Remember: sage goes in options
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
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>>22190508 >giveaway general >no giveaways fuck you people are pathetic
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free shit when
More like giveaway general: Nate is a faggot edition
>>22190529 fuck off faggot
>>22190642 >please notice me senpai n8, and give me the gift of your tiny cock in my mouth Anonymous
>>22190656 Nice buttblasted damage control
>>22190654 *unsheaths katana, does a backflip and cuts your head off*
Pshh.... Nothin personel........ Kid
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Free shit when
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>>22190663 nice buzzwords faggot, you know you have to be 18+ to post here, right?
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>>22190668 Nice meme, ya come up with that yourself, your mom must be so proud.
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OP sounds hot. I'd date you. Pls cuddle me
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When is Celebi giveaway
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when salamance giveaway
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When giveaway giveaway
when big black cock giveaway
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>>22190900 Dubs demand BBC
FC: 4356-1700-7121 | IGN: Kikina
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>>22191049 Tell me, why are you (shit-)posting with your IGN and FC? Well, have fun with the trolls.
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>>22191049 just put up a
blacklisted and I'll send you one ;)
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
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Free shit when
anyone have an extra beedrill that EoS was giving away from last thread? I do not think he is on and I really want one.
Free shit fucking when. holy shit where is everyone. We've never been this dead. 10 bumps and counting, still nothing.
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>>22191822 > where is everyone gone, we only have Nate and the Showderp reject
Went out for 3 hours and didn't miss a thing. >mfw
>>22192105 you missed that one guy who posted about 20 posts which all got deleted
>>22192130 Got any caps of said posts?
>>22192160 no
youll just have to trust our word for it
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>>22192130 What content did his posts have?
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>>22192170 Oh so it was like cp or something?
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>>22192170 Just like with the IRC pedo posts
>wake up in hospital bed >left leg missing >can't see out one eye >3ds broken >apparently I missed my final >no one came to see me >nurse tells me to cheer up >tells me something I'll never forget "At least you're not Nate.">mfw Post yfw you realize that at least you're not Nate
This is what you made me do with no giveaways going on. I am actually legitimately breeding the pokemon i want. FUCKING BREEDING.Also 3 boxes in and not 1 of the right nature
>>22192372 >Not using everstone I hope this is bait and you are not a fucking retard Anonymous
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>>22192404 That would require me to get one of the correct nature i can breed on now wouldn't it.
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22190937 do any of you have an extra destiny knot, perhaps?
>>22192438 read the rules and i will give you one
>>22192438 I got a knot I can give you. :^)
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192447 I am willing to trade. Anything you're looking for?
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192438 if someone could GA a 6iv ditto holding a destiny knot i would be so happy
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>>22192464 I doubt you'd be willing to trade a hoopa or volcanion, so ill say a shiny salamence? If not butt butt nigger dick car handle man door key.
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192485 i have a Ditto with 6 IVs you could have, but I don't have the destiny knot. hue
>>22192499 I have a destiny knot but in Y. Will you take it and give the Ditto to me?
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>>22192170 Was it this thread? Why don't you stupid fucks just use the archives? Goddamn.
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>>22192213 >Raped as a child >Mother was beaten to death by drunk stepfather >Lived in abusive foster home >Expelled from high school >Be alcoholic >Work as a bussed, barely make enough to keep my back clothed >Seeing therapist >Tell him I'm contemplating suicide >He shrugs and says "Anon, it could be worse." >But how, doc? >"You could be N8" >Smile for the first time in a long time >mfw Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192503 I have X as well.
Martin !!MVSidek0O4Z
>>22192464 I'll give you one, put up a Farfetch'd on GTS for a Farfetch'd
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192524 sure thing
thanks, bb
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Rewarding the behaviour of rerards who come here without reading the rules and spamming the thread, fucking 'based'!!!
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>>22192524 husbando is alive!
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
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>>22192519 Alright then, I've got the your Destiny Knot.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192529 Do you still want it?
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192545 indeed I do.
I just need to breed my Farfetch'd first for it
its IVs will probably be less than sufficient without the breeding items, but if you're a person of your word than okay.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192551 alright then, adding you, would need that ditto
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192557 adding you as well
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
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For a second I thought this was /wfg/.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192577 Ready for trade now, begin trade
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192592 i need to breed this Farfetch'd first. I'll be right with you.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192607 Oh sorry, didn't saw that.
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192610 it's cool. i'll let you know whenever i'm ready
>>22192610 >>22192613 holy shit. fuck off to /wfg/
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>>22192625 Not even /wfg/ wants them. They should just leave /vp/.
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192610 Thank you for the Treecko.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192739 No problem. Do you want more Destiny Knots?
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
>>22192747 No thanks. I think I'll be fine for now.
1306-7425-8110 Ritik
>>22192757 Alright, have a good day, mate.
Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
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>>22192768 Thanks. Hope you do too.
You see this shit? that is what happens if the jews go for too long without free shit.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22192787 Buy me powersaves and I'd do GA's all day.
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>>22192787 At this point, 25% of the thread was that stupid fucking bullshit
Well to pass the time lets say I was the one of guys and I made a list of known giversWould anons here be able to help me fill up the spaces left in the doc? This would ideally help anons who want to know who's kill who's not, Giving credits to givers whose names have been forgotten and stuff like that
>>22192803 >I was the one of guys who's in Project B
>>22192871 >MUH SEKRIT CLUB Kevin (AS) 0516-7302-4064
My apologies, /vp/. I had /wfg/ open and this thread open at the same time and didn't want to admit I was wrong.
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>>22192891 Its not a club silly anon
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>>22192895 Heliolisk giveaway pls
Free shit package. Alomomola @ Leftovers Ability: Regenerator Level: 50 EVs: 232 HP / 24 Def / 252 SpD Sassy Nature - Knock Off - Scald - Wish - Protect Because fuck Greninja. Put up a luvdisc with the message 'evolution' to get one.
Owen !ozOtJW9BFA
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>>22193125 Forgot my trip. Whoops.
>>22193125 Is Luvdisc 2.0 even any good?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Should I giveaway two new memes at a time or give away all four at the same time?
>>22193148 Might be less chaotic and a bit faster with two at a time?
Though it might end up the same in the end either way, so if you got all 4 ready, go for it.
Please tell me one of them is Boom Boom Anonymous
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>>22193148 Maybe two at the same time would be enough so people won't rush to get all 4 of them. It also would make you take less time in each GA as you'd be giving just 2 options instead of 4 at the same time.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193176 No but I could get ready after the first two, hopefully it shouldn't be too hard.
>>22193241 Hey EoS, wondered if you would comply with my fun list.
It's like a blacklist but the names are of cool people who get their mons before anyone else. So far I'm the only name on it, but we can see later what we do. You cool with that?
>>22193125 disc up, thanks
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193264 >Anonymous Maybe I can work something out. ;) Also, which set of Boom Boom I should do?
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>>22193241 i have a disc for a beheeyen on the gts , do you have any left ?
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>>22193322 Not Boostan Roostan. Either metronome v1 or v2.
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>>22193322 both metronomes
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>>22193322 BOOM BOOM V2 (Clefable) @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 188 Def / 252 HP / 68 SpDef
Sassy Nature
- Cosmic Power
- Soft-Boiled
- Metronome
- Recycle
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>>22193125 >Bacause fuck Greninja >Still dying for it Anonymous
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>Soft-Boiled is a transfer only move I'm not entirely sure I can do that.
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
Alright: rev up those taillows, i got 30 battle ready camerupts looking for new homes. reply with IGN and set it to lvl 100 so you dont get sniped. im probably going to do Sharpedo tonight as well Camerupt @ Cameruptite Ability: Magma Armor EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature - Fire Blast - Earth Power - Stealth Rock - Hidden Power Grass
>>22193402 Jolly is detrimental you fucking mong.
>>22193402 Can megastones go through gts now?
>>22193402 Shiny Dialga up ;)
>>22193402 Why the fuck would you boost the speed of something with 20 fucking base stat you retard?
>>22193416 Nope, n8's just a faggot
>>22193402 N8 doing shit again
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193402 Will this be an acquaintance trade? I wasn't entirely sure you could trade mega stones.
>>22193402 Jolly? Maybe you mistyped.
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
Guys, with a Jolly nature and 252 ev's in speed, Camerupt can outspeed at least 17 UU mons. If you dont trust me just do the math. This is the best set for the new VGC Season 2015
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>>22193432 Ignore that faggot and post dank memes
>>22193447 >252 EVs in speed Nate truly is the worst giver
>>22193447 >UU >VGC I don't think this is Nate, or I overestimated his intelligence.
>>22193457 >Jolly special attacker Anonymous
>>22193432 EoS, do you have any spare mega Lati@s stones? I still playing XY...
>>22193447 >>22193447 >>22193447 >Comparing Smogon's UU with VGC You're really stupid, Nate. Camperupt isn't meant to outspeed, imbecile.
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22193464 Jolly is the best nature for it, I tested
>>22193491 You're fucking retarded falling for such shitty bait
>>22193531 You're fucking retarded for caring about shitposting, asshat.
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>>22193500 Okay, you can stop now, my sides are gone
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>>22193531 >>22193494 At least they're not N8 ^_^
MissDeath !6bU7PmR3oo
Alright guys I finally got everything ready last night. Remember to place your Level 35.6 Missingno on the GTS. Set the wanted to 87 so you don't get sniped. Diance @ Mega Diancite OR Ability: Wonder Guard EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spa / 252 Spd / 252 Spe / 9000 Edg Omega Nature - Blue Flare - Bolt Strike - Sacred Fire - Aero Blast
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>>22193465 >>22193494 Nate is pure shit, and because of that, it's pretty credible.
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>>22193558 Why isn't it holding a dungus?
>>22193547 >I replied to shitty bait with an air of superiority despite literally taking the shit bait and am fucking retarded, and now am doing this poor damage control Nice try faggot.
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>>22193558 >Only 4 moves >On the only pokemon that can learn 5 Trash
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
Reminder not to reply to Nate's old trip. The threads are shitty enough as it is without this piss easy bait.
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>>22193558 F U N L I S T E D.
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>>22193558 >Not over 9000 edg Almost worse than N8
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>>22193572 >Still caring Bad try, faggot.
>>22193586 >everybody takes shitty bait >30 replies >somehow Nate is the faggot in all of this I realize Nate is retarded, but the newfags who are so desperate to fit in spamming these threads are somehow not worse? Jesus Christ
>inb4: Le shut up Nate! My Le funny meme reply >inb4: some faggot copy and pastes just that. Le funny ironic shitposting :^) Anonymous
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>>22193586 Reminder not to reply to Nate, ever.
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Free black cocks when?
Owen !ozOtJW9BFA
>>22193125 Damn, you guys don't like big luvdisc. Giveaway closed.
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>>22193616 I guess you can't guess what every retard will say
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22193607 I didn't say it was his fault. His only fault in the shit going on right now is having a piss easy trip that someone figured out and now all the shitposters post with it. I don't mind him. He isn't perfect, and he brings the shitposting on himself, but this particular case of shitposting isn't his fault.
>>22193586 It's Nate's fault for being an imbecile. He should commit suicide, or at least fuck off and never return.
>>22193624 No one likes non-shiny trash
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>>22193624 Sry, it seemed like memes were about to happen
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193480 Sure here's my FC: Ryan 0473-8274-1399
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>>22193624 I got mine, thanks.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22193624 I can't be arsed to take my 3DS out right now. I'm just glancing at the thread between tests, or I would have grabbed one.
>>22193646 That's not even Nate.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Just so you guys know I'll begin the giveaway in about 2 hours, that's when I'll pick up my brother from school and I'm not too confident I'll be able to finish a giveaway in two hours. So you can get the other giveaways with no worry about anticipating memes ^_>^
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>>22193666 >That's not even Nate. I'm not talking about that post, Nate is an imbecile, always.
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>>22193669 I can't wait B^)
>>22193669 Any hints on what you'll be memeing out?
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>>22193586 Reminder not to reply to any of N8's trips
>Reminder that at least you're not N8 >I realize that I'm not N8 >mfw Anonymous
>>22193701 Go back to 9gag
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>>22193654 Thanks!!!
FC: 1177 8744 3214 Thiago
>>22193646 What has Nate done legitimately in the last week? You guys like to pretend that every giver isn't retarded in some way.
For the most part, the CP is literally a meme. His antics with the suicide note and impersonating Wipi was cancerous obviously, but he did stop asking for IGNs. The only thing that is currently shitting up these threads is people constantly giving him attention, pretending like they aren't the problem in this as well. You can say it's Nates fault as much as anyone can say it's also the people who spam him with shit stupid memes 24/7, contributing nothing to the thread.
So? EoS posts like a retarded [s4s] moron, and has fucked up multiple mons. You kids praise Cole and others for ignoring redditors and people who spam this thread, but give a free pass to people like Martin who actually reward those people by specifically giving them pokemon and items they beg for. You chastise people and Nate for blogging, whilst also whining about 'muh IRC circlejerk' when people do get the fuck off of These threads.
Nate is a shitposter for having his photos out, uet any other giver is fine for having their face, feet, or gratuitously blogging during 'comfy'. It's hypocritical at best and the amount of shitposting doesn't add up in response to a couple of retarded things Nate has done. He does the sets people request like anyone else, and anyone who has been here for longer than a month can probably name a couple givers who have done even MORE retarded sets suggested. Nate will do a pokemon that was done last week and you faggots decide it's time to shitpost 100 times in a row, but someone else does a pokemon for literally the fourth fucking time in the last 2 days, and they're okay.
You idiots just want to shitpost without being critical about who you shitpost, and most of it isn't with the intent of improving these threads. So why are you wasting your time doing so? The only ones more pathetic than Nate are these stupid faggots.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193685 Throh, Luxray, Chansey and Eelektross. I'll post the meme-tastic sets when I do the giveaway. ;)
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>>22193712 Wait, I'm almost finished with your mother.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193716 It's all ironic my friend, but you're absolutely right about me fucking up mons. It's the price to pay for giving way like 10 fucking pokemon at the exact same time, it's also my fault for rushing everything so much.
But I'm confident we'll learn from our mistakes and make this a much more healthy and productive experience for both of us.
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>>22193716 >trying to reason with /vp/ anons What are you, retarded?
Looking for a heavy ball shellder
>>22193716 Learn to write, asshat.
>>22193747 Yes, and apparently people decide when 'ironic shitposting is still shitposting' or 'ironic shitposting is so funny!' apparantly based on whether or not they get free mons.
Ironic 'memeing' is still retarded as fuck. But I don't give that much of a shit and let it go. You've fucked up plenty of mons and people give you a pass despite the fact you post like an idiot from [s4s] without any of the actual wit and satire from that place.
Which makes no sense considering the same people sucking your cock are the ones shitposting Nate. And I don't dislike you, or particularly like Nate for all of his retarded past mistakes- let's be real. They were bad.
But people choose to give you a pass when you could easily justify shitting up a thread for 300 posts like they do with Nate. When what SHOULD happen, is people just stop fucking caring about Nate in the first place. This is a fucking giveaway thread, if you want to shitpost ou can't go to a fucking board where that is literally the theme? Who's the retard in this situation?
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>>22193719 Looks like I'll be coming back in two hours then. Cool.
for Luxray and Chansey Anonymous
>>22193773 Please learn to write.
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>>22193654 I already told you I love you EoS? (In heterosexual way)
>>22193793 >>22193764 Why not target any of the other stupid posts in this thread? Was a critical about something that makes you upset? Are you the guy wasting your life with retarded greentext stories?
Relax, faggot.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193773 If the people want to shitpost then I wont stop them, I believe people don't like me because of my ebin funposting but because I have a much healthier policy of giving away pokemon, such as having unlimited mons and commonly doing leftover giveaways.
I'm not justifying people giving me a free pass or even patronizing me, if they want to that's up to them. If they want to keep taking my giveaways then I wont stop them. I'll stop doing giveaways when people don't want my retarded, showderp mememons anymore. It's a win-win.
At the end of the day, you can only control yourself and how you act.
>>22193747 As the anon who missed the memes by 7 seconds last night, it greatly dismays me to acknowledge that two hours from now will be the only window I am not available today. ;_;7
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>>22193808 >this mad. Relax, faggot.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193821 Just put whatever mons you wanted from me tonight when you get back and I'll try to remember to get to you. I wont normally do this so just remember that. Sorry about the circumstances you're in.
>>22193716 I absolutely disagree with everything you said and I know irl you're probably an insufferable faggot. If I had to spend any extended amount of time with you outside of this thread I would probably hate you unconditionally. But then I realized something........
And because of that I you're pretty alright in my book. ^_^
>>22193808 I'm the first anon, not the second one. I just told you to learn how to write because you seem to not know how to do it. In fact, I couldn't care less about the content of your post.
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>>22193840 Woah, thanks! I had no expectations, so I appreciate that. Look for IGN Alex later on. There's a small chance I'll make it back in time.
>>22193817 Don't listen to that mad faggot, keep the love flowing. You're one of the few givers who still care about /gg/.
>>22193840 How exactly do these giveaways work? We post a pokemon in the gts with specific wording and you trade us the pokemon in the giveaway? How do you get the pokemon to give away?
>>22193817 Like I said, you don't have to justify yourself, I personally don't give a shit. I just used you as a convenient example for the point I was making in my post.
I'm just saying that in any bizarro world, it could have been you rather than Nate. Despite the fact you didn't make all the same mistakes he has, recently there's no reason for this spam directed specifically at Nate; you could easily justify shitposting other givers under the same pretenses people use to justify shitposting Nate.
Like you said, you will stop when people stop taking your pokemon. I imagine the situation is the same for Nate, because despite the shitposting directed at him, he still always runs out of mons as well. So there you go. The shitposting is only annoying to the real Jews here and other givers who just want to do their shit without wading through a hundred posts of stupid dramatics
>>22193851 Cool.
>>22193849 Okay calm down now.
>>22193859 >You're one of the few givers who still care about /gg/. Who are the rest anon? Anonymous
>>22193716 Please put Nate's cock out of your mouth anon, i dont understand your moaning
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22193866 Anybody gonna shut this faggot up or is it going to be me?
>>22193889 Hey i'm looking for a heavy ball shellder
>>22193879 >>22193889 Please feel free to disagree with any points specifically for why the spam is necessary, if you want to use the critical thinking skills you learned in the 5th grade. Unless you just want to meme me
>le wanting less shitposting is loving Nates cock >muh funny Nate memes Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22193895 Try /wfg/ m8 you're on the wrong thread
>>22193907 I'm not looking to trade for one, i'm looking to be given one.
>>22193871 n8, even though we don't about that shitlord, and Dan Anonymous
>>22193907 fuck off n8
>>22193916 Don't listen to Nate he's a faggot
now gtfo, you useless piece of trash
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22193916 Then, as someone who frequents both threads, you're pretty shit out of luck. /wfg/ isn't for handouts, and /gg/ isn't for pandering to one person crying for a specific thing.
>>22193919 If N8 care anything about /gg/ he woulda left already cant he see what he did to /gg/?
It was way better before he came
>>22193929 no
>>22193930 >Can't ask to be given something in giveaway general Anonymous
>>22193940 I agree brother, i agree.
>>22193940 No it wasn't. There was always shitposting here, at times even worse. His faggotry killed thousands of threads without a doubt but you're being seriously generous to the state of these threads by attempting to claim that.
>>22193949 this isn't reddit or gamefags fuckface
you won't get anything
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>>22193864 >Be this new. Relax, faggot. When he starts, he'll tell you how to do it.
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22193904 Ok in all honesty what are you complaining about?
Just what is your main point?
Nate gets shit and other givers dont?
>>22193916 Well fuck off then nobody will give you shit here unless its from a giveaway and if you cant see its shit o clock thanks to
>>22193904 Anonymous
>>22193940 >>22193953 Same for me. I missed the old time. A bit less shitposting, more giveaways
>>22193959 really? A lot of these tripfags act like it is
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22193949 /gg/ is more towards what the givers want to give out. It's not "hey make/give me one specific mon because I asked for it." They do things in bulk, they don't just do it because you want it. Yes, some will ask for suggestions and sets, but none have. You're better off asking the genners.
>>22193973 >the genners That's what /gg/ is you retard
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>>22193965 I'm saying there's no reason to shit up these threads shitposting Nate, plenty of other givers have done stupid sht worthy of shitposting but are glossed over because 'muh Nate shitposting', you are fucking delusional if you think your shitposting will achieve anything but clogging up these threads with worthless posts.
Sorry, didn't know you needed an abbreviated summary for dummies.
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>>22193965 >What is your main point? you're a faggot and the cancer that kills not only /vp/ but all o 4chan
We don't want you here and still you keep derailing these threads with your worthless trash and you ask what our problem is? You are, fuck off.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22193864 Easy, I'll tell you I'm giving away a pokemon, you go on GTS and deposit a pokemon the Give away dude specifies, and the pokemon you want that shitmon is the pokemon the give away dude says he's giving away.
And how do you get the pokemon fora giveaway? Two ways, Genning and Powersave. The latter is much reliable since some giveaways may not be legal on the Battle Spot for whatever reason.
It's really simple, once you find a giveaway to follow you'll catch on.
>mfw the captcha starts using pictures Anonymous
>>22193965 Wow nate i thought you were a pretty cool guy i guess not i guess you're just a faggot like everyone says
I'm looking for a heavy ball shellder
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22193990 I meant the thread where they take specific requests on a one-on-one basis. This isn't that thread.
>>22194006 They told me to come here because you guys are here to give away mons that people want
>>22193965 He's complaining that fucks like you will derail a thread for 200+ posts just because a giver is in the thread, post ebin mayamays that have no basis or evidence to the point that you act like the shit part of /s4s/, incessantly scream "YOU'RE JUST NEW" whenever your memes get called out, contribute nothing to the thread other than driving up the post count, and act like cunts in general.
>giveaway thread >literally not a single giveaway that's a new low
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>>22194001 Filthy casual confirmed.
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>>22194020 they told you bullshit
no giveaways happening here, we only bitch at each other here
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22194029 Just wait an hour and there'll be one, I promise.
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>>22194020 They lied. This is a thread for shitposting and circlejerking, nothing more
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22194020 Then you were probably in the wrong thread. No one here really does those kind of giveaways. This is for bulk giveaways. Most will point you to /wfg/, but they'll just point you back here. So you as well just lurk and hope someone does one sometime in the future, wait for a giver to ask for suggestions, or fuck off.
>>22193955 Yeah, I do understand you however am not saying that it was infinitely better but I am saying it was at least five times as better pre Nate
>>22193966 Sad times anon, sad times
>>22193968 Well you know most givers do use the for future giveaways or clone them and give back the original and you're just going to take it
>>22193904 I'm not that anon you're replying to, but seriously dude your whole argument is completely absurd and is indicative of some type of mental illness... This is an anonymous image board about a japenese video game. Just get your free pokemon and leave. You're literally fighting for the integrity of an insignificant subsection of a website that most people couldn't care less about. It's just meaningless bits of data and text on a screen. This isn't a "community" this isn't a physical place. You trying to argue a point about anything in the thread is complely pretentious and pseudo-intellectual. Just play you're silly little video game and move on...
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>>22194056 Kinda hard to get free shit when the thread actively drives off the people who give free shit
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>>22194055 >Well you know most givers do use the for future giveaways or clone them and give back the original and you're just going to take it what the fuck is that even supposed to mean
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>>22194056 Holy shit relax/fuck off
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
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>>22194025 Listen :^)
>LE NATE IS GAY LOL Sorry, had to get that out.
Anyways, like most people here, I LOVE free shit. So when Nate was a faggot months ago and derailed three threads, I had an idea.
Why dont we all shitpost nate, derail 5 fucking times the amount of threads he has, accomplish nothing, and fuck up giveaways?
Its funny because
>le i am not le nate >>22194056 This is literally unreadable. You are fucking retarded.
Heshieok !LuvdiScsrM
New Trip. What would /gg/ like me to giveaway later today?
>>22194083 me a heavy ball shelldr
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194088 Isn't there a Diance giveaway going on? I'll do one in about an hour.
>>22194088 go to wfg faggot
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>>22194093 Man fuck off already.
>>22194083 VGC M-Manectric
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194113 >>22193558 Here ;^)
But seriously, maybe you could convince Owen to start back up that mega Luvdisc giveaway
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>>22194083 Hyperspace hole Magikarps that are shiny
Came here expecting /comfy/. Fuck you guys.
>>22194140 this is /gg/ not /comfy/ fucking retard
>>22194154 Wow anon, you sure are mad!
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>>22193998 Thanks dude! I gotta say im really happy with how /vp/ turned out, when it was first made it consisted of a bunch of try hards who sucked smogons cock but now it seems the community is a lot better. I haven't been here since its inception, so in an odd sort of way im a newfag
Im just making sure I don't have to prepare
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22194134 Please read that post, EoS. I know you're from Showderp, but common. Even Eli isn't that dumb.
>>22194140 Too early.
>>22194056 The argument that 'It doesn't matter, it's 4chan' is retarded and I dont see psuedo intellectualism there, maybe you are retarded.
Nate is a faggot as much as anyone else, but as it stands the largest amounts of posts in these threads that actively derail and fuck up giveaways are people spamming shit in response to Nate, or people acting like entitled jews. The shitposting can and should be redirected to actually improving this thread by getting faggots like this Shellder kid or people like Connor to fuck off.
And 4chan already is an ocean of piss. We're all pissing in it. You're arguing, instead of making it easier to do giveaways (the point of this thread), we just stop caring? Start shitting in the ocean of piss? You're retarded.
Like most people I just want free shit. I couldn't care less about this shitposting. Was I here for Nate's faggotry, such as impersonating Wipi? Sure. But the point of these threads is simple. Free shit. It's a testament to how fucking retarded most people are here when you can't even get one giveaway in a thread, and nearly 300 posts were all spam. How many of those have we had this past month? I mean Jesus
At the end of the day, you could say, who cares right? Clearly, people do. Thats why they spend hours of their life following Nate accomplishing nothing. When really, if Nate is a faggot, fuck him up as the situation demands. But as it stands for the past week it's been nothing but a shitty and annoying meme causing these threads to spin to 300 posts so fast we burn through 5 or 6 in a day. Of the 6 threads, or over 1,000 posts, how many were directly related to giveaways? That's fucking stupid
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194198 That's the le joke my friend, or do you mean to tell me Omega Nature isn't real????????
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>>22194168 Mad about what exactly?
>>22194200 >it's 4chan' is retarded You dun fucked up Reddit
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22194217 I can hardly tell when you're memeing or posting seriously, sorry, haha.
I haven't been in Showderp for a while. Anonymous
>>22194200 People will defend their shitposting despite the fact that these threads, as evidenced by getting over 600 posts by like, maybe 70 people, are fucking samefag circlejerks of retards spamming their shitty shitposting to Nate. I hate that faggot but goddamn, shit is so fucking annoying at this point. Really, having both groups leave would be a fucking godsend.
>>22194224 What are you saying here? He's defending 4chan you illiterate fuck.
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>>22194249 I stopped reading there faggot
Shut the fuck up and give something away.
So are there going to be any actual...giveaways in this here giveaway thread? Or are we just gonna sit here clucking at each other like a bunch of English brood hens?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194235 It's fine dude, people can hardly tell if I'm sarcastic or not in person.
The fact I shitpost in Showderp has been a running joke for months, I'd normally be serious but I've gotta make it to the top faggotry on the champ charts somehow.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22194266 >>22194269 I'm making a picture now for a giveaway. Just expect me to pick my brother up in an hour and we'll both be fine.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22194281 I'm just glad that I was completely forgettable as a champ. I wasn't very ebin, and I probably broke even over my career, so I wasn't really a winning champ or an ebin loser.
>>22194266 >>22194269 Not every giver's off or a NEET. Be lucky EoS is done with classes for the year, or you'd go hungry until /comfy/.
Heshieok !LuvdiScsrM
>>22194111 >>22194129 Any sets you have in mind? Smogon is suggesting:
Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightningrod
EVs: 24 HP / 252 SpA / 232 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overheat
- Overheat
- Hidden Power Ice
- Protect
>>22194305 Double overheat. Wow, that's crazy!
>>22194305 I would put that megastone away. You can get anyway all in ORAS. ..Just saying.
>>22194200 >people spamming shit in response to Nate, or people acting like entitled jews. And who do you think cause that? The shitposters? It was Nate who brought that here
>You're arguing, instead of making it easier to do giveaways So why did you spill you spaghetti because of Nate and N8 H8rs? If you wanted to do something stay calm and collective instead of posting an essays worth of posts
>>22194305 Sure is overheat around here
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22194305 I have the VGC Manetric that was give out a week or two ago if you wanted to clone that.
Heshieok !LuvdiScsrM
>>22194311 >>22194318 >>22194325 Smogon needs to make the export function not be so retarded. The first two moves are some combination of Overheat, Volt Switch and Thunderbolt.
>>22194317 Noted. Maybe a Masterball on this one?
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>came here for free stuff >find ruses, shitposting and drama instead what happened to the giveaway threads from the olden days
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>>22194347 that would be nice, or enigma berries
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Throh and Chansey maymay here we go
>>22194322 Okay just shut up now faggots
Heshieok 2423 3211 7566 !LuvdiScsrM
>>22194345 That'd be much appreciated. if you have any other VGC things I could clone up, I could give out two so it's not just giant hair dog.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22194391 I know I got Salamence and Mawile, I can see what other ones I got.
>>22194378 Dont act like am one one who's wrong here
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>>22194369 Defense curl Chansey, I really want this
>>22194369 what's with these shitmons
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22194422 It's free, try one out yourself :^))))
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>>22194369 Shit! That was quick, now I gotta wait before I can get one because fighting Steve-O :(
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22194391 I have Salamence, Altaria, Manectric and I gave the Mawile to a friend, but I have a different one that's 6IV and Shiny and all that.
It's only lv 75 tho. Anonymous
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>>22194369 Disc up for Throh
Heshieok 2423 3211 7566 !LuvdiScsrM
>>22194455 I can boost the level, no worries. I've added you, so come on and i'll copy them and send 'em back your way.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22194469 K, I'll trade you quick, then I gotta take another test.
>>22194479 Why are you angry anon?
I just said dont act like am the one in the wrong here
>>22194369 Discing for eggmom pls
>>22194531 Neither are shiny, right?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194369 Hey EoS!
You have any of those Clamperls from last night still?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194608 Yeah sure put a Luvdisc up and I'll look out for you.
>>22194613 do you stil have a beheeyen left from yesyerday?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194625 Yeah put a love fishy and I'll get to you after I'm done with the Throh/Chanseys
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>>22194369 >chance the rapper Simply fucking Ebin m8 :^)))))
Best meme by far! Keep up the good work based EoS
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>>22194369 Disc up for Chansey
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>>22194523 >calls people angry >dude I'm not one of those guys! I'm gonna reply 3 times! Dude? Did you get it? I wasn't those guys? So you know that I wasn't wrong man. Just want to make sure you know. Hey dude did you get it? Are you illiterate? Just shut the fuck up now.
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>>22194640 Thank you, love fish will be up in a moment.
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>>22194523 Do you know what 'shut up' means, anon?
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>>22194369 Disc up for Chansey dank u based eos
Owen !ozOtJW9BFA
You guys want a timid nidoking with pebbles, or naive with superpower? Can't quite decide.
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>>22194728 superpower, if I want pebbles I'll use queen
>>22193148 Hey so when can I retrieve your Luxray and Chansey?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22194829 Chansey Now
Luxray after this giveaway
>>22194840 Oh okay, EoS and a Luvdisc amirite?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Alright guys I have to pick my brother up, this should only take a few minutes.
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>>22194930 Take your time komrade. I put my luvdisc up. Would you like a shiny greninja cause youre doing gods work?
can anyone tl;dr this thread?
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>>22195068 tl;dr: N8 is a faggot
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>>22195084 Porygon-2/Z giveaways when?
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
Got 30 battle ready M-Camerupts looking for new homes. Reply with IGN and put a Taillow looking for a Camerupt. Dont forget to set it to lvl 100 so you dont get sniped. Megastones cant be traded via GTS, so i will send this little guy with a little present for you guys. Camerupt @ Ability Capsule Nature/Solid Rock 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA - Fire Blast - Earth Power - Stealth Rock - Hidden Power Grass
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>>22195136 is its nature solid rock?
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22195136 Don't even bother. It's already been done this thread. Anyone you fool with this is probably literally retarded.
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>>22195136 First I saw a giveaway, than I escape from GTS right away after I saw this word "IGN".
>>22195172 >implying most jews from leddit and gamefags aren't literally retarded Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22195189 I'm not questioning the mental capacities of leddit or gamefaqs. I'm sure they're pretty vegetable-tier.
>Select the steak below. A sample is posted on the right. This is literally the dumbest captcha.
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>>22195136 0266-8493-0019 | IGN: Nekro
ty faget
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22195206 >select all dogs below >pick only one dog >goes through anyway It's easier for me at least than trying to decipher whatever foreign language the Catcha contorts into an incomprehensible mess.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22195225 Oh, there's more than one? I just click the first one I see. I hate how it bumps you to the top of the page the most.
IGN Dan !DANKb8z5/c
Hey guys, today I'm going to be doing this Sylveon giveaway, which is made to team up with yesterday's Cresselia on a VGC 2015 team. Sylveon @ Choice Specs Ability: Pixilate Quiet Nature 252 HP / 252 Sp Atk / 4 Def -Wish -Helping Hand -Hyper Voice -Charm Someone suggested the set. Specs because STAB Hyper Voice is a beast, and this Sylveon is fishing for Knock Offs. Once you get one, you can go into an offensive support role. If you have any more viable VGC 2015 sets I'll do them as well.
>>22194369 This is still going, right?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22195255 I haven't actually left, I just noticed my brother had to re-take a test, then I'll leave. I've been doing the giveaway until then.
>>22195290 Yes, it will stop when there are no more requests.
>>22195284 Any chance you have some leftovers of the cress?
>>22195307 >FREE SHIT WHEN >right here >Fuck off Anonymous
>>22195284 What must one do to care of this fine beast?
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>>22195312 >>22195318 probably shitposting because Dan helped N8 last night
IGN Dan !DANKb8z5/c
>>22195311 >>22195313 Yes and yes. But I won't be doing the giveaway now, I'll do it most likely 3 hours from now.
>>22195320 Go find and catch/breed Whismurs mate.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22195284 Hey Dan, I just lent all the VGC mons I had from past giveaways to Heshioek. I can lend them to you too if you want, after I get them back.
>>22195284 Specs with that set? Leftovers seems more appropriate, how viable is Specs boosted Charm?
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>>22195342 Crap, that's 2 am for me.
I'll just upload one and hope nobody snipes it. IGN Dan !DANKb8z5/c
>>22195362 Specs is there only to boost Hyper Voice. If you ever get your specs knocked off (might be really common on this year's VGC), you go into an offensive support role, that's why Charm, Helping Hand and Wish are there.
>>22195352 Sure Tyler, it's alright, I've no problem with that, thanks! If you want to see anything else you don't have I can do it and distribute it.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22195402 Not having to breed one of these would save me some time:
Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Scald
I have a Kingdra I could get you if you need it. Dunno how much you can edit it, because I'm not sure it has Sniper or the right nature.
Heshieok 2423 3211 7566 !LuvdiScsrM
>>22195352 Speaking of which, I'm back and have your mons whenever you're ready.
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>>22195468 >>22195284 one of each of these thanks.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22195480 Cool. Let me hop back online quick. Were the swords collateral or were you giving them to me?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Last call on current giveaway, since I have no more requests I just need to know if anyone still wanted my mememons and are just doing something else before I close. :^)
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>>22195506 I'll put a disc up for Chansey right away. Thanks!
>>22195506 Shiny Luxray ploxs
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Shiny weather trio when?
>>22195506 are you doing luxray later?
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>>22195512 never. blacklisted. next
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
>>22195506 Have you done a Snips yet?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22195526 Luxray is not shone
>>22195532 Luxray and Eelektross, if there's enough time I'll also do a Golbat giveaway.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22195537 I seem to remember a lot of people doing snips giveaways a few months ago and I try to avoid giving out mons other people have, unless of course you guys would like me too.
>>22195468 assuming he has powersave, he can edit evs, ivs, nature and make it shiny
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22195537 Whoops, read it fast and thought you were asking for mememons to do.
>>22195539 great. why golbat?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22195555 checked, I personally don't like shiny Luxray, unless you guys really want me to.
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>>22195550 Sorry for the wait. Finally got a disc up for Chansey. Thanks man.
Tyler 2724-0632-3489 !ReqNHoQsyY
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>>22195555 Yea, I just help them get things. I dunno how they work. Don't take down the metaphorical curtain, anon. ):
>>22195402 Can send you the VGC mons I got whenever and Kingdra if you want.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22195565 Eviolite, Infiltrator Toxic. Whirlwind+Sub+Roost makes Golbat an excellent phazer and toxic user. Plus with eviolite it's really bulky, run some calcs yo
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>>22195550 >>22190508 Yeah I remember it too I think it was chase
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>>22195566 Just thought it looked sexy, but I'm fine with a regular one
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>>22195566 Shiny ninetales with drought? Maybe a mew or jirachi? I want event pokemon and id be willing to give you legitimately acquired shinies for them. A shiny luxray would be nice too
>>22195566 Do a legendary giveaway plox!
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>>22195566 "EoS BlkNYlw" is my message if you'd have a spare shiny Luxray anyway, gotta go for 30 min
>>22195625 We haven't even had that meme/"""comfy"'"" for like a week
>>22195623 Thank god, we dont need anymore legend giveaways
>>22195672 What about event mons?
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>>22195566 Non-shone. Chase did a shone one about a month back
>>22195734 Fucking this. I want event mons because I have no other way to acquire them
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
Looks like I got everyone, closing
>>22194369 . If I missed anyone give this a reply and I'll check the GTS one more time for you, until then. I've got to make a picture for Luxray and Eelektross. :^)))
>>22195763 luvdisc for them as well?
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>>22195506 Can you do a Lucario giveaway?
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>>22195780 fuck off newfag
>>22195734 Regular legendaries are shit. They're worth doing every once in awhile (Xerneas, popular, nt done recently so it's not bad. Or Reshiram, rarely done (though done recently)
So those are generally annoying. As are Darkrai, Shaymin, and other GTSable events. If you don't have one, just fucking lurk.
Now, Meloetta, Mew, Genesect, Arceus? Worth doing. But you're out of your mind if you think a giver will do 30 of these during a fucking rush of Jews, try sticking around, say, in 6-8 hours (no exaggeration). That's the best time.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22195761 Event mons are legendaries too, and I could say we have had event giveaways every day. I remember that yesterday there was a Keldeo and Genesect giveaway, last week there was a Mew giveaway for three days. If you miss a event giveaway, it will mostly likely coming back sooner or later.
When is /comfy/ starting today?
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>>22195855 never, go away.
Quoted By:
>>22195855 When you leave.
>>22195855 See
>>22195664 And if you want to stay up just in case, you'll have to wait as stated here
>>22195804 6+hrs
>>22195763 hey, still need help with that Wish clefairy?
>>22195763 >>22195904 or was it softboiled? anyway maybe i can help you
>>22195882 Why help these shitposting cunts?
All you're doing is ruining it for everyone who isn't retarded
>>22195944 because im probably one of the best genners this god forsaken board has seen and retarded or not, you seem to lack giveaways atm
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>>22195804 Funny thing is the only one of these I need is genesect. But it seems to be the most difficult to acquire.
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>>22195939 It was softboiled.
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Is Alomomola, Thor, chancy still going on?
>>22195975 but you realise telling these wankers to all come back in 6-8 hours will eventually cause what is usually a nice time to become just as bad as these hours
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>>22196038 it's already started, anon. It's too late to save it
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>>22196038 None if these kids will stay up for what is essentially 4am for them.
Also if it's crowded, people won't do the GAs.
And the guy is right, hasn't been shit for a week now. Essentially the new, underage fags would just waste their time, hopefully sleep in past the morning GAs. Good for is all
>>22195284 Okay, how about Quick Guard Meowstic-F? Its Quick Guard outspeeds every Fake Out user in the game, and could be good for fucking up early-game setup. It also handily counters Prankster Taunt and T-Wave.
Meowsitc-F@ Life Orb
252 SpA/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP
IVs: 0 Atk
-Quick Guard
-Energy Ball (FUCK YOU ROTOM)
I also think Whimsicott will make an appearance, seeing as it has the fastest Taunt and has a lot of support options
Whimsicott@ Leftovers
252 Speed/ 252 HP/ 4 Def
-Helping Hand
No attacking moves are used due to Whimsi being able to outspeed and Taunt all relevant Taunters.
>>22195402 Dan do you have any TR Sylveons left or is there no point and I should wait for a revist?
>>22196082 He hasn't done it yet you fucking moron
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>>22196079 Yes to both anon
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
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>>22196079 Ebin, truly ebin
>>22196079 You mean Meowstic-M right? It seems much stronger as a dedicated prankster rather than some bad special attacker with a gimmick.
>>22196112 >He hasn't done it yet you fucking moron You should shut the fuck up instead of being an utter ashole you could have said it in a much better tone, why dont you go cut your waist you piece of shit and die
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22195904 I don't think Boom Boom runs Wish.
Also, Eelektross and Luxray Giveaway event starting now. Unlimited mons, dip as much as you want, yadda yadda.
ALSO Mr. Gen guy I would like help with a Softboil Clefable
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>>22196163 I have one Softboil from a Adriana ga EoS
Quoted By:
>>22196163 already working on it
>>22196139 Meowstic-F can use Competitive to take advantage of Intimidate spammers such as Landorus and M-Manectric, making it usable as an attacker, because Meowstic-M is dead weight with just Prankster - Whimsicott, Thundurus and Sableye all do the job of a Prankster far better.
>>22196141 >wah people were mean to me Fuck off, faggot. Learn to read next time too so you don't ask fucking retarded questions
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196198 You forget M's one true niche: Trick+Torment, now with Recycle :^)))
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>>22196210 ebin
>>22196198 forgot to add that M-F can also use Infiltrator to fuck over defensive mons that use Protect for a turn of Leftovers recovery.
>>22196200 >Yeah let me be a total asshole No you should fuck off you faggot. I asked a simply fucking question and you jump in for no fucking reason to declare shit when I could've gotten the answer from Dan or somebody else. Next time why dont you shut your fucking mouth before I stitch it up for you you fucking dead weight puppet
>>22196256 lol u mad tho?
Go away reddit
>>22196141 How about you just read the thread instead of making an ass of yourself next time retard
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>>22196163 Disc up for Eel.
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>>22195284 VGC Mega Camerupt.
252 SpA/ 252 HP/ 4 Def
IVs; 0 Speed
-Heat Wave
-Earth Power
-Hidden Power Ice
Aaron Zheng used it yesterday on stream, and it wrecked so many anuses.
>>22196308 Not him, but you give a bigger impression of a "redditor" than him
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Disposited for thor
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
So guys, how does one become /comfy/?
>>22196397 Be here in like.. 7+ hours.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196420 what does that mean
is it like a giveaway orrrrr
>>22196397 want a specific OT for your clefable?
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Disc for chancey
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>>22196397 By being australian, and shitposting until all the newfags are gone, and all we have left is quality bantz
ya cunt Anonymous
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>>22196397 >Put blankets >Sitting on sofa by the warm fireplace >Snowing outside >Drinking hot coco EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22196431 It does not matter, you can have it your own so people will know who to thank
>>22196431 Anon random question but is it possible to obtain a gts mew, manaphy, arceus, genesect or meloetta via genning?
And if so
will you tell me how Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22196256 Fuck off faggot
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196467 I have one possible theory.
The Masterball Gen trick in Powersave can generate pokemon, it might be possible to generate an event mon, it might also be possible that it is GTS-able. I still need to bring it to the Powersave general and discuss this topic though, worst case scenario it'll get me banned from GTS.
>>22196467 it is but only using PKhex and a gen 6 rom which sadly i dont have access to, stuff generated in gen5 wont be able to pass the pokebank security checks
>>22196163 How many Coils Eelektross needs in order to Zap Cannon not to fail?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196514 1-2 is your safest bet. If you still feel uncomfortable you can set aside Leftovers for Zoom Lens.
So, I have need of certain pokemon, which I would be happy to alter, then clone and give away. Perhaps even some stuff I just have sitting around, waiting to get prepped... If anyone wants to give me a hand getting prepped, I'll toss on a shitmon with something a heart scale onto the GTS looking for the one being provided. Smeargle w/ Happy Hour HA Bulbasaur line HA Charmander line HA Squirtle line HA Treecko line HA Torchic line HA Mudkip line HA Turtwig line HA Chimchar line HA Piplup line HA Chespin line HA Fennekin line HA Shroomish line This would be exclusively to make some breeding bases, note. All 6-IV, but not battle ready. I'll take requests on pokeballs for the ones that can legally have different balls, but nothing else. Anyone interested?
>>22196504 Kori here I tried out that method you suggested with arceus and no luck. :^( I could try it again with a different unlocked eventmon but I think the chances are highly unlikely now
>>22196506 >it is but only using PKhex and a gen 6 rom which sadly i dont have access to Damn I was really hoping I could get these beforehand so I could do a whole eventmon set.
capcha: odamn
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>>22196163 Disposited a Disc for a Chancey
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>>22196424 It's more just dead hours. Shitposting is at a minimum and most of the givers are pretty cool.
>>22196524 how could you ever set up 2 coil without getting ass blasted
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196583 Switch in on any Pivot/Support and like any set-up user just abuse Coil, otherwise try and check psychical attackers/revenge killers.
>>22196562 i can do some tests if you want, who knows? maybe with some luck you can get a GTSable 'mon using the gen5 pokegen
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>>22196625 Well its always good to get a second opinion on the matter. Would you want/need any gts eventmons to examine or what makes them passable?
ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
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>>22196163 Disc up for luxray then elektross when that's done
>>22196551 I can also do requested breeders, I suppose, if you can provide me with something from that list.
>>22196681 Go to wfg or friend safari instead of shitting up this thread.
ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
>>22196681 I have HA bulbasaur if that helps
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22196681 >>22196551 I have all of those, but i will do my own giveaways, so please fuck off. The new king of /gg/ dont need shitty givers like you
honestly like i said before i've gotten pretty much what i wanted save for genesect from these giveaways and i try to be as courteous and receptive as possible to the givers. And you know what i found? Most of them are pretty nice too you just have to be a human being instead of a human taking machine.
>>22196727 This thread is already dying, and it's where I'd be giving away the results. Chill.
>>22196759 Throwing up a shitmon holding a heart scale asking for it.
IGN: Charles
>>22196163 Disc has been up for almost an hour for the eel
>>22196620 seems meme-ish enough? i only have to ability capsule it to get magic guard, put something on the GTS and let me know
ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
>>22196163 Is this giveaway still going on? Im not trying to be impatient but im not sure
>>22196846 Awesome. Thanks for making it.
>>22196831 If by blog you mean observations to not be a giant selfish turd in the vague shape of a human being then yeah its pretty nice. Don't fellate the givers but realize you're literally getting something for nothing and often they go out of thier way.
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196823 Already sent, check again.
>>22196832 I'm putting up a Zigzagoon, message "eos"
>>22196846 Yes it is, I apoligize for not getting to you all faster. I'm quite surprised by the amount of demand compared to the last one, I promise to get to all of you.
ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
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>>22196855 You... you wut m8? Im sorry if i offended
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>>22196832 I'd fuck with that
ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
>>22196865 Its no problem, sorry for being impatient. Like I said earlier I have a shiny greninja with your name on it, if you want it
>>22196787 Put up a disc for a treecko, male lv.1
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22196903 It's alright, I already gave a shiny greninja away yesterday. But I appreciate the sentiment.
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>>22196920 sent, its already EV trained and its spread must be 31/0/31/31/31/31, good luck with it
IGN: Charles
>>22196865 still there. It's up for Elektross
oh, thought Luxray was shiny...
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>>22196832 Lillipup is up!
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
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>>22196782 Could you stop impersonating me please?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22196961 I was told Charles did a shiny one last month, and I try not to copy other giveaways. I only did Luxray because people requested I did.
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>>22196916 I've gotta run out for half an hour, but I'll toss it up when I get home.
>>22196919 Same as I said to the last guy.
>>22196961 Be grateful you dick.
Disc up for 30 mins....... Not rushing, just curious
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22197058 I had to move Clefable to Pokebank so it doesn't get nuked when I re-upload the powersave, what's your IGN?
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>>22197058 EoS is stoned out of his mind waiting for a Luxray from the GTS himself
I refuse to post in these threads anymore, because of my extreme xenophobia against jews and chinese people.
PSS says its Wipi's birthday, Happy Birthday Wipi
>>22197089 And we needed to know that,why?
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Eric, also want a eletross
Looking for a Heavy Ball Shellder
>>22197071 IGN: Danny
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>>22197104 You're still here?
>>22197109 You cant use it in VGC if it doesnt have the pentagon.
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>>22197089 oy vey goyim whatsa matta dont like the sable? Is it too salty? I'll ask my cousin morty he know a great place down on 26th and broadway.
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>>22197110 B L A C K L I S T E D
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>>22197096 thanks! although its still 16 over here and my BD is on 17 ign:fhys 2036-9216-1136
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>>22197071 Thanks based eos! Disc up for elektross now too
>>22197122 It's impossible for it to have the pentagon because Soft-Boiled is a gen 3 tutor move.
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>>22197122 That troll is hardly something anybody would use in VGC.
>>22197161 Whoever has the IGN: Rin and is asking for a luxray.
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>>22197071 >Eric, also want a eletross IGN: Charles
>>22196960 I don't mean to offend, but it's still showing the disc on my end.
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>>22197171 More comfy when the thread is 'hidden' from casuals.
>>22197102 Shut up commie, there's way too many jews here. My hot girlfriend was right, this board is going to shit.
>>22197183 Wow, you can almost see the sea of tears from a sad man behind that comment.
>>22197193 Sure you spelt it correctly?
>>22197204 What the fuck are you on about? Stop being butt hurt because your blacklisted.
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>>22197183 Why are you quoting that post?
>>22197220 I'm not blacklisted. Your comment just looks so... it's like you're "slapping strangers in the face" because someone else "slapped" you once.
>>22197220 not that person wo was "blacklisted" but you haven't given a reason. If you don't then you are just being a power tripping douche bag that's abusing the very thing the blacklist was made NOT to do.
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>>22197071 disc up , thanks
IGN: Charles
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>>22197243 >>22197255 >being baited by a shitposter this hard. Anonymous
>>22197202 Is your girlfriend
Alice? ;_; Anonymous
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>>22197202 Holy shit,your ass must be wider than a sinkhole with all the butthurt behind that comment. I pity you
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>>22197255 >being this fucking new holy shit
>>22197243 Stop that armchair psychology right now.
>>22197255 Rin is on the blacklist for taking N8s shitmons.
>>22197202 >>22197089 >>22197183 >>22197220 ITT: /pol/ refugees who have no idea how to communicate with other human beings any more
>>22197255 >>22197243 Guys, anyone who says you are "blacklisted" doesn't obviously have the control on the matter and is just shitposting. Ignore him, he just being a faggot and a stupid one at that.
>>22197309 fucking clucks everywhere
>>22197285 Rejoy anon
Alice is single... and rich EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
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>>22197320 Agreed, people need to take the internet less seriously ^_>^
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>>22197315 >guys >guys Fuck off, redditfag
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>>22197315 People too lazy to ever use the archives or even lurk past threads. How people don't realize anyone yelping 'blacklist' are just shitposting is beyond me
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>>22197315 >>22197306 I was just aroused by how beta his comment was.
Maybe I've stayed away from 4chan for too long.
You people, you laught when someone put "blacklisted" telling them they have no power, but right now there is a blacklist. And the owners are not even givers, they blacklist the igns they want, and then give the list to the givers ( some of them have already start using the list ). This is just another "muh sekrit club". So just remember this post when people get blacklisted because the faggots edditing the list get mad because they had a bad day and start adding random igns
>>22197323 >tfw Alice will never spit on you and kick you with her bare feet >tfw the Alice/Martin ship will never happen Anonymous
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>>22193147 It's pretty decent and has nice bulk
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>>22197306 Well, even if you're not full of shit and I am blacklisted. At least I'm not N8.
Any current giveaways going on.
>>22197345 >tfw Martin is banging Alice and thats why they arent doing giveaways lately Anonymous
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>>22197339 No. It's not. You are literally retarded. This has been explained countless times you stupid faggot
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>>22197352 Never have I been so depressed, and yet also aroused at the same time
drawfags pls do this
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22197339 Can confirm, I'm on the IRC for trusted givers and we have a blacklist. I'm going to start using it soon, since I hate casuals.
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Can anyone give me a Heavy Ball Shellder?
EoS !!yU7JH6GAVz0
>>22197365 hahaha wait I closed that
>>22196163 Anonymous
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>>22197352 Please anon that would never happen Alice is a busy rich girl in Italy at the moment
Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22197368 ebin, simply ebin
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>>22197375 Thanks based EoS
>>22197383 lel you're just mad because you're not a trusted giver.
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>>22197368 Stop lying only me and one other anon have the blacklist link if you are real tell me my throwaway email
>>22197309 You seem to have no idea the threat that countries like Israel and China pose to us all.
>>22197403 wow you are stupid
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Dan giveaway when? i want free shit but also want to sleep.
>>22197368 link me to it, I'm gonna start doing giveaways soon Nate/Ogre !2vlFukDhqg
>>22197403 what would you like anon, for you to be my friend?
Ill give you an arceus and a handjob?
Nate/Ogre !!AFDgjLnCYdW
I can't believe it actually worked. My one post about Nate sent this thread into literal shit. Kudos to all of you faggots who managed to make this thread have zero shiny giveaways. I'll be passing this three onto moot and don't expect to have these threads anymore. You've all been blacklisted.
>>22197426 wow you are dumb
(look mum i can insult strangers on the interwebs!)
>>22197467 No one wants to be your friend N8.
Heshieok !LuvdiScsrM
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>>22197503 >thinking thats actually nate Top fucking kek dumbass
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>>22197411 >>22197487 >>22197458 Still /pol/. Don't you guys have another site to shit up since your board got turned into an unholy fusion of /s4s/ and /b/?