Anyone ever been caught with powersaved mons either via IV changing, nature changing, shinification, gender swap, etc. etc. ? At the official tournaments, I'm assuming they use the same checker that battlespot wifi uses, but I can't be entirely sure. Any VGC players that have entered with powersaved teams can verify? There just seems to be a shit ton of miscommunication about the topic due to faggot moralists and I'm not sure if they are just trying to scare people off with the "we can detect powersaves!" even if the mons are legimately hacked.
Why don't you just spend a few hours playing the game instead of cheating. You're literally cheating at a game designed to be played by children.
>>22196102 getting perfect legendaries just seems like a waste of time. Also, what is considering "cheating"? If I didnt powersave, but got my hands on some perfect IV japanese dittos that are probably genned by someone else, would that be considering "cheating" also?
I just don't see how competitive players can not in someway cheat, either through breeding with a illegal ditto parent or powersaving.
Please fill me in how to efficiently breed without any forms of "cheating", because it seems like no one actually does.
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inb4 ray dreamball
>>22196146 Easy, you play the game as intended. Can't get something? you don't get it! Tedious breeding? Tedious breeding! Want a Japanese ditto? Get on animal crossing and make some Japanese friends like I did. I wasn't even on there jewing for pokemon. I wasn't a piece of shit and had fun making friends and visiting other towns now I've got two Japanese pen pals and we trade Pokemon for fun.
Any Powersaves dude lurking?
>>22196260 >implying that everyone doesnt have 6 iv hacked ditto Anonymous
>>22196260 Your mentality boils down to, "You're playing the game wrong." I hope you realize that.
>>22196340 I RNG'd mine in Black faggot.
>RNG is cheating too! Anonymous
I highly doubt VGC checks genned/powersaved. Sejun Park and Ray both got away via IV hacks, the only reason they got caught was due to illegal spreads/balls. If you hack smartly and it allows you to go through the battlespot hack checking, you should be good. If I had to bet I'd say over 60% competitive players use a hacked pokemon, just to save time and focus on strats more. Plus Nintendo/gamefreak/tpci are far too lazy to come up with a new algorithm/checker specifically for vgc.
>>22196370 You're cheating at a children's game and getting pissy when they make it harder to do because you can't be assed to spend a few extra hours to train up a pokemon.
You're playing pokemon, you've got nothing better to do. Don't try an pretend your life is too busy. It's like cheating at Dark Souls. Yeah, you don't like the grinding bullshit, but don't cry like a bitch when you're put in the naughty list and separated from the non-cheating players because you got caught.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
>>22196279 i second this anon.
Im getting desperate here, checking the catalog every minute.
>>22196472 How many shinies do you want?
>>22196472 if its a childrens game why do you care so much? the competitive side of the game gives no edge to hacked pokemons
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hello are there any powersavers here or just shitposters
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Anyone can make me a ditto 6iv jap?
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
>>22196486 Im this guy and i have been lurking in hope to get a little request.
But there aren't PSavers at the time, it seems.
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lol powersaving does nothing but save time, there is no skill involved in glorified dice rolling to get those perfect IV mons or shinies
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>legitimately hacked
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Anyone can change the nature of my shiny Latias?
can someone explain how powersaving works? i did a quick search and only found that it works like an action replay. what is stopping everyone from having it? it looks like its free
Rowdy 5386-9513-8954
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can anyone make 2 of me mons shiny? i can give eggmove mons in return
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>>22196392 I mean, it is.
I get that you want to live in your special sandbox though.
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>>22196020 looking to buy my own powersave thing. So many times have the kind anons in these threads helped me out so I want to get one now that I have money and help out in these threads. anyone able to ggive some advice to getting one?
Brandon - 4098 2898 8778
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Any powersaver able to change the gender of one of my eevees? Only females ive hatched haven't had its hidden ability
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>>22196102 Yes, because children were totally meant to get into biking for hours on end while making their Pokemon engage in various forms of incest to get perfect genetics.
Is pokesave able to make a pokemon's ivs get slightly better without setting them all to 31?
>>22200558 Not at the present time. Normally there's this kind of info in the OP post, but if memory serves IVs currently can only be altered to 0, 1, 30 and 31.
>>22200628 I mean a specific IV to 31, not all 6.
Oh well, I'll make do with a speed IV of 30 (not like I ever win speed ties anyways)
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>>22200628 This seems good enough, really.
>hatch a random mon with shit IVs on purpose >make the necessary IVs 31 >leave the rest alone Also remember to get egg moves legitimately. Powersaves can fix the nature and IVs.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
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>>22198909 Bump for this all day long Req.
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>>22196102 You. Fuck off.
You're not even answering OP.
OP if you powersave, make sure you powersave smart.
A pokemon, even if hacked, if it's legal, it's legal. There.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
Are there any powersavers on here? Hero needs a Hero...
Lyra 0189-8904-8534
>>22201625 Hii, I'll help. What do you need?
Anyone else who needs powersaves respond to this and I'll get to you if I have time. :)
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
>>22201662 me, please?
I would love my heatran's nature changed to Modest, along with a ivFix, prettyiest of pleases?
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Just caught a Cresselia with x/x/x/31/31/31 and calm nature. Is that decent enough for VGC or should I keep resetting?
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22201625 I need a couple mons shinyfied, if that's okay with you of course
Bagon, Clauncher, swirlix, and charmander?
Lyra 0189-8904-8534
>>22201682 sure :) adding you
0147 1445 7736
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>>22201662 Help?
I need my Thundurus to have 31/even/30/31/31/31
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22201662 Can you shinify and 6 IV my goomy?
Oz 3926-5273-7252
>>22201662 Kyogre, change ball to Dive Ball, IVs to HP-31 and SDef-31;
Latias, change IVs to HP-31, Atk-0 and Def-31;
Cresselia, change ball to Heal Ball, IVs to Atk-0, SAtk-31 and SDef-31;
Ditto, change IVs to all 31.
Skyen 3497-1865-9029
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>>22201662 Can you help me, please? I got a Diancie code but she came with crappy IVs. I wanted 31 IVs at HP, Def and Sp.Def on her.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
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>>22201699 Sorry for my screw up, i did't know that battlebox is not avaliable for Trades, thanks for passing me that.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22201662 I replied to myself up there on accident haha
Yes, if you'd be so kind, can you shinyfy these for me?:
Bagon, Clauncher, Swirlix, Charmander
Danny FC:3582-9564-0452
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>>22201662 I hatched a shiny Ralts with 30 speed.
I want the defense changed to 30 amd speed to 31, HP is fine where it is. If possible it would be nice to get the original sent back too Oz 3926-5273-7252
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>>22201728 Er, nevermind the Ditto actually.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
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>>22201699 Thank you, you've just set my soul free after a day of lurking and waiting.
I really needed that heatran to be part of my team on some local league event.
You where based amongst the based.
Oz 3926-5273-7252
No idea dude. Maybe she did a runner.
>>22201971 What happened, guys?
>>22201975 Some "Lyra" anon offered to do powersaves, took an offer or two and then deleted her post.
>>22201983 Did the people get their Pokemon back?
>>22201984 No idea. One guy seemed to get his Heatran back, but I don't know who else sent their pokes over.
IGN Memelas 2165 7782 4466
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>>22201983 She did my request, fully and nicely.
I guess she didn't liked that many requests on the line just for her.
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I'm thinking about getting a powersave for myself for Christmas but I've seen a lot of stuff saying how shit Datel is and stuff about their CS and general maltreatment of customers. What do you guys who have powersaves or ordered one have to say about it? Have you had any trouble with it? Because I remember I had to go through like 3 ARs back in 2010 when I was genning for HGSS
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>>22201983 >>22201995 hope yall niggas got her FC
0147 1445 7736
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Welp, any other powersaver can help me with my Thundurus? I need it with 31/even/30/31/31/31
Could handle the pressure obviously, all her PP was drained. I'll be home in like a hour to do requests.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 07:48:47 No. 22202078 Report >>22202058 Hey Sabi did you check the GTS yet?
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22202058 Thank you kind soul :)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:00:58 No. 22202156 Report >>22202097 What are you after mate? I might be able to help.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22202156 just a couple mins shinyfied really
A bagon and a Clauncher for my brother :)
I like dragonite better imo
>>22196392 >implying RNG abuse isn't cheating. Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:12:03 No. 22202215 Report >>22202174 Yeah I can do that.
You know it changes the OT ID and thus you cannot change the nickname on them afterwards right?
David 5344-0275-3540
Anyone available for saving/genning?
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>>22202212 How is it cheating?
David 5344-0275-3540
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>>22202227 Probably should have refreshed the page before posting that...
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22202215 Did not know that, will it pass for online battles and tournaments though?
Just curious. As long as it does then I don't mind ;)
Oz 3926-5273-7252
>>22202215 Ohey Sean, you able to tweak a couple of legendaries for me?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:18:48 No. 22202248 Report >>22202232 The only thing it modifies as per my understanding is the OT ID. Everything else should be the same.
Still want me to do it? I could clone them, and make shinys of the clones and give you all of them back just in case I guess.
>>22202233 Define tweak and how many?
Don't want to do too many requests at the moment as I have 5 mons I need to clone up batches of tonight.
Oz 3926-5273-7252
>>22202248 Oh, don't worry about it then. I can wait for another time.
0147 1445 7736 Jess
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>>22202248 Dude, could you help me with only one Thundurus?
I'm not requesting anything, only that.
I need it with 31/even/30/31/31/31
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
>>22202248 Yes! That would be lovely! Thanks a bunch! :)
Already added you :)
>>22196020 I can 100% confirm that using Powersaves in a tricky way will let them pass.
However, Powersaves will require more work than just using GATEWAY + PKHEX or CYBER GADGET SAVE EDITOR + PKHEX.
You'll need either for the best/up to date coding options. These two devices will let you create Official Distributed pokemon, change the dates, and adding PID/SID options. Also you can switch around regions, and a host of other options to make them VGC optional.
What's best is you can modify them to set the IV's/EV's and the VGC checking devices do NOTHING. You can pass through them with ease using editors that allow you to create and inject the pokemon you desire.
Do not get yourself caught with Powersaves, that's a hassel. Just spend the extra money and do like most of us on Nugget Bridge (will confirm nearly 98% do use Gateway/Cyber Gadget) and VGC in General.
With the cleaner method you can either Inject the properly made pokemon you want to use for competitive battling, yes they do go through or create both parents with the desired egg moves you want then hatch the kid and just modify the stats like IV's, EV's, Move numbers, and Level.
Completely 100% legit, VGC ready, blue pentagon, hatched pokemon that just have their stats increased. No detection to worry about.
Just do like us Pros do, and do it smart.
- XFaXtor
Don't forget to point and LAUGH at anyone crying for Legitmacy or that you shouldn't 'cheat' in a kids game. Walk away with a check in your hand at the end of the day and flash it in their face, plus point to the cyber gadget you've got in your pocket to make them super salty. Show it to them for their fitrage.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:24:55 No. 22202280 Report Quoted By:
>>22202262 Ok give me a few mins to add you and clean up my boxes so I can do this. You can keep the 4 mons I send over.
>>22202255 Ok.
>>22202265 If you catch a desired pokemon (best option) to make sure they are legit you can also just edit the Stats/Level/Move pool to reflect and the VGC will pass them also. Just don't mess with anything else.
Catch them Legit & Modify
Create two parents with desired Moves & Breed then Modify the Hatched Pokemon
Or create and inject a modified pokemon (risky if you don't know what you're doing/what to put/forget anything)
First two methods is commonly used by VGC Pros. We don't have time to sort out boxes, and shit. We're here to win, not babysit sprites. We're only interested in creating the best strategies.
Devices help us out drastically. And we can shiny them up for appeal, too.
Secrets of the Trade or as I like to call it, '' Just common sense. ''
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>>22202265 >>22202284 best post
>trigger warning to legit buttfags lol plz keep posting here u make me so happy
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>>22202265 Stop teaching them.. seriously we don't need more idiots with good strats at Worlds. Let them waste their time creating their perfect shiny Mons and team..
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:43:32 No. 22202406 Report >>22202262 Ok they are ready. I'll be sending 4 over.
IGN: Hero FC: 1950-7994-9186
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>>22202406 Awesome! Thank you so much :D
>>22202078 A complete set! I didn't even realize I left up the pokemon in the GTS. Thank you so much!
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 08:54:56 No. 22202457 Report >>22202454 Yeah I managed to fix them after people left and just sent them out to those who were still up.
Cloning them all tonight. Just gotta WT test the whole set again as I couldn't regular trade a Ho-oh just now.
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>>22202284 PowerSaves is fine. Breed something about right and change it like this anon said.
>>22202457 Was that Ho-Oh from the batch before?
Fuyumi 3239 - 3739 - 8612
>>22202457 Mate, can you help me transfer 6 event mon from XY to ORAS?
Thommy [2895-6360-2617]
How long does it take to change one pokemon? Is it like a couple minutes or is it like 5 or more?
>>22202491 Couple of minutes. It's more of a pain if a person wants natures changed on multiple pokes, because you can only modify it in the first slot of the bank. So you modify one, take it out of the device, plug it into the 3ds, boot up, switch it's place to the front, put in the device to modify, and repeat until it's done.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 09:02:39 No. 22202505 Report Quoted By:
>>22202475 I think so. Which is why it is confusing. All the ones from last night seem fine though. Just WT'ed a whole set.
>>22202480 Not really. You can get anyone to do that. Or you know, get the bank.
>>22202491 Depends on what you are doing and on what cart. You can make a bunch of mon 6IV via a few clicks on XY, but for ORAS you need to click each of them individually and apply changes each time.
Though ORAS has much better Cloning codes and you can make a batch of 12 from a single mon in one go.
Generally about 5 mins a trip. And you can do multiple things per trip depending on what you want to do.
Thommy [2895-6360-2617]
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>>22202499 Oh, nvm, I was just wondering if someone could fix up all my legendaries but I guess I can do that when I get one of my own.
0147 1445 7736 Jess
So, anyone can help me? I only want my Thundurus to change it's IVs into 31/02/30/31/31/31 or 31/30/30/31/31/31 if you can't do the first.
>>22202520 >31/02/30/31/31/31 why 2 in attack? why not 0?
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Hello! I'm looking for someone who could change the gender of my Croagunk and make it lvl 100. Also would like my Elekid to be lvl 100, many thanks in advance!
0147 1445 7736 Jess
>>22202609 I don't know, both 2 and 0 Atk would be cool... if someone actually wants to help me
;-; Anonymous
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>>22202638 i would help you if i was a powersaver but maybe the powersavers in the thread will take notice since i keep replying to you
I gotta ask as I'm getting a powersaves next week. Can you make a living Dex using powersaves that is bank transferrable?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22202720 I'm pretty sure generated mons can't be banked, traded or used in battle
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>>22202727 everything can be banked, no limitations
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 09:56:20 No. 22202781 Report >>22202727 Depends on whether you genned them correctly or not.
>>22202727 >>22202742 >>22202781 Only the Poketransporter blocks Pokemon you imbecile retards.
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>>22202781 OK so when I use the wondercard code to make em I'll just have to make them legit? Also how long does it take to make one?
>>22202781 All I do is put the dex number in master balls and execute the code, is there another way?
>>22202787 >>22202781 Sean is the correct one. I generated a Celebi with powersaves and it couldn't be traded with someone.
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>>22202811 OK so I don't care about trading them. They're not for trading. The only thing I want it to pass is the pokebank.
>>22202811 Try changing the ot then making it shiny via the TID method, it should make it good.
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>>22202811 >Sean is the correct one. I generated a Celebi with powersaves and it couldn't be traded with someone. Can you wondertrade it?
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>>22202802 That's the only way. Just fyi, they aren't considered Kalos born. So if you throw them away until you are at 251 for instance, you would receive a Celebi from the lady at the center.
>>22202811 >I generated a Celebi with powersaves and it couldn't be traded with someone. I was talking about Pokebank you avatarfagging moron.
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>>22202819 Will try =). It was the first thing I did when I got a powersave, so it could have been my fault entirely.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 11:12:42 No. 22203297 Report Offering a bounty of a picture that has Ho-oh, Lugia, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina only. If you can find (or make) me one I'll give you a whole set of HS ability mons in question, and a Mew.
Hey, Powersaver New guy here, Looking for a treveant with its HA. I will Make a pokemon perfect or shinyfy in return.
>>22203297 picture? so like, a drawing? or can we photoshop
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 13:07:12 No. 22203840 Report >>22203792 Well shit. I've got to go to bed right now.
But whatever is cool. Find one. Draw one. Photoshop whatever. I just need one for a giveaway on the weekend and couldn't find one on google with a cursory search.
If you deliver leave your IGN and FC and I can check in the morning. I'll add you can trade when I see you on next. Which would likely be tomorrow night.
Powersave lurker here. I came in contact with a pokemon company tournament organisor and I can confirm that VGC hack check detects powersaving even only 1 iv. But it says that the pokemon has some irregulation and it depends on the TO to let you get away with it or not.
>>22203842 Powersaves is NOT the best way to alter your pokemon.
Use Gateway/Cyber Gadget as a previous Anon suggested. I can confirm also that the VGC Organizer and Rep, having tested my team at Worlds, does not get detected.
Using methods like Powersaves will set it off because the dynamics are different, and shit gets purposely messed up.
>>22196465 What was illegal about Sejun's Pokemon?
>>22203840 this is probably not what you had in mind but i tried :^) don't know if you'd wanna use it lol
i already have you added my ign is rei
Brian 4012-4179-4760
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>>22203776 hey, if you are still around I have an HA Trevenant for you. Hoping you could change a Mawile nature to Adamant and make it shiny.
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>>22200690 Yes, it can change any of the six ivs to 0,30,31 and possibly one. Haven't checked the site recently
I've been using Powersaved mons on Battle Spot without any problem whatsoever; the only exceptions being the Celebi and Alakazam that I generated using the Wonder Card generator, which aren't accepted. Unless VGC uses something totally different from Battle Spot to detect hacks, then IV/EV editing with Powersaves should be sufficient on its own.
Any kind powersaving user around?
JK 0705-2126-5768 !!gZk4bYLNkr8
>>22205203 The wondercard generator makes every mon caught at the Giant Chasm in black. That's why you can't use them online.
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>>22207127 That's understandable, then. Though I still don't understand what's with the Gateway/Cyber Gadget promotion if Powersave edits aren't picked up by Battle Spot, which I assume VGC uses the same filter.
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>>22202215 i had someone shinify a machop for me, and it still had my trainer id and name when I got it back
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Wed 17 Dec 2014 21:06:58 No. 22208121 Report Quoted By:
>>22204150 That is perfect anon.
I made a note for later and will trade you the mons next time I see you on.
Quoted By:
Any kind powersaver person who could help out?
carson 3497-1428-3601
>>22196020 looking for someone to help me out with a ludicolo
Move 1
Hydro Pump
Move 2
Giga Drain
Move 3
Ice Beam
Move 4
Life Orb
Swift Swim
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>>22208320 Last I checked, Powersaves couldn't edit moves.
Does anyone know if VGC hack check will detect a normal breeded 'mon with a 6IV, nature and ball modded parent? Like is there any flag that is carried down to the child?
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>>22208711 Pokemon hatched from eggs are generated within the game's parameters, so if you don't touch the child with any device it will be completely legal. This is assuming of course it doesn't have something like an unreleased hidden ability.
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>>22196260 I imagined you getting louder and louder and shriller and shriller as you continued to rage about a <spoiler> kid's game </spoiler>
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>>22196102 you're literally spending hundreds of hours resetting and riding a bike in a child's game
a powersave takes 10 seconds for the same thing and i dont need to justify the thousands of hours you waste
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>>22202265 How are powersaves unsafe?
What if I just breed a poke legitimately and just change a few of the IVs to 31 and the nature if desired?
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>>22196472 You don't need to grind in Dark Souls scrub.
And yeah it's just a few hours.. per pokemon. Have fun getting the genies, cresselia, doing dozens of others etc.
inb4 "Spending hundreds of hours getting virtual pokemon is something you should do."
>>22196020 511 never forget
oh wait.. everyone here is too casual to know about that
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I don't know how these threads works, but what can I do to get a Powersaved Arceus, meloetta, genesect to complete my dex.
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>>22209044 Can you remember me what does that mean?
Could someone generate me a Volcanion and Hoopa?
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>>22196465 Was this the dream ball aegi? Heard about that
What was the illegal spread? EVs?
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Looking for 6IV shiny jap ditto. Can anyone be of assistance??
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>>22210417 for the 1000th time you cant trade hoopa you mothersucker. ill cut you mother sucker
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
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Is anyone offering their service here? I need to modify 2 shinies and one pokemon.
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
I'm a powersaver.
I'l help you guys provided a few conditions are met.
You're patient. My powersave has been touch and go of when it will actually do it's thing.
You put the FULL request in the post asking me to do a thing. Don't say "Can you change the X on a few pokemon?"
I need to know exact details.
You also need your IGN AND FC in your requesting post.
Lastly, and the least reasonable request is you suggest a nickname for a bunch of my things I don't have nicknames for. sorry not sorry for the text list
Sample request:
>>Reply to this/any of my posts Salamence - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, hasty in a dream ball
Diggersby name - Bogz Biny
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
>>22211191 Your FC and IGN would be preferred in the name of the post
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
>>22211209 >>22211191 bump/I'm only doing legal edits.
I'm not going to give your mon 252 evs in every stat, or put your aegislash in a dream/heavy ball
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22211321 Could you shinify my goomy and give it 31 IV's in everything but attack.
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>>22203875 A few years back he was caught with a hacked Follow Me Magmar, had perfect IV's and nature (near impossible due to how you got it) and more EV's than it should have.
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22211362 That's fine
I added you
0147 1445 7736 Jess
>>22211191 I only need my Thundurus to have it's IVs changed to 31/00/30/31/31/31
Only that.
Name Hydreigon "Hail Hydra"
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
>>22211191 Hey lord english.
Swablu - In a dreamball
Shroomish - 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs, Jolly nature holding ability capsule.
Cottonee - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, Bold nature holding an ability capsule.
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
>>22211371 sorry for the time it took
my powersave will stop saving, then tell me there isn't a game in, it's very frustrating
>>22211372 add me
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Quoted By:
>>22211544 It's fine
Thank you very much for the goomy fixing.
0147 1445 7736 Jess
David 0104-0365-5881
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
>>22211744 It seems that Lord Enlgish abandoned me.
Will you do mine?
>>22211408 Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22211744 could I have a Whimsicott made shiny, and a Mawiles nature changed to Adamant?
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Quoted By:
>>22211744 Can you clone my latios with perfect IVs?
Quoted By:
Is cloning an option here? I'm sorta new to these sorts of threads, So I'm not sure if that sort of request is one that gets taken here, but, yeah. Thought to ask
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22211777 That is a bit for work i don't have much time, anything ud give me?
>>22211783 Sure let me add u whats ur IGN
Brian 4012-4179-4760
Lord English 4957-3894-6502
>>22211602 that took too long
fuckin' powersave
fuckin' predetermined obsolescence
I'm done powersaving
too frustrated, sorry everyone
I have no idea what is wrong with my powersave
things it isn't:
my copy of aS
my cord
my usb port
dirty contacts
things it could be:
something else wrong with the physical device
the software
0147 1445 7736 Jess
Quoted By:
>>22211813 Oh, thanks man. Sorry for the others... anyways it was a great job :)
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22211810 that was me that just sent u a trade
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 IGN COLA
Quoted By:
>>22211805 hmm would you like a shiny swablu in a moonball?
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22211855 ah. sorry. i already got 3 trade requests from other passerbys. and I had mine in the wrong box just a sec.
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22211868 ok well its me putting up the squirtle
Quoted By:
Anyone here has a spare pentagon Dialga? I don't mind about IV's/Natures.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22211868 Im picky on my shines, i like random legendaries
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22211888 any shinies in particular you are looking for? I might have one. If not I'll just toss you two legendaries.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22211917 yea i meant i only like breeding my own, ill takee any leg tho haha
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22211935 thanks again, I really appreciate it.
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
I have a Snivy who's IV's I'd like set to 31/30/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire). I have a few random legendaries I could spare.
David 0104-0365-5881
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
I need a huge favor. I need nature and IVs changed to my primal Groudon and Rayquaza. is anyone around to help?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22211994 >>22212033 ill get to u guys in a bit
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212051 Awesome, I'll hang around then.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212051 okay, thank you adding you now
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
Quoted By:
>>22212051 can I also ask for a nature change for my Espeon and Sylveon?
I've got some Protean froakies in exchange, though I'm not sure if they're worth your while. If not, I've got an Arceus to clone, and you can keep one. Thanks for considering.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212055 Ok that guys not responding so I'm adding u now
Quoted By:
>>22211813 It's probably the cable
I was having trouble with mine until I changed the cable
>>22196593 There are financial/tangible prizes at VGC. It is no wonder people get upset at unfair play.
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212096 Cool, added you already.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212123 thats me with the pidgey
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
Quoted By:
Hey is your IGN Colress?
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212136 Oh okay sorry. I thought your IGN was David. Getting back online.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212149 ya i shud prob make that more clear i just like being a little anonymous haha, ok all done
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22212149 double check for me if i did it right tho thats my first time changing iv's
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212207 It's cool. I noticed I have a shiny Gamestop Extreme Speed Entei. Not sure if you're interested in it, but if you are you can can clone it. I don't know if it's rare, but I'm pretty sure it's legit. Has shit IV's and a shitty nature too though.
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Quoted By:
Hi can anyone edit my Heatran into a >Calm Nature >31/0/31/31/31/31 IV >252 EVs in HP and SpDef 4 EVs in SpAtk ty!
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212258 that is pretty rare to be honest. I still need one of them to be honest
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212258 Nah its ok thx tho
>>22212063 ok adding u
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212275 Well if you want to clone it you can. Give me a second, I'm checking Snivy's IV's though.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
Quoted By:
>>22212284 cool. i need the following done with my in game mon
Nature Jolly
Nature Careful
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212258 ok fine ill clone it and give one to
>>22212275 Anonymous
Quoted By:
So, question Im in the process of making a living pokedex, two more to go besides event mons, and one of them is the pokeball vivillon Two of my mons are actually fully hacked. Like not cloned or what not, but hacked. In particular I got the wondercard for diancie and fancy vivillon. Is nintendo in any way able to know if these are legit or not, or since i got the wondercard are they legit by game standards? Im also trying to get myself a pokeball vivillon but ps only has the fucking french wondercard. Cant get myself a global event one as im sure nitnendo will raise some eyebrows when a french vivillons ot is american
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212296 i don't have a powersave so I can't clone it but thanks for offering
>>22212300 whoa really, awesome
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212284 Think ya may have done something wrong. Says Snivy's HP is bug.
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22212275 Or if u can do that urself all the beter
David 0104-0365-5881
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212328 take care of WD, that doesn't sound too good
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212350 I'm in no real hurry. My daughter's asleep so I pretty much have the night off! Lol. He can clone the Entei and fix the Snivy IV's in one go I assume.
Hey David, I think you mixed up the Sp.Att and Sp.Def stats. The Sp.Def is supposed to be 31 and Sp.Att should be 30.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212392 you have a daughter too, nice. my little girl is pretty awesome. its so nice when you get to sit down and do nothing for a little bit
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
Quoted By:
>>22212417 Lol yea. Well mine just made 9 months last week, so I'm still waiting on her little personality to develop a little more, but she's a cool kid. Hopefully she'll be into video games when she gets older, but I don't know how my wife will feel about that, lol.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212392 thats all i have to do tho right, change the IVs?
write them out for me like this so its easier for me
sp att:
sp def:
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
Quoted By:
>>22212445 HP 31
Attack 30
Defense 31
SpAtt 30
SpDef 31
Speed 30
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
Hmm...maybe the Entei wasn't legit?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212531 ya i dunno it kno a hm or something?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
Quoted By:
>>22212544 >>22212531 wait, is it shiny? it might not be tradable if it is
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22212417 Ok I'm doing u now my ign is Colress
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212544 No, I got it in a trade a few years ago...always kept it though. Not sure why it won't trade. Is it because it's an event legend or something?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212564 yes it is an event legendary
WolfDawg 4167-4504-6684
>>22212591 Well maybe that's why. Sorry man.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212594 that snivy check out?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212591 So 31 IVs in everything for both?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22212623 yes sorry about that delay
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22212664 thats ok I'm done then
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22212672 used that master ball on ur groudon eh haha
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
Quoted By:
>>22212672 thank you. yeah, just wanted to end the game at that point
Quoted By:
>>22212109 >unfair play How so.
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
Ok I'm done for now i gotta go ill take some more requests tomoro maybe
Quoted By:
>>22196020 Q: I've been collecting shinies since RSE, and I've accumulated a lot. Having experienced my Red, Blue, and Platinum save files being corrupted, and also having seen a number of recent posts about people's games being corrupted, I'm growing increasingly concerned that I'll lose my 12 or so years of shinies.
Can I reliably back them up with Powersaves? Does just using powersaves increase the likelihood of my game fucking up? I feel like my old DS action replay played some part in ruining my Platinum save file, but this might just be superstition.
Quoted By:
Anyone with Powersaves lurking maybe?
Quoted By:
>>22203855 >>22203842 >>22208711 OP here.
Hmm, so I guess "smartly" powersaving is okay at VGC official tournaments.
It seems like the best way is to use modified powersaved parents with 6 IV/nature/ability/matsuda/ball to create a legitimate Pentagon pokemon.
Even though the parents are hacked (like most shiny 6 IV dittos people use are), the offspring will have its data structures auto-generated correctly via the game's algorithms, thus being undetectable.
Still some work with making parents and breeding, but, powersaves is only 15$, and I don't have a 3ds that's firmware is prior 4.5 anymore.
That's the conclusion I've recieved. It seems like they can see powersaved pokemon, but its up to their discretion to call them out it seems. But the hacked perfect parents -> legit offspring method seems to be flawless.
Would you guys agree?
Quoted By:
anyone with a powersave? i just want you to make three of my pokes have luxury balls. i'll trade you legendaries or anything else i have if you want it.
Quoted By:
The fact that powersaves shinification messes with the TID and PID and/or IVs is a little sketch on how perfect it is....I can only imagine their other codes like IV/nature editing might also cause a red flag to be raised. But I've heard so many differing opinons on the matter, some people get thru uncaught, some people get caught with minor shit, whats true and whats not
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
Hey guys, I'm looking for a diance with a diancite, can anyone help me out?
WolfDawg -4167-4504-6684
Quoted By:
>>22212608 Not sure if you're still on here or what, but I'm sorry about being so rude. Daughter woke up for whatever reason and it was my turn to put her back to sleep.
Yea, the Snivy checked out, and thanks for taking the time to help me out. Again, hope I didn't come off like some ungrateful asshat.
ok, so i haven't hacked pokemon since b/w, and there used to be codes to run into any pokemon in the wild (like you'd put in victini or something and everything you ran into would be a victini) is there no way to do that anymore? i checked the official powersave website and i don't see anything like that on the code list. I just wanna hack some legendaries. Anyone can help?
Austin 4742 5566 2272
>>22217464 I've got a Diancie, you get diancite when you leave/reenter pokemon center with it in your party
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
Quoted By:
>>22218673 Oh awesome, do you want anything for her or just a fodder pokemon?
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
Quoted By:
>>22218673 or er, are you not willing to trade her?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
Hey /vp/, I'm a Saver and I'll be online taking requests for a while. Please be sure you add me before submitting a request. I'm giving out a couple of pre-built events as well, so if you get a Lv. 100 mon in trade you can keep it if you'd like.
>>22219248 Shiny, drought ninetales please? My ign is fhys and my fc is 203692161136. I just friended you
Quoted By:
>>22219317 Timid too with good ivs, and 252 speed and 252 spc attack. If that isn't too much to ask
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219317 You want me to shinyfy a Drought Ninetales or are you asking for a Drought Ninetales?
IGN: Rico 0619-4152-6540
>>22219248 Can you change my Terrakion's nature to jolly and give him perfect 6IV as well as change the nature of my Cresselia to calm and have an IV spread of 31/0/31/31/31/0?
>>22219334 Im asking for a shiny, drought ninetales if that's possible. Sorry for the miscommunication
Quoted By:
>>22219334 Shinyfying works too if its easier
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219342 >>22219348 I've added you and am currently taking your requests
>>22219360 Thanks dude! If you want anything let me know. I have HA snivys and 10 legit shinys
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219373 If I can trade for an HA Snivy that'd be really cool, I can give you a Diancie for it
Quoted By:
>>22219386 Oh hell yeah. You can have a shiny serperior 27th its HA if you want. Its gened however. The HA snivys I bred... shittily
>>22219386 I mean you can have the snivy for that ninetales without the dancie. Send me a trade request whenever youre ready
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219405 I'm sorry about that, but my Diancie has a ribbon and doesn't trade
Quoted By:
>>22219509 Thats just fine. Like I said the ninetales is more than enough, thanks
IGN: Rico 0619-4152-6540
>>22219360 Thank you for the help and the events, I really appreciate it. I know those requests can be a bit of a hassle.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219545 No problem, thanks for the Tynamo, I actually didn't have one yet
>>22219583 What events do you have?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219603 I was going to trade Meloettas and Diancies, but since they're named I think I can't trade them. I do have Arceus copies on hand though
>>22219637 Would you mind trading me an arceus copy? I have 0 events and im trying to fill my box so anything is good. I also have a shiny greninja if you want him.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219646 If you give me your FC, I can send you an Arceus for some fodder
>>22219657 Im fhys, were already friends lol you sure you don't want something good? Imma give you a shiny luvdisc at the least
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219676 I'm coming online to send one over
Quoted By:
>>22219714 You sir are awesome. I am forever in your debt. Let me know if you want something and if its in my power, its yours
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
>>22219360 Can you shinify my RayRay?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219836 Sure thing, I will be adding you and coming online shortly
Quoted By:
someone needs to make a spinda editor for 6th gen
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
Quoted By:
>>22219854 Thanks bro, thanks for the capsule as well
So what, are stat edits unnoticeable in official tournaments and shit?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22219997 I cannot confirm how it works for tourneys, but I can confirm that pretty much all of my edits get through on Ranked Battle Spot.
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
>>22219997 As long as you don't give illegal shit to a pokemon, it should be ok
Quoted By:
>>22220011 >>22220035 alright
I'm just considering asking for someone to edit a Heatran, but I'm still on the fence about it
>>22218531 can anyone verify this for me, please?
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
>>22219248 Is a diancie too much to ask for? I added you.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220172 This is not possible because Powersaves only edits existing save files, it doesn't change the game while it's running.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220196 Unfortunately my Diancie is from the event and as such has a ribbon that makes it untradeable
Quoted By:
>>22220200 Shit, so there's no way to get other unobtainable legendaries other then hoping to get one off the gts? Balls.
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
>>22220210 Damn, thanks anyway. Is there anyway I could get a Mew, Arceus, or Genesect? (there's people asking for these on the gts for a Diancie)
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220259 I have the three of those and I believe they do not have ribbons. I can make some copies in just a moment
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
>>22220276 Oh thankyou! That would be so super awesome. I have you added, so I'll just wait till you pop up to trade me.
Quoted By:
>>22220276 I would appreciate a mew if that's possible as well. If its too much work that's fine
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220302 It appears my Genesect does not trade, sorry about that
can someone explain to me how the whole "use powersave to rename a shiny and change it back later" thing works? I'm not sure how to do it.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220442 Use the Rename code to change the Pokemon's name. Once it's been named, when it is re-shinied, it will keep its name. Make sure that you use the right code for your trainer's gender.
Z 0318-7059-6177 !rDr.MAlDL2
Quoted By:
>>22220438 That's okay, thanks a lot though! I appreciate it very much!
>>22220461 and what code do I use to reshiny it?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220501 The same code you use to reshinyfy anything, whether you prefer editing the TID or the IVs. Generally you use the TID edit because even if the ID is changed it keeps its name
>>22220518 so there's no way to restore its shiny ID and Trainer ID to what it was originally?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220543 To keep the OT and ID, just shinyfy by editing the IVs and correct them later
>>22220553 but this is a pokemon that was already shiny.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220579 I have zero idea how this doesn't make sense.
>Step 1: Change name. Pokemon will be not shiny and will have your ID. >Step 2: Reshinyfy Pokemon by editing its IVs. Will be shiny and have your ID. >Step 3: Fix IVs. If the Pokemon was previously shiny, it doesn't matter. The rename code unshinies the Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>22220612 I just want to know if it's possible to change it back to its shiny status AND its OT/Name once it's renamed. It was originally a trade and the met date is from a day before ORAS exists.
>>22220612 Are you still helping people with pokesaves? c:
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220743 I'm still around
>>22220769 Not the previous guy, but could you change the nature, pokeball, and IVs of my Xerneas?
Xerneas in Poke Ball, X/31/31/31/31/31, Modest nature.
Quoted By:
>>22220805 Messed up on the IV spread. 31 in everything except attack if possible plsease.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220805 I need your FC to do so
IGN: Y 2895-8450-2887
>>22220831 Added you. Is there anything in particular you would want in return? I have a manaphy from ranger 3, a flawless kanto mewtwo, or a HA snivy if you want.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220863 I've added you and am online, I can take any fodder
IGN: Y 2895-8450-2887
Quoted By:
>>22220914 Thanks a lot man, you really helped me out. I'll give you the snivy.
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
>>22220914 If you would be willing, I made a request earlier to no avail, but I'd like to ask for a nature change for my espeon and sylveon. I have some spare pentaperfects in return.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220992 I will add you and be online shortly
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
>>22220769 Alright, sorry I got sidetracked
Could I send you two sylveons to put them both in a heal ball and change their ID to 09277
and one of them has the OT as 'Sunnystuffs', could I have that changed to 'Evee'
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22220992 What natures do you want on each? I can take any fodder in return.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221048 I cannot make a specific OT or Trainer ID.
Evee 0688-5474-5351
>>22221048 woops, forgot my ign
>>22221060 oh, okay don't worry about that then
just put them into heal balls c:
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Hi can anyone edit my Heatran into a >Calm Nature >31/0/31/31/31/31 IV >252 EVs in HP and SpDef 4 EVs in SpAtk ty!
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221072 I will add you while completing my current request
Evee 0688-5474-5351
Quoted By:
>>22221080 okay, thank you! did you want anything in return that I might have?
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221079 I will add you and take your request at the same time as this
>>22221072 raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
Quoted By:
>>22221050 For the espeon, timid
and for the Sylveon calm please.
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22221050 Could I get a Swablu's IV's all made perfect and the mon made shiny?
I have some Dratini breeding leftovers with egg moves and HA's.
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
>>22221103 thanks ive added you
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221113 I will take your request with this group
>>22221103 raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
Quoted By:
>>22221193 Thank you so much! The extras were very appreciated.
Brian 4012-4179-4760
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221312 Can you send me a trade when I get out of this one? I don't see you on the Friends List
Brian 4012-4179-4760
>>22221353 hmm. weird. I see you just fine.
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221361 It's because I added you first, and the 3DS hasn't given me the memo that you're a fully registered friend yet.
Evee 0688-5474-5351
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
>>22221179 The Heatran appears to not be trading. I will see if I can fix it somehow, if not, I have a SpDef Heatran I can send you a Shiny copy of.
Brian 4012-4179-4760
Quoted By:
>>22221378 you're a saint man. thanks again.
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
>>22221580 ok thats fine thanks again
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
>>22221580 sorry to bother you, but if you have some time left I'd like to make another request. This time for an IV change for my Glaceon, 6 perfect IV please. Thank you!
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
Quoted By:
>>22221701 I will take the request when I finish this one
IGN: DJ FC: 1590-4693-5437 !OiOLNVFyC6
Quoted By:
>>22221623 I seriously have no idea why yours won't trade. Sorrry about that, hope that mine will work!
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Quoted By:
thankds DJ! i wonder what went wrong with the original though