>>22171551Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of fedora fags are not INTJ/INTP. It is true that INTJ/INTP is the most common type on 4chan, but 4channers are not actually the type of losers who wear fedoras and moan about not being able to get a girl like the fedoras do, even when they are just as forever alone.
Fedora behavior is typical IST* bullshit, or even ISF* (muh entitlement, muh 10/10 gf that I feel society owes me).
Also, it is an objective fact that INT*s are superior because they are the rarest yet such huge proportion of important people in history had those personality types.
INT* are basically the Jew - God's Chosen Tribe (about ~11 mil. of Jews in the world, yet they make up a huge amount of the Intellectual elite, celebrities, important people etc.). Denying that INT* is superior is the same as acting like a stupid goy who believes he was created equal to the blessed Ashkenazi.
Everything you said is fucking bellyfeel bullshit. They are not equal and some are objectively totally worthless crap. What merits does ISFJ / ESFJ have? Literally. Fucking. Nothing. They are good for nothing but being drones, plebs, slaves for the elite. They are your typical sheep who are there to represent whatever is the popular opinion in the society. They are the masses that the blessed folk easily deceive to get their votes.
Name 1 good thing about them, other than being the necessary plebs to do the dirty work for the gentile.