Christ, this took forever.
>>22182487Exquisite taste, I like the Slaking pic and the NFEs. Scrafty's rad, but Scraggy's a cutie.
>>22181887But your taste is alright to me, points for Golurk and Weavile. But did you put Lapras in twice on purpose, or...?
>>22181597Your selection's sweet as hell. Only picks I'm iffy to agree with are Darkrai and Medicham.
>>22181400>not liking NFE pokemoncome on now mate
at least you like Sandslash so you're an instant A in my book, also heck yeah Reuniclus.
>>22180966Sweet art, glad someone else went on the hunt instead of using Sugimori/Dream World stuff. Damn nice taste, too. Points for Leavanny, Chandelure, Mamoswine, Beedrill, Tyrantrum, and Aggron.
>>22178807my eyes/10
nah but really, your taste's pretty good. Points for Walrein, Carracosta, Slowbro, and Sawsbuck.
>>22178226what is this, a template for durants? regardless it gets good points for Roserade, Flygon, and Mightyena.
>>22178188your cropping irrationally infuriates me but your love of Haunter, Rhydon, Aggron, Walrein, Quagsire, Scrafty, Magmortar, and Nidoking save you. Also, Metapod? Wild card pick right there.