>>22172671>>22172343for example: two steel types in the first gym is too much. That early in the game there's almost no way to defeat a team like that. Plus Probopass is too strong for that early in the game.
Lileep - Anorith - Nosepass should be good enough, all Hoenn Pokémon, fossils fit with the gym and with the city, not too hard to handle but still challenging and diverse.
For Brawly Heracross could be good enough but Hariyama needs to go. Makuhita is good enough.
Meditite - Makuhita - Heracross is the way to go.
Walter is "what the shit are you doing son" tier.
Make it Magnemite, Raichu and Manectric.
5 pokémon that early on is way too much, plus they're all evolved too.
You can give Magnemite an Air Balloon if you want.
National dex that early? What's the point then.
Make it Slugma - Magcargo - Camerupt and Torkoal. Give them good movesets and give Camerupt that one berry that reduces super effective damage from Water.
will continue on the next post
>>22172758that's all post-game stuff which is optional too.