Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Quoted By:
Merry Christmas all!
Quoted By:
I still want a contrary serperior!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 21 Dec 2014 22:34:01 No. 22259171 Report >>22259124 Getting a Wingull now!
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile)
Zack 0791-1775-0194 (Inkay, Vullaby, Sandile) Sun 21 Dec 2014 22:38:37 No. 22259221 Report Quoted By:
>>22259171 Just deposited the Wingull, thanks again!
Emiliano (0748-3978-0393)
Karp going up for incarnate latias!
>>22259124 Thanks for doing the giveaway, guys.
My Wingull is up for the 6th gen Latias.
IGN Anthony 1177-7749-1304
IGN Miles 4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
Wingull is up. Thanks OP!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 22:44:04 No. 22259290 Report Quoted By:
>>22259257 No problemo. We'll get to everyone ASAP!
IGN Robin 3196-4716-2565
Wingull's going up for that Hasty Latios
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Quoted By:
>>22259239 Havent seen your karp yet Emiliano
JD Dark FC: 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
Quoted By:
>>22259124 wingul up thanks lex and want latios
IGN: Trixie
>>22259124 Level 10 male Karp up for Latias. Thanks for the early Christmas gift, Lex and Incarnate!
>>22259124 Wingull up for Eon Latios! Thanks for the giveaway guys.
James 2105-9140-9203
Quoted By:
my wingull is up for the eon ticket Latias
johan 0189-8562-3347
>>22259124 i would like a gen 6 latias please.
IGN: Y 2895-8450-2887
Quoted By:
>>22259346 Sorry forgot info
Jonathan 2208-5462-3594
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for Latios.
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Magikarp up for Latias with Defog. Thanks OP.
At work and don't have my 3DS on me or my friend code (obviously). Do you think this will last another two hours or so, Lex?
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22259340 >>22259372 You'll have to give me a moment, trades arent going through for me. I will trade you and all others as soon as I can.
johan 0189-8562-3347
Quoted By:
Gull up for latios soul dew
>>22259124 Wingull up. IGN Neph. Thank ya both!
Magikarp up for Latias with defog. IGN is Owen.
Hullinov 2981-7049-9211
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for Latias, thank you in advance!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 22:54:34 No. 22259428 Report >>22259379 We'll keep going at it until we run out/get tired.
Wingull's up for 6th gen Latias
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Quoted By:
>>22259384 That's ok. Take your time.
Aren't FC's pointless? You can't see them on the GTS, and it would be very easy just to grab a different one if you wanted to double dip.
Quoted By:
>>22259428 Cool thanks! I will try to make it before the Eons run out! I really need a Latios for dex because all my friends with Eon Tickets are on the other side of my state...
Merry Christmas and thanks for all your giveaways bros!
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22259451 We try to keep track ourselves
Quoted By:
Wingull up for Latias Shizune 1435-6327-1429 Merry Christmas and thanks!
Dirt FC: 4012 5620 1757
IGN Robin 3196-4716-2565
Quoted By:
>>22259307 Just got mine. Thanks a bunch
Quoted By:
>>22259124 IGN: Edgardo
FC: 2036-6962-1172
Bird up for Lex's Latias.
Quoted By:
>>22259411 Retarded and forgot FC: 3583-1118-1546
Quoted By:
>>22259124 wingull up for latias thanks
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Alright, I'm up and running again. Sorry for the wait, and thanks for understanding. Sending out Latis now.
>>22259124 wing up for Latias, thanks!
Kael 2981-6866-9970
>>22259553 Thanks for the Latias.
btw, when can we expect the ES Linoone giveaway?
Karp up for defog latios. IGN Niall.
ANTO 4785-4837-3310
Quoted By:
Magikarp up for Incarnate's Latias Thanks! I've been needing a Defog Lati for a while
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:11:21 No. 22259608 Report >>22259589 Probably tomorrow or the day after.
I'm not sure if the Japanese event happened yet (or if it's on Powersaves, haven't checked).
If not, I have a few legit Linoones I could give away but they aren't from Gen 6.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:12:48 No. 22259625 Report >>22259621 Yep, still going.
If you want one, post your in game and AND your FC
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Kael 2981-6866-9970
Quoted By:
>>22259124 ign Michi karp is up
Quoted By:
>>22259412 Forgot FC. 0018-2980-0837
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
Quoted By:
Magikarp up for Incarnate's Latias. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Gull up
ign- Dabsy
fc- 3050-8968-9709
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Thank you so much for the giveaway, my IGN is Johnny and my fc is 3797-7039-8995. I will put up a Karp for one of those Latias, thanks again!
Wingull is up! IGN is Marisa. FC is 4828 - 4137 - 9567 Thank you so much!
Nokhin 3711 9639 0866
Quoted By:
karp up thanks!
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for Latios. IGN: Slim FC: 0963 0279 3167
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for Latias, IGN Ozirisa, thank you!
Brian 1006-0535-5147
>>22259124 karp going up for latios
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Quoted By:
Apologies, I am running behind. Replacing my entire stock due to a ribbon preventing trade. ETA 5-10 for Latias and 10 for Latios.
>>22259625 wingull is up fc is 0490-5320-4186
Ben 4055-4811-9833
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull is up. Thanks alot guys!
IGN: Liamaru
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Karp is going up for Latias. Greatly appreciate it.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:22:37 No. 22259745 Report >>22259727 Oops, I need your in game name too. Sorry, typo'd in my reply.
Quoted By:
>>22259694 .
Just wanted to say thanks. This Latios is absolutely wonderful.
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Quoted By:
>>22259459 Magikarp is up for Latios
Thanks for this guys.
Quoted By:
>>22259745 yeah sorry in game name is O
Quoted By:
Wingull up for latios. FC:4828-6499-1241 IGN; Clara
Merando (0146-9448-5969)
>>22259124 wingull up (as soon as i fuckin catch one)
Quoted By:
>>22259596 FC is 1736-0394-6980
Quoted By:
>>22259124 karp up for latias ign is kyle FC is 5000-2740-8000
wingull up FC: 3652 0753 4461 IGN: Aerius
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Put up Magikarp
Russell 3737-9617-6306
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Awesome you guys, I am looking forward for my
Latios for a wingull !
Russell 3737-9617-6306
Quoted By:
>>22259807 Forgot to mention I wanted Latias
3652 0753 4461
magikarp up for latios ign: mitchell fc: 4554-0780-3142
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Alright, doing more trades. Inventory is up to half again.
Borrego 4270 2230 2156
Quoted By:
>>22259124 I want a latios! Wingull is up~
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:30:55 No. 22259872 Report Not sure if anyone will see this, but it helps if you mention what Lati you want in your post.
Quoted By:
wingull up for latias FC: 1693-3195-5176 IGN: Mist
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
>>22259853 I went to the GTS, and I asked for a Latios, but I didn't have one in my Pokedex so I had to type it in myself.
Are you still able to view it?
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22259894 I should be able to.
Checo 4828-6280-2847
Quoted By:
>>22259124 >Scrap event soon Fuck yes
Would take a Latios from Lex
>>22259872 Sure, I already did. Could you tell what Arceus you are going to give and when?
Merando (0146-9448-5969)
Quoted By:
>>22259872 oh sorry
>>22259784 id like a latios
jupiterian 2852-8505-4420
Got any 6iv foreign ditto?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:37:32 No. 22259944 Report >>22259910 Not sure, depends on what people want.
I was just gonna give away regular Arceus with an Ability Capsule.
I hope you enjoy your Latis!
Quoted By:
Wingull Up for Latios!
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:39:04 No. 22259967 Report >>22259941 Nope, but I'm gonna do a giveaway of those later as well
Brian 1006-0535-5147
Quoted By:
>>22259710 my bad i actually wanted Lex's Latios i switched out the carp for a wingull
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Alright, I've taken care of every karp I've seen on the GTS. If you haven't received Lati@s yet, double check your trade listing.
Merando (0146-9448-5969)
Quoted By:
>>22259944 holy shit you are fast, thank you
(im a fuckin idiot i mixed latios and latias now i have two latias)
Batty (5343-7811-9487)
Quoted By:
Putting up a Wingull for Latias. Thanks a bunch for this, and Merry Christmas.
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
>>22259982 Lvl. 18 Magikarp with Mystic Water,
Level Wanted: 91 or higher,
Pokemon you want: Latios
Maybe you can't see one that I type in myself
IGN Rizotto
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up, for the Eon ticket Latios
Quoted By:
deposited a wingull for latias ^_^ IGN: Jibaku FC: 2079-7222-8589
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22260009 I'm going to refresh my connection; GTS can be laggy. I dont doubt you have it up.
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22260009 >>22260036 Take it down and put it back up; still not there.
IGN: Jessica. FC: 5043-3380-7400. Bird up for the Latias. Thanks and merry christmas.
Lex do you have any latias left?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:46:43 No. 22260082 Report >>22260068 Yep, plenty.
Put up a gull and give me your FC and in game name.
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
Have you seen my Magikarp? It's a korean one, only one I had. Should I put it up again?
>>22259967 This same thread?
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
>>22260053 Put it up again.
Quoted By:
I would like one of your Latias. FC: 5257-9744-8555 IGN: May
Quoted By:
>>22260060 Whoops I meant Latios.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Sun 21 Dec 2014 23:49:09 No. 22260112 Report Quoted By:
>>22260101 In a different thread.
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
>>22260098 >>22260103 Also just to be clear I'm pretty sure my Magikarp is Korean too
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22260098 I see a Korean one atm, but its asking for a Milotic. Just re-list it so it will pop up again.
Quoted By:
>>22259556 Sorry I missed the part about posting FC: 3797-5939-9780 for 6 gen Latias
IGN: Dean
Quoted By:
Damn i forgot to put my FC: 5258-0105-9017 Wingull up for Latios and Thank you very much
Quoted By:
name Starlight fc 0688 5546 0564 wanting Latias wingull up.
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
Quoted By:
>>22260082 Ign sgt pepper. Fc 0404 6356 7564. Happy Christmas.
IGN: Trixie
>>22259626 Thanks very much :D
And Merry Christmas, Incarnate!
Sparky 4141-3120-3453
>>22259124 karp up for latios
Incarnate !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
>>22260157 no problem, you too
>>22260171 >>22260147 >>22260116 >>22260098 Sooooo, I don't know what's up. Have you guys been sniped, or is the GTS just shitting the bed for me?
Butthat / Tea 2681-0233-4222 One Magikarp placed on the GTS. Really nice of you to do this, Thanks!
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
>>22260233 It might be me, can I get your friend code?
We could just do a regular trade.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:00:03 No. 22260261 Report Quoted By:
I'll be back in a few, guys. I'm gonna grab a bite to eat.
Wingull up got Latias. IGN: Candle Spot
Borrego 4270 2230 2156
Quoted By:
>>22260082 Got my Latios, thanks Lex!
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
>>22260233 >>22260253 That or maybe we could catch a random one and try to put it up. Shouldn't be so hard.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:04:18 No. 22260315 Report >>22260249 Gotcha
>>22260253 >>22260297 Yes, add me, and I will you. I will send trade requests.
>>22259124 Wingull named Eon up for Latias.
IGN: Tokyo Drift
Christopher 5172-1204-9662
Quoted By:
Wingull on GTS and good to go. And a happy new year.
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:07:41 No. 22260357 Report Back, will continue handing out Latis. Remember to posy your FC as well, guys. If you don't I will skip you as listed in the OP.
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
Sparky 4141-3120-3453
>>22260315 mine hadnt been sniped, though i have added you now
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Quoted By:
>>22260315 Shit, the magicarp is still in the GTS
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:09:31 No. 22260380 Report >>22260338 I was trade locked into Latios, I needed you to offer. Sending trade request again, which do you want?
IGN: Rico 0619-4152-6540
Quoted By:
Wingull up for a Latios, thanks you two for doing this!
IGN Saphine
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Karp up for that Defog Latias
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Christopher 5172-1204-9662
>>22260357 And a many thanks to you! That was hella fast.
IGN Candle Spot FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823
Quoted By:
>>22260276 Forgot to up my name and FC.
Oblivion - 3325 2045 0738
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Just put a wingull asking for a Latios in the GTS, thanks in advance :3
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:12:03 No. 22260418 Report >>22260404 I keep a close eye on the GTS.
Sendo 0001-3358-2698
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:13:18 No. 22260429 Report Quoted By:
Ermac 3067-5818-3477
Magikarp up for a Latios!
BenTheWizard - 2079-7997-5589
Quoted By:
>>22260380 You're the best.
>>22260323 Sorry, forgot FC.
>>22260418 karp up for a defog latias... thank you
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:18:29 No. 22260494 Report >>22260363 Your FC is invalid
IGN Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for Eon Latios, thanks!
IGN: Tokyo Drift 2449-5547-2125
>>22260323 >>22260477 Sorry, just confirming, I have a gull up for Latios.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:20:58 No. 22260537 Report >>22260479 >>22260426 I'll need FC and IGN, GTS is wetting the bed.
>>22260468 Sending a trade request shortly.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:21:04 No. 22260540 Report >>22260534 I just sent it c:
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
Quoted By:
>>22260494 you're right, my bad, i always try to recall it without looking, the 4 digits bits were the wrong way
IGN: Tokyo Drift 2449-5547-2125
>>22260540 You're a super star, thanks!
Btw I'm a grill Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:23:14 No. 22260562 Report Quoted By:
>>22260554 Cool beans, you being a grill changes absolutely nothing!
Wingull up for Latias if you're still around. Thanks
Harry 0705-2065-7962
>>22259124 Put up a Magikarp for a Incarnate Latios, thanks so much!
IGN Jay 1950-8754-3734
>>22259124 Shit, upped the wrong pokemon.
Wingull up for Latios (really), thanks again.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
Ermac 3067-5818-3477
>>22260537 thanks man and marry christmas!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:26:19 No. 22260599 Report >>22260582 I was wondering why I couldn't find it. Enjoy!
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:27:00 No. 22260607 Report >>22260584 Roger that, request sent shortly
>>22260596 Sure thing!
IGN : Bell
>>22259124 Wingull going up for latios, thanks guys
IGN : Bell
Quoted By:
>>22260608 FC is 1220 7262 3630 btw
IGN Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>22260599 I will. Merry Christmas guys.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:29:59 No. 22260637 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>22259944 I sure am gonna enjoy it. Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>22260568 Shit forgot,
Wingull up for latias
FC: Cameron 4184-3637-2998
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22260607 thank you Eric. also, if you happen to still have a leftover defog latios after giving out the gifts... :)
Tiffany 1306-7787-4933
Quoted By:
Eon Christmas, hoy!
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Put up a wingull asking for latios. Hope I'm not too late
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:35:41 No. 22260700 Report >>22260677 Looking at the speed of this thread, I probably will. Send me a trade request tomorrow if you see me on and I'll be happy to.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:38:50 No. 22260740 Report Quoted By:
There's still plenty of Latis left to give out! Just post your FC, in game name and whichever Lati you want!
Harry 0705-2065-7962
Quoted By:
>>22260637 Added. Thank you guys so much for doing this, really appreciate it.
>>22260599 Wingull up for latios. Ign is fhys. Fc is 203692161136
mogueeglie 1435-4668-9923
Quoted By:
>>22259124 posted a wingull woo!
Mason 1263-6319-2728
Put up a magikarp, wanting a Latios!
Meister 0619-4395-6690
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Magikarp is up for that Latios if you're still doing this :D
Quoted By:
Wingull up for Latias, IGN is Danny. FC = 3797-7090-5676
IGN Leon 4055-3971-7902 Wingull up for Latios/w souldew Thanks Op
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:46:33 No. 22260855 Report Meister 0619-4395-6690
Quoted By:
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:47:58 No. 22260869 Report >>22260783 Are you Gyarados?
Tom 1934-1721-2143
>>22260869 Yes thanks for confirming my name for me. I feel like a dumb ass now because I want sure if my online name or my characters name showed up in the gts
>>22259851 >>22260855 have i been missed or has something gone wrong on my end?
i had to write latios as well but i didnt think thatd actually fuck with anything
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:49:43 No. 22260882 Report Quoted By:
>>22259124 I'll like the 6gen latias. If you ran out, then the other latias. Wingull up and thanks in advance.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:50:52 No. 22260897 Report Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:51:02 No. 22260903 Report >>22260878 You're fine. I remember trading with you before, so I recognized your name and wanted to confirm.
Mason 1263-6319-2728
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI
IGN: Charlotte FC: 5000-2002-8067 !BWKMlHqiRI Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:53:25 No. 22260927 Report Quoted By:
>>22260903 Damn, that was sonic fast. Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas
Quoted By:
>>22260897 haha alright i'll add you man. s'all good
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400
>>22259124 I'd love a Latias please. My wingul is up.
Tom 1934-1721-2143
Quoted By:
Thanks so much Lex! I'm going for one of your Latias, IGN is Landon, FC is 4725-8040-2739! Thanks again!!
>>22260897 thanks a lot dude!
have a good one
May 5327-2204-1874
Quoted By:
Lvl.35 Magikarp up for Latias
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:58:03 No. 22260995 Report Quoted By:
>>22260869 Upping a karp for Latias
IGN: Marie
FC: 2535-3620-4118
Random 4725-8389-2838
>>22259124 Magikarp up for Latias, thanks.
Tom 1934-1721-2143
Quoted By:
>>22260897 Thanks handsome ;)
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 00:59:52 No. 22261023 Report I'll be right back; going to grab a bite. Kepp putting up the karps!
IGN: Liam FC: 3952-8038-1169
>>22259379 , finished up with work!
Putting up a Wingull with the hopes of nabbin dat Soul Dew Latios :^)
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400
Quoted By:
>>22260931 Thank you very much, and have a merry christmas anon.
Hello fellow /vp/oreons I am looking for a Tanabata Jirachi, there is a kind anon who can give me one? Thanks in advance.
Mason 1263-6319-2728
Quoted By:
>>22261023 Alright! karp is waiting for when you get back
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:02:11 No. 22261062 Report >>22261037 Not to worry, my good man. I have plenty of Latis left for the taking!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:03:20 No. 22261078 Report >>22261055 Not this thread. Sorry, anon.
IGN: Liam FC: 3952-8038-1169
Quoted By:
>>22261062 Got it! Thanks bruh! I'll be back when you do the Arceus one (We tried to trade that shiny one the other day, but GameFreak a shit)
Merry Christmas Giveaway Bros!
Quoted By:
>>22261078 I know, but I don't wat to start a new thread just for this, so I gave a shot, thanks anyway.
z0mOG !lB9nmnidAs
Karp up for incarnates Latios
z0mOG !lB9nmnidAs
>>22260854 I derped,My IGN is Pugna.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:09:14 No. 22261149 Report Quoted By:
>>22261142 That's what I thought, sorry about the wait!
Just got home from work so I am super late to this. If you are still doing this then I put a Wingull up for a Latios.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:10:20 No. 22261161 Report >>22261154 I have so many Latis left, you don't even know.
Leave your in game name and your FC.
Meister 0619-4395-6690
>>22261161 I know you said no double dip but I could take one just for the Soul Dew if you really need to get rid of some
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:18:07 No. 22261247 Report >>22261233 Eh, I have enough that I kind of don't care anymore.
Throw up a Wingull.
>>22261161 Cool. Jesse
FC: 4382-2523-5901
>>22261023 Karp has been up for about 2 hours waiting for a Latias. Something wrong?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 !!42pQeBJKc4Q
>>22261161 everyone one jump for the latios, right?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:21:28 No. 22261287 Report Quoted By:
>>22261265 Really? I think Incarnate's out for a food break right now but I'm surprised you didn't get the Latis already.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:22:30 No. 22261299 Report Quoted By:
>>22261279 Nah, I have equal amounts of both Latis rn
Quoted By:
>>22261248 Thanks, also you are super fast.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:23:36 No. 22261316 Report >>22261265 Chances are it never appeared. The Karps have been buggy in the GTS. Post your IGN and FC and add me
>>22259124 Wingull up for Latios!
IGN Shira
Mason 1263-6319-2728
>>22261316 I've also been waiting since before the break but I think I added you? I dunno
Quoted By:
>>22261316 IGN is Owen, FC is 0018-2980-0837
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:29:57 No. 22261390 Report >>22261330 I dont see you online.
>>22261012 done
Meister 0619-4395-6690
Quoted By:
>>22261247 Gull is up, cheers mate <3
Mason 1263-6319-2728
Quoted By:
>>22261390 Ditto. It says I put in your friend code right but it's still being shitty. I do have a karp up though if that works
Quoted By:
Magikarp is up for Latios IGN is Vitor, FC is 4270 0331 1304 thanks
Quoted By:
>>22261390 Thanks man. You have far more patience than me.
>>22261319 Forgot to post my FC
4442 - 0708 - 5314
Quoted By:
NAme: Francis Magikarp lvl 1 for Latias. Thnx
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:34:18 No. 22261469 Report Quoted By:
>>22261449 I think I got you already.
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Magikarp up for Latios.
IGN Alice
FC 1075-1710-1878
Meister 0619-4395-6690
>>22259124 May I ask how you got your hands on these copious amounts of Pokes?
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:36:19 No. 22261498 Report Quoted By:
>>22261486 Santa is a gen-erous man.
Meister 0619-4395-6690
>>22261486 also added you on friends in case it's ever needed for the upcoming things you posted about
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:39:36 No. 22261543 Report >>22261502 >>22261486 I've been saving them up for all of you.
>>22261502 Oh, those are giveaways I'll be doing. I dunno if Incarnate will be participating, unless he wants to.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:41:38 No. 22261580 Report Please reply to me here with your IGN and FC if you have yet to get your Lati@s for your karps. I've lost track with all this GTS stupidity.
Meister 0619-4395-6690
Quoted By:
>>22261543 any chance you can pass along an Eon Ticket? Got a friend who can't participate in this and he really wants them both. Figured I can pass him the Eon Ticket if I manage to get one :)
Mason 1263-6319-2728
>>22261580 IGN: Mason
FC: 1263-6318-2728
Still dunno why this is all being unresponsive :/
Mason 1263-6319-2728
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:55:36 No. 22261768 Report >>22261615 >>22261635 >>22261665 Yea, I'm really confused. However you're both added. Have two karps ready and you can grab both Latis as compensation for the wait. Expect invite to trade ASAP
Mason 1263-6319-2728
>>22261768 I only caught that one karp but I can trade other shitmons I guess? The one karp is on the GTS
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:58:10 No. 22261797 Report Quoted By:
Mason 1263-6319-2728
>>22261768 Thank you so much for both latis! Hope both of y'all have a merry eon christmas
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 01:59:10 No. 22261810 Report Quoted By:
Brendan -1118-1048-1627
>>22259124 I put up a Magikarp! Lv 10 especially askin for Latias.
Meister 0619-4395-6690
did you guys manage to get any shinys? :P
May 5327-2204-1874
>>22261580 Havent got mine.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:02:45 No. 22261848 Report Quoted By:
>>22261820 Nope! Doesn't matter too much to me, though.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:03:06 No. 22261850 Report >>22261820 Shiny's for what?
>>22261811 Gotcha!
>>22261665 You just went offline
>>22261837 Added, expect trade request
Michiru 3926 5015 5442 Putting a Magikarp up now. Thanks you two.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:04:21 No. 22261863 Report >>22261854 Okay, have two shitmons ready!
Mike -8118-1748-1626
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Put up a Wingull! Latios please!
Kyle 092007921020
Posted reallly early in the thread but forgot fc! Hoping to get an eon latios!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:09:05 No. 22261936 Report Quoted By:
>>22261898 I think I already got you
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:09:50 No. 22261946 Report >>22261912 np!
>>22261837 You sure you want to give me that gardevoir? I'm perfectly fine with a weedle.
IGN: James, FC: 4399-0177-1373
Quoted By:
Wingull up, Latias please. Thanks Lex.
Wingull up for Latias. Please and thank you.
May 5327-2204-1874
>>22261946 Its fine. Thanks alot for the lati@s.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:12:07 No. 22261980 Report >>22261853 Add me. GTS is being a shitlord
Danny 3711 7580 5648
Quoted By:
>>22261972 Darn captchas made me retype the damn thing. :/
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:13:40 No. 22262002 Report >>22261978 Well thank you very much! Have a good Christmas!
Quoted By:
>>22260903 You're fucking awesome, you must have a good memory. That just made my day cause I dying remember trading with you
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull up for gen 6 latias. Ign Maya
Quoted By:
>>22261980 Wow you're fast. Thanks again!
Meister 0619-4395-6690
Do you have an exact or estimate number of how many Latimons you had for trade? xD
>>22262002 Do you see mine or do I need to re up?
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:22:58 No. 22262103 Report Quoted By:
>>22262091 I have about a box and a half left of both Latis.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:24:13 No. 22262117 Report >>22262096 Just add my FC and post your IGN and FC. GTS is being a dildo.
Silver 3969-4963-2483
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Wingull is up for Lex's Latios
cvain 3024-4780-1079
Quoted By:
Put up a Level 15 Magikarp asking for Latias
Mike -8118-1748-1626
>>22259124 Woah that was fast, thanks Lex!!
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:29:04 No. 22262189 Report Quoted By:
>>22262184 I try to work quickly.
Merry Christmas!
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Thanks Incarnate! That was quick! Merry Christmas to you! And to Lex as well for doing this!
>>22259124 Put up a Wingull for a Latias,
IGN:Brandon and FC: 0645-5971-2165
IGN Rhiannon 1134-8631-2254
>>22259124 Putting magikarp up for Incarnate Latios! Thanks guys!
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Just put up a wingull for a latios. Hope I'm not too late. IGN is Jaime.
karp up for latias ign: Tyler
Fudge 0087 2300 0450
Quoted By:
I put a level 3 Wingul up for a latios
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:36:38 No. 22262289 Report >>22262274 Done!
>>22262256 Add my FC. GTS doesnt seem to like your Karp.
Quoted By:
>>22262254 Thanks for the Latias, and Merry Christmas!
>>22262117 Alright
Internet is balls so I may be a second
Random happy dude
You guys are awesome, I have rarely encountered such dedication to generosity. Truly living the spirit of Christmas. ^^ I think I speak for us all when I say that I wish there was something I could do in return. This really brings a tear to my eye <3
Zero 1521-3878-4776
Karp is up for Latias Poké Ball Timid Nature 31/4/31/30/31/30 72 HP/184 Sp Atk/252 Speed>Draco Meteor >Psyshock >Defog >HP Fire
IGN Rhiannon 1134-8631-2254
>>22262289 Sorry! Took a while to connect to the internet. Doing it right now!
Krystal 2750 2509 0586
Quoted By:
Requesting LV 100 Latios. Wingull is in GTS. Thank you Lex and Merry Christmas. IGN and FC are as shown above.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:42:17 No. 22262353 Report >>22262317 Invalid FC
>>22262319 Add my IGN and FC, GTS is blowing weedle dick.
>>22262336 Will send trade asap
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:42:20 No. 22262354 Report >>22262318 It's no problem! I just enjoy making people happy.
There are many giveaways to come!
Merry Christmas!
>>22259124 Are there any 6th gen Latios' and Latias left?
Paul (3823-8515-5670)
Quoted By:
>>22259124 can I get a pentagon Latias? I put a level 13 Wingull up
Zero 1521-3878-4776
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:47:55 No. 22262430 Report Quoted By:
>>22262336 Got you on the GTS.
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:48:02 No. 22262433 Report Quoted By:
>>22262373 Yep, there's still a little over a box of each of them left.
Random happy dude
Quoted By:
>>22262354 Merry Christmas to both of you and a happy New Year! <333
Fudge 0087 2300 0450
Quoted By:
Thanks a million, I've always wanted a Latios
>>22262353 Sorry about that.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:52:23 No. 22262490 Report >>22262410 >>22262317 Two different things here. Which is correct
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:53:23 No. 22262498 Report >>22262490 Aren't those two different people?
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:53:25 No. 22262500 Report >>22262490 Fudge, I'm going crazy.
>>22262481 Anonymous
Fudge 0087 2300 0450
>>22262500 I asked for a 6th gen Latios (and got it), I'm not that guy
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:56:56 No. 22262545 Report Quoted By:
>>22262481 Are sure about that trade Zom? I dont mind shitmons.
IGN Cano fc:4844-9730-5759
>>22262498 Lex if you have any more latios I'd like one already have you on my frends list
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:58:42 No. 22262565 Report >>22262536 Wait, what? I was just replacing fuck with fudge.
Fudge 0087 2300 0450
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:02:12 No. 22262599 Report >>22262546 I delete my friends regularly to do event giveaways so I probably don't have you added anymore.
Put up a Wingull?
Quoted By:
>>22259124 gull up for latios
cvain 3024-4780-1079
lvl 15 karp up for defog latias, cheers guys
IGN Cano fc:4844-9730-5759
>>22262599 Putting up a wingull in a bit gotta catch the little bastard first
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:10:31 No. 22262712 Report >>22262662 Add me, I'm adding you. GTS is being a dick tonight.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:11:32 No. 22262723 Report Quoted By:
>>22262712 >>22262668 Also your FC is invalid
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:13:01 No. 22262736 Report Quoted By:
>>22262712 Shit, I fucked up, disregard
IGN Cano fc:4484-9730-5759
>>22262599 Alright wingull is up message is Lex
Quoted By:
6th gen lati gull up
IGN Cano fc:4484-9730-5759
Quoted By:
>>22262744 Oh shit didn't read the required message sorry
IGN: Rose, FC: 3196-4269-5670
Quoted By:
Got the wingull up, latias please. Thanks :)
Quoted By:
>>22259124 Thanks bruh for link it to /gg/.
Merry X-Mas!
IGN: Rix FC: 4768-8337-6874
Karp up for that 10th anniv Latios
IGN Cano
Quoted By:
Appreciate the latios thanks and merry christmas!
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:28:50 No. 22262891 Report >>22262845 Add me, GTS isnt showing you're trade offer.
IGN:Lemon Butter
>>22259124 FC is 4313 0467 8295
cheers guys
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:30:02 No. 22262904 Report >>22262895 Read the OP over please.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:31:11 No. 22262914 Report IGN: Rix FC: 4768-8337-6874
IGN: Rix FC: 4768-8481-6874
Quoted By:
>>22262914 Yep i just realized i put in the wrong numbers on the second part of the code. Fc is fixed
IGN: Rix FC: 4768-8481-6874
Thank you guys so much. Happy Holidays!
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:37:16 No. 22262972 Report Quoted By:
>>22262959 Quite welcome; you too!
>>22262904 did i do something wrong? i read it over 5 times and i'm confused now
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5
Lex the Friendly Genner (3153-3956-5343) !!XHy9oXMg//5 Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:41:39 No. 22263013 Report I'm gonna get off the thread now.
If anyone wants the Latis, put up a Wingull.
I will check the GTS for them every now and then.
G'night, guys!
>>22263006 Nah, you're fine. I sent you your Lati.
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO
Incarnate, IGN: Eric (1907-9257-6870) !!qGpDt+sY+ZO Mon 22 Dec 2014 03:43:16 No. 22263027 Report Quoted By:
I am retiring as well. I will check the GTS as well, but no promises since it's been boning me all night. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
Quoted By:
I had a karp a long time ago for a Latios, still there... IGN is Vitor.
IGN : Zelos / FC : 5472-6872-5564
Quoted By:
>>22263013 Wing up ! Thank you so much and merry christmas :)
Joseph - 0190-0693-3872
Quoted By:
Just deposited my Wingull. Interested in Latios. Joseph - 0190 0693 3872