Howdy everyone. Long time no speak! Let's get to the point here: I need your help with completing my dex. Laziness has set in and I'm getting bored of catching and breeding the Pokemon I need, so this is where you come in. I have 2 cloned boxes full of ORAS Hoenn caught (in a Pokeball) Rayquazas. It's Jolly nature with modified perfect IVs and maxed out EVs. To top it all off, it's also holding a Life Orb too! All you'll need to do is teach it Dragon Ascent at Meteor Falls (I had to remove this move otherwise it wouldn't let me trade, so just delete Giga Impact) and you're sorted for a perfect M-Rayquaza. In the next post, I shall post a pokemon chart. Anything not marked in red are the ones I need. 1. Put the Pokemon you wish to trade onto the GTS with vp in the description and seeking a level 70 Rayquaza 2. Post in the thread what Pokemon you've put up and I shall try to get to you as quickly as possible! This is my first time doing this sort of thing so bear with me here! Let's have some fun. Much love guys.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
And here's the chart! Thank you in advance.
>>22205225 Ekans up! Thank you!
>>22205225 Wobbuffet up, thanks
>>22205225 I've got the Clefable. Expect it in about one minute.
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>>22205259 Recived the quayquay. You the real mvp man, thanks a bunch.
>>22205246 >>22205259 >>22205260 >>22205267 Thank you! And enjoy the Rayquaza guys!
>>22205267 thank you for that Shiny Clefable! I wasn't expecting that!
>>22205300 Figured if I'd mentioned it was shiny it would a been sniped quick, so I thought I'd leave it a surprise.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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Also, on an unrelated note, here's the sprite chart if anyone else wants to do this sort of thing.
>>22205317 There you go. Thank you! Enjoy the Rayquaza.
>>22205318 It's a glorious surprise my friend. Thanks again.
Just put up a Fennekin; OT Chris; Message: TY NICK Cheers :)
>hasn't caught them all i was going to laugh at this, but>makes a thread titled merry christmas >implies the spirit of giving for the holiday season >he's just advertising his need to trade hacked mons for legit mons good lord what a shitty human
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205350 No problem man. I just need you to change the level to 61-70 and I can send it right over to you.
>>22205369 Shit, my bad.. I thought I did something wrong, will fix it right now.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205361 The only thing hacked are the IVs. Everything else is legit! ;_;
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>>22205380 >>22205369 Fixed it, it's up again!
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>>22205361 >implying this is /gg/ He's giving away bretty gud Rayquazas for practically things we don't want
If you're so mad then get your beggin ass back to /gg/ and whine there
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205378 >>22205380 Thank you very much guys!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205426 Thank you very much sir.
Exeggcute is up, message is Thanks Nick. It'll have a leaf stone too <3
>>22205225 hey there, put up a Chickorita for you, OT is ZOND, vp in description.
thanks in advance
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>>22205444 not sure if it matters but the player name is Alkeus, haven't done much on the GTS since Gen IV so I forget how it displays trainer names and stuff
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>>22205454 Fuck that, it was straight... ausfag here..
Teddiursa is up on GTS, thanks in advance
FiFi 0404-8129-9815
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205437 The Leaf Stone is much appreciated matey. Thanks!
>>22205440 >>22205444 Enjoy the Rayquaza. Thank you~
Put up a Remoraid. OT is Janelle
>>22205209 Can you get one even if you're on XY?
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>>22205504 It doesn't have Dragon Ascent, so yes
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>>22205487 Just got it, Thanks a ton!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205487 thanks very much!
Dean 5258-0105-9017
>>22205209 Put up a 5 IV chespin for ya, buddy
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205550 >>22205563 >>22205565 >>22205586 There you go good sirs. Thank you very much. Enjoy.
>>22205575 Not seeing it man. Are you sure?
>>22205209 Put up level 32 female Lotad!
Dean 5258-0105-9017
Bob !iuPUH6jcNQ
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205595 >Tailow I already have it. Sorry sir!
>>22205615 Someone beat you to it I'm afraid. Anything else from the list?
CTRL+F the Pokemon to see if it's been sent already so far
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205575 There ya go, finally see it.
Much appreciated buddy, thanks for the 5IV mon!
>>22205615 Actually just ignore me.. I'm getting confused with Lombre ahah. Sorry.
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
>>22205647 put up a pichu. IGN John, message /wfg/
>>22205647 Omastar up. The fully evolved version, I forget the name atm lol
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
>>22205209 Dustox up and thanks Suede!!!
>>22205647 Fearow is up for you, thank you in advance. Merry Christmas!
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
Ignore that. I meant Ivysaur.
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
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>>22205730 No sir, thank you.
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>>22205730 Kathanks. Enjoy my shitty omastar
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>>22205730 Thank you based Suede!
>>22205225 This still goin down? I can drop ya a Pumpkaboo, OP :^)
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205730 Woah, that was fast! Thank you for the Rayquaza! (Happy Holidays!)
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961
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>>22205784 Thank you, sir! I got it!
IGN: Colin FC: 1075-2146-9513
IGN: Colin FC: 1075-2146-9513
>>22205209 Whoops, Boldore up!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22205822 Thank you very much. It evolved too which is handy haha.
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
>>22205209 I put up a Dustox and I came back to see if the post made it and it said it did but oh well, anyway it's in the GTS! Thanks Suede~
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
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>>22205890 Oh wait never mind I just checked and it cleared, thanks, sorry for the inconvenience :P
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205840 Thank you sir.
>>22205849 Ayyyy lmao :^)
So you can't cancel evolutions for traded mons? Jeez.
Thank you anyways.
I'm on the last box now guys. Get in quick!
>>22205903 You can't? I could have everstoned it, sorry bruh...
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
>>22205903 Oh I'm sorry, any Pokemon you want? I can give a Legendary if neccesary?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205915 No worries mate, I wasn't sure if you'd done it as a joke or something. Haha!
>>22205920 Anything marked in white that hasn't been traded so far!
>>22205918 Thank you!!~
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
>>22205209 After getting over my ignorance I re-read closely, a habit, and I deposited a Poliwrath on the GTS. I hope that is still up and good for you! If not I can try again! Thanks!
>>22205454 >it has exp as much as i appreciate the ops generosity this upsets me
untouched rayquazas dont fucking exist
Mike (Brendan) -1118-1048-1627
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22205984 Thanks man :3
>>22205999 Yeah, it bugs me too. It's all due to the fact you have to battle that girl after catching it and then there's a Deoxys fight straight after..
>>22205225 5IV Haunter lv 36
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206091 Any chance you could put an Everstone on it?
>>22205209 Pachirisu, lv 30 and male, up with message "MERRY CHRISTMAS" !
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>>22206049 >Yeah, it bugs me too. It's all due to the fact you have to battle that girl after catching it and then there's a Deoxys fight straight after.. Oh i know damn well its possible, just keep d dancing and let the doexys/goodra sweep cracray
but by then people are to enamored by the damn thing to not use it. fuck everything
>>22206101 Yeah no probs. It's up now
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22206110 Thank you! Merry Christmas
>>22206125 And thank you for the 5IV Haunter! :3
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Bonsly going up in a sec
Stupid connection error the first time I tried to post, sorry for the wait It's up now.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206200 Thank you good sir!
How is this a giveaway when you are clearly rejecting offers?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22206249 I haven't mentioned anywhere it's a giveaway.
Hey op, you still need a Mantine? I got one in there for ya..
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>>22206244 And thank you as well :)
Merry Christmas!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22206263 Yep! Put it up! :)
>>22206249 Threads like this pop up all the time, OP is just rusing people.
Heya OP, If you're still here I put up a Carracosta for you.
>>22206290 That'd be tragic wouldn't it?
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>>22206249 Could I do a giveaway here and we can just skip the OP all together? Guy seems like a douche.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22206303 Much appreciated good sir! Thank you.
>>22205209 Duskull up! you are awesome nick!
imthewiz69 1177-9249-0164
Level 27 lombre up please and thank you
>>22206290 Well I'll be damned...he actually delivered. Glad to help you OP.
>>22206332 To you. I got a level 70 Rayquaza with a bashful nature and shit ivs.
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>>22206336 So take down my Dusknoir?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206316 >>22206322 >>22206327 Nah you're all awesome. Thanks for helping me out. Enjoy the Poke :)
>>22206332 Any time man!
>>22206336 I'm really sorry to hear that. That wasn't me who sent you that.. You must've been sniped or something.
What did you put up?
Got a bashful one. Fuck this I;m going to see if I can get a Ditto.
imthewiz69 1177-9249-0164
>>22206364 I'll say again op is a saint
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206375 Look, here's proof it's not Bashful..
>>22206364 Thanks dude! i alredy check the one that i got, its everything ok, the iv´s, nature and life orb , THANK YOU!!!!
imthewiz69 1177-9249-0164
>>22206401 And now he's copying my name to hype himself up.
>>22206410 Then actually send those and not the shitty bashful ones, I got one too.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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>>22206390 Much love good sir. Thank you!
>>22206401 >>22206411 No worries guys. Take care!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206425 Ur rusing me XD
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Got a bashful one.
>>22206430 >Ur rusing me XD I'm sure, thats why half the thread is complaining right now.
All you did is prove you have one, not that you are giving one.
Put up an Unown for you, If you're into that kind of thing.
imthewiz69 1177-9249-0164
>>22206416 Are you on glue or something?
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>>22206446 Samefagging pretty hard thar, op
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206440 This is actually kind of funny. Keep going man.
>>22206441 Definitely! Thank you.
>>22206410 Hey there's my Mantine. :)
Fill up dat dex Manta~!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
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Mine was Jolly, just as OP said.
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>>22206462 >>22206410 Also, he definitely delivered for my Mantine, so I'm happy.
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>>22206460 I think Bob might be at work here.
Have tried with a tailow, a mantine, and a duskull. Have not gotten a single jolly.
>>22205209 Clauncher with acceptable IVs up
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206502 >>22206518 Mine was Adamant XD
>>22206522 Oh shit, someone's just sniped you.. It says it's already been traded...
>>22206522 >>22206538 I have money its either mild or bashful. We can prove Op a liar right here.
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>>22206545 Do you want me to just clone and give away the one I got in a trade? Will be faster for people to get Rayquza this way.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
Okay, no one put any more Pokes up. Someone seems to be sabotaging this. Thanks to everyone who helped. Sorry it had to end early. ;-;
>>22206580 >Okay, no one put any more Pokes up. Someone seems to be sabotaging this. Sure. You end it the second we find you out.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717
>>22206594 Have fun man. <3
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>>22206594 >>22205630 Well done, Bob. Glad to have you back.
>>22206580 Don´t Worry OP, you tried , you know this is full of bastards.
I Got the Jolly Rayquaza, OP is not lying.
>>22206594 >Sure. You end it the second we find you out. Dunno how far this'll go, but I actually got two jolly Rayquaza out of this. Op was legit.
This was a fucking mess anyway, only a small of handful of people even got a jolly one. This is why we have a general for giveaways.
>>22206634 Not really a giveaway though.
More powersaving a bunch of pokemon to easily complete your dex.
IGN: Colin FC: 1075-2146-9513
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>>22205209 Just got mine! Merry Christmans
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>>22206686 Amounts to the same thing, and I'm pretty sure he's using non trip names to try and convince people he's actually giving out mons.
Was on his side till I got a fucking mild one from him AFTER a jolly one. He's just fucking with random people.