Hey fags I saw the trailer for the new game. Here's what we learn;
>Pokemon AXYZ
>Releasing August 2015
>Third version, not sequel
>Retailing at 29.99US, probably because of lack of new content due to it not being a sequel or remake
>Mega Zygarde featured
>Expanded plot featuring Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde
>Postgame quest involving AZ, Zinnia and Lysandre. Looks like it'll be full of lore. N also appears, looks like it'll just be a cameo though
>30+ new Megas promised
>Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja, Zygarde, Talonflame, Lumineon, Druddigon, Kingdra and Rapidash Mega Evos shown
>Battle Maison expanded with new modes including a Rental mode and an Arcade mode (like the Battle Factory and Battle Arcade from past BFs). Probably the closest we're gonna get to the Battle Frontier
>Expanded region (map not shown but a couple of areas completely different from any in XY are shown) and an expanded Pokedex (Fourth Kalos Dex shown)
>Volcanion event teased (silhouette shown, no actual reveal)