David 0104-0365-5881 (IGN: Colress)
David 0104-0365-5881
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22226539 do you mind changing my landorus-t's nature to impish?
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22226565 Np, already got u added so this will be quick
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226607 i dunno did u quit?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
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>>22226618 no but it kicked me. i hope it's not my network...
Brady 1349 7290 1072
>>22226365 I need a mew and a shaymin to finish my living dex, can you help me out?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226646 The one thing i don't really like doing is genning, can u make it worth it for me? haha
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226724 Np, taking requests
Brady 1349 7290 1072
>>22226715 what do you want for them?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226747 random legendaries, maybe some old events
>>22226746 Got a couple good shines.
I'll give ya some if you can gen some event mons for me
Brady 1349 7290 1072
>>22226773 I have a ho-oh and a latias
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226789 Not interested in shines just legendaries
Brian 1006-0535-5147
Quoted By:
>>22226344 Could you shiny 6 mons for me please
>>22226812 well I have a shiny Jirachi.
what does that get me?
David 0104-0365-5881
Brady 1349 7290 1072
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226850 this takes like 3 steps as opposed to 1 step so bear with me
>>22226827 what did u need?
>>22226877 Some of the rare event mons.
So either genesect, mew, arceus, meloetta or shaymin.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226921 well I'm doing shay min and mew for this other guy so i can clone those 4 u
Ign:Michael 0104-1854-5863
I'm willing to help fill dex holes for services, and give a Arceus
Azure 2921-9452-9145
>>22226947 Sweet bro. That sounds awesome!
Add me and we can trade later.
Now do I trade you the 1 jirachi for those 2?
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>>22226971 Are you looking for an Arceus or willing to give an Arceus?
David 0104-0365-5881
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>>22226977 ya for the pair
KingDon II
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I am free to Power Save if anyone wants it?
Can this piece of shit get me a Shiny Charm?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227064 How many dicks do I have to suck?
Bobbit 1650 3715 4879
Could I get my thundurus and raikou changed for HP Ice (31/30/30/31/31/31) and Timid?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22226850 >>22226977 Ok I'm done guys
>>22227077 Its a key item so un-tradeable, ud have to buy ur own powersave
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>>22227116 I see. Are they sold in regular superstores or do I have to buy one online?
Brady 1349 7290 1072
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>>22227116 sweet, im online now
David 0104-0365-5881
Right well i just wasted alotta time Looks like those guys are un-tradeable! sorry guys
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22227115 Ok I'm on to you, adding
Brady 1349 7290 1072
>>22227179 That sucks, any idea why?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227179 >>22227211 Same reason you can't trade Hoopas, they're not legit
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227115 Your friend code is not valid...
anyone is taking requests?
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22227240 Yes i can make ur lit wick shiny, add me , and post ur fc
Bobbit 1650 3715 5879
>>22227248 Because I'm bad at typing, correct FC is in the name now
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
>>22227248 Can u make my charmander shiny n get me latiosite please for pokemon x
David 0104-0365-5881
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227271 Now to make this easier for me so i get it right the first time, write out the IVs you want like this
IGN: Thiago FC: 1177 8744 3214
>>22227282 You can change the nature of my shiny Latias and my Darkrai?
Sprak 4253-4029-4202
Hi, could I request having my snorunt altered? It would be great if I could have its IVs set to 31, it's nature changed to naive. It would also be really great if it could be shinified and put in a heavy ball. Thanks in advance if anyone is willing to help.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227274 >>22227303 I can help both of u I'm just helping someone else now
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
Bobbit 1650 3715 5879
>>22227298 HP:31
Att:30 (2 is better but I've been told it's harder to do with PS)
Def: 30
Sp. Att: 31
Dp. Def: 31
Speed: 31
for both
Silver 1590 5711 7738
Sorry, Shiny Litwick w/ flash fire and modest nature? Hatched from egg, trainer OT 22030 please? :)
Brian 1006-0535-5147
>>22227315 Can I be next after those guys
Azure 2921-9452-9145
>>22227179 so no event mon?
Anyone have some event mons they are willing to part with? I got some shinys worth the while.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227328 Ok and both timid?
>>22227336 >>22227332 I can't just create mons outta nothing that are tradeable sorry guys
Rod - 3969-4606-0720
Can you make the both Event Vivillons?
Bobbit 1650 3715 5879
Quoted By:
>>22227353 Yeah, both timid
David 0104-0365-5881
Sprak 4253-4029-4202
>>22227353 Hi, sorry to be bothersome but I'm just reposting my request. I already have the snorunt so I'm not asking you to like spawn one.
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>>22227282 Call me when you finish, ok?
Sprak 4253-4029-4202
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>>22227385 Shit forgot the link
>>22227310 Silver 1590 5711 7738
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>>22227332 (You)I can't just create mons outta nothing that are tradeable sorry guys
Ah shoot. I'll grab a litwick off of my X
Bobbit 1650 3715 5879
>>22227378 I have both event vivillons if you want to clone them for
>>22227361 Rod - 3969-4606-0720
Quoted By:
>>22227378 Oh, sorry, man. What about Mew, Celebi and Jirachi?
And a question: I have seen many event Vivillons on GTS, are they hacked ones?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227385 ya didn't mean to skip u just tryna multitask
>>22227413 gotta do a few other things on here before i can get to that
Rod - 3969-4606-0720
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>>22227413 I would like, but I don't know how to do it.
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>>22227282 would you be able to shinify a latias i just caught and change her ivs to 31/x/31/31/31/31?
dami 3909 7903 8092
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Any kind Powersaves user who could help me out with one of my mons? Needs shiny/6IV/Adamant
Bobbit 1650 3715 5879
Quoted By:
>>22227454 No worries, I'll be lurking.
capnjazz - 3969-4661-0389
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can anyone on here power save luxury balls onto three of my pokes? i can offer a few legendaries, wish chansey, any items.
David 0104-0365-5881
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I gotaa leave soon guys so ill only be doing these
>>22227274 >>22227303 >>22227385 David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227274 Ok I'm adding u now get ready
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227578 that was me with the spinarak
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
Quoted By:
>>22227621 My bad I thought it was a pass by
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 COLA
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can someone help me with these? Swablu - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs In a dreamball Shroomish - 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs, Jolly nature holding ability capsule. Cottonee - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, Bold nature holding an ability capsule.
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
>>22227621 Thanks man ur amazing
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227303 Ok I'm done and on to you now!
>>22227179 >>22227226 I kekked more than I should have
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
>>22227743 Np
>>22227303 My IGN is Colress, what natures u want?
IGN: Thiago FC: 1177 8744 3214
>>22227747 I'm ready :)
Just change the Darkrai and Latias nature to Timid
David 0104-0365-5881
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227786 I like those mons, is the darkrai legit? don't remember that event being shiny
IGN: Thiago FC: 1177 8744 3214
>>22227882 I really do not know, a friend of mine gave gift.
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227904 i don't think it is, the latias is nice tho, ok I'm done
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May someone get me a Dusk Stone? The Global Link is being a bitch
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22227310 Ok! Good things come to those who wait, its ur turn, are u ready my friend? Gonna add u now
IGN: Thiago FC: 1177 8744 3214
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>>22227919 Thanks so much!!! ur amazing!!
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>>22227971 Yep I'm ready and have you added! Go when you're good
Jack FC: 0018-1906-9896
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Hey I can you shinify and give 6iv to my latias? Tanks in advance!
Dan 1547 6339 4135
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>>22227507 Bumping in case someone's available.
so anyone use these power saved mons in tourneys and such vgc, does it pass through the checks if they are legal hacks ?
>>22228039 No, you get disqualified.
>>22227971 Thanks m8! Abaddon looking p swole now!
Quoted By:
It possible to change a mons location and game (to make a Reshiram shiny and legal by making it from ORAS)?
David 0104-0365-5881
>>22228113 Haha np thanks for the rare candy
David 0104-0365-5881
Quoted By:
Alright guys I gotta leave now, i shud be back tomorrow to do more requests!
Wynnona [0946-3169-1890]
Excuse me, but PS can get you any item in the game's code or just the Maison/MS?
>>22228059 what about hacked parent mons that bred a ingame poke child? Is it the check via the entire cartridge, like can i have hacked mons in my PC but im not using?
btw Thanks for answering my question anon, appreciate it.
Brian 1006-0535-5147
Quoted By:
>>22228129 is it my turn now
>>22228149 Sometimes you can slip one of those by but they catch it and disqualify you most of the time.
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>>22228148 https://powersaves3ds.maximummemory.com/ Click omega ruby and a list of all the codes will pop up.
You should just go buy one for 20 sheckels or shoplift it :^)
>>22228164 ah, i see. Thanks, anon. btw what is your source?
Do you have any knowedge about pkhex whether or not that is untraceable in official tournaments and vgc?
>>22228185 It has a lot to do with how the rng generates the IVs for eggs, funky parents are going to create funky eggs if all the hidden algorithms don't mesh properly.
>>22228226 hmm interesting. I'm curious to know how these checks work. Because I'm convinced that 90+ % of people in vgcs must use a hacked mon direct or indirectly (maybe a hacked 6 iv ditto grandparent or something).
Is pkhex a viable answer?
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>>22228281 well ray rizzo got through with his dreamball aegislash
Just got around to using my new powersaves, this thing is stupid easy
Dan 1547 6339 4135
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>>22228307 Wanna experiment with my pokemon?
>>22228281 Everyone at that level is using power saved mons, it would take too damn long to train otherwise.
Power saves lets you switch natures, EV's and IV's on the fly. No way the meta would be constantly shifting on cart if players had to COMPLETELY retrain their mons just to try a different build.
I need help. All of a sudden I can't do online battles with my powersaves pokes. I know I didn't do anything crazy with them
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>>22228315 have you actually entered a vgc tournament though with powersaved mons? See i've heard people pass and people get caught with only iv changes
>>22228328 If you weren't a dingus, you enabled the autosaving, just roll back on the saves until your pokemon work, and it should identify the problem too.
Did you fake wondercard a pok? Those don't work.
>>22228328 I've heard a few others mention this recently, apparently GF has been stepping up their game recently with the online checks.
>>22228149 I play competitively and I was never caught using a 6IV ditto to breed competitive Pokemon. The official tournaments honestly can't recognize RNG abuse, let alone which parent is legitimate or not. They even tested to two variants of the same Pokemon I breed using a 3IV ditto through RGN abuse (Also known as the Time Machine Method) and the other just using a 6IV Jap Ditto. I still wasn't caught despite getting 6IVs on Metagross and Rotom is very unlikely without RNG abuse or 6IV ditto.
>>22228355 Nope.
But looking back.. I might've given more EVs than I should have.
Even if I backtrack my backups, it would be forever before I find the one before I did anything to my team.
All I did was change gender on one, changed what ball they were in, IVs and EVs and shinified them.
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>>22228371 But in Free Battle?
Makes no sense.
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>>22228385 >Use team, it fails >Switch one mon out for a random you caught, check to see if it works. >Repeat above until problem is found. Anonymous
>>22228375 Im assuming the 6IV jp Ditto was powersaved right?
Do you yourself powersave or pkhex to generate your competitive mons? What is your method to avoid detection?
Quoted By:
Can powersaves change OT or pokemon ID's?
>>22228385 It's probably the ball. I see a lot of issues when it comes to online when people mess with the balls
>>22228411 Ya don't generate a mon through power saves, if you do, it carries the "Apparently caught/acquired/etc.." Which prevents use online.
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>>22228432 I could change that and reset the EVs. But all I did was change them from dark/regular pokeball to dive balls.
I did, however, change my Omastars pokeball to a dive ball, that could be it.
>>22228443 sorry, meant to say edited kalos born pokemon. I'm just wondering what the fail-proof method is to use pkhex or powersaves to breed competitive pokemon for VGC and official tourneys.
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
Quoted By:
If anyone's still around to take a request, I'd like to ask for some IV and nature changes to two of my pokemon.
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>>22228480 Over thinking it. There's literally NO way to tell if a pokemon is fake or not if it's well within the norm. If your team works in battlespot, it will work in any event.
Want fail proof? Breed with IV ditto and trade to another cart.
>>22228411 I know a friend who has powersave, so there's no point of me getting one. I don't edit IVs, shinfy or any other tampering. All I asked from him was a couple 6IV dittos and a couple of Hidden Power ones with various natures and bred them up with Pokemon I had.
I really doubt any online check available now can detect if you're using a hacked ditto or not as a parent for IVs. Again, the game has a method where you can RNG abuse and determine exactly what IV spread the Pokemon you're hatching can have, all within the game's parameters.
I really doubt they can detect if one parent from a hatch Pokemon's IV spread was a genned, because so far I haven't been caught and I have been using both RNG and 6IV Dittos constantly and still haven't been found out.
capnjazz - 3969-4661-0389
Quoted By:
anyone to take a few requests? i have four pokemon in pokeballs that i want changed into luxury balls. i can trade a few legendaries or any item.
>>22226344 Where does one obtain powersave?
And for hoe many shekels?
Quoted By:
>>22228620 >ctrl+f >she >2 results I think you can figure it out from there :^)
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>>22228620 I got mine off Amazon, and it was like 15$
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>>22228582 fa sho,
sounds like going with a hacked IV ditto might be my best solution then
>>22226344 Can you help me with my Shiny Salamence? It has shit IV's and nature. Can you change the nature and IV's?
a nigger 3345 3334 38483
>>22228705 added. and taking more requests
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>>22228866 Not even trying faggot
>>22228866 Alright man thanks. Let me know when Youre ready, I'm playing at the Maison at the moment. Can you change moves?
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someone here can PS me a custap berry? I erased mine accidentally trying to clone it, I can breed you anything in return. Thanks in advance
If you edit a pokemon with powersaves can it still go into the battle maison?
>>22228968 Of course, you can even play online.
>>22228992 Why isn't it working for me? ;_; Anonymous
>>22229009 Cause your mon's are not legal in some way.
There's a limit to EV's, IV's, pokeball type, moves, etc. If it was generated through wondertrade, it wont work either.
Catch mon you want, switch nature and IV+EV. Will work online and in maison.
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>>22229088 Ah I got it now
Thanks anon!
Quoted By:
So can anyone help me with my request? Can you change moves BTW?
>>22228900 Anonymous
Can powersaves teach a pokemon a move?
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Any kind person taking requests?
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
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Anyone got galladite they don't need?
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Quoted By:
>>22230403 Are you able to change OT or ID's?
Butler 3153-3783-9778
>>22230403 Never been to a pokesav thread before but is it possible to change IVs on a pokemon? If so I'd like you to change the IVs on my shiny Tyrantrum, got very unlucky with the IVs after hatching something close to 1400 eggs or so.
>>22230403 I would like to request the same thing as this guy, but with my shiny Salamence.
>>22230525 Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230403 >>22230525 >>22230571 Make sure to add my ID and respond to my post, also include your FC. (Butler did)
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
Quoted By:
>>22230403 same as previous requests, but with my Glaceon
Butler 3153-3783-9778
>>22230571 Just would like standard 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs is all. Really appreciate it man.
Butler 3153-3783-9778
>>22230622 >>22230601 Whoops, meant to respond to you.
I might be able to do some requests in about 30mins.Or maybe take a crack at genning the Genies. We'll see what I feel like after a smoke.
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230629 Sorry about that, I wanted to test out my Quagsire =)
Butler 3153-3783-9778
Quoted By:
>>22230672 Thanks man, I really do appreciate it.
>>22230601 I'm the Salamence guy. Can you help me tommarow? I'm going to sleep it's late.
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230764 Sure. I'm usually on around now =)
>>22230636 Ooh, if you're gonna gen could you make me a Meloetta?
>>22230785 I've already got tons of them on my Y cart. Once I have had a smoke I'll get on and can send you one.
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
>>22230774 Hey sabi are you taking requests?
VL 4570 7978 1538
>>22230774 Shit if you can help me right now, I'll stay up. I just need you to change my Salamence to
252 atk/ 252 spe/ 4 Def
And change all IV's to 31.
Adding you right now
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
>>22230801 Hell yeah, motherfucker. Can you IV/Nature/Name it and all that good stuff? Timid, 5IV (0 attack), named Melody. If not I'll settle.
Also not to get greedy but if you have any trash eventmons like Genesect and whatnot I'll take them off your hands for my Pokedex
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230819 Yessir. As long as I can keep my little eyes open
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Fri 19 Dec 2014 09:47:16 No. 22230846 Report >>22230828 Sorry but the thing isn't IV fixed as I got them before we had IV codes, and I am lazy.
But as a consolation I can send pretty much any event mon you are looking for your way. So make a list.
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230823 You need to be online. Or your ign isn't VL. I don't know
>>22230846 Hi Sean
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
>>22230846 Okay, nbd. For future reference, is renaming something that a powersaver could do for me at a later date? I don't see it brought up much. Here's what I need:
and that will 100% my dex.
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
>>22230838 Would you be able to change natures on my mons and if you got a spare dusk dawn stone or galladite
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230875 I have a Manaphy, Shaymin, Darkraid, Meloetta, and Genesect I can clone. Pretty sure you can't get a Volcanion without powersaves yourself.
>>22230877 Yuppers
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Fri 19 Dec 2014 09:55:33 No. 22230890 Report >>22230875 I can do all those sans the Volcanion which isn't trade-able. The Phione and Shaymin are shiny if that matters.
I'll be back in a bit and will add you and get on. Just shitmons back is cool.
>>22230874 Hi Sabi.
VL 4570 7978 1538
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>>22230874 It's landon. How long is it going to take?
VL 4570 7978 1538
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>>22230886 Thanks I'm sending you a meta gross as well, if you can shiny it up.
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
>>22230886 >>22230890 Thanks, dudes. I guess I'll add both of you to ease the workload?
Also Sabi if you got the time could you make a Meloetta 5IV Timid for me? A rename to Melody would be nice too but I'm still unsure if that's doable with powersaves.
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
>>22230886 Can you change natures
Ralts: Adamant
Could you also make deino and home she not have the jpn tag
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
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>>22230936 Honedge not home she wtf
VL 4570 7978 1538
Quoted By:
>>22230886 Thank you based Sabi. Like really thank you. Good night.
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
>>22230886 Also would you be able to shiny my drink and honedge please?
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
Quoted By:
>>22230930 Actually if you're gonna do it make it Modest. No rush though.
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Fri 19 Dec 2014 10:13:59 No. 22230985 Report >>22230930 I'm back and adding you now.
I'll just send all of them.
Also the Manaphy is shiny. I missed seeing it in the other post.
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
>>22230985 Ok, cool. Thanks.
Roy 4227-0773-7329
>>22230838 Would you be able to shinify and 6iv my Gallade, pidgeot and pyroar? Perhaps give them leftovers?
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Fri 19 Dec 2014 10:17:11 No. 22231002 Report >>22230994 Ok just checked and no Phione sorry. Must have not replenished from the bank in a while.
I'll send all the others though.
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
>>22231002 That's fine, I'll breed it. :)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham)
Sean : 2079-8175-8358 (Fighting: Riolu, Mienfoo, Pancham) Fri 19 Dec 2014 10:23:14 No. 22231025 Report >>22231005 Are you going to accept the trade invite?
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
Quoted By:
>>22231025 What the hell? I don't see you on. Let me restart my game.
Haruka (2793 - 0985 - 3365)
Quoted By:
>>22231025 Communication interrupted?
FC: 4871-5835-1109 IGN:GoonZ
>>22230886 Holy shit Sabi you're too nice mate, thank you so much man
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22230996 I'm sorry, I'm a bimbo. I've forgotten my charger and so I'm done for the the night.
>>22231129 I live to please =). I was actually paranoid that entire time because my 3ds was blinking red and I misplaced my charger. I didn't want to steal your mons.
Roy 4227-0773-7329
>>22231151 No problem! Glad you do this for the people
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
>>22231184 If nobody gets you, I'll be on this time tomorrow (well, three to two hours earlier then now. I have sleeping issues, because reasons.)
Roy 4227-0773-7329
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 COLA
Quoted By:
can someone help me with these? Swablu - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs In a dreamball Shroomish - 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs, Jolly nature holding ability capsule. Cottonee - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, Bold nature holding an ability capsule.
Quoted By:
Can someone help me with a Latios? Latios - 31/xx/xx/31/xx/31 - Timid. If anyone so kind ;-;
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Permanent Megas wtf, this is awesome.
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Anyone around to take a small request?
Felinos - 4699 - 7503 - 6482
I lost the Diancie event, so I'm looking for one for dat mega on ORAS, is possible to clone one if someone have it? Or at least a tradable mew in ORAS.
Nilus fc:0559-7044-6157
I'm not sure if you could do this but could a powersaves get me the victini from the wonder card event from oras? I know you can replicate those wonder cards so I was wondering of you could do the level 15 victini with v create. It's in omega ruby and alpha saphire
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Felinos - 4699 - 7503 - 6482
>>22235440 Can you do the diancie on
>>22234955 ?
>>22235440 For reals? I need my rock to be shiny so bad...
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Can someone make my Keldeo Timid nature and perfect IVs
1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
>>22235440 Hi, I need my Ralts gender changed to female and spatk iv made 31, could you help me out please?
Sabi 2938-6820-2098
Quoted By:
>>22235440 Are you able to shinify?
VL 4570 7978 1538
Quoted By:
>>22235521 Hey Sabi. Can you shiny some of my mons again? Thanks.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
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>>22235521 >>22235499 Sorry, I have to go soon, feel free to skip me. Thanks though!
Summer 2122-7150-5977
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>>22235440 Can you clone my milotic, 6 IV my diancie and change Diancie's nature to hasty.
Felinos - 4699 - 7503 - 6482
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>>22235521 Adding you right now!
Aran 457095508415
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I'm trying to get a shiny houndour for my girlfriend, Male Perfect IV nicknamed, Rin Luxury Ball I have eaten few houndour if I need to send one out. Been on the hunt for weeks now..
raizon937: 1822-1766-1569
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>>22235521 If you have time after the previous requests, I was the one asking for some IV changes to my Glaceon a few hours back. I already have you on my friend list. Thanks in advance.
0619 - 5824 - 1980 (IGN: L)
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>>22235440 Could you shinify one of my mons?
Gonzo 5129-1464-0199
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>>22235521 Can u make my serperior shiny and have HP fire please
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 COLA
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can someone help me with these? Swablu - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs In a dreamball Shroomish - 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs, Jolly nature holding ability capsule. Cottonee - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, Bold nature holding an ability capsule.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
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>>22235521 By rock I meant Regirock of course... My info is now up and I'll add you in a second.
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>>22235440 >>22235058 Is this possible? Pigin
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Sabi is rusing aal of u stupid idiots
Darien - 4399-1585-9239
If someone could get me a foreign(I'm from the UK) ditto with good IVs I would be so grateful. I'll give you my legit shiny wurmple, the only shiny I've ever legitimately acquired. I just want to try breeding.
0619 - 5824 - 1980 (IGN: L)
>>22235874 I can give you one :) the ditto isn't shiny but it has 5 perfect IVs and is Japanese
Darien - 4399-1585-9239
>>22235909 Do you want the wurmple and the Mesprit? Or just one? One the wurmple is shiny
0619 - 5824 - 1980 (IGN: L)
>>22235928 I have the lake trio. Registering your FC now
Darien - 4399-1585-9239
>>22235933 I have added you.
0619 - 5824 - 1980 (IGN: L)
>>22235960 Says you're busy - invite me to trade when you can
Darien - 4399-1585-9239
>>22235991 Thank you very much! I really appreciate it.
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can someone change my serperior to japanese
Darien - 4399-1585-9239
>>22236037 Or I would appreciate it if it actually had ANY perfect IVs. These feels. That was the only legit shiny I've ever found. Now I have a shit jap ditto and my only ever shiny gone.
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>>22236201 It's japanese
Just masuda something for a new one
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
Can anyone change my serperior ivs for HP rock 31/31/30/31/30/30 and my Dragalge's for HP fire 31/30/31/30/31/30
J-Rev: 1564-4365-4200
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Can someone clone and do some IV/Nature fixing on my NP Celebi?
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>>22235963 How was I a ruse when I literally said I'm done for the night? I'll be on when I said I'll be on.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 ign: waifu
Taking 3 requests 3 three no more
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Don't know where the place to go for this is, but between genning and powersaves is it possible for someone to get me a nicknamed Jynx originating in Ruby or Sapphire? How hard would that be?
Can somebody shinify and clone A froakie for me?
Angie: 4613-7420-9781
>>22238138 Could you change a Bulbasaur's IVs for HP Fire and put it into a Nest Ball? Also, if nicknaming is possible, could you name it Indica?
Biv 1392-5750-6236 ign: waifu
1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
>>22238138 Shinify my Ralts, please?
Angie: 4613-7420-9781
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>>22238556 Done. Online atm.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 ign: waifu
Dan the DragonFag 4253-3699-4917
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>>22238138 Bro Can you do this?
>>22236339 1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
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>>22238625 Thank you, added you now.
Angie: 4613-7420-9781
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>>22238625 Also, could you make the Bulbasaur a female as well? Thanks man, u da real mvp.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena)
>>22238625 Would you like one of those Ralts for yourself? I can nickname one for you, or even leave it with standard name.
I'm tired of breeding. Biv 1392-5750-6236 ign: waifu
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>>22238674 Can you make this
>>22238368 for me?
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>>22238674 I thought maybe you might not like the nickname the one I sent you have.
Biv 1392-5750-6236 ign: waifu
walking dog brb BUT not before the two requests
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>>22238706 Thank you for the Ralts! You're the best!
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Can someone change my Florges's nature from bold to Calm?
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Signing up as first for Sabi.
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What is a good guide to backing up data?
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So if I give my extra version of the game the Eon ticket with Powersave, then streetpass with my main game (two separate 3ds's), i could get a 'legit' eon ticket on my real game right?
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Question for those with Powersaves. Does shinifying a pokemon fuck up the PID and make the pokemon illegal and unusable on wifi, like it in past gens? Or has the generating process changed since gen V?
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is this place dead? I want to close some diancie's for people whom may need them.
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>tfw complete pokedex code is released for oras
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Patiently waiting for Sabi. To wake up.
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tfw my powersave device isn't working and can't help you cancerous jew out
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Is there a chance that some anon can get me a 6iv japanese shiny ditto?
Ill do shit for you guys, in return id like event mew/genesect/victini
CPT 3282-3353-5313
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Any Helper? My rock is forever doomed.
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Ask not what powersaves can do for you. Ask what you can do for powersaves.
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Any powersavers on?
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
Just bought a powersaves today so I can now gen and PS for people. Reply to this post with your requests.
powersaver here for a short bit.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241664 ah. a good start, forgot my info.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22241672 Can you make me a HA fire ditto?
>>22241645 Hey pal, could you help pimp my Regirock?
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
>>22241645 Hi can you make my buneary perfect IVs and shinify it?
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241684 just a 31/30/31/30/30/31 ditto? yes.
Drunk, but I'll give it a shot.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241686 >>22241698 Sure just let me know how pimping you want your regirock to be.
>>22241718 How goes it fellow drunk powersaver.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
>>22241716 Yeah, that'd be great. Do you need me to give you a ditto?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22241718 Can you clone my Milotic and Meloetta?
>>22241728 Pretty good. I got some pizza and weed. You?
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
>>22241728 >>22241645 Cool. If you can help me shinify some mons, and EV train the mons I'm breeding. Thanks for helping me with the dex I finished it BTW.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241730 nope, got one. the nature will be jolly, if that's all right. adding you now.
I bounce between two carts, my IGN will be merc.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
>>22241746 Wow.. My bad...
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
Sophitis 1607-3486-0661
>>22241739 Keep what I give you.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241741 I got some shitty tecate beer, some pumpkin pie and just finished watching the new godzilla movie alone, bretty gud friday so far.
>>22241749 Ohh valentine, right? No problem man! Gotta justify buying that bank somehow. Yeah, I can help you with that. Wanna trade your mons right now?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
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>>22241788 Thank you.
I was looking for a cottonee earlier.
>>22241789 Let me finish breeding. But I don't see you online. I think you might have deleted my FC.
>>22241789 And of course. The five dollars has to be absolutely worth it.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
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>>22241774 ignore the symbols, they were from before I PS'd them.
Marcus 2509-0886-0985
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241823 notta prob. I'm up for a few more requests.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241799 >>22241809 Only bought it for genning so I'm glad to help out others with it. I still have you added, just send me a TR when you're ready.
>>22241645 sorry if you're busy, but could you gen a shaymin for me please?
>>22241831 would you be able to shinify an oras latias and change her ivs to 31/x/31/31/31/31?
dami 3909 7903 8092
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
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>>22241850 sure thing, adding you.
>>22241833 Alright it's a large request, is that cool? About 9 mons.
>>22241831 Could I get a level 100 female Leafeon nick named newfeggit? Literally nothing else matters about it. Will throw up a level 40, female, sharped on GTS. thank you.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241845 Sorry I'm not doing gen requests tonight.
>>22241866 9? That'll take a while but I'm up for it. What are your 9 requests?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
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>>22241788 Thanks so much.
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
>>22241728 Im ready to trade whenever
>>22241887 I just need you toshiny all 9, and modify a landorus, and EV train 5 mons?
Dulcinea 3866-9347-8363
>>22241833 Any chance you could make my Camerupt 6IV with a Quirky nature?
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241908 I'll do your request first before I start on VL's.
>>22241910 Are the 5 EV trained pokemon part of the 9?
>>22241919 Yeah, I can do that. Let me just finish this other request first.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241880 I can't create mons with PS, only modify'em. if you have a leafeon I can boost it to 100 and even make it female, but yeah, them's the limits man
djpuffypants 2148 8150 9051
>>22241932 Can you change the ball of one of my omanytes? I want to breed it with a decent ball
>>22241936 thank you for the latias.
let me ask you though why did the id number and level met change?
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22241962 No problem! But I don't think you can nickname that buneary now. I can unshinify it for you to do so if you want.
>>22241952 Sure, shouldn't be an issue.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
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>>22241961 The ID change is natural.
>>22241936 Ahh, thought you were gen'n also. Let me evolve this shit eevee, throught up a shit mon on gts & I'll send it to you?
djpuffypants 2148 8150 9051
>>22241993 What kind of balls can you do?
>>22241932 Alright so shiny everything.
Just Shiny
6 IV, 252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP EV's
252 SP ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
252 SP ATK, 252 SPE, 4 ATK
252 SP ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22241961 unfortunately, the way shinifying works now right now, it modifies the pokemon's ID and essentially turns it into a traded pokemon. if you wanted to slap a nickname on your lati, you'll have to send it back to me, have me unshiny it (this returns it to its normal ID), give it back to you for a nickname, and then redo the original process.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22242005 sorry, nah, only got PS.
you can put the nickname on the eevee and we can trade regularly? or I guess the GTS, though that seems to be more of a hassle?
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22242030 Could you possibly shinify my pawniard and name it "Sapphire" and modify my Diancie so it has 6 IV's and turn it into hasty nature.
Dulcinea 3866-9347-8363
>>22241932 Thanks so much!
>>22242030 Evolved my Eevee to leafeon. throw up a shit mon & I'll send it to you.(Need it named newfeggit & level 100) thank you.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22242018 I can do all of them but as I far as I know omanyte can't legally be in any kurt balls but I can do those as well.
>>22242028 Alright that should help me out. I have you added but I forget your IGN.
>>22242054 Enjoy!
>>22242051 Well, just need it level 100 then, just throw something up with /vp/ or something. trying to be anonymoose as possible.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
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>>22242055 powersaves can't do nicknames.
but I've got a hoard of eevees so I just evolved one into a leafeon, I'll PS on the specs you want, just give me your friend code and I'll toss it over.
>>22242071 It's landon. But I'm almost done with the Treecko.
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22242078 ah, got it. kay, I'm gonna throw up a jigglypuff. ign: merc
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22242108 puff is up, msg: anonymoose.
>>22242053 powersaves cannot do nicknames. you'll have to do that yourself, unless it's a traded mon. but I can shinify the pawniard and do the changes to diancie.
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Could anyone clone their Diancie? Don't really care if it's hacked or legit, as long as it can get the mega stone.
Summer 2122-7150-5977
>>22242126 Thank you.
I'll have to find the Alfonso guy later.
Adding you right now
>>22242108 thank, much anonymoose.
Muh level 40 female sharpedo is still up, so when you're done, just send it back, please. thank you!
djpuffypants 2148 8150 9051
>>22242071 I didn't think anything other then a pokeball was legal for him
Well I think I'll take it in a moon ball. Ready to trade whenever you are
Miguel stealing my thunder by powersaving! Oh well I'm tired anyway. =p
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22242100 Ok send TR when you're ready.
>>22242156 Moon ball is illegal on omanyte. I can still change it to that but I'm not sure if it will be tradeable. Check this link.
http://www.serebii.net/games/geniball.shtml >>22242176 No! I just wanna help, I swear! Maybe this can lower the burden on your shoulders?
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
>>22242150 leafeon is bombs away. enjoy bud.
>>22242139 adding you now. you'll also be my last request fill for the night, I've got the sleepies.
>>22242187 =p. The more people who help the merrier. Plus you are the cool kid, what with the genning =p
djpuffypants 2148 8150 9051
>>22242187 Well just in case I can't trade it can you duplicate that omanyte and put the other one in a dive ball?
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>>22242203 much thank, very anonymoose
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22242211 That is true but I'll try to stay out of your way when you help those in these threads. Don't wanna be stealing your thunder! Nooo, it's like I told VL, gotta justify buying bank somehow lol.
>>22242226 I got both so we'll see which are tradeable.
>>22242187 Alright I'm ready. Sending you a TR. Thanks.
djpuffypants 2148 8150 9051
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>>22242259 Thanks man, you're a life saver
Summer 2122-7150-5977
Izzy (2809 8201 4416)
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>>22242294 np, enjoy'em. and godspeed to the people who need genners for nickname changes, wish I coulda helped you there.
headin' out, night folks.
>>22242259 Yeah, you best. I'm crazy.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22242283 Not sure how to get the last 4 EV on the pokemon but that shouldn't be too hard for you to do right?
>>22242323 Welp, looks like I'm sticking to pokegen threads then.
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>>22242381 >>22242381 No problem man. You're saving me about 3 hours of EV training. I'll just level them up tonight. And finish the Maison tommarow and finally get my gold trainer card. Thanks man, you've done a lot.
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anyone powersavers still around? I just need the IVs of two mons edited Not a must but if possible, just to spawn a reset bag in your game so you can reset one of my mons
>>22242381 Thanks Miguel, seriously. Thank you. Like a lot.
Miguel 1049-0230-1440
>>22242522 I might pop into a powersaves thread again in the future so if you ever need anything just ask!
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>>22242534 Sabi was just joking. I think. Thanks Man.
Shunf 1392 3910 6045
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Could anyone clone something for me?
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Is there anybody here? I really need a perosn to help me with my snivy, please
Dalai 3840-6650-2781 COLA
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can someone help me modify these pokemon? Swablu - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs In a dreamball Shroomish - 31/31/31/x/31/31 IVs, Jolly nature holding ability capsule. Cottonee - 31/31/31/31/31/31 IVs, Bold nature holding an ability capsule.