>Dedenne might actually become good since Electric/Fairy is really interesting typing, being a fairy neutral to steel, only weak to poison and ground, but its base stats are really shitty right now so I have no idea how that's gonna work without some Beedrill tier min/maxing
>Emolga becomes Landorus with Thundurus's typing with boosted stats for Volt Turn spam, probably gets some ability to make it immune to even more types
>Se Jun makes it so Gamefreak actually tries on Pachirisu's mega, becoming a defensive powerhouse with shit like magic bounce+follow me bouncing back fucking spores and will-o-wisps and perfect speed tiers or something like that
>Plusle and Minum can't function without eachother so I'm not sure how that's gonna work
>Gen 2, Pichu? Or Azumarill?