Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
>Ask for anything you need >Exchange breeding leftovers >Look for battles in multiple formats >Use a name to make identifying your needs easier Do not:
>Use this thread for hacks or clones - Try Powersave General for those requests
>Add each other for Friend Safaris here - Check the catalog for Friend Safari General
>Post text lists - Images, pastebins, and spreadsheets are much more acceptable.
Obligatory link to the IRC: #wfg on An in-depth explanation of how WFG operates: Old Thread:
>>22128596 Topic of the Thread:
Post your Super Secret Base.
Obligatory OP is too long post.
Pokemon threads are great Ravi
Sol~ 4914-4753-4838
Hello dudes ToTT: Trying to MM a Ralts, 20 eggs in
Also has the dude with the Moon Ball Horsea been back? I missed him yesterday
Quoted By:
>that x tho I'm a huge cock sucking cuckold faglord fedora neckbear
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
Posting again here. I have an event darkrai and im looking for a shaymin or keldeopls ;_;[/spoiler:lit]
>>22133456 You post threads like you're getting paid to do it.
Tyler 1177-8048-0496
>>22133488 But what if I am? Anonymous
>>22133514 I highly doubt it if janitors don't get paid.
Try going outside
>>22133527 >posts that every time I make a thread Sounds like I'm not the only lazy neckbeard around here :^)
>>22133425 Good thing I'll never meet that autistic faglord IRL.
Ign:Michael 0104-1854-5863
Quoted By:
>>22133434 Would you take a shiny tangela for feebas?
>>22133550 >Implying I'm the only one who posts it >>22133552 Thank goodness for that
Quoted By:
>>22133563 Oh no I am under attack by anonymous legion!
>>22133483 I can trade you a Keldeo, what do you have aside from Darkrai?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Get those pleb dragons outta my sight.
Free stuff: Looking for:
HA-F Net Ball Qwilfish ToTT:
____________________________________________________________________, no. Sol~ 4914-4753-4838
Quoted By:
>>22133619 bug type best type
Cat: 3453-9995-3033
so really now, who has a foreign goomy i could trade for? preferably in a regular pokeball
>>22133376 how come hydreigon is so shit?
>>22133619 That's not the best dragon though.
>>22133649 because you love cocks in your orifices
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
>>22133667 you must have me confused with your dad. easy mistake as your mom was a whore
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22133671 jamie pls
get your shitty dragon only edgy 10 year olds like out of here
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
Quoted By:
>>22133593 A shiny darkrai. I have diancie. Thats all i willing to trade aside for the landorus trio becuase im a stingy cunt who is attached to the rest of my good pokemon
>>22133376 is it abnormal if I hate Garchomp line because I think they're all ugly, op, and edgy?
Just got this over GTS. What. Check OT
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22133699 >Zygarde >not edgy His body is literally composed of hexagons, he's at least six times as edgy as Garchomp :^)
I can post qt pics too~ >>22133725 Sounds like somebody got their ass rek'd by a Garchomp recently.
Quoted By:
>>22133735 >naughty >pokeball >10 Aniv who gives a fuck
>>22133735 No seriously am i a faggot for not undertanding why that ot is so awesome?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22133725 >>22133746 Not really OP, just good. It was in 4th gen.
Still ugly and edgy though.
>>22133746 Zygardes cutest.
Even when it comes to non legend Dragons, chomp is beat by pic related and Kingdra in terms of best Dragon.
and almost everything else, including Gabite. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22133770 Probably. RIP Pokechecker, wanted to know if it was a known clone or not.
is sheer force tododile real or was i rused
>>22133801 you posted my favorite dragon
garchomp is ugly jamie Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22133801 Take your damn Finneon and stop making me reply to b8~ J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
Quoted By:
>>22133811 Ruse. Everyone would be begging and trading for one if it was out, like when HA Skrelp was out.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Quoted By:
>>22133811 Real in the sense that it is actually Totodile's hidden ability, but rused in the sense that it isn't released yet
Ign:Michael 0104-1854-5863
Quoted By:
>>22133593 I can give you a shiny Tangela with HA, or a few other legends I have
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
Quoted By:
Looking for some breeding leftovers, I've got protean timid froakies. Stuff i'd like: Goomy, Eevee, Shellder
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22133821 >doesnt agree >b8 And not till I have something you want.
Cadence 1977 1569 9562
Does anyone wanna do multis?
Salvador 2105-8899-0137
Quoted By:
>>22133851 Sure, sign me up
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22133848 Garchomp is as 'edgy' as Tyranatar, Nidoking, Rhydon, or anything else with spikes/claws/horns, aka: not edgy in the slightest.
Shiny Haxorus is the edgiest dragon~ Do you have a list of obscure mons I can look at? Like Dream World only balltism stuff?
>>22133851 what exactly do you have to do?
Cadence 1977 1569 9562
Quoted By:
>>22133907 It's just doubles but with 2 players per team
Hajibab(Sophia)[1392-4902-1126] !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab(Sophia)[1392-4902-1126] !!p8gK3x/mO0m Thu 11 Dec 2014 23:23:10 No. 22133953 Report Quoted By:
Tom i'm off to a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament. I can trade golett to you when I get back in a few hours.
Justin, you still around?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326
So I want to use Cosmic Power Clefable but I have no idea for a fourth move. Any suggestions?
Does anyone have a hidden ability Wooper? I've been having trouble tracking one down.
>>22134030 I have one, what would you give for one? (what HA pokémon do you have?)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
FREee now with chinchou, axew, and swirlix
>>22133901 smogon >>22133820 majestic
>>22134028 Attract could be hilarious.
Dazzling Gleam is good because you don't get walled b Dark types if you have a way to hit em.
>>22134053 I don't bookmark your stuff. Link? >>22134066 You mean Moonblast, right?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22134043 Infiltrator Zubat
Prankster Riolu
Smogon Froge
Speed Boost Yanma
I have those just lying around, others I'd have to pop out an egg from one of my fighters real quick.
Justin 5215-1710-5371 free leftovers / looking for / for trade
>>22133976 yes.
Quoted By:
>>22134087 Yes. Been fucking with Cosmic Power Sigilyph so I have the gleam on the mind.
Harrow 2766-9670-4652
>>22134139 lemme get a ponyta?
>>22134132 A female smogon frog would be nice, since I hate passing down HAs with a male...
What's your fc?
>>22134158 I got one!
About five hours into SRing Latios. And I can't stop.
In the meantime, trying to get something for a friend, so I'm actually going to try to trade and shit because I don't want to stop SRing to breed.
Looking for these:
- Bunnelby | Huge Power | Spikes, Rollout
- Spritzee | Aroma Veil | Wish, Refresh
- Zubat | Infiltrator | Brave Bird, Defog, Hypnosis, Whirlwind
Offering things. These are also free if you don't have anything I'm after.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
If you're around, Zoelle, i have your mons ready.
>>22134156 I only have one HA left in my box and the guy i'm trading with mentioned wanting one so I want to reserve it for now in case I need to trade it. If you want a flash fire one you're welcome to it otherwise I'll check the bank for another HA one in a few min.
>>22134169 What's your IGN? Mine is Salvador
>>22134139 I got tons and tons of males and can't be bothered to breed more. Best female I have is Calm 31/0/31/31/x/31.
I'll throw up one of the male Frillish for a HA Ponyta from the leftovers list first.
Will then trade you the female Frillish via acquaintances for whatever female Level Ball Pidgey you see fit.
Quoted By:
>>22134209 Vice!
We're in a trade.
Harrow 2766-9670-4652
>>22134194 sure I'll take the flash fire one.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22134215 Sent. You can have the penta Pidgey.
>>22134244 put something on the gts for it.
Harrow 2766-9670-4652
>>22134259 put up a gulpin
>>22134259 Thanks. The RNG wasn't nice to me today.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22134281 I know that feel. Thank you for the Frillish and enjoy your mons.
>>22134275 sent
Christian 1160 9832 4849
Quoted By:
Looking for Modest Synchonizer.
Harrow 2766-9670-4652
Quoted By:
>>22134307 thanks a bunch friend
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Anyone with a dusclops/dusknoir with dynamic punch?
Wanted: foreign perfect iv ditto
I'm looking for a 6iv ditto for breeding and maybe a destiny knot. I have only a few worthwhile pokes in oras, some starters, eevee and ruby exclusives. 0903 2761 5336
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>22134379 >>22134376 this isn't a thread for hacks
Quoted By:
>>22134379 >>22134376 let me just whip out my game genie real quick :^)
>>22134402 whats the thread for hacks then? I dont mind if its hacked or not
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Quoted By:
>>22134379 I can give you one shiny with 6iv and imposter if you have a dusclops with dynamic punch
2122 6709 4729
Does anyone have a spare Pokemon with Pokerust I can spread my party with? I'm just getting back into Pokemon recently, and found out I can't transfer all of my stuff from Heartgold so I lost everything.
>>22134425 put up a luvdisc on the GTS
with the message "dank meme"
>>22134425 a powersaves thread?
>>22134449 doing now, gimme 15 max
>>22134452 >>22134402 fuck off trading hacks is fine here. its only a problem when you dont tell someone
Quoted By:
>>22134465 i love this meme
>>22134458 alright let me know when it's up
>>22134465 >trading >hacks Why not just hack it all yourself? Or are you too poor for japanese 3ds/cyber gadget?
>>22134494 >spending money when other people on here do it for you youre retarded arent you
Quoted By:
I have some shinies I can trade for a cosplay pikachu. I want to build a gimmick team.
Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
>>22134431 I can send you one.
Does anyone have a spare HA Sneasel or Magikarp?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Timid or Modest for a specially offensive Unburden Slurpuff?
Adam 0388-0232-5516
2122 6709 4729
Quoted By:
>>22134518 Added, I'm getting on now.
Thanks man.
>>22134191 I can get you everything, but the whirlwind on Zubat. Will that be a problem?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22134391 Your pic is shit.
Make a text list. !KirziqSAMA
>>22134560 Yea, it'll need Whirlwind, so don't worry about it. I think Ramsey's getting Bunnelby, so what would you want for Spritzee?
Quoted By:
>>22134488 shit, just realised i dont have ditto in my dex. Is their anywhere to encounter a ditto to get it in the dex besides the mirage island?
Quoted By:
>>22134139 Can I disc up for one of those Eevees? Pref HA female named Aspen.
>>22134599 Nothing really. Just a few minutes, I'll get it done soon enough~
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>22134598 >Text list Disgusting.
Quoted By:
>>22134644 >Try to trade >Still get given stuff If you're sure. Thanks. IVs/etc don't matter at all, so no need to bother with those.
2122 6709 4729
Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
Quoted By:
>>22134708 No problem, enjoy!
>>22134599 I can breed you the zubat for the bulbasaur...
>>22134669 I know, but this thing is complete devoid of any useful information. You could have shit like Roost or Steel Wing there. Or moves that are both level-up and egg moves.
Also lel 4EM Klefki, Thief is a TM move as well.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>22134754 I wasn't the one who decided that everything in Gen VI needs garbage for egg moves.
>>22134740 Can do. Let me know when you've got it.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22134766 Heh.
Forgot to add, Flabébé also has only 3 egg moves
>>22134391 Do you have a bold HA Eevee with wish I could have?
Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
>>22134798 Fetch me this Noibat.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22134840 Put something on GTS bby.
Quoted By:
>>22134786 Do you need it to be 6IV?
Cat: 3453-9995-3033
Quoted By:
>>22133644 can anyone maybe set this up with me? i could give you
version exclusives Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
>>22134798 Give me your
Ferro seed.
Adam 0388-0232-5516
>>22134807 Thanks anon, you've been a great help.
>>22134812 I don't know what nature it has but I'd have to breed one.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22134889 Put something up on GTS and my seed you shall have.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !6LuCHa.s66
>>22134798 >male wearing misty clothes gee, i've never seen this before
Dave 0903 2761 5336
Quoted By:
>>22134979 Please, Ive already put up the dank meme luvdisc for ditto, i dont care if its hacked or not just please I want the perfect Ivs
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>22134945 I still have a Flygon from you I need nicknameu'd
Azure 2921-9452-9145
Any kind Anon wanna to touch trade these Mon's in order to help complete my Dex?
Cat: 3453-9995-3033
anyone have a foreign ditto i could... acquire?
>>22135037 I also need a darkrai if anyone has any spare
>>22135040 define foreign?
Quoted By:
At least you used it right, but what the fuck is with the ellipsis? Are you 12?
>>22135062 non eng or japaese release, I would love one with 6IV perf please
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
>>22135051 >>22135037 I have a darkrai could spare, but only one. What kinda shit you guys offering?
>>22135098 not a thread for hacks
>>22134931 I'll put up a Bagon, with the message "/vp/ Seed Me"
>>22135108 Nothing big, I havent even completed the regional yet.
If this was gen 4 though...
Azure 2921-9452-9145
>>22135108 I don't got much. But I'm not looking to keep it, just a touch trade so you'll be getting it back.
Brendan 3539 9122 0079
>>22134916 I have nothing to give for it. Don't bother unless you're feeling generous.
>>22134786 Get online please.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>22135113 > implying it's impossible to get a perfect ditto not that anyone would believe you, but friend safaris are en wonderful things.
>>22135176 I'll give it to you tomorrow, I'm on a chain of 30 zubats and still no HA one...
Quoted By:
>>22135190 Also,there's a mirage forest with dittos, dexnaving a 5-6IV one shouldn't be too difficult...
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22135118 Looks like it got sniped. It said it's already been traded ;;
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
>>22135153 Alright then, we can do that.
>>22135121 Im not sure if i could help you out then. I need a idea of something you could offer.
Quoted By:
>>22134506 You reek of poverty.
Quoted By:
>>22135192 I am not Kirzi. You must've wanted to quote this
>>22134786 Anonymous
>>22135200 I'll put up another one, same message, act fast!
>>22135201 Well I could offer any non legendary from oras regional pokedex
Adam 0388-0232-5516
Quoted By:
>>22135160 I'm grinding right now, so maybe later. I think mine are Timid though.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Anyone with a dusclops/dusknoir with dynamic punch?
>>22135176 Thanks a bunch.
>>22135192 Don't worry about it then, I was looking for it sooner rather than later. You can still have the Bulbasaur though. Just throw a thing on the GTS.
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
>>22135219 Sorry. If your looking to keep we cant make a deal, but if want to touch trade so you have it in your dex we can do that
>>22134307 Justin, if you're lurking: I've caught your Fast Ball Pineco. Now I just have to transfer it to X and breed you a female. Hopefully within a half hour.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>22135244 No worries. Good night
~ za~kun 4098-5060-3165
I want into UU but seriously. Look at this shit. So it's impossible to get a wish Eevee without importing something with it or attempt to find a breeding chain? Why is this so bloody obtuse? More than half of the parents that learn wish through breeding arn't even in omega/alpha. So yeah, looking for a field egg type with wish.
>>22135251 Nice!
>>22135244 Thanks, I'll put up a Bagon for Bulbasaur.
>>22135261 Fuck off back to the powersave thread.
>>22135261 Smeargle can pass all field egg moves, there's your hint for the day.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>22135240 Dude just fuck off to the genning thread.
Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
>>22135261 I can give you a Wish Eevee.
Quoted By:
Does somebody have a aspare Starly?, i do't mind stats or lv
>>22135244 >>22135273 Message is /vp/ seed me.
Also, I've just got an infiltrator ZUbat! If you lurk for a while I'll breed it (or if you see me tomorrow in pss, send me a tr)...
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
Quoted By:
>>22135283 ;^)
>>22135310 Would be cool, not picky about ev's or nature, I don't have much to trade for, just basic shit anyone has.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22135307 Then give me the link :^)
Matt 0748-3526-3605
Quoted By:
I have a 6 iv HA female Bagon if someone needs one I'm lookin for a HA Nidoran male if they're even available
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>22135249 Wow thanks, I didn't expect it so soon. I got another mon that wasn't on your moon ball list btw so have three mons ready. The two I offered both came out penta.
Azure 2921-9452-9145
>>22135246 Touch trade you silly billy. send darkai my way and i'll send it right back.
Quoted By:
>>22135327 Sent.
Yea, I'll be around. Just send the trade via acquaintances when you get it.
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
looking for a 7 iv foreign planet ditto with it's ultra hidden ability
>>22135366 Too kind. Would you like a Fast Ball Buizel too?
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
>>22135368 Is your ign azure?
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22135283 >>22135283 Thanks a bunch man, saved me loads of hassle <3
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22135392 Pls get online sometime soon~ Azure 2921-9452-9145
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>accidentally enter master rank Cool contest >don't use any cool moves >still win Okay
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
>>22135432 Ah, alright. Sorry ive been deneying your trades jsut wanted to be sure.
Pedro-Fc 1392 6139 9084
Quoted By:
>>22135416 No problem, take care of him.
Quoted By:
>>22135417 I won't be on for a while, don't wait up.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22135392 I think I already have that. Whatever is fine. Thanks a bunch for the Numel and especially Pineco.
>>22135473 Do you need egg moves on Pineco? That would take a little longer.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
Quoted By:
>>22135486 No I already have an EM male i'll be breeding with it for 0 speed anyway.
Brooklyn 4656 7416 9665
Quoted By:
>>22135432 Hope you get the rest!
Azure 2921-9452-9145
Quoted By:
>>22135449 Thanks a bunch m8!
Quoted By:
>>22135384 Put up a Draceon for it.
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22135306 Popular breeding pokemon for the second most played tier, why give people a headache when there's boxes filled with wish eevee's?
>muh s00per secrit clubs xD Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22135555 >wasting quads on pathetic begging Azure 2921-9452-9145
Almost there! Anyone else have the remaining Mons?
>>22135555 Because it's that easy?
>>muh s00per secrit clubs xD Irrelevant quotation, sorry for trying to help you then.
>>22135572 >wasting a post on pathetic bitching about numbers Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22135641 >wasting a post on bitching about my post about bitching about wasted quads Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22135695 >wasting a post bitching about a waste of a post which bitched about your bitching about wasted quads Say that five times fast
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
BlueBalled !vV3SGjLdBc
Quoted By:
>Drain Punch is now a move tutor move in ORAS Fuck yes, now I can rebreed a Gallade and cherish__ the old one from Gen 4.
>>22135473 Hatching now. 1478-3847-3507 if you don't have me added.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Quoted By:
Can anybody with a kanto living dex help me complete my pokedex?
>>22135735 >doesn't own either of the Kalos games >doesn't have access to Pokemon Bank >expects others to help while acting like a rude asshole and offering nothing in return Go away za~kunt
Quoted By:
I'm looking for either a bold wish HA Eevee or a Flabebe of any good nature and either ability.
>>22135735 It's still not hard if you don't have XY.
>Togetic to Pikachu/Skitty then Eevee You get a free Togepi egg in game.
Alternatively you can DexNav, free egg moves.
Does Rock Tomb get the Sheer Force bonus?
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
Cat: 3453-9995-3033
Quoted By:
>>22135062 anything really not from north america would be awesome, if you have it
>>22135834 you're nicer to me than I deserve. I'm sure you know how much I adore what you sent. Thank you for thinking of me. Anonymous
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>22135757 Thanks again. I'll look out for your lists in the future.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>22135843 Dude, stop with your shitty attitude and shitposting, this isn't /b/..
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
We in there Ursaring best bear etc.
Quoted By:
>>22135940 that's a neat feature
I stopped playing after Fortree and started XY again after a year hiatus
How's everyone doing with Secret Base flag collecting? Getting good BuzzNav updates with neato bases or barely advancing?
Cat: 3453-9995-3033
Quoted By:
>>22135940 ring bear is best bear congrats!!!!!
Harry 0705-2065-7962
Quoted By:
Looking for Jolly Weedle in a good ball, and Calm Gothita in a good ball too. Have a box of 5 IV Modest Swablu's, all in dream balls with four egg moves. Would also appreciate offers if anyone would like a Swablu. Can also breed Love Ball Buneary.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>7 Boxes of Phantump >Still no penta
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
I can breed leftovers for anyone entering the mono tournament (
>>22133171 ).
If you need help making a mono team, let me know. Easiest way to put up a luvdisc for them. Some I will have to breed, some are ready.
If you have any new competitive mons that I could add to the list, I can breed out a female perfect for an equal trade for you
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22135932 >Dude, stop with your shitty attitude and shitposting... >>22135835 >>22135817 >>22135805 >>22135572 >>22135283 Funny m8, I wonder who's shitposting here :^)
I came and asked for an eevee, and got shitposted. I didn't see you complaining then.
> :^) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22136024 Hello, welcome to /wfg/
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
>>22136024 well I forgot to attach the list. Also, please be patient. I wander off occasionally, so respond to my post so I can see the ting and get back to you
Quoted By:
I'll be able to trade these up sometime this weekend. Finally found my Gen 5 games.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
Quoted By:
Someone on my friends list pls help evolve my Swirlix twins. One of them is Adamant to evolve, the other is quite Modest.
>>22136033 If this:
>>22135555 >>22135306 is what you consider shitposting, I pity you.
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22136054 Did I quote those posts? No. I did not. So not, I don't consider that shitposting.
Simple stuff.
>>22136033 Are you done? You got proven it wasn't difficult and decided to reply to every single shitpost but the one that did.
>>22136000 are you breeding with 6IV and 5IV?
if so then that is the worst luck in existence
I get a lot of duplicates of the 5IV sometimes but after about 20 or so a penta
I've only bred 1 6IV
>>22136068 Yeah, you're retarded.
You can leave now.
We don't need a wasabii repeat at the moment.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22136071 No I'm breeding with a 6iv and a 4iv.
>>22136000 Immediately read it as Pumpkaboo instead of Phantump and was about to call you crazy.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>22136095 N-no ur crazy :3c
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22136083 Sounds like you need to
git lucky~ Thanks for the trade evo help and
taking Jew Sal's Finneon away~ Ryan 5334-0488-6288
>>22135606 Hey, i can touch trade you the rest of the mons you need. I'll add you up now.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>22136104 IF that egg is a penta HAF you're giving it back though.
No seriously I'll hunt you down. Anonymous
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>>22135909 And thank you, you're excellent.
Autumn 2337-5691-1455
>>22136040 Still have any of the tinis?
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22136070 Obtuse, not difficult. Then I got obtuse advice. Some nice individual gave me an eevee before I was told togekiss was an egg anywho. :^)
>>22136080 why do you shit post anon, are you stressed? Do you need a
massage? BlueBalled !vV3SGjLdBc
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>>22135970 I've got a few cool bases, but nothing too special. There was also one that had a blocked path to the flag, fuck that base.
>>22136181 Entitled little faggot detected.
Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22136129 >Outstanding potential overall! >Defense, Sp.Def, Speed >Natural Cure >Male Into the trash it goes :^)
Anyone with a dusclops/dusknoir with dynamic punch?
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>>22136228 That fucking star is way more funny than it should be.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Okay, I'll try asking again. Can someone help me touch trade to help me with my pokedex?
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22135932 >>22136215 :^)
Is it really appropriate to talk like that in a pokemon general anon, this isn't /b/!
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>>22136255 Wow this kid is getting really mad.
r[A]m[S]ey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>22136181 >twinks Do you even /hm/?
You can whine and be a casual about egg moves all you want, but this is where I draw the line.
>>>/out/ Jamie 1779-0696-6202 !!oiaIu9N2KG6
>>22136234 >>22134368 >>22135240 >maybe if I take my name off, no one will suspect it's me begging again Anonymous
>>22136248 Did you ate to much spahgetti this morning?
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
>>22136160 No, but I can breed something out for you. Do you want just to have the egg moves or do you want it with marvel scale?
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22136040 Could I possibly grab a Skarmory? Have Love Ball Bunearys and Dream Ball Swablu's if you're interested in those.
za~kun 4098-5060-3165
>>22136248 Please, za~fag/kunt/kun dosen't beg with no name.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22136263 Oh i forgot my name
>>22136327 How does one get that pokemon? I'm not seeing it as an egg move.
Autumn 2337-5691-1455
>>22136283 Do you have one with good IV's actually? I have a dratini(s) with marvel scale and extreme speed, but I haven't played in years so all my parents are horrible and I don't have any good ditto.
If you have one that happens to have HA and the egg move that would be amazing though.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
>>22136309 either of those would be great. I have a leftover (probably 3iv) female if you have something suboptimal or I can breed out a perfect if you have a perfect female of either
Azure 2921-9452-9145
>>22136128 your friend code is invalid
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>22136327 And still too retarded to use the catalogue :^)
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22136340 its from RSE move tutors.
It sure is hell difficult to get one.
Josie 3411-1196-6786
i have a perfect 6IV male shroomish with bullet seed, quick feet, and a jolly nature. i can also nickname him. would anyone trade me for a HA female poliwag?it's a gift for a friend
Autumn 2337-5691-1455
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>>22136283 forgot to add that what I have for trade that isn't already on your lists are pmuch just zoruas
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22136374 I have a perfect female Swablu ready to go, if you would be willing to breed out a perfect one? If not, I'm alright with giving you a penta for a leftover :)
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
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>>22136375 sorry, messed up the first section.
>>22136380 I can put that on my list of shit to do in my Emerald run, but I could not guarantee good IVs considering it's Gen 3. I would also require some art from you. Can you sprite?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Ben, do you already have a dream ball HA swablu?
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22136381 I can breed you one. I have Modest or Calm. Are you after a penta or just any? Also, they are in Nest Ball's, so it looks amazing if its a Politoed.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>22136413 Yes but thank you~
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22136367 Someone please help me out with my dex?
Josie 3411-1196-6786
>>22136429 thank you!
my friend will be breeding for a pentaperfect eventually. so if you get one, great -- but no big deal if you don't. they can work for it. modest nature, please.
would you like a nickname for the shroomish?
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
>>22136364 okay I have a few males penta imperfect. Missing HP or missing Attack. Which would you like and do you want it nicknamed? Put up whatever on gts and let me know and I'll trade it over immediately
>>22136398 I'll breed one out in just a sec then.
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
>>22136411 Its okay i just wanted one with that move.
>art Sheit my windows
xp doesnt even run paint now, but i will try.
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22136475 Thats alright, I'll breed you on now, and you can keep the Shroomish, I already have 2 6IV ones :')
>>22136482 Alright sweet, let me know when its done
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>22136104 Have you seen Interstella 5555?
>>22136441 I don't see you listing anything specific.
>>22136519 Which nature?
I would like a simple sky background similar in size/color saturation to the ones used in Showdown (in other words, pale/pastel colors). No sun, but clouds would be nice.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>22136411 It will just get powersaved m80
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22136539 Here's what I got so far.
Autumn 2337-5691-1455
>>22136482 The one missing HP and without a nickname would be great thank you!
I put up a Wailmer looking for a dratini
IGN is autumn
Sean 2019-9865-7643
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Would anyone happen to have a Moonball Misdreavus? I really don't have much to give since I started ORAS the other day but I have a Wonder Room Slowpoke and a Quick Gaurd Fletchling with Gale Wings
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
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>>22136599 Jesus fuck dude, instead of asking for help here and wasting your time, go and catch 90%+ of those things.
K 4098-4811-2440
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Anyone wanna trade version exclusives? I've got a Groudon and Latios.
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007
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Rayquaza - Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/28 Settle or roll again?
Zappa 1461-6225-8951
>>22136599 Dud you just start the game or something?
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New thread:
>>22136633 New thread:
>>22136633 New thread:
>>22136633 New thread:
>>22136633 New thread:
>>22136633 New thread:
>>22136633 Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22136636 I just finished the Primal story line and wanted to start completing the Dex but I suppose I should catch as many as I could huh"
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
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>>22136547 Adamant would be cool
Sean 2019-9865-7643
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>>22136666 And quads confirm it.
K 4098-4811-2440
>>22136666 Breed a bunch of semi-decent but not REALLY GOOD pokemon and hit the wonder trade. About two and a half boxes of feebas got me almost all of the non-legendaries.
Sean 2019-9865-7643
>>22136695 I should have enough useless mons to do that.
K 4098-4811-2440
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>>22136712 I handed out feebas because I felt morally obligated to remove zigzagbatralts scum from the WT pool, but whatever works for you.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 !ACTiASEoyI
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>>22136528 Done and ready. Adding you now so it doesn't get sniped