finish up that one, or are you heading out?
Shaun 5172-1351-4031
>>22125905 Thanks again Sean
>>22125965 oh it works alright and when you use it you input a code that fucks ur cart right in the ass a few weeks later hehehehehehehe be prepared!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:48:04 No. 22126003 Report >>22125972 Another batch of what?
>>22125958 >>22125976 No worries mates. Enjoy your mons.
>>22125982 Good thing I never use it then.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22126003 Of changing mons for people.
>>22126003 I got an arceus from a friend trade. Can I get dat Keldeo clone.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
Quoted By:
I need some help with a Heatran's IVs and nature, somebody, help please.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Thu 11 Dec 2014 06:53:26 No. 22126042 Report >>22126012 Yeah. I'll send him now. I forgot I was trading with you and not Shaun.
>>22126007 I would prefer to drop off, but if it is something quick I might be able to help.
>>22125976 I've got a Magmar with Magmatizer you can have.
>>22122169 is there a code that gives you a 100% capture rate for pokemon x and alpha sapphire?
French [4613-7530-4304]
Quoted By:
Just realized that I need to read the OP before posting. Could I get my Buneary shinified?
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
>>22126042 It's just changing IVs on two mons, I'm not sure how quick it is, but if you're done for the day I'll check in a later thread.
>>22126052 Yes. Clone up Master Balls.
But seriously though, no. PS works differently to an AR so we couldn't have nice codes like that.
>>22126061 Sorry mate but I think that I'm at my limit for the day.
Quoted By:
>>22126093 fuuuuuck. master balls are ugly.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
>>22126093 No biggie, was just curious. Thanks anyway.
Brendan 1950-7903-2250
Quoted By:
Anyone still alive?
>>22122169 I don't see it mentioned in either category, can you change a poke's nickname with powersaves?
>>22127107 bump for curiosity
>>22127107 >>22127255 No. There is just a code for ORAS that can revert the OT ID back after you apply the shiny code without un-shinying the mon. Meaning you could then still go and change its nickname.
>>22127328 So if you had an event diancie then, could you change the OT/ID to your actual in game one, so you could nickname it?
Quoted By:
>>22127353 No. It only reverts the OT ID to whatever it was originally when the shiny code was applied (as that changes the OT ID).
To nickname an event mon like that you would have to have received the wondercard yourself. Or get a PS to import one via Wondercard code and name it for you before trading.
Quoted By:
So powersaves can't remove medals to allow certain pokemon to be traded on GTS, so how are people able to trade them pokemon? I see celebi. mew, diancie etc on there, but unable to upload them myself.
Anfraxx | X/AS | 1005-9373-3000
Me again, looking for a few pokemon to clone for myself and in return I can offer you a 6IV Mew, Kyorge, Celebi or Diancie as a thank you for trading and letting me clone. So my current list is as follows Genesect & Groudon but any other legendaries you may have I'm open to offers.
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
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Powersave here. Taking interesting requests.
What's this item do? I got it with the "all tools" code. It says "Activate the ability of a Pokemon in your team" Also, is there any way to get a protean frog with the powersave?
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>>22128648 dont play in russian
Tom FC: 1607 4308 6670
Any powersaver willing to shinify my Charmander and Bagon? Thanks in advantage
E 4613 - 7430 - 3276
>>22128683 does your bagon have DD?
>>22128721 No it doesn't, I'm sorry
>>22128737 Then why would you want to shinify it?
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
>>22128721 I have a modest shiny Ralts, would you be willing to give it 31 IVs in everything?
Tom | 1607-4308-6670 |
>>22128758 After hours of Breeding without any luck I'm sick of it and I just want one for my ingame team
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>>22128804 Why would you breed for hours on end without having egg moves? that's the first thing to do.
1.- egg moves
2.- nature
3.- IVs
4.- MM (if you want to breed for a shiny).
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
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can someone help me make my latios penta perfect and shiny? Also if it's not nick nameable after being shinified then you don't need to do that just make it penta perfect. :)
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
I just got my hands on a powersaver, so if anyone need anything, feel free to ask. c:
Tom | 1607-4308-6670 |
>>22129337 Are you willing to shinify 2 pokemon for me?
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
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>>22129337 is it possible to change nickname?
Tom | 1607-4308-6670 |
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>>22129419 Alright done, waiting for you to accept
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
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>>22129337 can you help me with this
>>22128792 ?
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
>>22129419 Thank you so much for helping me out, have a nice day man
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22129561 Sure, no problem. Anyone need help?
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
>>22129568 me..added u already.
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
>>22129568 Can you help me giving 31 IVs in everything to my shiny Ralts?
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
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>>22129610 Thanks, I've already added you! I'll wait until you send me a trade request.
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22129577 What excatly do you want me to do with the Latios?
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
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can u make it penta perfect and shiny?
also is it nicknamable after being shinified?
>>22129640 Salvador 2105-8899-0137
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
>>22129640 it still nicknamable or nah? :/
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22129745 I have no idea, but you can try.
Also, if anyone need help, feel free to ask.
Anfraxx | X/AS | 1005-9373-3000
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22129784 You can't trade the Groudon you get in the game, can you?
Anfraxx | X/AS | 1005-9373-3000
>>22129806 local trade yes but not gts if he is holding red orb
Evee 0688-5474-5351
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>>22129751 Are the pokesaved pokemon able to pass pokecheck and are still able to battle and use online?
Illias || 2509-1861-2380 ||
>>22129817 Wanna do a trade then? I'll give you a Groudon in exchange for either a Mew or Celebi?
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>>22129851 can you change my doublade's nature into quiet?
Brennan 3711-7726-0638 !BQFEE6sAIY
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Would someone be able to clone the Legendary bird trio and trade them to me. Trying to complete my Living Dex. Also a Mew would be very helpful too but I know those are hard to come by.